We have a full line of PreservingNeeds I-l74C FULLY-ENCLOSED KNEE-ACTION 0 CABLE-CONTROLLED BRAKES YK FRAME ' SHOCK-PROOF STEERING 0 BUILT-IN NO-DRAFT VENTILATION GLASS WINDSHIELD 8c VENTILATORS BY FISHER TROWELL HARDWARE HARRY'R. ROSE 40 Yonge St., Richmond Hill THORNHILL YEAR after year, it has been the same story: , Chevrolet ï¬rst . . . with the newest and best. Chevrolet leading, others following! And 1934 is no exception. Again, the big- gest engineering achievements in the low-price ï¬eld are Chevrolet achievements: Fully En- closed Knee-Action . . . changing your ride to a glide! Blue Flame Cylinder Head . . . giving more pt“, ver and “snapâ€, yet using less gaso- line tham ever! Fisher Streamlined Design . . . the most popular motor car styling in Canada! Cable-Controlled Brakes . . . self- equalizing, bigger, sealed against dirt and Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment Toronto Office: 100 Adelaide Street West Telephone ELgin 9263-4 PAGE FOUR éAFE N SURE DRY CLEANER, 60c. gal. DOMINION HARDWARE STORE A CHAIN OF SERVICE GET OUR PRICE ON BINDER TWINE RUBBER RINGS, 7c. doz., 4 for 25c. ZINC RINGS, 25c. doz. JELLY GLASSES, 60c. doz. ROSE 8c HERMAN Rufus nowns WE DELIVER â€" PHONE 93 Special 10 qt Aluminum Kettle BARRISTERS-AT-LAW THORNHILL, ONTARIO OCTANE SELECTOR BLUE-FLAME CYLINDER HEAD A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE . . . PRODUCED IN CANADA ' 69c LOUIS HERMAN Telephone 133 Make sure you get a modern, 1934 auto- mobile for your money . . . a new CHEVRO- LET, Canada’s Great Sales Leader! moisture! Fisher No-Draft Ventilation . . . refined and improved! “YK†Frame . . . stronger than any other in its class. Delivered, fully equipped, a! Iaclory, Oshawa, Ont. Freight and. Govefnment license only exfra. New low READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Masi'er Six from S844 ;i:r;é-prices 'on the GMAC plan STURDY, SMART BODY WIRED FOR RADIO Toronto Maple Leafs Mal§_e_ l Gallant Bid for Leadershipl Three to four gamesl out of first place and battling all the way to bring that International League pen- nant back to Torontoâ€"such is the program of Manager Ike Boone of the Toronto Maple Leafs right, now. Orntario baseball fans are behind the Toronrbo Leafs in. their drive to succeed, as proven with the response of all Ontario to the broadcast of the games. While the pitching fell off a bit during the last road trip through the southern end of the circuit, the ‘Leafs have maintained their hitting- power and with additional helpâ€"to the amount of four new players from Cinciimarti, due to join the Maple Leafs by Civic Holiday, great things can be expected. Already the third base problem has been solved with the deal that sent Outfielder Ray Fitzgerald to Buffalo for Third Baseman Bill Regan. The newcomer is a smooth fielder and is a standout at picking- up the hot grounders around third bag. He is also a. hitter of .300 average. And the return of “Poison Joe†Brown to active service is great news io-r fans of the Toronto club. Brown has worked out the cold in his arm and is now ready to give his best for the Maple Leaf cause. There isn’t a better hustler in baseball than the same Joe Brown and he should) prove to be just the man needed to steady the younger players during the final dash to the finish of the regular schedule. Charles Stainton (Steamer) Lucas is another reason for the success of the Toronto leafs. When the pitch- ing staff slipped a. bit, Lucas arose to the occasion as a relief hurler, winning no less than five games in two weeks as a “pinchâ€"pitcher.†Lucas has a fast ball with a little dinky curve that makes the best Siandurd Six from THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO STHO SAFETY Ul‘vï¬'y" tnérwmowm hitters in the league appear to-ollsn when it is working. The August home stay opens with two afternoon games at the Maple Leaf Stadium on Civic Holiday with Albany Senators as the attraction. The Albany club is, the team to watch right now. They have secured several ‘ outstanding players from major league clubs and are making a real fight to get inrto the play-offs. ‘ Pitcher Beck and Catcher Sukeforth are the latest to join the Senators from Brooklyn. They have Billy Brubaker, with the Leafs last season on third base. Del Bissonette, vet- eran slugger, on first, and of course the League’s leading hitter in Jake Powell playing centre-field. I'LarrisY Jones, Prim. Filley, Milligan and Cy Blanton give the Senators a strong pitching srtaff. Toronto and Albanly play a night game Tuesday, August 7th, starting at 8:30 p.m. The fourth game of the series will be played Wednesday afternoon, starting at 3 p.m. The final game of this important series is listed for Thursday