It does not mean that you have to pay your taxes direct to be a taxpayer. And you may never pay income or a property tax, but a certain percentage of your earnings is taken for taxes just the same. Every purchase you make is taxed somewhere. The producer, the jobber, or the retail- er of everything you purchase must pay a tax and that tax is added to the cost of everything you buy. There is noth- ing that you spend your money for that We should take more pride in than what we spend for taxes and the up- keep of our government, both local and federal. But there should be no unnecessary discouragement in the way of an oppressive tax policy placed on the people. The taxpayer is the goose that lays the golden egg. The question is will the public servants he employed kill him in order to collect more eggs than he can prdduEe? Every day motor traffic is increasing in volume, yet with all the general knowledge at the disposal of the auto- mobilist, some drivers seem to be unaware that there is particular danger at grade railroad crossings. Almost daily the dispatches carry details of deaths caused by some care- less motorist driving upon a railroad crossing in front of an approaching train. These drivers seem to be so careless and irresponsible as to make their acts little short of crim- inal. Individuals of seeming intelligence, able to possess cars and operate them, remain as ignorant when it comes to driving across a railway track as the savages who have never seen a railroad or locomotive. It is a good policy to m A 17h ‘rv‘vvvâ€"qï¬ . --_ ___. ,_m, Eï¬gEE A MINUTE AND SAVE THE ’RES‘T’BF'YGUR Brevity is the soul of wit. Yet they who have twit, or think they have, are in special danger of saying too much. Some one has said: “It is better to say nothing and be thought a fool, than to open the mouth and diSpel all doubt†Be brief! The newspaper leads the style to-day in pith and cog- ency and has educated the public to the expectation of re- ceiving much in little. The well-executed cartoon, will im- part a whole philosophy of life at a glance, or provide silent comment on current events worth a column of words. Brevity is the touchstone of success in any field. You may offend your customer, your reader or your hearer in one respect and please him in another. But if you tire him by your tediousness, you lose him altogether. The world is in a hurry: please be brief. Poor terminal facilities for authors and speakers often nullify all their excellent wisdom. A man may possess all kinds of useful knowledge, but fail in “discerning When to have done.†Tell me not in mournful numbers advertising is a dream for the business man Who slumbers, has no chance to skim the cream. Life is real! Life is earnest! Competition’s sometimes fierce. In the business field of battle, collcoddles have no place; be not like dumb driven cattle be a live one in the race. Lives of great men all remind us we must bring the bacon home, and departing, leave behind us footprints on another’s dome. Let us then be up and doing; other- wise We may be done; still achieving, still pursuingâ€"adver- tise and get the menâ€"From Publicity. The man who says business is too poor to justify a small advertising expenditure is in the same boat with the man who says he is too sick to take medicine. We have heard men say it doesn’t pay to advertise, but as we look at the advertisements of merchants we know are successful, we prefer their opinion on the matter, says the Almonte Gazette. Advertising is like anything elseâ€"It pays and pays Well if looked after properly. If neglected it is almost worthless. The successful business men look after their advertising like they look after thier buying and displaying of goods. The historic riding of North York will be the centre of Dominion-wide interest on September 24th when the electors will elect a representative to the House of Commons. On that day the people of North York will have an opportunity of passing judgement on the Bennett govenment which was elected in 1930 on the strength of the most rash political promises ever made by any political leader or political party in the history of this or any other country. The record of the fulfilment, or rather non-fulfilment of these promises, has been indelibly impressed on the minds of the people of this country during a period of the most severe economic depression ever experienced. Mr. Bennett has lost the con- fidence of the electors of Canada but he still clings to office. It is conceded that if a general election were called now Mr. Bennett would be driven from control of the affairs of this country under an avalanche of votes, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific there is an almost unanimous demand for a government which will have at heart the interests of the great mass of the people. Canada needs a government which will bring in a