Mr. Robert Mitchell of Edgeley who suffered the loss of an eye when a piece of steel he was chiseling pen- etrated the eyleball, is back home from Western Hospital and is re- covering as well as can be expected. Clayton-(ï¬xrtis Riverside United Church, Weston, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 1st, when Mary Alma Reta, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Curtis of Weston, was united in marriage to Mr. Carman Clayton, son of Mrs. Clayton and the late Mr. Melvin Clayton of Woodbridge, with Rev. J. Williamson officiating clergyman. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a becoming gown of shell pink silk organdie and wide- brimmed white hat with accessories to match and carried a shower bou- quet of Talisman roses and Baby’s Breath. She was attended by Miss Mareda Worley, niece of the groom, wearing a dainty dress of powder blue silk crepe with white picture hat and accessories to match and carried a bouquet of pink roses and Baby’s Breath. Mr. ’Haly Moody of Weston was gromsman. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party motored to +he home of Mrs. Fred Worley, sister of the groom, in Toronto, where a reception and wedding supper was tendered the guests. The bride’s mother received with the bridal party wearing blue silk crepe and black hat, and the groom’s mother wearing Messrs. Ralph Bleault and J. Clesâ€" land of Montreal and overseas mem- bers of the 24th Battalion, comrades of Bert Harris, visited him at his home here during the veterans tattoo when the friendship formed overseas was renewed'. With the exception of a large num- ber of picnic parties from the City and elsewhere who took advantage of the holiday on Monday and gathered in Elm and Elliston Parks the day passed quietly. A goodly number spent the day in the city attracted there by the Veterans Reunion. The new liquor regulations were put into effect at the Woodbridge Inn when J. Finniga'n, proprietor, was granted his wine and' beer license on Thursday of last week, Woodbridge being one of the few municipalities North of Toronto that rejected the Local Option law previous to the Province going dry through the O.T.A. Late G. T. Wood Buried With Masonic Honors ‘ The funeral of George Thomas. Wood, aged 61, who died in Toronto‘ General Hospital following an oper-‘ ation on Friday of last week, took place from Weston on Monday with interment in Hillcrest Cemetery. The funeral was largely attended by old friends of Woodbridge and Kleinburg districts where he was born and lived nearly all his life. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Wood, Vaughan Township pioneers. De- ceased was a member of Blackwood Lodge A.F. & A.M. Woodbrldge, un- der whose auspices the funeral was conducted with Right Worshipful G. W. Shore, P.D.D.G.M. in charge of the Masonic service and Rev. Well- wood of Central United Church as of- ficiating clergyman. The late Mr. Wood, as a resident of Woodbridge for a number of years, was held in high esteem by all who knew him. Surâ€" viving are, his widow, one son John at Weston, four sisters, Mrs. J. J. Watson, Woodbridge; Mrs. Arthur Hollingshead, Woodbridge; Mrs. Duncan McKinnon, Vellore; Mrs. Ross Toole, Toornto; and one brother James of Weston. The pallbearers. were six ne'pheWs, William Holling's'head, Geo- rge Hollingshead, Leo Watson, Frank Watson, Morris Toole and Ronald Toole. Great War Veterans of the Woodâ€" bridge and Vaughan Association who took part in the Veterans Reunion held in Toronto as a Memorial to the fallen dead were, Sel‘g‘t. Bert. Harris, Major McKenzie, Bob Johnston, ’l'homas Wise, Sergt. Frank O. Reeves Sidney Stratford, Alf. Thompson, Jack Watson, S. W. Mayhew. Emery United Church W.A. Annual Picnic The picturesque grounds of Mrs. W. 0. Duncan bordering on the Wood bridge Weston Rd. at Pine Ridge was the setting for an enjoyable afternoon when Emery United Church Women’s Association met for their annual picnic on Thursday of last week. A program of games and races. was in- dulged in and among the winners were, Miss Ruby Rowntree, Mrs. Ed. Castator, Mrs. J. Sheppard, Miss Margaret Devin-s and Mrs. W. O. Dun can. Afternoon tea. served on the verandah ended the afternoon pro- ceédings. The new Tea Room opened on Pine Street