Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Sep 1934, p. 3

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$1.50 PER YE All The Liberal is recognized as one of the Newest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelve pages, all home print, it carries all the news of the entire district and our circulation is in- creasing every weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. ‘ VOL. LVI. Cook & Gibson Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Win. Cook, K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. Office: 85 Richmond St. West MUSICA L Adelmo M elecci horn the Toronto Conservatory of Toronto Music, Will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Organ and Theory. Richmond Hill â€" Tuesday & Friday MRS. MYLKS Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate BE Pnl’ULAR Naughton & Jenkins Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Telephone ADelaide 2108 Instrument, Lessons and Music all for Offices: 85 RlChmm’ld St- “7-, Toronto Naughton Block, Aurora 81'00 per week' Solicitors for: Aurora, LITHERLAND STUDIO OF MUSIC Hi 116 YONGE STREET, Richmond Hill In Richmond Hill Every Thursday Evening GEO. W. CROSS Piano Tuner North Gwillimbury. Walter S. Jenkins. 5048. J. Harry Naughton. Res. Phone 122 Barrisetrs and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire - . . s c- 'c -. Nd. tea - h - ’ ' A- P9": Bl 5‘ - . . . . 'ul‘ure w .‘ scrioir, th t h t. l= I “pp 1 “'R m 1H” ' Thirty-YearsExperience James A Balcs’i‘ B‘ t, A315 oliggttmn' The“. Idea 15 to menth can“ [t t . as. is ' :11 em cm cd toasts were proposed and responded Formerly With Heintsman Company AD- 0177 010“ 9 _ -. , . . , 1m ,mpmm H” To the 1m. mm mm,» 7 . _ L ~ - y s 1315 Bank of Hamilton Budding {rain items on which, for other i'ca- : he said “TIM I will do or/ )Orish in to. The evening was then spent 111‘ cave orders- at AuSth Drug tore Yonge Street â€" Toronto 1 sons, prices have increased and forth- ' {110‘ ,1“: mm y,‘ 1 ' music. . . , i l ( .3. .. . _ ‘ Richmond Hill \ â€"-â€" iwlth to C13 m the cred“; of these Pursuant to adioumment the Coun- W Thomas Delany Manning Arcade BUSINESS Wiright & Taylor FUNERA L DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Ilkhmdnd Hill Phonesâ€"~15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE J. T. Saigeon & Son Barrister, Solicitor ,& Notary Publi ‘ 1207 Northern Building 330 Bay Street Telephone Clark if: Redman Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Streets, Toronto. 912 Federal Bldg, Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Richmond 11. King» WhiChlfl‘Ch, Markham and amincd with care. Res. Phone Hill Res. Elgin Mills McGuire, Boles & Co. formerly of Wm. Cook, Cook & Delany Toronto from 1930 to 1933: ADelaide 4140 Illiilock. Milliken, Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building 19 southwest corner of King and Yonge RICHMON H ILL. ONTARIO, Bennett Policies Have Proven Disastrous To Canadian farmers recently been told by Bennett government supâ€" porters in Ontario that the Empire Trade Agreements have been of treâ€" mendous, advantage to them. animal products. EXPORTS ()F FARM PRODI'CTS Animal Animal Pro Vegetable Pro. I i l I 2 inclusive. 1 Notli'ng could be more simple thang lto follow the toctics in this connec-l [rice changes for the Empire Agree-i ments. l... , , . Inclinctt came into power. I V . 7 1. i lime is the value of agiicultural stands at. In other words, you Ill‘kfilllcml1 1“ Canada and Olltfil'lO now receive $57 for farm products lfor which you recciwd 880 in 1030. ST. C 4 Canadian Farm Ontario Farm Production Production ’putting it on a percentage basis a “1930-. 81,235,000‘000 $417,000,000luccline of :ipl‘u'oximatcly 30C}. 1031â€"â€" 836.000,000 293,000,0001 The price of manufactured products 1932â€". 