in Prince Rupert district during the ï¬rst ten days of the 1934 season has given promise of a production which will compare favorably in volume with the previous big cycle year of 1980, when a pack of 132,356 cases of this variety was recorded. A11 in- dications now point to an excellent run and good pack. The general av- erage for the first ten days on the Skeena and Naas rivers has been placed at from twenty to twenty-five fish per boat with the highest boat reported as having had 174 fish. There are slightly over 1,000 boats ï¬shing on the Skeena river and some 225 on the N aas river. Early reports from the southern areas of Prince Rupert district also indicate a good run of sockeye. Vastly improved over last year, so much so, in fact, that there is no comparison, the sockeye salmon run TELEGRAPH MESSAGE IS FASTEST CYCLIST Robert McLeod, a Canadian Nat- ional Telegraphs messenger boy, of Toronto, is Canada’s fastest bicycle rider. As such he left Wednesday afternoon, last, on The Inter-City Limited, for Montreal, where he will compete as a Dominion entry in the British Empire Games. Although but 210, McLeod holds several enviable records, including the half-mile thampionship of 1934, and the Domin- ion championship for the half, one and two mile races. Prim- to his leaving, D. E. Galloway, Assistant Vice-President, Canadian National Telegraphs, in behalf of the officers and staff of headquarters, presented him with a handsome travelling- bag. TROWELL HARDWARE Cor. Yonge St. No. 7 Highway Adanac Stores We have a full line of PreservingNeeds Just Phone us MO. 3133, reverse call and we Will gladly give you an estimate on the cost of any wiring or repairs you may require. SPECIALâ€"P. & G., The White Naptha Soap, 10 bars SPECIALâ€"Arrow Creamery BUTTER, lb. . . . . . . . . PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 cakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXTRA SPECIALâ€"Granulated SUGAR, with order, JAM, 32 oz. jar . . . . . . . . . . . . GINGER SNAPS, 2 lbs. for . 10 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FREE !â€"-1 Cake of LIFE'BUOY SOAP, with 1 pkg. RINSO at . . . . . . . . . EXTRA SPECIALâ€"Kellogg’s SALMON RUN MAKES NEW RECORD PAGE FOUR N. D. HICKS SAFE N SURE DRY CLEANER, 60c. gal. DOMINION HARDWARE STORE A CHAIN OF SERVICE GET OUR PRICE ON BINDER TWINE RUBBER RINGS, 7c. doz., 4 for 25c. ZINC RINGS, 25c. doz. JELLY GLASSES, 60c. doz. WE DELIVER â€" PHONE 93 Special 10 qt. ' Aluminum Kettle BURLESON ELECTRIC Phone Thornhil] 99 Floor Plugs installed, Appliances repaired, Fixtures, Edison Mazda Lamps, Irons, Toasters, etc. COMPANY :5 2471 Yonge St. at Castlefield Phone MO. 3133 Each year the up-to-theâ€"mdnute de- velopments in agriculture are shown at the Canadian National Exhibition. Horses, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, goats, pet stock, dairy products, vegetables and grain, machinery and other farm equipment make this the outstanding agricultural show of the world. On Thursday, Aug. 30th, the wom- en’s five-mile Marathon will be held at the Canadian National Exhibition. The open event for men and women will be held the day before, August 29th. JOIN TEE CROWD AND AT- TEND TH BIG STREET DANCE AT RICHMOND HILL, WEDNES- DAY, AUG. 22nd. Snob: One who is proud of the things he should be ashamed of and ashamed of the things he should be proud of. TROUT FISHING EXCELLENT AT JASPER This looks like the best season since 1929 for the tourists, according to John O’Brien, veteran manager of Jasper Park Lodge. Bookings for premium accommodation at the Lodge are better than for five years and a large percentage of the visitors are taking an extra few days to visit the scenically marvellous Maligne Lake, where the speckled trout fishing- is now just about the finest on the conâ€" tinent. The opening of the Sunwapta. Falls drive has also made available more fishing streams. The manry changes on the golf course have made this championship layout more at- tractive than ever. CORNFLAKES, Ige. 33c. ‘22c. 14c. 53c. 21c. 7c. 25c. 25c. TICKETS NOW ON SALE 1 Lucky number admission tickets for the big Street Dance on Wednesday, Aug. 22nd, are now on sale. Books of tickets may be secured at The l Liberal Office. PETE THE MOUNTAIN BOY AND A HOST OF OTHER ATTRACTIONS AT THE STREET DANCE, WED., AUG. 22nd. PICNIC - Speaking at the Lennox Memorial Picnic at Jackson’s Point on Monday, Wilfrid Heighington, M.L.A., men- tioned as one of the possibilities for the Ontario Conservative leadership sounded words of praise for Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn’s