opposite the Post Office by Miss Betty Wallace is another evi- dence of progress and should prove popular with the community. The Big Swing again in 1934 to WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT NEWS PAGE EIGHT Mrs. J. Elliott Entertains W.M.S. The Women’s Missionary Society of VVoodbridg'e Presbyterian Church motored to the farm home of Mrs. James Elliott just outs’de the Village for their August meeting which was presided over by Mrs. W. A. Wallis, President. The devotional period was in charge of Mrs. Wm. Armstrong. “Why I am in favor of Foreign Mis- sions†was responded to by a number of members, also a Biblical contest was answered very readily. The hostess served afternoon tea on the Eight Foot Plank Road Built i In 1845 ‘ In a sketch written several decades ago by the late William Porter of Clairville who served on Peel County ‘Council for many years and was 1Warden about fifty years ago, he re- icalls the construction in 1845 of the “plank road from the Peacock hotel located at what is now Dundas Street and Royce Avenue, West Toronto, close to the _West Toronto C.P.R. station and was a point where buyers of poultry, meat, butter and eggs from the city met the farmers from Toronto Gore, Vaughan, Albion and King Townships early in the morning to make their daily purchases of sup- plies. From the Peacock hotel Mr. Porter recalls the laying of an eight foot plank road a distance of 18 miles to Coleraine passing through Weston, Thistletown and Claireville, the plan being carried out by a joint stock company of farmers. Nearly 3,000,â€" 000 feet of pine plank was used in its construction. At that time the supply of pine on the Humber seemed almost inexhaustible and lumber at the mills could be purchased at $4.00 per thous and-feet. The road so constructed served a good purpose for many years‘and there followed the laying of macadam which was regarded as a great improvement, and, within the past eight years the same road has met with another change. The Black Creek Hill on the Weston Road, a short distance from the City which was dreaded by farmers and others drawing heavy loads of grain, etc., by horse and wagon, as it was a long hard pull and several stops were made before the heavy grade was surmount- ed., This grade has been reduced to about 7 per cent and the road widen- ed and paved with asphalt up to and beyond Weston, and from there on to Coleraine the original terminal of the plank road, the road is a high class cement construction over which heav- ily loaded trucks instead of horses and wagon are the carriers of all farm products to Toronto market. These changes are in line with all others that have taken place during the past half century. Miss Mary Mainprize is back at the Red and White Stove following a three weeks vacation. Rev. J. E. Anderson and family are spending the month of August at their summer cottage on the Shore of Lake Hurqn, near Port Elgin. The United Church opened on Sun- day morning for services after being closed for the month of July. Rev. John McKenzie, Presbyterian minis- ter, conducted the union services and will continue during the month of August in the absence of Rev. Ander- son who is on vacation. , Kellam-Watson A pretty wedding took place in St. Andrew’s United Church, Orangeville, when Hazel Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Watson of Orton, be- came the bride of Mr. Percy H. Kel- lam, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kellam of Brampton, formerly of Woodbridge The bride wore a lovely gown of dawn blue sheer crepe with large picture hat and carried a bouquet of Talisman roses. Miss Mildred Wat- son, sister of the bride, was her at- tendant and was gowned in beige sheer crepe and lace with matching hat and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. The groomsman was Mr. William Watson of Woodbridge. Fol- lowing the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride and later the happy couple left by motor on a trip down through Quebec. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Kellam will reside in Brampton. The groom is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Fletcher of Woodbridge. Some Facts I Know About Mr. Elephant By Neil Burton The elephant is a comical looking- variety of animal that originated in the Jungles of India and Africa where he keeps on growing until he weighs several tons. He has four legs, one at each corner that resemble gate posts. Both ends of him look alike at a distance and you are never sure whether he is going or coming, but awn silk crepe and black hat to After a short motor trip the couple will take up residence L Avenue, Woodbridge. Dodge & DeSotOEPEEEZ’viiiilifliiï¬idï¬ï¬nls The members of the Young Ladies Class and the Young Mens Class of the United Church Sunday School united once more in an evening of fun when they extended a hearty welcome home to Mr. and Mrs. Len. Shortt, who have recently returned from a honeymoon trip to the western coast. Car fenders, whistles, alarm clocks, horns, etc., served as various musical instruments, through which each one exercised their own talents. ,, Mr. and Mrs. Shortt met the well- wishers and invited them in-doors where a social hour- was spent. Mrs. S. Elson and Miss Laura Al- liston of Toronto spent the week-end at Ivy, visiting Mrs. Elson’s sister, Mrs. Arnold. Congratulations are extended to Miss Muriel Simpson, who has com- pleted the final year of the dieticians course at the Toronto Central Tech- nical School. The Presidents of the United Church Young People’s Societies of the Northern Division of Toronto Centre Presbytery met on Wednes- day evening at the home of their representative, Mr. Willard Simpson, to make defin'te arrangements for a picnic to be held at Ellist‘on Park, Woodbridge, on Saturday, Aug. 18th, at 3 pm. Besides races and sports of various kinds there will be two baseball games. At 4 pm. North Yonge consisting of a mixed tean‘ chosen from Headford, Carrville. Richmond Hill and Thornhill will meet South Yonge with members from Lansing, Willowdale and New- tonbrook. At 7 p.m. the winners will meet a team chosen from Edgeley, Maple and Hope Societies. Mr. Floyd Davies is in charge of the de- votional exercises. Keep this date open and resolve to be at Elliston Park on the 18th as the goodwill and genuine friendship existing among the Societies of the Northern Division will go far in giving you a real good time. Bring your basket, bathing suit and plenty of vim. Mrs. F. Farr and Mr. Jim Farr left on Monday for a holiday at Algonquin Park and to visit with Mr. Ruthford Farr, who is stationed there as a pro- vincial police. Mr. Donald Smellie is also holidaying at the park. Rev. E. E. and Mrs. Pugsley are spending their vacation at Huntsville. Mr. A. Jar‘nieson spent the week- end in Sarnia, Mrs. Jamieson and family who have been visiting friends there, returned home with him. Miss Rh'éo Hooper spent the holi- day week-end in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Short ar- rived home on Monday night after enjoying a delightful trip, by motor, to the coast. Miss Clara Teasdale of Weston spent the week-end with Miss‘ Agnes Cooper. . . All conductors of the great British military bands. must graduate from the Royal Military School of Music, Kneller Hall. It is the band of that famous institution that headlines the music programme at the Canadian! National Exhibition this year. Swimming events at the Canadian National Exhibition are not confined to the Marathons. International sprint stars are entered in the dashes and stellar performers swim in the middle distance races. THORNHILL THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO the United Societies of of Toronto on Wednes- ne of their .rd Simpson, OSPREY FIGHT EAGLE CROWS OUTWIT BOTH In a battle royal which took place in Jasper National Park, Alta., be- tween some ospreys and two eagles, the wily crow outwitted the eagles who in their customary manner en- deavored to steal from the ospreys, or fish hawks, the fish which they had caught. The usual practice of the eagle is to wait until the osprey has caught a fish and risen into the air with it, when the eagle swoops down on the osprey, forces it to release its hold on the fish, when the eagle catches the fish as it falls. Hhe unusual spectacle was related by Fred Brewster, famous Rocky Moun- tain guide, to E. G. Poole, Sports- man’s Representative of the Canadian National Railways. The famous guide stated he was driving along the Pocohontas highway