Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jul 1934, p. 8

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anemone: Timex.During the full moon of August. Place: Lake William, Lunenburg County, Nova. Scotia, Canada. Scene: A beautiful woodland lake with sloping banks clothed with evergreens and silver birches. Performers: The licensed guides of Nova. Scotia, true sports- men, celebrated for their skill Garage Lake William, Nova. Scotia, has become well known in recent years as the scene of the Sports '1‘, of the Nova, 3-...1 Guides. These men stage a full week’s program unique on this continent in atmosphere and ap- peal. Hundneds of tents are set amid majestic pines and blrches; and at night the scene has irre- oucmono: fiYonge Street and Oak Avenue, Stop 22 Yonge St. ouowono RICHVALE Ges‘seralRepairs-ExpertWorkmanship gnu. in t‘ w vazrfouzs arts of hunfiflg’ EENT A MILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES FROM All stations Lake losephâ€"Beavertonâ€"R'rchmond Hill CANADIAN NATIONAL, The Big Swing again in 1934 to Friday, AUG. 3 To TORONTO â€" OTTAWA â€" MONTREAL QUEBEC CITYâ€"Ste. ANNE de BEAUPRé Bellwille, Bowmanville, Brantjord, Brockville, BUFFALO, Chatham, Cobawg, Cornwall, DETROIT, Gananéque, Glencoe, HAAIILTON, Ingersall, KINGSTON, LONDON, Morrisburg, Napanee, Niagara Falls, Oshawa, Paris, Port Hope, Prescott, St. Catharines, Samia, Trenton, Whitby, Wiarton, WINDSOR, Woodstock. Tickets good to return up to MONDAY, AUG. 6 Bafltery Service Brake Drums Trued McCall-Frontenac Products woodcraft Trumpet Band J AS. BUTLER Nova Scotia Guides Provide Real Thrills Bandmaster PAGE EIGHT Open for Engagements Parades Garden Parties Picnics éeniengifl Celebrationsâ€"Canadian Corps Reunion. (See Handbill for Prong-gm) ATrRAcnonsiionoumâ€"AgcusI 4-5-6 RICHMOND HILL For full particulars apply to Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Tickets and Information from Alena one sistible charm Numberless camp tires light up the surrounding forest and lake and the moon- beams strike the water and stray through the trees. Crowds gather around the camp fires and hearty community singing is a. pleasing feature. The days are given over to a varied and interesting program. 200 yard ranges are provided for heavy rifle contests and separate ranges for the .22 rifle and re- volver contests. The Trap Shoot- ing Association of the Maritime Provinces 01 Canada hold their annual shoot in connection with these sports. A sheltered cove affords a fine setting for flyâ€"cast- ing from a float along a. line of markers to show distance. Lag.- year Bill Edson. champion {13‘- ,caster of New England. broke the world's record for distance at this Meet. Exciting canoe races and IOEOI BERT WOLFREY, Dodge & DeSoto anemon- 10:0 a0“. o=o===lo=q President burlesque and spectacular con- tests furnish fun and variety. Tub races, greased pole contests, canoe tilting, kettle boiling and landing the human fish are amongst the regulju' stunts. The latter is a strenuous contest between the best fly caster and a powerful swimmer with a special harness over his shoulders. The Nova. Scotia Government exhibits at this Meet native wild animals includ- ing moose, deer. bear, raccoon and "others, also native birds. Many who attend the Nova Sco- tia Guides Tournament bring tent and blankets and rough it among the big trees. Others find abun- dant hotel accommodation in nearby hotels. country inns or farmhouses. Of course the best of fare is served on the grounds. The dates for the 1934 Meet are AuguSL 20â€"125. W. Boys is home on holidays, resting, after having her tonsils re- moved. Rev. D. Davis‘ was again in charge, Sunday, after having spent a week at Georgina Island in charge of sixty boys. The Union p‘icnic of King, Teston and Laskay Young People will be held‘ on Tuesday, July 3lst, at Hut- tonville Park. if the grounds can be procured. Mr. Earle Patton of Winnipeg is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Patton. Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald and Miss Jean visited at Mr. F. Marshall's and D. McMurchys, Sunday. Miss Margaret MacCallum of To- ronto spent the week-end with Mar- jorie McMm‘chy. Congratulations to Mr. and E. Scott. On July 10th, a daughter. Miss Theresa Boys spent the at camp on Georgina Island. Congratulations to Laskay Inter- Church ball team on tying for second place in the sports held at Sharon last Wednesday. The Trinity Church WA. are hold- ing an afternoon tea and sale of home cooking on Saturday afternoon, July 28th, from 4 to 6 o’clock, on the lawn of Mrs. R. A. Hobbs, Yonge Street. Everybody welcome. f rison Mr. and Mrs. McCart and family who have lived have for a number of years leave this week to take up res- idence i'n Newtonbrook. Mrs. E. Bryan Sharpless and Joan of Toronto visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Smellie. In the recent High School Entrance ex‘amination of Thornhill Public School, nine were successful, Mary Morton, Thelma Riddell, Annie Mc- Cl‘oud, Margaret Wright, Jim