courageous dealing with important pubic ques- tions. Premier Hepburn’s record of action was compared by the conserva- tive member of the circuitous\dila- tory flounderings of the late Henry government. The speaker also com- mended the new Liberal government for its action in doing away with highly paid commissions. Sincere tribute was paid by the gathering to the memory of the late Col. T. Herbert Lennox. Other speakers included Capt. Breules, C. Case, Hon. R. C. Mathews and others. A varied program of sports was en- joyed. There will be seen shortly on the waters of James Bay a 42-foot boat which was built at Shelburne, on the south shore of Nova Scotia, according to the Industrial Department of the Canadian National Railways. The boat weighs twelve tons, has an iron keel weighing 5,000 pounds and is powered with a forty-horsepower diesel engine. There is accommodation for a crew of four. The vessel is an inspection boat built to the order of Revillon Bros, Montreal, and has» been named “Jacques Revillon†with the name Shelburne on her stern. She was designed by J. Bis-tche, Montreal. A very pleasant weekâ€"end Camp was spent at Green Gables Bush. On Friday evening merry and strong young ladies hiked over to their des- tination pulling behind them their provisions, on a makeâ€"shift cart which resembled very much the carts they used to use in the army, which caused much comment and amuse- ment on the road, but nevertheless did‘ the trick beautifully. The W.A. of Carrville Church will hold a sale of work, home made candy guessing contests and social on the church grounds on Wednesday after- noon, Aug. 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Crowley spent Sun- day at Mr. Geo. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Hancock and Madelene spent Sunday with friends at Barrie. Mrs. Hancock and Madelene remained there for a. week’s holidays. THE GIRL GUIDE RANGER NEWS Rev. Mr. Haig- of Victoria Square will preach in Carrville Church next Sunday evening, Aug. 12th. .There was an attendance of fifty at Sunday School last Sunday, which was very encouraging and it is hoped it will keep up. The girls looked forward to sleep- ing- in the barn on the hay, some with enjoyment, some with awe. Friends and relatives of the girls visited the Camp Sunday afternoon. Sunday night fell on a Camp tidy and neat but abandoned awaiting the arrival of the girls some time in the Fall to make it stir and hum with life once more. The Rangers are planning to have a Gypsy‘ Tea probably two weeks from Saturday. Watch for further announcements. Sleep came to most _of the girls 3.]- most as soon as they “hit the hay.†Sunrise saw them stirring and scurrying about making preparation to remove their provisions to the Bush. An old stove, sans legs, sans bottom, sans lids, and sans chimney, formed a wonderful range, and better results could not be obtained from the finest electric or gas range any- where. A straight anid strong cedar pole made an excellent staff for our flag. On Sunday morning seven of the girls went to Headford United Church two of them remained at Camp to prepare dinner. The Union Jack waved in the breeze With a back ground formed by the tall pines and bright blue sky, and the sun smiled down on the ten happy girls eating whole Wheat porridge and everything else which goes to make a good breakfast. Some of the much enjoyed victuals were veal stew, black current pies, cherry pies, six or seven dozen bana- nas, thvee dozen oranges, a water- melon, beans, potatoes, carrrobs, beets, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, a, veal roast, ice cream and many other things too numerous to mention. CONSERVATIVE M.P.P. PAYS TRIBUTE TO HEPBURN AT NOVA SCOTIA BUILT CRAFT FOR FAR NORTH THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO CARRVlLLE I have been trying to locate this medal to reproduce in “From Rattle- snake Hunt to Hockey,†my forthâ€" coming book on sport. In this book I reproduce the pictures of the Young Canadians for the years 1884-5. If anyone will send it to me or leave it with you I am willing to pay the value of the gold in it plus a premium of 50% of its value and to place the medal in the Peel Historical Collection now being made where it would) be the property of and acces- sible to the public for all times to come. The Young Canadians held this medal for the years 1884 and 1885 when the Western District was dis- banded. It occurs to me that perhaps a letter in your valued columns Would help locate this medal. It was in the possession