in the park. The ice had apparently melted on one of the small lakes along the highway near the Athabaska River. The two eagles were perched on the higher limbs of a dead tree beside the lake. Below were six osprey and below them again were a number of crows. Every now and then an osprey would dart out from the limb of the tree, hover for a moment above the water, and then swoop down and come up with a fish in its talons. Immediate- ly the two eagles would take after the osprey, which would drop the fish, but before the eagles. could capture the fish the crows flying in a body much closer to the ground would pick it up and devour it. The performance went on for an hour or more while Fred Brewster watched the unusual sight of an osprey and the eagles do- ing all the work. Thurs., Aug. 9â€"Maple @ Aurora O-ak Ridlges @ Richvale Thornhill'@ Richmond Hill Mom, Aug. 13â€"Oak Ridges @ Aurora Richmond Hill @ Maple Thornhill @ Richvale Thur-5., Aug. 16â€"Aurora. @ Thornhill Maple @ Richvale Richmond Hill @ Oak Ridges Miracle Brandâ€" GRADE “A†Large d Dependable oz. c. Del Maise Niblets Corn 2 tins 25c Clark’s- In glass OX Topgueuspgcial 99C 2424 Yonge Street Nestle’s We can‘t all go back to the farm, but we can get farm-fresh foods at the Miracle Stores at genuine savings. No extravagant warehouses or distributing equipment to keep up, enable us to sell you direct from our modern stores everything in food at its freshest with the least handling and under the finest conditions at low prices. Try the NU-WAY. shop at the Miracle if you would be better served. ALL UNDER ONE ROOF. FREE PARKING. OXADE Lemon Drink, 3 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PASTENE OLIVE OIL, 8 oz. tins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOMATO JUICE, Silver Ribbon, lge. 2'/z tins, 2 for Miracle Marketeria BABY TINS R I N S 0 large pkg. 19c. BUTTER 2 lbs for 41¢. Jacob’s New Cropâ€"Pectin Added STRAWBERRY JAM, 32 oz. “Miracle†Downy While TOILET TISSUE, 1,000 Sheet Rolls, 4 rolls . . . . . ASSORTED DRINKS, Seagram’s Ginger Ale, etc., 6 bottles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PALE DRY Ginger Ale, Seagram’s, pints, 3 for . N0 2 Tinsâ€"Special, Finest grown in Lincoln County PEANUT BUTTER, Jolly Good, 32 oz. . . . . . . . . . . l INFANT’S DELIGHT SOAP, 5 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WONDERFUL SOAP, a good yellow laundry soap, _ 10 bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BULK DATES. 3 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ LIBBY OLIVES, Stuffed, 10 oz. Special . . . . . . . . . . . EDUCATOR, the new twin-thin sodas, try themâ€" LAKELAND Pasteurized, Fresh Churned, THE WORLD’S FINEST FOODS NORTH YONGE SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Swan MATCHES 7c. pkg. they’re grand BEANS 2 tins for 25¢. CAKE of LIFEBUOY SOAP â€" FRE A Summer Treat Regular $1.25 SPECIAL “FREE†DEAL Lincoln Green Stringless MILK 6 for 25c. BACK TO THE FARM eao=o=m 5=o=====xo=l01 S & M Stores Limited This coupon is inserted as a convenience in renewing your subscription. The address label shows you the date up to which your subscription is paid. If it is in arrears we would appreciate your remittance, at $1.50 per year. Enclosed find $ . . . . . - being my subscription for . . years. Please send me a receipt. THE LIBERAL Street and No., or PAINTING g DECORATING . . n . . . . . . . . . . Bert Wolfrey FINE WORKMANSHIPâ€"MODERATE PRICE EE! CHURCH STREETâ€"RICHMOND HILL PHONE FOR APPOINTMENTS, TELEPHONE 9, RICHMOND HILL CUT THIS OUT R. R. No. . . . . . . . . . 10c. 29c. 21c. 29c. 24c. 25c. 25c. 39c. 34c. 29c. 25c. 25c. 11c. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1934 Garden Patch PEAS CANADA’S LOWEST PRICES A new delicious meal at half the cost of package goods. Makes fine porridge. Only one car is being given away between the two Miracle Stores. Adults, get FREE EN- TRY BLANKS in every depart- ment. No obligation. Nothing to buy. Ford car purchased from Ainsworth Motors, Ltd. Ford V8 Car---FREE Try Your LUCK Try this for Ultra Satisfaction o=o===o=c==oni 2187 Bloor Street Muffin Meal TEA lb. 45c. Large, Tender Reg. 140. COFFEE SPECIAL THIS WEEK 2 tins 25c. GROCERS SPECIAL 2 lbs. 25c. Phone W. NEAL hone 210 Richmond Hill} Miracle Miracle