Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jul 1934, p. 7

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Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Kennedy (nee Lydia and Mary Fines) of Mani toba. are Visiting- friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Elliott attended the funeral of their brother-inâ€"law, Mr. Albert Watson of Port Credit, or. Saturday last. Misses Jean and Betty Chantler are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Laking, of Alliston. / THURSDAY, JULY 26th 1934 jA‘C/K ’DOMEPâ€" ' SHOPT NOTICE ELDER NEWS The Romans had a phrase for it... \VAB THE BOSS ‘JANC'JQY BECAUSE YOU CAME IN LATE So, read the advertisements before you start out on a buying-trip. Make this a daily habit, and see how much you save â€" in time, in temper, in money, in shoe-leather. A signed adver’gisement is, in sory note. The advertiser has 1 affixed his signature as a sign of g These guides are the newspaper adwrtisements. In this newSpaper, they are a catalogue of the best values in townâ€"signed by responsible firms. If the goods are not all that is claimed for them, their sponsors would need to “beware.” For no business can thrive on a one-time sale, or on dissatisfied oustomers. ‘- To-day, fortunately, there are safer guides than the blanket-warning to “let your eyes be your market.” A shopkeeper knew little about the source of his mer- chandise. This tunic he bought from a trader, who said it came from Byzantium. So he sold it as the latest Byzan- tian style. The trader told him the dye was pure Tyrianâ€" it wouldn’t fade. So he sold it as Trian dyed. But the buyer knew the responsibilit was his own. If he guessed wrongly, or his judgement was poor, it was his hard luck. “CAVEAT EMPTOR,” meaning “Let the buyer beware.” This wasn’t used as a bit of balm to ease the ancient con- science; nor, yet, was it placarded in the booths and stalls of the market-mace. It was a piece of every-day knowledge, born of dear-bought experience. As Mussolini figures it, the more Italians multiply, the more other lands must divide. The August meeting of the W.M.S. will be held‘ in the church on Thurs- day evening, Aug. 2nd, when Mr. Don ald McDonald, son of the Rev. D. E. McDonald, missionary on furlough from Jobat, India, will speak on con- ditions in India. Miss Jean King of Brampton is holidaying with friends here. \VAS HE ? I'LL SAY. ~ sement is, in a way, like a promisâ€" ertiser has made a statement, and is a sign of good faith. DID HE SAY ' BOY, HE ’K Airy/Tame? TO SAID PLENTY Olympic games competitors of var- ious nationalities will appear at the {international track and field meet at the Canadian National Exhibition. The track meet at the “Ex” is Canada’s oldest and largest gather- ing of the spiked shoe brigade. Stars of both sexes have forwarded their entries. We are pleased to report that Mr. B. Plunkett is recovering slowly iafter a very serious attack from his iherd sire. The furious animal tossed him in the air several times and jammed him up against the stone wall, breaking his two collar bones and' several ribs besides many bruisâ€" es. Owing to the fortunate and time- ly call of the telephone lineman the accident might have proved fatal. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McDonald and Marjory of Aurora, Mrs. F. Splan of Petrolia called on friends in the district this week. Miss Dorothy Flavelle of Toronto is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. Roy McDonald. Mr. and MN. C. H. Rutherford spent Sunday with Mrs. Herb. Ruth- erford of Schombe'rg. Miss Patricia Clark of Sunnybrook Farm is holidaying with the McNeal family. is holding a special Missionary Ser- vice in their church on Sunday eve- ning, July 29th. Rev. J. C._ Cunning- ham of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church will be in charge of the ser- vice assisted by Richmond Hill choir. The W.M.S. of St. THE LIBS?” L, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO VELLORE Paul’s‘ Vaughan Missionary Ser- on Sunday eve- Exhibition Park, home of the Can- adian National Exhibition, is one of the most beautifully landscaped parks in Canada. It is a. mile and a half in length on the shore of Lake 0n- tario and covers an area of 350 acres Claiments are requested to Write to the Canadian Goodrich Company, Limited; in Kitchener, Ontario. Extensive investigations have al- ready been niadle in many states but so far without success. The name of the “unsung hero” is still in doubt. A fitting tribute will be paid the man who contributed the idea which made driving safer through its use, if he can be located and his claim established. - The hunt, now being sponsored by Canadian Goodrich Company, Limited was fimt started by the Fresco, Calif. Chamber of Commerce and officials of this group récen’cby enlistedv the coâ€"operation of the nibber company. L0 KING FOR MAN WHO {AD SAFETY IDEA A national search is, being con- ducted to find the man who first, pro- posed the use of a white safety line down the center of highways. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation. 