Farr, Charlie Elacott, Dan Teasdale, Bruce Robinson and Lloyd Paisley. A meeting of the Executive of the Horticultural Society was held on Monday night at the home of the presidegt, Mr. Percy Bone, to plan for the annual Flower Show, which .vill be held on Saturday, Aug. 18th. Mr. Clqrry of Missouri spend; the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mor- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDonald and children are spending this week at Graven- burst. spent th Simpson Quinton Mundey of Toronto the weekâ€"end with Mr. Willard THORNHILL LA SK AY THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO week baby But if you kill anybody who criticises you, you’re just a murderer instead of a dictator. Mr. Roy Dobnley of Toronto, organ;- ist. of the Newtonbrook Church, is on a two weeks vacation and Miss Bertha Smith is; taking his place at the organ. Mrs'. Allan Wiltshire sang a solo very acceptably last. Sunday morn- ing and Mrs. Glen Shaw and Rev. A. H. Halbert sang a duet at the eve- ning service. Miss Nora Graham left last week to visit relatives in Cobourg. Commencing next Sunday there will be no evening service in the Unit- ed Church and continuing through the month of August. Mrs. W. Denney of Alliston visited her sister, Mrs. Robt. Carson, last week. Miss Jean Perkins of Dalston is spending her holidays with Miss An- nie Lever. Mr. F. A. Magee of Toronto, rep- resentative of the Ontario Temper- ance Federation, will occupy the pul- pit of the United Church next Sun- day morning at 11 o’clock in the ab- sence of the pastor who is going on his vacation. Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Halbert at- tended the reception of Rev. G. E. and Mrs. Coulberr, Richmond Hill, last Saturday evening on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. The Sunday School classes of Miss Lever and Mrs. Halbert enjoyed a de- lightful outing last Wednesday after- noon to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lever, Bayview Ave. Mr. Lever kindly came out to Yonge St. with his truck and‘ conveyed the girls» to his home. The girls took their bath- ing suits along and’ enjoyed a dip in the Don River which flows through Mr. Lever’s property. After that they visited the Old Mill which was built over 100 years ago. Twenty- six sat down to supper which was set out on the shady lawn and everyone did ample justice to all the good things Various games were played on the lawn and everyone said they had a. wonderful time. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lever and Miss Lever for their grac- ious hospitality. Miss Caller of San Fransisco, Cali- fornia. is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gaines. Miss M. Ottaway of Detroit is spending her vacation with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ottaway. Rev. and Mrs. Halbert are leaving on Saturday to spend their vacation at their cottage at Alcona Beach. The North York Horticultural So- ciety held their picnic to Orillia Park last Wednesday and everyone reports a grand time. The Kneller Hall band from: the Royal Military School of Music in England will accompany the Canad- ian National Exhibition 200-0-Voice Chorus in their two appearances this year. Concerts will be given on the evenings of August 30th and Septem- ber 8th. This is the 56th year of the Cana-" diam National Exhibition. The benefit of that experience is gladly extended to deputations of exposition officials from the United States and many other parts of the World who come to Toronto for “pointers.” Miss Cora, Good is on a two weeks vacation and is taking a motor trip through Eas¢ern Ontario and Quebec. Miss Marion Case returned last week after a visit with friends at King City. About forty members of the Y.P. S. enjoyed a pcnic to Innisfil Park, Alcona Beach, last Saturday after- noon. The sports committee had a good program prepared. Bathing and boating- were also enjoyed. Supper was served at the Point and three large tables were filled. The pres- ident, Mr. W. T. New, who is camp- ing in the park, had the tables all in place before the picnickers arrived. A sumptuous repast was partaken of and’ it was surprising how quickly the good things disappeared. The fresh breezes off Lake Simcoe seemed to sharpen the appetites of everyone. Alvin Brown brought a generous sup- ply of ice cream and pop, also water melon for the last course. This is the first trip the Y.P.S. has made to Alcona Beach and all enjoyed it very much. They are planning to go to Woodb-ridg‘e Park for their outing in August. The members of the Women’s Aslâ€" svociation anticipated a. wonderful time at their picnc last Thursd'ay af- ternoon, but shortly after their ar- rival at Hanlan’s Island a terrific wind and sand storm started Which lasted for an hour and they had to take refuge in a boathouse. Here’s hoping- the weather will be more favorable for the next picnic. NEWTQNBROOK Philco and Victor Radios Electric Washing Machines Harness Mr. J. G. Whitmore, Manager ofI the Co-operative Farmers, Messrs.l Boyle Kellam, Charles Witty and Dr.