of your Club or some of its members and seems to have been misplaced or lost sight of. J. E. Smith, Esq., Editor, Richmond Hill Liberal, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Dear Mr. Smith:â€" In 1884 the Young Canadians of Richmond Hill won from the Excel- s-iors' of Brampton the gold medal they had held for the years 1882-3-4 signifying they were champions of the Western District. If, on the other hand, I cannot get access to it for this purpose, I will pay $5.00 for the privilege of repro- ducing- it. Trusting you will find room for this in an early issue of your valuable paper. Needless to say the source from which the matter comes may be things either publicly, privately or “nothing.†I am sending a copy of this letter to the Peel papers in the hope that perhaps in some way the missing medxal may turn up. Thanking you in antici your courtesy, I am, Yours sincerely, Wm. Perkins Bull The “vagabnd cruises†of the Can- adian National Steamships to the West Indies are steadin proving their popularity with tourists who have the time to make a leisurely tour of five weeks. With all the comforts but none of the “frills†of their sister ships, the Lady boats, the Colborne and the Chomedy, offer a vacation at a rate appreciably cheaper than that of the ordinary first-class hotel. There are six more sailings of these vagabond ships from Montreal during the present summer and fall season, Aug. 9, Aug. 23, Sept. 20, Oct. 4, Nov. 1 and Nov. 15. They go “vagabond- ing†in and out of various islands in the Caribbean Sea apparently in order to please their passengers but in reality are answering to the demands for the discharge or taking on of cargo, the passengers sharing the adâ€" vantage without extra cost of any additional calls or extended time con- sequent to such requirements of trade. On this trip, the C‘olborne on her southbound voyage will call at Halifax, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, Barbados, Trinidad, and British Guiana in South America, be- fore commencing her northbound voyage back to Montreal. Funny man! He slaves to make money that he hasn’t time to spend and calls that success. Everybody dreads another war in Europe, but will know which stocks to buy this time. In the Live Stock Pavilion at the Canadian National Exhibition there is accommodation for 2000 head of cattle, 1500 sheep and 1200 swine. An information bureau for the free distribution of literature and a directory of private residences where Exhibition visitors can be accommo- dated has been opened at Yonge and: Wellington Sts., Toronto. Courteous attendants will be glad to assist you. Drop in for a rest. And the first young monkey that walked’ upright doubtless was ashamed of the- old folks who couldn’t. He may dress to look young, but no young man enjoys discussing his; efforts to quit smoking. HEAR PETE THE MOUNTAIN BOY AT RICHMOND HILL, WED- NESDAY, AUGUST 22nd. And in the spring an old man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of a new wife. Canadian National Exhibition auth- orities, in answer to an oftâ€"repeated question, point out that the grand- stand seating accommodation is 18,â€" 600 but what with standing room in the structure and in the paddock al- most 24,000 spectators have watched the pageant on one night. To find how free you are, divide your inalienable rights by the num- ber of people in your community. Letters From The Peopie VAGABOND CRUISES ATTRACT TOURISTS anticipation of TORONTO SILO nearly new size 12 by 24. F. French, Lot 20 rear Con. 6, Markham Township. MILK FATTED BROILERS, 2 to 3 lbs. J. Hickson, 8 Roseview Ave. FALL WHEAT NO. 1, for seed . Ap- ply I. D. Ramer & Son, the Elevator, Richmond Hill. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 94M. Banish Stomach Trouble. Get. quick relief with KIRK’S STOMALKA. Austin’s Drug Store. CORN BINDER and silo 12 by 26‘ Apply Hadwin McQuarrie, Maple R‘ R. 1, phone Maple 2260. RABBITS, Flemish Giants, Chin- chillas, Checker Giants. Apply H. Bentley, Oak Ave., Stop 22 Yonge St. 210‘ FERTILIZER, Empire brand, product of Canadian Fertilizer Co. for sale CLEAR COMPLEXION assured. with Kipp’s Unequalled Herb Tablets. Austin’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill, telephone 33. HONEY, new Clover Honey, lots of 50 lbs. and over delivered. Mrs. J. MacGillivray, North Yonge St., Rich- mond Hill. SEED WHEAT, Dawson Golden Chaff, this year’s crop, limited quan- tity. Geo. Walker & Sons, Elgin Mills, phone Maple 2249. SEALERS, quarts and pints, fifty cents a dozen; folding- and single doors, one dollar each; large Window with frame, slash, glass and weights, $1.50. Apply 24 Richmond Street. 