Everything is now in readiness for the monster celebration in connection with the 140th anniversary of Bethesda Lutheran Church. The program in- cludes a. morning and evening service on Sunday, Aug. 12th, Community Night will be observed on Monday, Aug. 13th, and Remembrance Night on Aug. 14th. Former pastors will be in attendance and special music by the church choir, Peaches Quar- tette, The Raymer Choir, Toronto, and the United Church Choir, Union- ville. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all to attend this historical event. The morning service at Central United Church next Sunday will be in charge of the Women’s Association when Mrs. Pateman, Honorary Pres- ident of Toronto East Presbytery, will be the special speaker. The choir will be members of the W.A. and special music will be contributed. A cordial invitation is extended to attend this splendid meeting. A resume of W.M.S. work from pioneer days was presented by Mrs. F. Rae of Willowdale, formerly‘of Unionville, at the special W.M.S. ser- vice held under the auspices of the W.M.S. Auxiliary of Central United Church last Sunday morning. The establishment of the school homes and hospitals in the Canadian North West that were founded on the courage and sacrifices of the early missionaries and that have proven so beneficial was especially n‘oted. Rev. F. Rae had charge of the devotional services, also an impressive solo by Mrs. A. G. Gormley was a part of this helpful service. “The Little Hero of Harlem†that delightful Holland legend was very cleverly interpreted in poetry and prose by Mrs. G. Whaley. A pleasing solo by Mrs. A. K. Harrington was also included on this especially fine program. Forty ladies were in at- tendance and Mrs. E. E. Braithwait: presided. Following the program tea was served during the social hour by, the hostesses, Mrs. F. H. Deacon Mrs. A. K. Harrington, Mrs. W. M Smith, Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite, Mrs H. Weatherill. Speaking of Holland, Lady Tulleken remarked that it was a country that depended entirely upon agricultural exports; a. country with no debts; owing no war indemnities; where manufactures were not subsidized; where all people lived the satisfied simple life, depending entirely 'en agriculture for their existence and were happy in so doing. A cultured visitor like Lady Tulleken to the orâ€" ganization was a special privilege and a hearty appreciation on behalf of the members was expressed to her by Mrs G. Whaley and Mrs. G. Gormley. The members and their friends who attended the August meeting of the local Women’s Institute that convened at the home of Mrs. F. H. Deacon on Thursday last, report one of the best meetings of the year, when Lady Van Hoog‘enbauch Tulleken, formerly of Holland, now of Toronto, was a most interesting speaker on “Culture and Agriculture.†Retracing steps in the progress of Agriculture back to pion- eer days, it was emphasized that wom en, not men, first invented and de- veloped Agriculture. It was women in search of food supply while the men folk were engaged in hewing down trees to build the homes that first found out that by scratching the soil and sowing seeds, food could be obtained in this way. It Was the women who searched the wood for edible herbs and discovered that; barks of certain trees could be useful in the making of ,dyes for clothing, coverlids, etc., for protection against the severe cold of winter. A develop ment and culture of really true art which gave promise for many years of being lost but during later years has rapidly been revived. P.S. at the regular meeting. Prof. Mitchell is well known to many in this vicinity and is a brother of Mr. Alex. Mitchell of Ringwood. Owing to Bethesda Lutheran celebration the meeting will commence promptly at 7 pm. instead of the usual time 8 Wk When God gave but a pack? Wit'h gown (of honest wear Why Wilt thou tease for braid and flipperives? Learn thou with flowers to dress, With birds to feeds And pinch thy large want to thy small need. â€"Frederick Langbridge. A most interesting meeting to which all are invited is scheduled for Mon&ay evening next, when Prof. Mitzche'II of Edmonton will speak un- der the auspices of Central United Y. â€"UNWRAP THY LIFEâ€"â€" Unwrap thy life of many wants and fine, He who with Christ will dine Shall see in table couriouva spread, B-ut fish and barley bread. Where readest thou that Jesus bade us pray, '“Give us our sumptuous fare from THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1934- WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT d ay ’w‘day 9n Wilt thou take a castle on thy Dr. E. G. Hood of Ottawa visited his brother, Mr. C. A. Hood, recently. A FAVORITE TESTED RECIPE â€"Stuffed Beet