767,000,000 247,000,000 during the same period has dropped 33-- 762,000,000 264,000,000 from 85 to 72, or 13 points, again on If the Empire Trade Agreements-:1 liementflg‘ii bai‘is ilPDI'OXimfliE'LV w. B. Milliken, K. .0. Herb. A. Clark have been of such advantage 110xv515‘9- Licensed AuctIgI‘IEIZi-‘Jifor the County Henry E. Redman \V. P. Mulock (lo-3s it com-e that each succeeding FH' eve-11V ‘10“?11' or farm Prowl“-q of York ‘ year there has been a decline in Cana- I .VOU 50“ in, 193” Who“ MY- Benn‘eu A. Cameron Macnaughton BARRISTER 1711 Star Building, 80 King Street, West. Toronto Phone: ELgin 487 Sales attended to on shortest notice \ and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Prentice & Prentice AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St., K. G. Prentice, Millikeii. Toronto, Hyland 0834 We are prepared to conduct sales of Richm every description. Farms and farm flock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold or. commission. All sales atâ€" unded to on shortest notice, and con- ducted by the most approved methods. Campbell Line Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. 0nd Hill Office over Davies Dry Good Store Maple Every oaturday MAPLE uOTEL T. C. Newman BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 ‘ Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone ELgin 1887 W.J.iHanley' K. C. BARRISTER, Etc. 712 Federal Building Office Phone ADelaide 6138 Toronto 2 Res. Phone KIngsdale 3886 in MEDICAL Dr. R. A. Bigford (Successor to Dr. CaldWell) Office Hours 9-10 a.m. 12-2 & 6-8 p.m. ’and by appointment. MAPLE PHONE 8. Dr. Marwood Bank of Commerce Building Thornhill, Ont. Office Hours: 10-12 a.m. 2-5 p.m. 7-9 p.m. . iice 14-12 Office 100 Phone, Reside Drs. Langstaf f North Yonge St. Richmond Hill DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFFâ€" Office hours: 8-10 a.m. & 6~8 p.m. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFFâ€" Harold J. Kirby BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. (Diseases of women and children) ETC. Office hours: 1-3 p.m. Phone 100 2135 Yonge Street ' Toronto HYLAND 1898 and 1900 MAPLEâ€"EVERY TUESDAY Standard Bank Building. INSURANCE“ LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES T0 FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO’S. Dr. J. P. Wilson Office hours: 9 to 11 a.m. 6 to 8 p.m., and by appomtment. Office: Centre and Church Streets, Richmond Hill Phone 24. , Dro L. R. Bell Dentist Office: Trench Block, two doors north Telephone 80 of Bank of Commerce Hours: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Telephone 32 Dr. M. J. Quig-ley . l DENTIST r THORNHILL Bank of Commerce Building N A. G. SAVAGE Post Office Block Richmond Hill =OI=I0=10=0= 9 THE Ontario PUBLIC for'the Dominion of Canada as a Idian agricultural production, iiiodificdsWHS 19311119" You that You OUQ‘ht t0 only by the fact that in Ontario inifhallgc the gOVQ-l'nmont and have a 1933 there was a slight incrtase due-Tory g‘m'el‘mnent, you now, three to the fact that our currency was Will's later, 1‘ecelVe3I)llrfiXlnla'DEIY 70 'then inflated and that the dollars you (“13‘ But the 70 Cflnts You I'CCCiVe received for your products were only'will not buy as. much as would the worth 60 cents measured in terms of same sum in 1930 for the simple rea- gold? The figmwes. of the C0n5,3rva_[>0n that while the price of some tives constitute fine Stories if tlleyicommodities has gone-down, includ- are not analyzed: they are splendidling mQHUfaCtUI'Ed DI'OdUCtSy your if you do not care for the facts: they taxes and fixed Charges have gone are ridiculous if you comrdrer realitywup, and the ever increasing pressure Let us lexalninj the influences oflof provincial, federal and municipal the trade treaties upon our export of’taxation is putting you in a worse and. that a pubhc meetmg be called“ m worse position, day after day, Week lafter week and, month after month. whole, for the Western Provinces par-g NOW What- is the-1.53350 fact baCk 0f ‘ticulafly, but also in another way for all this? What is the cause of the ithe Eastern Provinces because a alteration 10f them'farmerys pos'ition grain, a very important cnusrideratiOn Prosperous West helps make the East between this date and the date of the Farmers of