5 ROOM BUNGALO‘W, Village water, hydro, furnace, harwood' floorsv, scree- ned verandah, electric hot water, wired‘ for electric stdve, apple, ash, elm and walnut trees, large perennial garden, 2 car garage, breeding pens for 1500 to 2000 hens. Apply Libeal Office, Richmond Hill. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until August 15th for decorating the interior of the school house in S. S. No. 10 Mark- ham. Further information regarding specifications may be obtalned from the Secretary. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Letters should be marked and addressed to Secretary-Treasurer, S. S. No. 10 Markham, Unionville, Ont. Discount of 5 per centum is allowed when payment is made to the Village Treasurer at his office on or before The Second instalment of the cur- rent year’s taxes is due AUGUST 15A: VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL Treasurer‘s Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Reeve of the Village of Richmond Hill dated the 5th day of July 1934 and to me directed, commanding me to proceed with the collection of ar- rears of taxes, together with the fees and expenses, I hereby give notice that the list of lands liable to be sold AUGUST 15th ' A. J. HUME, Preasurer Richmond Hill, August 2nd, 1934. has been prepared, and' is being pub- lished in the “Ontario Gazette†under the dates of August 4th, September lst and October 6th, 1934, and that, unless the said arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, I shall, on the 15th day of November 1934 proceed to sell the said lands to discharge the said arrears of taxes and the charges thenelon. The sale will be held on the date at the hour of ten o’clock forenoon in the Municipal Hall Village of Richmond- Hill. Copies of said List may be had at my office. Dated at; Richmond Hill August 2nd, 1934 TAXES "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINco-MAKR THE MOST OF IT" RATES-«Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst it sertion and 15 cent: for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF §HARGED '7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. . Neal, Richmond Hill, phone FOR SALE TENDERS A. J. HUME, Village Treas THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1934‘- in the in the APARTMENT, six rooms, all con- veniences. Apply T. H. Trench, Rich mond Hill. SIX ROOM HOUSE on Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, good garden, moder- ate rent. Apply at The Liberal Office. FURNISHED or unfurnished 4 room cottage, summer kitchen and pantryr water inside, garage, half acre, on Garden Ave., Langstasz. Apply Liberal Office or Box 2, Richmond SIX ROOM HOUSE, good cellar, water and electric in the house, good. garden and garage‘ Apply 1. D. Ramer, Richmond Hill. Hill P. O. EXPERIENCED MAN for harvest, nonâ€"smoker, protestant. Phone Maple 1357, Lot 13, Con. 5 Vaughan. HOUSEKEEPER for farm near town must be clean, and able to take charge. Nice home with modern con- veniences. Apply Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. The Council has under contempla- tion the building of a storm drain on Roseview Avenue at a cost of ap- -proximately $1500.00. The labour cost will be $800.00, twoâ€"thirds of 'which will be paid by the Provincial Government. The balance of $967.00 is to be met by a frontage rate on the properties on both sides of Roseview Avenue, which, spread over ten years would cost approximately 5.5 cts. per front foot per annum. DR. CHARLES C. COLLINS; DENTIST Maple, Ont BOWDEN [UMBER & COAL CO., LTD LUMBER OF ALL KINDS LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0234 If the residents of this locality de- sire the work to proceed, the Council wishes that a sufficient petition be drawn up and presented to it at an early date. Richmond Hill, July 26th, 1984. Used Cars 1932 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDORâ€"- Small Mileageâ€"Exceptional: Value Insulex, Donnacona Board, etc. 1927 CHEVROLET COACH All Ford cars guaranteed for 80 day! Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 1930 ESSEX COUPEâ€"Thoroughly Reconditioned AGENT Massey Harris Farm Implements» Parts and Repairs Beatty Bros. Products Stable and Water Equipment, etc. Roofing Supplies 74 Church St. Phone 132W Richmond Hill? CHAS. GRAHAM At Dr. Bigford’s Office Tuesdays 9-12 a. m._ Thursdays 12-4 p. m. TO RENT NOTICE WANTED Established 1880 $525.00 $290.00 $85.00 A. J. HUME, Clerk Phone Maple 3