Saladâ€" 6 cooked beets, % cup finely diced celery, 36 cup string beans, ’79 cup mayonnaise, 4 teaspoons horseradish, Rev. Cook of Cannington has been spending holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Camplin. Raev. Gordon Duncan and Miss Annie Duncan of Warkworth visited their aunt, Mrs. R. A. Stiver, last week. Mr. J. English of Toronto spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. D. Har- rington. Rev. F. Rae and Mrs. Rae of Wil- lowdale and Miss E. B. Russell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Young on Sunday. The friends who Visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Noble during the week- end include Mr. Arthur Hood, Mr. and Mrs. Ross of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. 1' red Farr and daughter of Thornhill, Mr. Reid Hagerman and son of Los Angeles, California, Mrs. Lesson and Mrs. Stephenson of Unity, Sask. Mrs. J. Kennedy of Acton is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Russell. Miss Freda Wilkinson of Meaford is the guest of Miss E. B. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Milliken and daughter of Pougflkeepsie, N. Y., called on old friends in town last week. Dr. Russell Chant and Mrs. Chant 2nd family of Saskatchewan are cuests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .. H. Chant. Miss Flossie Bilbrough of Aurora has been spending a week with Miss June Kennedy. Miss‘ Mae Stonehouse and Miss Marion Walker are holidaying at Wasaga Beach. Miss E. Hood and Miss Agnes Hood of Agincourt, Miss Kate Hopd of Agincourt, Mrs. A. Donaldson and Mrs. J. Young of Milliken were guests of Mrs. Jas. Gibson on Wednesday. Mrs. R. Stonehouse and son Ross Stonehouse are spending holidays with Mrs. Stonehouse’s‘ brother, Mr. Henry Milliken of Orillia. Rev. Bert Harry and Mrs. Harry and daughter Grace of Wilson, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Milliken of Toronto called on their old friend and neEghbor, Mr. W. A. Noble, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Duffield left on Wednesday by motor to Visit Mrs. Morris of Windsor and Mr. A. E. Duffield of Battle Creek, Michigan, also tour the Eastern States. Miss Vera Weighjll and Mrs. A. MacKinnon spent Saturday in Toronto Mrs. Jas. Gibson and‘ Mrs. T. Croft returned home on Friday after spend- ing a weeks holidays in Toronto. Mrs. Harold Braithwaite and son of Chicago are visiting at the home of Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite. Little Miss Mildred Cockerin is spending- holidays with her aunt, MiSS Edith Empringham. Miss Effie Stiver spent the week- end at her home here. Miss Nellie G. Boa of Montreal is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. C. Som- merville. Prof. Tho's‘. Mitchell, Miss Belle Mitchell and Mrs. Nixon of Edmon- ton Were guests of Mrs. E. E. Braith- waite on Tuesday. Mrs. C. Hemingway spent the week end with her sister, Miss Goode of Toronto. The girls suffered disappointment at their meeting when the guest speaker, Miss Eadie, was unable to be present, however, a splendid paper on “The duty and responsibility of a daughter toward the family budget†prompted a lively discussion, Miss Nellie C}ark both giving the paper and leading the discussion. The dis- play at Markham Fair promises to be “Bigger and Better†than ever and ï¬nal arrangements were made re- garding it. Ida Reesor and Helen Jarvis brought in a report of the canning demonstration at Victoria Square. Dancing and “plain victuals†as the secretary puts it, concluded another Junior Farmers event. Unionville Junior Farmers Clubs will be well represented in the C.N.E. judging competition this year, judg- ing from the large enrolment preâ€" sented to Ken. McIntosh, the secretary appointed for this particular purpOSe, according to the report given at the ‘meeting on Monday evening last. The program for the evening was as usual of special interest, Mr. Tom Adams of the Dairy Branch gave instruction on the judging of cream While Mr. G. E. Patterson outlined the proposed fertilizer survey and received the co- operation of 15 of the boys to aSsist in carrying out this project and bring back the report. The guest speaker of the evening was Mr. F. W. Ray- field, who gave a very illuminating address on “Citizenship.†At the joint meeting, the girls who are al- ways springing surprises, presented an amusing skit “The Making over of Sadie,†the young ladies presenting this entertainment were, Peggy Mi]- roy, Isabel Scott, Helen Freeman, Ida Reesor, Helen Jarvis. The club paper edited by Dorothy Brown and Jack‘ Moles was read by Helen Freeman. 1 Pateman, Toronto. 7 p.m., Mondayâ€"Y.P.S. Prof. T'hos. Mitch’oell, Edmonton. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1:30 p.m.