Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jul 1934, p. 3

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ALSO u Full Line of FUEL ’3 Lime, Cement, Tile E The [I YARDS AT BURR’S MILL u sagging E=o=oz=o=lo ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Metal Garages, Roofing Jobbing Promptly Attended to Dentist Office: Trench Block, two doors north of Bank of Commerce Hours: 9 am. to 5:30 pm. Telephone 32 North Yonge St. â€" Richmond Hill DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFFâ€" Office hours: 8-10 am. & 6-8 pm. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFFâ€" (Diseases of women and children) OffICe hours: 1-3 pm. Phone 100 Office hours: 9 to 11 am. 6 to 8 p.m., and by appointment. Oflice: Centre and Church Streets, Richmond Hill Phone 24. Bank of Commerce Building Thornhill, Ont. Office Hours: 10-12 am. 2â€"5 pm. 7-9 pm. Phone, Residence 14-12 Office 100 KAPLE r J. T. Saigeon & Son ‘L AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St., ) K. G. Prentice, Millikan. Toronto, Hyland 0834 We are prepared to conduct sales of mry description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tude to on shortest notice, and conâ€" ducted by the most approved methods. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Mahmoud Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 16 Branch Offices at TEORNHILL AND UNIONV'ILLE MAPLE licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Bales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Thirty Years Experience Formerly With Heintsman Company Leave Orders at Austin’s Drug Store Richmond Hill From the Toronto Conservatory of Italic, will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Organ and Theory. Richmond Hill â€" Tuesday & Friday MRS. MYLKS SAND -â€"- GRAVEL From Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE by True-k WM. McDONALB, VOL. LVI. Telephone 62. Dr. R. A. Bigford Phone 188 Prentice & Prentice Dr. L. R. Marwood (Successor to Dr'. CaldWell) Office Hours 9-10 am. 12-2 & 6-8 pm. and by appointmegtimu THORNHILL Bank 61" Commerce Building Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST Telephone 80 Wright & Taylor The Liberal is recognized as one of the N evest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelve pages. all home print, it carries all the news of the entire district and our circulation is in- trusing every weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. Adelmo M elecci GEO. W. CROSS Dr. J. P. Wilson *Jones Coal C0 Drs. Langstaf f Dr. L. R. Bell Piano Tuner BUSINESS MUSICAL MEDICAL (Telephone 133) Toronto Office, 100 Adelaide St. W. Phone ADelaide 3608 RICHMOND HILL OFFICE. 40 YONGE ST. OPEN DAILY EDWARD LAXTON, B. A. Barrister and Solicitor $1.50 PER YEAR Thornhill, PHONE 3 :QMILL iFull lines of Stock and Poultry I Feeds A-l Quality. Moderate Prices. Day 139 Phones Evening 82W ANTI WARBLE FLY SPRAY | BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON ‘ 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall: I Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill g Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Sti'eet‘ Phone ELgin 1887 f I LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, } PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO’S. INSURANCE Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Richmond Hill â€" Ontario Office over Davies Dry Good Store Maple Every daturday Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office-711 Dominion Bank Building southwest corner of King and Yonge Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K. C. Herb. A. Clan-i; Henry E. Redman Manning Arcade formerly of Wm. Cook, Cook & Delany Barrister, Spilicigor .&_N_g§4}ry Public Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries ; Telephone ADelaxde 2108 1Offices: 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto ‘ Naughton Block, Aurora ‘ Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Hill, King, Whichurch, Markham and North Gwillimbury. ‘Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Hill 5048. iJ. Harry Naughton. Res. Elgin Mills ‘ Res. Phone 12~2 1315 Yonge Barrisetrs and Solicitors .Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Bales, B. A, Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 1315 Bank of Hamilton Buflding " ""1'2’67"Northem Building; 330 Bay Street â€" ' Telephone â€" ADelaiI Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Wm. Cook, K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg.. 