Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jul 1934, p. 4

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' PAGE FOUR SpecialPrices on Roofing 5 1 Ply $1.29 2 Ply $1.49 3 Ply $1.79 D. H.555. PAINT 1 Qt. 85c. 1 Gal. $2.95 1 Pint 50c. ’ V2 Gal. $1.65 TROWELL HARDWARE DOMINIONg HARDWARE STORE Authorized Agent for this Distriet Phone 93 We Deliver Regularity !“ TO MERCHANDISERS :-- “You sweep out, you trim the windows, you dust off the coun- ters, you make up new price cards, you unpack and‘ arrange new stock you plan your merchandise showings, you do these and a hundred other necessary jobs REGULARLY in the normal conduct of your business. “But how about the biggest job of allâ€"cOntacting the people and telling them repeatedly that you are in business and have the goods they need. Do you do that REGULARLY? Do you figure you are going to get your share of the available business if you don’t tell folks about your merchandise or your service at REGULAR inter- vals instead of doing the job spasmodically or not at all? “By all known tests, experience and thousands of records, the acknowledged best-of-all medium for REGULARITY is advertising in the local newspaper. A newspaper going REGULARLY into the homes of your possible customers not only in your city but the sur- rounding territory as well, makes it easy enough for anyone to see how your local newspaper offers you the finest kind of a vehicle for carrying your business message REGULARLY to the people. “And don’t think these folks won’t miss your REGULARITY of advertising. They look for their newspaper REGULARLY, READ IT REGULA/RLY, study its advertising (yours, if it’s there) REGU- LARLY. , “And what’s more, you’ll find they are buying fairly REGULAR- LY, too, if you’ll just check up, especially with the advertisers" who do use space REGULARLY. “YOURS FOR MORE REGULARITY IN ADVERTISING.” THE LIBERAL Resourceful Men Consult LIBERAL CLASSIFIED ADS THE up-and-coming citizens who get things done know where to turn when they want something. . . . They consult the Classified Col- umns of The Liberal. . . . If they do not find it listed there they then turn to their phone, tell The Liberal to insert an ad . . . and get results. If you want a job, a house, an automobile, a garage, a room, some work done, furniture re- paired or sell a house, automobile, horse, cow, radio, etc., etc. . . . Use The Liberal Classified Ads. . . . Try The Liberal Classified Ads. . . . . The yare wonder workers. . . . THE LIBERAL Richmond Hill Phone 9 THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO fl: DIED GALLOWAYâ€"At the home of her sister, Mrs. W. T. Edmunds, Rose- view Ave., Richmond Hill, on Sunday, July 22nd, Elsie Galloway, daughter of John P. and the late Rebecca Gal- loway. Interment in Prospect Cem- etery, Toronto, on Wednesday, July 25th, at 2:30. HAHNâ€"At the residence, Stop 24, Yonge Street, near Richmond Hill, formerly of 256 North Lisgar Street, Toronto, on Monday, July 23, 1934, Chester Hahn, beloved husband of Alma Brown, aged 67 years. Funeral service was held on Wed- nesday at 2 p.m., at the residence of his son, Gordon, 977 Duffel-in Street. Interment Memorial Park Cemetery. McGRATHâ€"At his home, 26 Mill Street, Richmond Hill, on Saturday, July 2151;, 1934, Robert McGrath, in his 69th year. Funeral was held on Tuesday, July 24th, from his late residence. Inter- ment Richmond Hill Cemetery. McTAGGARTâ€"At the home of her parents, 20 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Sunday, July 22nd, Jessie Reid, beloved Wife of J. E. McTaggart, in her 36th year. Funeral was held from above ad- dress on Tuesday, the 24th inst, at 3:30, D.S.T. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. ROBINSONâ€"At his home, 188 Eglinton Ave. East, on Sunday, July 22nd, 1934, William Robinson, be- loved husband of the late Anna Han- nah Robinson, formerly of Richmond Hill, Ont. Funeral July 24th, took place on Tuesday, at 3 p.m., from F. B. Myers’ Funeral Home, 2335 Yonge Street. Interment followed in Richâ€" mond Hill Cemetery. RICHVALE Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baker and famin spent Saturday at W‘asago Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Noble and Dorothy are spending a few days at Elm- hurst Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Allison spent the week-end at Goldwater. The Lady Brunswick Circle of the Forresters of Toronto held a picnic on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Farrants. A good time in music and games was en- joyed and on leaving all the ladies were presented with a bouquet of flowers out of the garden. Mr. Armstrong gave a very good address last Sunday taking for his text “Ye 'Must Be Born Again.” Mrs. Jensen of Toronto sang a very lovely solo. Next Sunday, Sunday School at 2:30 p.m. and Church Ser- vice at 7 p.m. Everybody welcome. The Sunday School picnic was a decided success. Eighty mothers and children sat down to supper. There were races ffi "the children and every one was satisfied with their prizes even the little ones each getting something. Thanks to Mr. Daunt of Richmond Hill who loaned the truck which conveyed them to Wilcox Lake. Mrs. Jensen of Toronto spent Sunâ€" day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Farrants. , Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and Mr. Scar lett spent a few days last week with friends at Haliburton. Mr. G. Farrants left on Saturdi: morning for Chicago where he wi.’ spend his two weeks vacation. Miss Marjory Evans who sprained her ankle last week is improving. NORTH YO‘NGE SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Thurs, July 26â€"Aurora @ Maple Thornhill @ Oak Ridges Richvale @ Richmond Hill Mon., July 30â€"Aurora @ Richvale Richmond Hill @ Thornhill Maple @ Oak Ridges Thurs, Aug. 2â€"Aurora @ Rich’d. Hill Richvale @ Oak Ridges Maple @ Thornhill Tues, Aug. 7â€"Rich’d. Hill @ Aurora Oak Ridges @ Thornhill Richvale @ Maple Thurs, Aug. 9â€"Maple @ Aurora Oak Ridges @ Richvale Thornhill @ Richmond Hill Mon., Aug. 13â€"Oak Ridges @ Aurora Richmond Hill @ Maple I Thornhill @ Richvale Thurs, Aug. 16â€"Aurora @ Thornhill Maple @ Richvale Richmond Hill @ Oak Ridges 4 Who is not interested in automo- biles these days? All the new “slants and developments in the automotive field are seen at the show in the mag nificent million dollar Automotive Building at the Canadian National Exhibition. Sir Wilfred Grenfell, the Labrador missionary, put it this way: “Ser- vice is the rent. we pay for being here.” Anger dilates the heart. A man died of it in Ohio. Let us keep calm, bieddern and sistern, even if we can- not keep cool. Ripley now has all kinds of strange freaks except a candidate who doesn’t love the poor man. KING CITY. 1 Misses Hazel Hambly and Mattiel Hambly, Flora Davis, Beth McDonald, and Theresa Boys of Strange are at-5 tending camp at Georgina Island this‘week. Mr. V. A. Hall and Mr. C. Wells‘ returned from the King Fisher Island . Georgian Bay, on Sunday. Miss. Grace Widdfificld of Cedar Valley visited a few days last week with her cousin, Arleane Carson. Mr. G. Stone, Mr. H. Edwards and Mr. Geo. Agar left on Saturday on a fishing trip in the North. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hall, Misses Ruth and Helen Campbell, Arleane Carson and Mr. Louis Tankard left early Sunday morning for a weeks vacation at Georgian Bay. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carson visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. James at Headford on Sunday. Miss Barbara Read of Toronto is spending her vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Patton. Miss Ethel Edgar of Toronto spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. A. Gordon. Mr. Earl Patton of Winnipeg who is visiting his parents at Laskay was renewing old acquaintances in the vil- ligae on Saturday. Mrs. W. Carson visited a few days with her sister, Mrs. F. Widdifield of Cedar Valley, last week and attended a shower for her niece, Miss Beatrice Graves. The village was shocked to hear of the sudden passing of Mr. Miller on Thursday evening. Mr. Miller has been living with his daughter, Mrs. W. Hilts, for some time. De- ceased had seemed to be quite well and Thursday evening while having a friendly game of cards. at a neigh- bors took a heart attack and passed away before Dr. Lockhart could ar- rive. The funeral was conducted on Saturday with interment at Aurora Cemetery. FACTORS IN FRUIT JELLY MAKIN’G Three substances are cSSential to a good jelly. They are pectin, sugar and acid. Pectin