~â€"Church School. 2:30 p.m.â€"Mrs. Pateman, Toronto. St. Philips_Apgpcgp_ Church 10 a..m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"M0rning Prayer. salt and pepper. Scoop out centres of beets. Mix vegetables, with dress- ing and seasonings, stuff beet cups and serve on bed of lettuce. VERSE FOR THE KIDDIES â€"Moon Songâ€" There is a star goes1 very fast, That goes pulling the moon Through the tops of the poplars. It is all in silver, The tall star; The moon rolls goldenly along Out of breath, Mr. Moon, does he make you hurry? â€"Hilda Conkling. Which moon does this‘ make you think ofâ€"the full moon, the half moon or the cresent? Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"~Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Special W.M.S. Service The Misses Ethel and Ina Hunter of Toronto have been spending a weeks vacation with the Misses Vera and Beatrice Wood on Bathurst St. Mrs. A. Wan‘ing'ton and daughters have returned to their home here af- ter a holiday spent at Perth, Ontario. Have you bought your lucky num- ber ticket for the Stneet Dance? Misses Grace arid Jean Williams of Lindsay are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith. “Rusty†White, of the Fergus Thistles, was a visitor in town Satur- day last. “Rusty†speaks optimisti- cally of the chances of the “Thistles†to win the honors in the senior group this year. They are certain of a play- off position in their league. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Austin and Nancy are holidaying at Little Lake, Midland. Miss M. Murphy has returned from spending her vacation with her éister, Mrs. Wm. MacAndrew, at the latter’s summering place at Shaw Lake near Ottawa. Misses Mildred Angle and Lola Jones are acting as counsellors at Sherbourne Camp, Bolton Fresh Air Camp, for two weeks. Mr. Weldon Fisher of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff at Chatham, Ont, and Mr. Harry Murphy of the staff of the Canadian Bank of Com- merce, Walkerville, 0nt., spent the holiday week-end- with Mrs. R. J. Murphy, Church Street. “Pete the Mountain Boy†will be a feature attraction at the Richmond Hill Street Dance, Wednesday, Aug. 22nd. Miss Pauline Angle is spending a. few days with Prof. Caesar and fam- ily of Guelph at their summer cottage Muldrew Lake, Gravenhurst. Mrs. S. A. Ransom, garet and Stanley arse week with Mr. and Mrs‘ Vandorf, Ont. A most enjoyable time was spent on Thursday night, despite the rain, at the Corn Roast held‘ at Devil’s Elbow by Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bril- Iinger, when a number of friends and relatives attended. Miss Mary Brillinger, who has been spending the last two weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brillinger, Rose’yiew Avenue, returned to her duties at St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, on Saturday. Mrs. C. Scarborough of Toronto visited Misses Barker, Centre Street West, on Thursday of last week. Mrs. S‘ Baker of Arthur is visiting relatives in the Village. Mrs. Jeffrey Jaques of Lang, Sas- katchewan, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Snell attended the Old Boys and Girls Reunion at Bolton on Monday. This is the first time a reunion has been held in Bol- ton and proved so successful when 500 Old Boys and Girls registered that it is likely to become an annual event. Mr. and Mrs. G. Allan of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Cooper, Miss Elinor Barker motored to Moï¬nt Pleasant on Sunday and spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Redditt. Miss A. E. Alcombrack and Miss Vera. McMaster of Vancouver who has been her guest are spending a week on the Great Lakes aboard the S. S. Juanita of the Great Lakes Transit Corporation. CENTRAL UNITED cï¬URCH UNIONVILLE Social and Personal TH}: LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO Service. Mrs. Helen, Marâ€" visiting this Ed. Ransom, The cost of staging the Canadian National Exhibition is in excess of $1,000,000 ammny andthat does not take into consideration the amounts spent by exhibitors which are quite beyond estimate. The members of Edgeley Farmer’s Club are pleased to hear that Mr. Robt. Mitchell is at home again after his serious accident. mother, To remember our whole lives through; But the sweetness will linger forever, As we treasure the image of you. Ever remembered by daughters Rose and Mary. HENRICKSâ€"In loving memory of our dear mother, Annie Henricks, who passed away Aug. 10th, 1933. We have only your memory dear Courses have been selected to serve society members as well as Officers; Try to interest all young people to come. It will be a little missionary effort that will bring a rich reward. Ch. Missionsâ€"“Church and Missions†Rev. G. E. Coulter. Ch. Citizenshipâ€"“Message of Jesus for Life of To-day." Rev. Frank N. Bowes. Literary and Musicâ€"“Group discus- sions 'on, reading.