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate McGuire, Boles & Co. Naughton & ankins A. Cameron Macnaughton BARRISTER 1711 Star Building, 80 King Street, West, Toronto Phone: ELgin 4879 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 2135 Yonge Street Toronto HYLAND 1898 and 1900 MAPLEâ€"EVERY TUESDAY Standard Bank Building. M ulock, Milliken, Clark & Redman T. C. Newman Thomas Delany A. G. SAVAGE Harold J. Kirby Cook & Gibson Campbell Line Street Post Office Block Richmond Hill WE DELIVER J - F. BURR MAPLEV nUTEL THE â€" 'Toronto ADelaide 4140 W. P. Mquck Toronto RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JULY 26th 1934 ,The Sloung folk of Keinburg Dis- trict trooped into the Village from all directions and gathered at Institute Hall filling it to capacity to pay tribute to four newly married couples Mr. and Mrs. Victor Orr,_Mr. and Mrs. Kennth Love, Mr. and Mrs. Garnett Topper and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nye. Each couple was pre- sented with a handsome mantel clock. Those in charge of the affair were Albert Devins and Russell Hi1- liai'd who also made the presentations Lunch was provided by the'ladies and a. dance followed with music by Henry Hilliard and Mrs. W. Mc- Kinnon. was for some years overseer of the Model Farm at Guelph. Leaving there he went to Goderich, where he kept a seed store, but his health fail- ing, he returned with his family to the old homestead on the 2nd Con. Vaughan, where for several months he was a. great sufferer until his death on Sunday morning. The A. O.U.W., of which he was a member, attended the burial in a body and took part in the funeral obsequies. p.m. Being well known and highly iespected in this vicinity, a large num ber of friends attended the funeral. Mr. McNair always took an active part in agricultural pursuits, and The remains of the late Mr. Jas. McNair were laid in their last resting place, in the Richmond Hill burying ground, on Tuesday afternoon at 4 After driving through the Village, they repaired to the Hall where after the long drive, they enjoyed their late s'upper, amid many congratula- tions for their success, short speeches appropriate to the occasion, were de- livered by the Reeve, Messrs. J. E]- liott, P. Savage, M. Wilson and T. F. McMahon, after which the assem- blage dispersed, giving three cheers for the Queen, the ladies, and the Young Canadians. Mr. G. M. Beynon started for Mel- bourne, Australia, on Thursday lasm. He has accepted a position in the firm of Bradley Garrison & Company. No sooner had the welcome new reached home by telegram, than their many admirers went to work, pre- pared torches, got the Band in read- inesispthe ladies prepared a comfor- table meal in the Temperance Hall, the Yillage was beautifully illumi- nated from one end to the other, and by the time of the arrivalâ€"between 12 and 1 o’clockâ€"the whole place was excitement. 0f the games won by the "'Young Canadians” the ball was put through the flags in the ls‘t and 2nd by C. Savage, and in the 3rd by C. Searle. We cannot h-ei'e speak of individual play, but are correct in saying that every player did hon-or to himself and to the club to which he belongs. Western Championship Victory for Richmond Hill Seldom has- a Village of one thous- and inhabitants had the honor of gaining a greater victory from a town three or four times its sie than that achieved yesterday by the Young Canadians lacrosse players from Rich nv-ond Hill. They defeated the “Ex- cels'ions” of Brampton, on their own grounds, winning the first, third and fifth games, and thus gaining the Gold Medal and Western Champion- ship. Those who witnessed the match pronounce it to have been one of the most hotly contested, and interesting games ever participated in. Many followed the club from Richmond Hill to see the match, and to cheer on and encourage the boys, in whom they had every confidence of winning the day, and in whom they were not disapâ€" pointed. Toronto and Barrie are being con- nected by telephone. The poles have already been sunk from Toronto as' far as the 2nd Concession», Vaughan, near Patterson, and the line will run through Aurora, Newmarket and some intervening Villages. Should we, in Richmond Hill, desire at any time to take part in the conversation, it will be quite easy to run a bmnch to the