184 College Street, Toronto will be answered personally by letter Diphthéria can be prevented. The responsibility for making this pos- sibility a reality rests with the par- ents: Is your child secure against diphtheria? Parents who have had some of their children immunized are remindâ€" ed that when the new babies are to celebrate their first birthday is» about the time to have him immunized against diphtheria. Do not just think about it; have it done, because in no other way can you safeguard your new baby against diphtheria. The fact that his older brothers and sisters are already immunized will not help him; he must be done if he also is to have protection. i The immunized child has, in fact, developed the same immunity or powers of resistance which follow on recovery from an actual attack of the disease. In the latter case, however, there are suffering and ex- pense, and sometimes serious crip- pling, even if the child recovers, whereas immunization is painless and‘ safe. ’ i ‘ Diphtheria immuniation is a simâ€" ple and safe procedure It consmts of ghdng three uflecfions of a subâ€" stance known as toxoid, at stated intervals. Toxoid has the power to cause the body of the person injected to produce certaind defensive forces to overcome successfully any diph- theria germs which may, at some later date, gain entrance into the body. l But what of the children whose ‘parents, for one reaSOn or another, have put off having them immunized against diphtheria? These children are the unfortunate ones‘, because, through no fault of their own, they are in just as much danger to-day as all children used} to be before the discovery was made that diphtheria could be prevented. This can be done, and many thous- ands of Canadian children have been freed from the menace of diphtheria. because their parents have had them immunized. These are the wise par- ents and the fortunate children. Diphtheria is just as dangerous a foe as ever it was. Diphtheria does not change, but thanks to medical science, we can raise our powers of resistance to this particular enemy, and we can watch our children grow- ing up without being haunted by the fear that diphtheria will strike them down. Every death from diphtheria. is a needless sacrifice of child life. That is the one thought which we wish to leave firmly in the mind of every parent or of everyone else who is re- sponsible for the care of young chil- dren. SECURITY HES/MD I'M ' fcllbwing'. A Toronto man, influenced by the Oxford gllgup, pays an old store bill p m-â€" Thirsdvayâ€"Ant Emmy blorngs to sum clubs here in town and she says she has notissed that the good look- ing wimen gets tawked about and the homely Wimen does the tawking so it is about :1 Even brake all around. Phone Willowdale 205 Thornhill 15 Iichmond Hill Austin’s Drug Store Phone 33 DAILY SERVICE l Wensdayâ€"Well Ole man Ray Witch was wirth a 100 thousand s a Wile back and lost all his: helth and so he spent all his muney 3, getting his helth back so now he is just Where he Started frum. and 80 yrs. of old age. Teusd‘ayâ€"Qle Misses Trissler Went to the Dr. on acct. of her helth and he told her she needed a Change of seenry so she moved her rocken chair to the [north window of her liveing' room insted of the East 1. Mundayâ€"pa was ub at his old ‘hcme town yesterday and Went to ‘chirch and ma ast him how was evry thing'up at his old home town and pa replyved and sed they wassent mutch Changes oney frum the ser- mon he herd at the chirch it diddent seem that hell was as hot nor Eter- nitty as long- as when he lived in his old home town. a?!) Sundayâ€"The new Cashier at the bank is smuck on Evvy Dumley but he told her he was unwirthy of her and then she found' out he payed a Big in come tacks and she told him he was not suchy a unwirbhy cuss as he let on to be. SLATS’ DIARY with ice cream on it he 5&1: No mam. I figg'er he is e’ather suffering with endijestian or politeness. Fridayâ€"Ant Emmy was telling I amd ma about a letter she had got e frum h-er neace CAN IT BE DONE? = Do you think this idea _.. v-“ wvv‘v "All $75. VHei'é ‘iévvén example Worth OH MAREâ€"THESE Tamas Am; CONSTANT'L‘I FALLING OUT) TUBE CABINET ADJUSTABLE snewes m ms commasle TUBE CABINET TO FIT USUAL meme-me CHESTS PERMIT GREATER on LESS numee:x 0F TOOTHPASTE AND OTHER wees ro BE CONVENIENer PLACED CAN /7 9.1.: DOA/E ,9 ICE BY ROSS FARQUHAR E. SAMBROOK Saterdayâ€" Bli‘s- ters was at are house for supper ton‘ite and when ma ast him wood he have a nutherr peace of apple pie witch is teaching Domestic Sience in South Dekota and she says she wood get a devoroe frum her husbend (may the judge wants her to give a reason and she dussent think it is none of his Bisness is practical? Write Ray Gr Don't delay any longer. If you m troubled with headaches, blurred im- ages. nervousness consult at once. Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at Lowest Rates. Photos and Passports Secured All enquiries confidential We look after your wants right from your home. Phone Willowdaie 63.! Office Stop 6, Yongc St. Lansing BROTHERTON’S ' BOOKINU SteamShlp OFFICE PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Thornhill, Ontario Hot Water Heating and General Repairs OPTOMETRISTS I63-167 Yonge Street Toronto Upstairs Opposite Simpson: Good Eyesight Decisions are always in order. Our catalog may help you. We send it on re- quest. We train for Business Positions and help to place our Graduates. Enter any time. No forced vacations. Write to SHAW BUSINESS SCHOOLS, Dept. Yâ€"l, Bay & Charles Sts., Toronto. A Lazy lgiver Reaching for one instead of a sweet won’t save you. A Yale pro- fessor says tobacco increases the A. C. HENDERSON WHAT SCHOOL ? CAN EASILY RESULT FROM A HEAVY WINTER DIET VARKE'S [IVER Joni PARKE F. E. LUKE & SON Richmond Hill Y. B. Tracy, Agent Phone 169 Steamship Reservations to Great Britain and the Continent. Premier serviCe to West Indies. PASSPORTS ARRANGED FOR Can. National Station is a vegetable cor- rective and will give quick relief. It also aids the stomach in its digestion. Sold for over 40 years. 31.00 I GLENN’S DRUG STORE 31‘ Travel Service EXPRESS TELEGRAPH 5‘in care of th ’ PAGE SEVEN Rail tickets and sleeper Reservations. Special Sailingsâ€"to the Hamel-and by: n your Don’t suffer from constant headache, biliousness, consti- pation, coated _ tongue, 7 etc. Parké’s LIVER TONE By Ray Cross .22221221’.222§.’n1’

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