†Rev. A. M. Partridge, B.A. Courses should be well discussed in advance by all the Societies. Each course has rare value and Societies that reap the richest benefits will make sure that their membership is fairly distribubed in the four classes; UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PEO- PLE’S FALL TRAINING SCHOOL Arrangements have been made for a Young People’s Training School to be held in Thornhill United Church for five nights from Sept. 20th to Oct. 18th, 1934. Each Society will be asked to pay a fee of $1.50. The following are the study books and instructors: Ch. Fellowshipâ€"â€"“The Transforming Friendship.†Rev. F. A. Gilbert, Miss Mamie Hutchison clinch-ed the women’s halfâ€"mile race in fine style, defeating a large field. In the eve- ning the competitors assembled in Percy Ash’s Pavilion and the winners were presented with cups. Messrs. P. E. Angle, J. Beresford and G. Corner of the Bedford Park Floral Company, are attending the sessions of the Canadian Florists Convention in Ottawa this Week. Mr. Angle is President of the Association. The one mile acros‘s-the-laké swim for men proved to be the most thrill- ing event of the day when Andy Rivers and F. Bracey battled it out for first place, before Rivers finally won. Miss Hazel Wood spent the week- end at her home on Bathurst St. Keen competition marked the an- nual water sports held over the week- end by the Wilcox Lake Sportsmen"s Association. There was a. record num ber of entries and large crowds of spectators lined1 the shore to witness the various events. Forced into the ditch by three men in a sedan while driving his truck north on Bathurst Street last Saturâ€" day evening, Duncan Kerr, of Ken- Brothers Bakery, Richmond Hill, was held up and told to hand over his money. In the face of heavy odds and faced with a revolver Mr. Kerr fought clear of his assailants and re- fused to hand over any cash. Before taking flight the holdâ€"up men took the key of the Kerr truck with the hope of delaying Mr. Kerr in securing help and giving chase. Constable S. A. Barraclough was immediately noti- fied but a search of the countryside failed' to reveal any trace of the thugs Saturday, Aug. 18th, from Toronto +0 Fergus, Kitchener, Listowel, Pal- merston, St. Marys, Stratford and others. Saturday, Aug. 18th, from Toronto to Kingston, Brockville, Napanee and numerous other points including Fenâ€" lon Falls, Lakefield, Beaverton, Hali- burton, Campbellford district. DUNCAN KERR SUCCESSFUL IN FIGHTING OFF HOLD-UP MEN Friday, Aug. 17th, from Toronto to pbints in Irondale and Bancroft dis- trict. Saturday, Aug. 11th, from Toronto to Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Uhatham, Stratford, Woodstock and numerous other points in Southwest- ern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fletcher of Ottawa have returned home after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fletcher. Miss Beatrice Wood spent two weeks holiday at the home of Miss Ire‘ne Baker of Concord: RAILWAY BARGAIN FARES \VATER SPORTS AT WILCOX LAKE EDGELEY IN MEMORIAM Deputy-Reeve Dooks pointed out that the neighboring township, of King paid at the rate of twenty cents per hour and that they had closed down all work on the roads so that the men could work on the farms for the harvest. He said he knew farmers who found it impossible to get help on the farms. If we raised the pay on the roads the farmer wouldn’t be Councillor McMurchy said that he had been approached on the matter and he didn’t like the attitude of those who said if something wasn’t done something would happen next January. I don’t like the idea of threats like that in a matter of this kind, said councillor McMurchy. Mr: Taylor appealed to the members of council to consider the question from a christian standpoint. The men working on the roads in Vaughan want work, not relief, he said, but he wished to ask the members the ques- tion “can a man support a Wife and family on $9.60 per week?