crossing near Patterson. LACROSSE From Our Issue of July 24th, 1884 Allisrton has had an $80,000 fire, burning a large foundry belonging- to Messrs. Knight and Wilson, together with eight stores. A meeting has since been held by ratepayers, at; which a resolution was passed, urg- ing that a bonus of $10,000 be granted for the purpose of rebuilding said f or the foundry Way Back in the Liberal Files | C KLEIN BURG FIFTY YEARS AGO A sliding scale of fees is charged, the larger the herd the higher the fee per animal. This is- designed to give the many small owners with one or two cows an opportunity of road- side pasture. Wilmot Township in Waterloo County, has by by-law allowed cows to pasture on the township and coun- ty roads since 1915. All cattle are allowed on the road at the owners risk. Each animal is tagged, a fee charged and all cattle are expected to be removed from the road from sundown to sunrise. The scale of rates is as follows: lst and 2nd animal $2.00 each 3rd animal 2.50 4th animal 3.00 5th animal 3.50 6th animal 4.00 7th animal 4.50 8th animal and above 5.00 each ,Tags are made of brass 2 inches by 2% inches bearing in raised letters the initial of the township and the year. These tags are manufactured by the Hahrn Brast Works, New Ham- burg and cost 41/2} cents each. The Township has 120 miles of township road and about 50 miles of county road on which there are at present 400 cattle or approximately 21/? cattle per mile. Total income The cost of weed cutting in Wil- mot Township is approximately $550.- 00 per year on which the government bonus" amounts to $220.00. Average annual income from cows pasturing' on roads $1152.00 Government rebate for weed Cows Pasturing on Roads Saves Weed Cutting and Earns Revenue for Wilmot Twn. cutting S34 THERE IS A VITAL EXCLUSIVE ADVANTAGE IN ROLLATOR REFRIGERATION MARKHAM RD. - Richmond Hill 220.00 $1372.00 Total expense of weed cutting 55000 t t e Fees Collected by Wilmot Township Indiscpetion has ruined many a reputa. For Cattle Pasturing on Township “011° Roads 0 O C The July meeting of the degeley Women’s Institute was held at the home of Misses Alda and Mary St'ong on Thursday, July 12th. The president opened the meeting With the “Institute Ode” followed by the Lord’s Prayer. The program consisted of the re- port of the District Annual by Mrs. N. Lewis,‘a piano solo by Evelyn Stong and a report of the Girls Conâ€" ference held at Guelph, by Greta Stong and Jean Dalziel. ‘ At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the girls. 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 Total 19 years EDGELEY The Norge costs less to operate than a 60-watt lamp. Most important of all, the Norge gives you lifetime refrigeration. Actual tests, equal to 29 years of home use, revealed no sign of wear in the Norge. See the Norge before you buy. You’ll be surprised and delighted at the generously easy terms we offer. Don’t delay, see the Norge today. You can own a Norge for as "file as $1.95 a week $21,905.00 s 969.00 1,162.00 1,296.00 1,406.00 1,496.00 1,693.00 1,434.00 1,342.00 1,128.00 1,155.00 1,011.00 1,004.00 1,104.00 1,088.00 1,004.00 1,219.00 844.00 800.00 750.00 Minimum Operafing Cost ice. That’s all there is to the simple, smooth, powerful operation of tbe Rollatar cold-making mechanism. Only Norge has the vital exrlusifl advantage of tbe Rollator. THE ROLLATOR - A roller rolls‘ and there's V PRINTING SERVICE An unexcelled printing sefvlco I available to this district at The Lib- eral Job Printing Department. OI! plant is equipped to take care d your every requirements in the “In of printed matter. “If it’s printing; we do it.” We assure you that you will find the quality, service and price right. Some people are born with good taste and some think a parody of th: twenty-third Psalm is funny. Fill Your Bin N0w~ Right New Prices Are Lowest Wholesale Prices Advance June lst Richmond Hill A quick temper ruins judgment. Diplomacy often courage. Don’t bargain with those who have nothing to lose. \Iental idleness will destroy anyone's pOSsibilities. Anger kills justice Save Dollars By Buying Now on need real courage to go forward when you're afraid. Blue Coal, Welsh Blower or "2% Pnong YAR‘D‘ C/ée FIRESIDEE PHILOSOPHER‘ ,- V'IVO fâ€" ‘85â€"? 9A9 Anaggzb meBufnTM Wes-(Am Cobbler, Solvay Coke By ALFRED BIGGS arises from lack of Phone 1 No. ‘5:

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