‘ G. D. McLean motored to St. Thomas on Thursday of last week where with 1 50,000 others they celebrated thel triumphant victory made by Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn and the Liberal party on Tuesday, June 19th. Lion's Club Pageant Cancelled What was to have been one of the biggest Camp Fires and Pageant ever staged in Toronto Gore, pre- pared by the Big Brother Movement, at the Lion’s Club Camp, to have been held last Thursday night, July 19th, was cancelled on account of the heavy rainfall during the afternoon. It was suggested that a postpone- ment to carry on on Friday night would be possible, and so it was an- nounced, but an obstacle stood in the way. It was get-away day for the group' of boys occupying the camp, and preparation day for the group coming in, so much to the disappoint- ment of the boys who were prepared to stage the pageant, the affair was called off. However, it may be that before the camping season is ended another group of boys will be trained for a big campfire event, and the public will get to see it. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nix, Graham- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smithson and son Teddy, and Miss Marjorie Blake of Woodbridge motored to Lake Couchiching for the week-end. Union Services at Presbyterian Church Well Attended The Union Services at the Presby- terian Church in charge of Rev. J. E. Anderson each Sunday morning dur- ing the present month while Rev. John McKenzie is on his vacation, are proving most satisfactory and of un- usual interest. On Sunday last the lchurch was filled to capacity, and a ispecial musical program was preâ€" isented with Madam Looty of Weston ‘and the Knox quartette compOSed of Gordon McGillvray, William Lawrie Jr., Will and Jack Nattress, as a fea- ture, and Miss Jean Lawrie as organ- ist. Late Rev. John A. Moir A cloud of sadness spread over Woodbridge District on Wednesday of last week when it was learned that Rev. John A. Moir had suddenly passed away at the residence of his brother, Dr. Archie Moir of Peter- boro. Mr. Moir, as Pastor of the United Church at Priceville, Grey County, was compelled through ill- mess to discontinue his work. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Moir and was born at Dunnville Haldimand County, sixty-four years» ago. His parents were natives of Argylshire, Scotland, and on coming to Canada settled at Dunnvill‘e early in the nineteenth century. Rev. John A. Moir entered the ministry as a member of the Presbyterian faith when a young man, and filled charg- es at Markham and Port Arthur be fore being called to the Woodbridge Presbyterian Church in 1917, and con tinned as its Pasteu- (until Church Union when true to his strong con- victions that in Union them would be strength, he joined that body and has occupied different charges in Grey County ever since. The funeral took place on Friday from the vesi- dence of his brother at Peterboro to Dunnville where interment was made. Surviving are, his brother, Dr. Mo‘ir, and five sisters, Mrs. John Tumbull, Mrs. George Porteous, Misses C. E. Moir, Annie M-oir and Isobel Moir. Whether economic conditions are improving- or not is difficult to de- termine. HoWever, the fact is that farmers are buying more implements this year than they have done for some years past. This may be be~ cause they find their supply worn DOG OWNERS That a strict check up of all dogs in Richmond Hill will be made at once, and action taken to en- force the Dog By-law. who have not yet procured such tag are asked to do so at once, and those failing to comply with this order will be prosecuted. ‘ 7 War)? WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT NEWS EVERY DOG MUST HAVE A TAG. Owners TAKE NOTICE THURSDAY, JULY 26th 1934 out and dare not start the harvest of heavy crops with binders whose ef- ficiency is doubtful At all events Woodbl'idge implement dealers which include W. J. Mitchell, Jack Gillan and Thomas Cole have made between them about thirty binder sales so far this season. RICHMOND HILL . .DODGE & DESOTO CARS FREE AIR PHONE 210 is good By Order, DAIRY RICHMOND HILL DAIRY G. WALWIN, Prop. Because 54 is so PURE, so FRESH, and so GOOD be sure to insist on Milk and Cream Secured from selected and inspected herds and handled in the most ap- proved methods it is sure to give satisfaction. Pas- teurized by the most modern methods. Phone 42 Richmond Hill GUARANTEE Wm. NEAL will give you a definite service. DUNLOP Tires are absolutely guaranteed against all road haz‘ ards, excepting punctures and damage as the result of running flat. The DUNLOP guarantee is good at any DUNLOP dealer from coast to coastâ€"it is a real guarantee and assists in making the name DUNLOP mean Dependability. We carry a full range of DUNLOP guaranteed tires. DUNLOP Phone Richmond Hill VILLAGE COUNCIL. waofi'fifih bone 2 ANYWHERE THE The DUNLOP guarantee ls assurance to you DUNLOP tires

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