is the primary jcllying agent. It varies consider- ably in fruits both in quality and quantity. Analysis of small fruits, in the chemical laboratories of the Central Experimental Farm, has shown how readily pectin deterior- ates. To retain their maximum jelly- ing capacity, these fruits should be picked when just ripe and should be used as soon as possible after pick- mg, Sugar plays an important part in jelly formation. Texture, flavour and yield of jelly are larger deter- mined by the amount of sugar added. Ordinarily, the best jellies contain about 66 to 68 per cent of sugar in the finished product, but the neces- sary amount of sugar to be added will vary with the composition of the fruit. Too much sugar in propor- tion to pectin and acid is one of the most common causes of failure in jelly making. Other things being equal, a weak jelly results from the addition of too much sugar and a :ough jelly from the addition of too little. The acid content, or more correctly, he active acidity of fruits is. the bird essential of jelly formation. If t is too high, “sweating” will occur. f it is too low, the jelly will not set.” All fruits contain acid in arying amount. In general the cid in the fruit provides sufficient active acidity for the making of a good jelly, provided that sufficient pectin and sugar are present. Investigations in the chemical laboratories have shown how import- ant it is to obtain a proper balance between pectin, sugar and active acidity to produce the best jellies. A combination of 0.2 per cent acid and 0.5 per cent pectin with 67 per4 cent sugar was found to give a very satisfactory product. A big reproduction in the world sur plus of wheat is generally admitted. World crops have been hit harder this year by weather conditions than in the past forty years. Sir Herbert Robson, a leading British grain authority, says: “It appears that consideration of the most difficult question of fixing a quota for export and the still more difficult problem of fixing a minimum price for wheat, need not be undertaken, because, owing to weather conditions outside man’s control, the demand during the next twelve months will be sufficient to take care of the potential supply." Tent Meeting In progress now down tenth of Markham, 21/2 miles South of No. 7 Highway, held by Breth- ren in Christ (Tunker) Evan- gelist Bert Shirk, Stevensville. Come and hear full Gospel mes- sage every night until Aug. 5th. EVERYONE WELCOME " THURSDAY, JULY 26th 1934 â€"â€" Classified Advs. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING--MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATES-"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first it sertion and 16 cents for each subsequent insertion. each insertion. IF CHARGED â€" FOR SALE | SILO 10 x 26. VVindass Brothers, Lot! 24, Con. 6, Vaughan. l SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks: buildings raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 94M. I-lOLSTEINâ€"DURHAM COW, fresh Aug. lst. Apply Box 25, Liberal Ofâ€" fice, Richmond Hill. .4 FERTILIZER, Empire brand, product of Canadian Fertilizer Co. for sale by Wm. Neal, Richmond Hill, phone 210. r Relief from Stomack Troubles with Kipp’s Herb Tablets. Sold at Aus- tin’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill, telephone 33. FOR SALE OR RENT, farm, Lot 26, Con. 2 Vaughan. Apply to John His-i lop, 4141 Yonge Street, York Mills R. R. 2. / King 4212. STORE OPENED at 4 Arnold Street Richmond Hill with good used fumiâ€" iure, second hand stoves and other articles for sale. REFRIGERATOR, family size; bed- room suite, mattress and springs; plug-in electric stove; bed couch. 1 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill. KIRK’S STOMALKA relieves Acid Stomach and other uncomfortable Stomach Conditions. Austin’s Drug Store. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, Village water, hydro, furnace, harwood‘ floors, scree~ ned verandah, electric hot water, Wired for electric stove, apple, ash, elm and walnut trees, large perennial garden, 2 car garage, breeding pens for 1500 to 2000 hens. Apply Libeal Office, Richmond Hill. BARRED ROCK and Leghorn chicks 8c.; week old 10c., 10% discount on orders for 150 or more} 5% special discount to farmers (ordering any number). H. G. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, opposite Orange Orphanage, telephone King 16r26. Established 10 years. WJ. Hanley K.C. BARRISTER,' Etc. 712 Federal Building Office Phone ADelaide 6138 Toronto 2 Res. Phone KIngsdale 3886 i BE P01)U[JA.R Learn to PLAY the GUITAR Instrument, Lessons and Music all f0r $1.00 per week. LITHERLAND STUDIO OF MUSIC 116 YONGE STREET, Richmond Hill In Richmond Hill Every Thursday Evening W RAILWAY BARGAIN FARES Friday, July 27th, from Toronto to various points in Central Ontario in- cluding Frankford, Marmora, Iron- dale, Bancroft. Friday, July 27th, from Toronto to Ailsa Craig, Exeter, Forest, Park- hill, Thedford and others. Saturday, July 28th, from Toronto to various points in' Lindsay and Peterboro district, also to Kingston, Brockville, Morrisburg and other points in that district. Saturday, July 28th, from Toronto to points northwest thereof including Alliston, Beeton, Drayton, Goderich, Kincardine, Palmerston, Southamp- ton, Wiarton and a score of others in that district. Saturday, July 28th, from Toronto to Eastern Lake Ontario points in- cluding Oshawa, Port Hope, Belle- ville and Smiths Falls. Friday and Saturday, Aug. 3rd and 4th, from Richmond Hill to stations on Toronto Montreal line including Montreal and Quebec City and Ot- tawa, also to Hamilton, St. Cathar- in-cs, Niagara Falls, Windsor, Sarnia and others in Southwestern Ontario. Friday, Aug. 3rd, from Toronto to points on Temaskaming Ry. and Nat- ional Ry. Temagami, to C‘ochrane and Hearst inclusive, also to points on Toronto-North Bay line, and Parry Sound to Hornepayne line. Saturday, Aug. 4th, from Toronto to Midland, Collingwood‘, Graven- hurst, Huntsville, Algonquin Park, Beaverton, Bala Park, Parry Sound and numerous others. Above fares are at week-end bar- gain rates and limits. For further information phone any C.N.R. ticket agent. Over 5 lines 6 cents per line extra 7 CENTS PER LINE. T0 RENT APARTMENT, six rooms, ‘all con- veniences. Apply T. H. Trench, Rich mond Hill. SIX ROOM HOUSE on Elizabeth St.,. Richmond Hill, good garden, moder- ate rent. Apply at The Liberal Office. WANTED 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for 2 ladies. 1 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill. EXPERIENCED FARM HAND at once, also for winter months if satis- factory. Apply Thos. Murphy, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 44r6. LOST 100 BUS. OATS cleaned, also would PAIR OF EYE GLASSES, dark top buy second-hand silo or silo rods. toise She“ rims_ Apply C. E. Walkington, telephone to Dr. Lillian Langstaff’ 122 Yonge, Reward on return Street, Richmond Hill. NOTICE The Council has under contemplam tion the building of a storm drain on. Roseview Avenue at a cost of ap- proximately $1500.00. cost will be $800.00, two-thirds of which will be paid by the Provincial Government. The balance of $967.00 is to be met by a frontage rate on the properties on both sides of Roseview Avenue, which, spread over ten years " would cost approximately 5.5 cts. per * front foot per annum. If the residents of this locality ‘19-- sire the work to proceed, the Council wishes that a sufficient petition be drawn up and presented to it at an: early date. A. J. HUME, Clerk Richmond Hill, July 26th, 1934. SALE REGISTER SATURDAY, JULY 28thâ€"Auction sale of village property, 2 brick, dwellings in Markham village, the property of Mrs. C. Reynolds. Sale at 2 p.m. Property sold subject to reserve bid. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. CHAS. GRAHAM AGENT Massey Harris Farm Implements Parts and Repairs Beatty Bros. Products Stable and Water Equipment, etc. Roofing Supplies 74 Church St. Phone 132W Richmond Hill Used_ Cars $525.00 1932 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDORâ€" Small Mileageâ€"Exceptional Value $290.00 1930 ESSEX COUPEâ€"Thoroughly Reconditioned $150.00 1929 FORD ROADSTERâ€" Thoroughly Reconditioned $85.00 1927 CHEVROLET COACH $150.00 1928 FORD TUDOR $100.00”â€" 1928 CHEVROLET TON TRUCK All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 day. Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service ,RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO The labour- '~ ‘ YM

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