night, August 9th, at 8:30 p.m. Then the fireworks starts. Newark Bears, present leaders of the International League race, open a four game series with the Leafs at Maple Leaf Stadium, Friday evening, August 10 at 8:30 p.m. Maple Leafs and: Bears broke evenl in their last series at the Fleet Street Stadlium but, without trying to alibi, the Leafs should have won all four games on the play. Manager Boone fully realized the importance of takâ€" ing this series from Newark. Two games ave scheduled for Saturday,‘ August 11th in the afternoon, and one of the biggest Saturday afternoon crowds of the season should be on hand for the fun. A single game Mondlay afternoon, August- 13th con- cludes the Newark series. This Newark-Toronto series will be a shooting match all the way as the Bears want to keep away from the Ike Boone threat and, on the other hand, Ike Boone would like nothing better than shove his former Newark mates out 'of first place and keep them out. The second week of the August home stay at Maple Leaf Stadium finds Baltimore Orioles listed for games on August 14, 15, 16 and 17. The entire International league has sti'en-gthened for the final weeks of the season so keenly fought games are in order from now until the finish of the regular schedule. Buffalo sent Les Mallon to Boston and purchased Ray Fitzgerald from Toronto. They also seemed an in- fielder from Boston and Marvin Olsen from Baltimore. Syracuse purchased third baseman Eddie Taylor from Atlanta, while Rochester added more power to their hitting attack with the arrival of out- fieldler Buster Mills from St. Louis. Harry Smythe and Clyde Casselman, two fine pitchers, gave the Montreal Royals extraordinary help in the pitching department. Even the lowly Baltimore Orioles have a new manager in Guy Sturdy. â€" Syracuse Chi-efs are next in line for two games on Saturday afternoon, August 18th, and single games on Monday, August 20 and Tuesday, August 21. Delighted with the success of Steamer Lucas and the fine showing of Earl Cook in Beckley, Wesrt Vir- ginia, Manager Ike Boone has started a Baseball School for Toronto and Ontario amateur players who wish to improve their knowledge of baseball. The Toronto Club has no desire of operating an amateur team this sea- son or next, but they are anxious to give Canadian boys an opportunity of fimï¬ng the way to a career in pro- fessional baseball if they so desire it. Join the cvowd anti cheer the T0- ronto Maple Leafs to» the Internation- al League pennant during the next two It did not take long to convince the directors of the Canadian: National Exhibition that the Withdrawal of the Strolling ’I‘roubadors on Music Day was unpopular. Public opinion de- manded its return last year and this year the national groups of singers and instrumentalists in the costume of their respective countries, singing their national airs, will again be an attraction on Music Day. and a half weeks at the Maple Leaf Stadium. “The quality of mercy is not strained.†Footnote for funny man: Humor is like that, too. Even yet you can find towns Where a. bank robbery provides a tOpic of conversation for a whole day. Correct this sentence: “I could of quit smoking,†said the man, “if my wife hadn’t made me mad.†Fviday August 3rdâ€"Thornhi11 vs Night Hawks Maple vs Young Canrucks Tuesday August 7thâ€"Richvale vs Thornhill Night Hawks vs Young Canucks Fviday y A‘ _.~ JUVENILE LACROSSE LEAGUE GAMES Maple vs Richvale . inrto the play-offs. and Catcher Sukeforth ; to join the Senators 11. They have Billy league appear foolish BABY CARRIAGE, Eatonia. Mrs Hall, Tesbon. SILO 10 x Lot 24, Con MILK FATTED BROILERS, 2 to 3 lbs. J. Hickson, 8 Rose'view Ave. QUANTITY FALL WHEAT. Apply Walter Paxton, Oak Ridges. FALL WHEAT NO. 1, for Seed . Ap- ply I. D. Ramer & Son, the Elevator, Richmond Hill. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mond Hill, telephone '94M. HALF BRED JERSEY COW, 5 years old, freslh, T. B. Tested. Giles Kerst- will, telephone King 3311. FERTILIZER, Empire brand, product of Canadian Fertilizer Co. for sale 210. Constipation quickly relieved with Kipp’s Unequalled Herb Tablets. Austin’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill, telephone 33. Let’s have a good “understanding†us-e Cress Com Salve. Recommended by Austin’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill, telephone 33. SEVERAL Dual Purpose Shorthom Bull Calves; also some Heifers from R.O.P. Dams. Apply B. R. Leech, 3rd Con». Markham, 1 mile South of Classified Advs. SEVERAL Dual Pumas; Shonhom The Council has under contempla- Bu“ Calves; also some Heifers from tion the building of a storm drain on Roy. Dams_ Apply 13_ R_ Leech, Roseview Avenue at a cost of ap- ‘er Con. Markham, 