†Thomas Woods said he was unable to work himself but he was appearing on behalf of the other fellows. He knew it was impossible for the men to make ends meet at the 20 cents per hour and he urged an increase be made. Sam Deans stated that at the pres- ent rate a full week’s pay was $9.60. He gave a detailed bill of the gro- ceries necessary for a man with a wife and two children which amounted to $8.05. Mr. Deans stressed the fact that under such conditions children were going under-nourished and he appealed to the members on behalf of these unfortunate children who will be the citizens of to-morrow. Our penal institutions are filled toâ€"day with boys between eighteen and twenty-one, said Mr. Deans, and one of the causes of this was the under- nourishment and lack of proper care in the homes. “We are not reds,†stressed Mr. Deans, we are not agi- tators, we are merely asking- for something which we think is fair and‘ just. He said the men would be satisfied with a small increase. A delegation representing the work- men engaged in road work in Vau- ghan township appeared before the members of the municipal council at the regular meeting on Tuesday and asked an increase in the rate of pay. At present men engaged on the roads are paid at the rate of 20 cents per hour and the delegation pointed out that this was not sufficient for the read of a family to make ends meet. Workmen Ask for Increase In_ Pay on Township Relief Work --Wilson Motors-- USED CARS Specials For This Week-End Fresh and Cooked Meats, Phone 117 Bakery and Grocery, Phone 77 PROMPT] ORANGE CAKES, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COOKIES, 2 doz. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAPLE WALNUT LAYERS, each . . . . . . FIG BISCUITS, 1 1b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPLE BLOSSOM BISCUITS, 1 lb. P & G SOAP, 10 bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRANULATED SUGAR, 10 lbs. . . . . . . . . ARROW BUTTER, 1 lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Large RINSO, 1 Cake LIFEBUOY SOAP KELLOGG’S CORNFLAKES, 1 lge. pkg. ORANGES, good size, doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . Watch Our Window for High Class Cakes and Pastry SAY CHILDREN GOING L'NDERNOURISHED BAKERS â€" GROCERS â€" BUTCHERS BREAD CAKES PIES 1 Kererrothers; Deputations appear at meetings of Vaughan and Markham Councils and protest 20 cents per hour-rate of pay en- tirely up to Municipalities says Department Rep- resentative, although Government willing to pay share at rate of 25 cents per hour. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH SALES & SERVICE These are all in excellent conditionâ€" See them before you buy! Plymouth Six Special Sedan Essex Sport Coach Graham 6 Wheel Sedan Chevrolet Sedan Chrysler 70 Coach Cadillac 7 Passenger Sedan Whippett 4 Coach Franklin Coupe mamamqagaea 25 74 Yonge St. [FEBUOY SOAP . . . . ES, 1 lge. pkg. . . . ." >z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The following officers were elected: Hon. President, Mr. LaFraugh, Clam.- son, Mich.; President, Mr. W. F. Wonche, Thornton, 01113.; Vice-Pres»- ident, H. L. Wright, Thornton; Secreâ€" tary, Mrs. T. J. Graham, Cooks‘town; Assistant, Mrs. Clive Burr; Sports Qommittee, Harry Henry, Toronto; Clive Burr, Gormley; Sylvester Rey- nolds, Thornrton; Newton Laughin, Cherrywood; Ernie Wonche, Thornton Next year the reunion Will be held on Civic Holiday at the home of Clive Burr, Buttonville. The question of increased pay was also brought up at the meeting of the Markham township council where a similar request was made. It was pointed out by the Markham council that Markham, Vaughan, King and Whitchurch all paid at the 20 cents per hour rate and it would not be fair for one council to raise the pay with- out consulting the others. A repre- sentative of the Ontario Government Department of Welfare present at the Markham meeting pointed out that the rate of pay was entirely up to the mun'cipality, but the government was agreeable to pay their portion of relief work just the same if the rate were increased to 25 cents per hour. The third anneal Wonche reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs; Will Wonche, near Thornton, on Aug. 6, 1934. Nearly one hundred and fifty were present. After a. hearty dinner the afternoon was spent in games and races. Guests from a dis- tance were from Winnipeg, Clausonl, Michigan, Toronto, North Bay, Cooks- town, Markham, Cedar Grove, Cherry- wood, Uxbridge, Thornton, Pickering Village and Birchcliff. Councillor Robert Scott said he appreciated the arguments of the deputation but that there were a num ber of angles to the question. For instance, he said he knew of a man who left a job on the farm at $25 per month to go and work for the town- ship on the roads. Councillor Scott also mentioned the case of single men who could secure lots of employment on farms at fair wages with their board but who preferred road work. Reeve Kellam promised the depu- tation that the question would have the serious consideration of the mem- bers. Councillor Weldrick said the ques- tion was how many men would leave the farms if the council raised the pay on the roads. able to get a man at all WONCHE REUNION; PROMPT DELIVERY MO. 4361-62 $875 $365 $495 $235 $175 $195 $119 $195 PAGE 20c. 25c. 15c. 17c. 150. 33c. 53c. 22c. 21c. 7c. 29c.