program of reform to correct the e riomic ills of the present day. Canada needs a govern- ment which will break down the artificial barriers of trade built up by Mr. Bennett and substitute for sky-high tariffs a fiscal policy which will benefit the great maJority rather than the privileged few. The result .of the by-election in North York will have far reaching influence on the affairs of this Dominion and the suggestion by the Bennett candi- date that the election is of little or no importance is an in- sult to the intelligence of the electors. The eyes of Canada are fixed on North York. On September 24th North York will answer in no uncertain voice that Canada has no fur- thIJ use for Mr. Bennett and his false promises and will dcmand a new deal. Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEE-KL? PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HELL THE LIBERAL PRINTING C0,. LTD. J. Eachem Smith, Manager ,Member Canadian Weekly Newspapel Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€"-â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada's Best Suburban District. Advertising Rates on Application. TELhDHONE 9 PAGE TWO ALL EYES ON NORTH YORK THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1934 SAFETY FIRST ADVERTISING THE LIBERAL BE BRIEF TAXES Super-man: The public’s descrip- tion of a. man who will soon go bump. A great; publicist is anybody who can travel thher and you and pay expenses by telling- you what a time he is having. His fiftieth year in. music and his retirement from public appearances will be celebrated by Dr. H. A. Fricker, F.R.C.O. when. he conducts the Canadian National Exhibition 2000-Voice Chorus this year. The internationally famous choir will give two concerts, one on the evening of August: 30th and the other on the eve- ning of September 8th. (c) If wanted to serve with boiled fish and you happen to grow fennel in your garden, sprinkle with chopped fennel. (b) Sprinkle with a teaspoon of minced parsley, the green of spring onions, or chives. 3â€"Remove skin from potatoes be- fore boiling, if liked. To Finish Off Boiled Potatoes: (2) Add a pat of butter. Cover and shake lightly. Turn into hot vegetable dish. Cover and serve. Drain well. Place a crumpled old table napkin, or a kitchen towel kept for the purpose on 1301). Cover and stand for five minutes. Three Things To Remember You should note the following:â€" lâ€"Bo‘il old potatoes in the same way, but place in cold water. Place potatoes in a basin of water. Brush gently with a vegetable brush. Place in the boiling salted water. Add min't, if liked. Cover. Boil slowly but steadily till tender when one is pierced With a. fork. ’ The reason that you see a dish of potatoes with some boiled! to pieces usually is that different sizes have been cooked together and that to get the largest tender the smallest had to be boiled too long. Boiled New Potatoes 1 lb. equal-sized potatoes, 1 tea- spoonful salt, 1 quart boiling- water, mint, if liked. If you buy 'your potatoes, try to persuade you!" greeng'rooer to give you equval-sizedl. 2â€"Rub skins off new potatoes with a cloth. Scrape off old with a blunt knife. To Boil Potatoes Allow 1 lb. for every three persons. If you grow your own, always choose potatoes of equal size. Choose the small ones! for one boiling- and med- ium for another, and so on. Some women boast boil a. potato.†There’s no excuse for badly boiled potatoes». Two regular games are still to be played in the Senior Sectionâ€"the final standing of the three first de- pending on these games. The first of the play-off games in the Junior Section will be on Tuesday, Aug. 14. These will all be good games and the citizens of the township should come out and encourage the boys. About 70 boys have been playing- in the leaâ€" gue this year and seem to have had a real good time and are looking forâ€" ward to a larger league next year. A meeting of the executive of the North Yonge Churches Softball Lea- g'ue was held in. the school room of N-ewtonbrook United Church on Tues- day evening of last week to arrange for the final games which are to start on Aug. 9th at 7:30 sharp and which will be played between Newton- brook and Westminster junior teams. These teams Will display again on Thursday, Aug. 16th, and the winner of these games will play St. John’s for the cup. The service on Sunday morning, Aug. 19th, will be conducted by the. pastor, Rev. A. H. Halbert. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wells and fam~ ily spent last week-end with relatives in Belleville. Miss Nora Graham has returned home after a delightful holiday with friends in Cobourg. The Women’s Association is inviteg to the home of the president, Mrs W. T. Wells, for their next meeting on Thursday, Aug. 16th. Mrs. F. Summers and Mr. Gifford Summers has returned from a trip to Williamsburg where Mrs. Summers was taking medical treatments from Dr. Locke. We sincerely hope her health will be much improved. Mr. Mason of Goulding Ave. will conduct the service next Sunday morn ing at 11 o’clock. His message is al- ways very inspiring. Come and hear him. Stewardson and illustrated by twenty lantern slides. Everyone enjoyed it very much. These lessons are provâ€" ing most interesting. Sunday School is at 10 am. every Sunday morning. A hearty welcome to all. At the United Church Sunday School last Sunday morning the talk on the second: series of “The Life of Christ†was given by Mrs. Roy NEWTQN BROOK POTATOES THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO “I can’t even' Among the new and striking ex- hibits at the Canadian: National Ex- hibition this year is that from (Baylor: in which the Ceylon Tea BoardI displays not only the product of its tea gardens but rubies, spices, handiwork of the native slilversmiths, etc. The exhibit will be manned by natives in costume. “It is up to the government to main tain its most sacred trust, the welfare of its citizensl.â€â€"Fra.n.klin D. Roose- velt. Binder Canvas Repaired Who never in the “bread line" stands Nor seeks help from his neighbor’s When prices rose in time of war, Whose were the last to Skyward soar, But first to fall when it was o’er? Who has no share of millions spent, To give the cities sweet content, Except to help repay what’s lent? The Farmer. hands, But wrests a living from his lands? ’ The Farmer. Who finds but one bright glowing ray, To cheer him on his weary wayâ€"- He has no income tax to pay. Maple, Ont. But on the city’s streets do roam, Whose sons and daughters won’t stay The Farmer. Whose day’s not bounded by the sun, Nor statutes formed by men- who But by the work that’s: never done? The Farmer. home, For dad can’t dress them off the loam? The Farmer. At prices which he knows full well, Who buys what others have to sell, Should send the askers straight â€" oh well? Who takes his produce from his door, And drags it to the general store, Gets what they’ll give and nothing more? Who is the nation’s cornerstone, That has to do his work alone, While others laugh and hear his groan? Who toils to grow what others eat, The loaves of bread, the juicy meat, And in return is termed a cheat? The Farmer Messrs. W. J. Baker, E. Rowden and Mr. Bailey attended the reunion of returned soldiers held in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Scarlett and family of Toronto spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and Mr. Scarlett. Miss Rowden of St. Catharines is Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowden; Mr. Gordon. Farrants has returned from Chicago where he spent his vacation.» Mr. Jacob Koning is holidaying at Wasago Beach. ALL MAKES OF BINDER CAN- VAS REPAIRED, CANVAS PATCHED SLATS AND STRAPS (leather or web) ALWAYS IN STOCK Next Sunday, Sunday School at 2:30 p.m. and Church Service at 7 pm. This will be Communion and Christening Service. Anyone desir- ing to have their baby christened are asked to get in touch with Mrs. Far- iants or Mrs. Lambert. Mr. and Mrs. Ro‘bt. Thomson, Toâ€" ronto, and Miss E. Tomlin, King, had tea with Jas. McCalIum, Sunday. Miss Marion Loyde, Toronto, is holiâ€" daying with her cousin, Alma Sloan. Miss Vera J ewett is spending a. few days with her grandparents; R. Docks Mrs. E. Treitz and son Ronald are spending f'he holidays With Mrs. Trietz mother, Mrs. H. Hamilton. 1 Mrs. Gibson of Vancouver and Mrs. Ireland of Aurora. called on old friends in this community last week. W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. J. Richards. Wednesday afternoon, about twenty-four ladies attended. After the business was transacted Mrs. F. Boys and Mrs. Trietz sang a duett. s Miss Helen Hunter also sang a solo. The hostess then sewed a dainty lunch. Miss S. Stewart of London spent last week with her cousin, Ada Sloan. Quite a number from the Laskay Y.P.S. were at the Y.P.S. picnic held at Huttonville on Tuesday. Telephone Maple 1063 (1%. miles North of Concord) ISAAC BAKER RICHV ALE THE FARMER LASK AY The Farmer. â€"Eva Ewart Jamieson. The Farmer’s. The Farmer’s. The Farmer R. R.No.2 YOUNG’S Service Station V. VIVAUDOU of Canada Ltd., Toronfo MAVIS 55¢ We carry a full stock of (HEIDI/WERE Phone 49J CANADA’S FIRST CHOICE TIRE NORTH YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL, used by over 42% of Canada’s car owners S h o W n b y independent surveys to be Come in and let us fit new Goodyears on your car. Rims cleaned free of charge. CLEANING For Finest Quality Hand Tailored Clothes $110 service and perfect satisfaction. We specialize in Cleaning and Press- ing and are equipped to handle all kinds of work. PRESSING WE CAN GUARANTEE prompt, efficient RICHMOND TAILORS All -Wcath¢r Tread J. A. GREENE AND THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1934 TALCUM POWDER Richmond Hill