1 mile South of DTOXimately $150000. The labour NO. 7 Highway. cost will be $800.00, two-thirds of which will be paid by the Provincial SUMMER COOK STOVE, good baker Government. The balance of $967.00 $2.00; also child’s crib and mattress, is to be met by a frontage rate on the can be had for the asking. Mrs. Bel- properties on both sides of Roseview g1 ade. Rumble Avenue, Richmond Avenue, which, spread over ten years Hill, telephone 245. iwould cost approximately 5.5 cts. per â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"'â€"â€"_“ ifronit foot per annum. SECOND HAND LUMBER, Wlndows If the residents (if this locality dei- and frames, doors and frames, cheap, ‘ sire the work to proceed, the Council one Cream Separator, 3150 Ford Wishes that a sufficient petition be Truck at $30-00, and OtheT amides' drawn up and presented to it at an Apply 24 Richmond St., Richmondâ€,any data SUMMER COOK STOVE, good baker $2.00; also child‘s crib and mattress, can be had for the asking. Mrs. Bel- glad-e, Rumble Avenue, Richmond Hill, telephone 245. hydro, furnace, harwood‘ floors, screeâ€" ned verandah, electric hot water, wired for electric stove, apple, ash, elm and walryut trees, large perennial garden, 2 car garage, breeding pens for 1500 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, Village water, Hill to 2000 hens. Richmond Hill The Second instalment of the cur- rent year’s taxes is due AUGUST 1541? Discount of 5 per cenrtum is allowed when payment is made to the Village Treasurer at his office on or before AUGUST 15th \ A. J. HUME, Preasurer Richmond Hill, August 2nd, 1934. VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL Treasurer’s Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes By virtue of 3. Warrant issued by the Reeve of the Village of Richmond Hill dated the 5th day of July 1934 and to me directed, commanding me to proceed“ with the collection of arâ€" rears of taxes, together with the fees and expenses, I hereby give notice that the list of lands liable to be sold; has been prepared, and is being pub- lished in the “Ontario Gazette" under the dates of August 4th, September 1st and October 6th, 1934, and that, unbess’the said arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, I shall, on the 15th day of November 1934 proceedl ‘ to sell the said; lands to discharge the “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGu-MAKR THE MOST OF IT" Juli-1-..: -__ __, - RATES-Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst it sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER. LINE. said am thereon Dated at Richmond Hill LAug'us't 2nd, 1934 For the past several years rumors? have gained currency that the Cana- dian National Exhibitixm is to be ex- tendde to three weeks. The matter has not even been discussed’ by the directors who are content to carry on ‘for fourteen dkays and nights as usual from August 24th to September 8th 5006 hev11é. Apply Libeal Office, exclusive of Sundays arrears of taxes and! the charges FOR SALE Neal, Richmond Hill, phone 26. Windasvs Brothers, 6 Vaughan. A. J. HUME, Village Treasurer relieved with THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1934 APARTMENT, §ix rooms, all con- veniences. Apply T. H. Trench, Rich: mond Hill. SIX ROOM HOUSE on Elizabeth St., Richmond. Hill, good garden, moder- ate rent. Apply at The Liberal Office. SIX ROOM HOUSE, good cellar, water and electric in the house, good garden and garage. Apply I. D- Ramer, Richmond Hill. STAVE SILO 12 or 14 by 30. Must be in good condition. Send pride and; particulars to Box “B†Banner Office, Aurora. WANTED TO PURCHASEâ€" Second hand ice box or small re- frigerabor. Must be bargain. Box 32, Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. HOUSEKEEPER for farm near town must be clean, and able to take charge. Nice home with modern con- veniences. A Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, July 26th, 1934. Tuesday, Aug. 7th. The Regular Aug. meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township H_all, Vellore Dated at Maple, 'July 28th. Used Cars Vaughan Council 1932 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDOR- Small Mileageâ€"Exceptional Value 1930 ESSEX COUPEâ€"Thoroughly Reconditioned 1929 FORD ROADSTERâ€" 1927 CHEVROLET COACH AGENT Massey Harris Farm Implements Parts and Repairs Beatty Bros. Products Stable and Water Equipment, etc. Roofing Supplies 74 Church St. Phone 132W Richmond Hill All Ford cars gï¬aranteed for 30 d8" Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO CHAS. GRAHAM Thoroughly Reconditioned TO RENT NOTICE WANTED for the transaction of General Business $525.00 $290.00 $150.00 Apphy Libetral Office, $85.00 J. B. McLEAN, Clerk A. J. HUME, Clerk