Canada llzl\‘t‘_§‘l‘i‘(lll('i>‘ and also for animals and and ) Vince of Ontario from 1930 to 1933 iv)?” Em” New“ the 0]“th 0f_ 1030' lllll‘. Lennott told every farmer in the! l’rovnco of Ontario who would listen to his voice that the condition. of aai‘iâ€"i The inch number of the price of farm pi'odums stood at 80 when Mr. It now This is a decline of points, or i PRINTING SERVICE 1n unexcelled printing service ll available to this district at The Lib- eral Job Printing Department. OI! plant is equipped to take care d your every requirements in the lin" of printed matter. “If it's printilk We do it.” We assure you that you will find the quality, service and price right. ’i i 1 >1- ..- No. 10 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 6th. 1934 ltd tlli'co hours. Each club has won, 1 a . . _ . , ‘ "*7? ,. m l a mulch iron) the mhci, and it noui ! 'f I. ‘0 Hatâ€"aqguqa‘g) 1'1 mains to llt‘ sccn who will get the \ L/M'v ‘3 3“-"e- W“ “- 'I l n i") S CPHER W. Atkinson oi the Concrete, is i 3] ALFRED CIGGS greatly impiw’winu' and “dingo-intr his 2,.li'cady handsome and commodious store by extendingy the building out :is far as the sidewalk, and putting in a beautiful front of plated glass.~ Mr. John Harris superintending lilic work, which, of itself, is a guar- | is Tile last one to forgive is yoursrll. )F is 1,: 9k The lislcnnv is us bud as the gossip. iz‘intcc that when completed an elegant ,, ,, ,, lni‘pearanco will be the result. i This statement \oug‘ht to be exâ€" “‘30 "“ Rinsvz‘muooo 391,000,000 I Q, Fridq V evening ' the firzt Kill four and you will iiiasteryour fate. The 1,0,, w“, ,0 i031 200500.000 70,000,000. tr ‘ huV Y gé Id. 1. * * * {do mi, 1, to mm to the 0ffi,.,al'f,g_;in32 204,000,000 55,530,000 ll“ ‘9 tot t " ' “if”: 9:11: ‘3‘; t? imm- m imam-5s is hotter than spo. urcs and take the estimated grnmi’liiilfl â€"â€"-- 198,000,000 (37,150,000l:;::5:nmidon;1:;5r:mlaRE:e ‘Smaprocfi cash. g l. * “11119 0f az‘l‘l‘lCUItuml lll‘O'JlICtion in! .I‘Ut. us come HOW to the mineral Mb The Band and a large number Misfortune mollslized often turns the th, Do i inn f Ca ah nl th Pl.0_ls:tiia‘iIOii and sec what has 11221 ponied. ‘ , ' ‘ ‘ , , ' ‘ L m“ 0 n “ a ‘ e I ‘ of friends were also InVited. The “W- IBSlNl plzivcd several choice selectons , . . ‘ . [modern 0. of musu’ on the lawn, after which all were invited inside, where a. pleasing After cil met on \Vedncsday evening; Sept. Iflrd. In: the absence of the Reeve, Mr. Crosby was called to the chair. itltlier numbers present, Messrs. 'Moodic, Hopper and Law. A list of members of the Fire Brigade was i1l‘("§0!‘ll€.(l to the Council to be certi- 1iod by the fire and water committee as being regular firemen. The names were accordingly certified to. A pe- ltition was road, which was signed by Mr. J. M. Lam-once and 47 other property holders, asking the Council Blue Coal, Welsh Blower or Cobbler, Solvay Coke Right Now Prices Are Lowele Save Dollars By Buying Now H0 ' to pass a By-law to enable the Vil- P _. RESB'EES‘CE Iago to purchase a lot of land from 9‘91"”,6; Ewauesjén Dr. Langstaff, on the North side of , . " Centre St. for a Public Park. The Rwhmond H1" Phone 1“ Council expressed a Willingness to grant the request of the above peti- tion, but thought it would be more ,advisable to call a. public meeting of the ratepayers of the Village with a view to obtaining their consent to apply a portion of the distribution .fund for the purchase of land for said park, and a resolution was pasc- , ed, to that effect. It was» then moved Ly Mr. Law, seconded by Mr. Moodie, BICYCLE r JOYCYC LE ' and Repairs MODEL AIRPLANES and? MODEL BOATS FOOTBALL SUPPLIES Come in and see us on your way to the EX. accordance with the above resoluttiiin Council then adjourned. I ! OAK RIDGES prosperous and helps to improve con_'election in 19302 It can be put ma.“ An event 0f unusual interest” Wm Our prices, are as low (litions for the farmers of Ontario as few Sentenceâ€"‘5‘- ;28 place atSSt’dJOhn’S Chimh" oak as any Illa“? in Toronto well as for the cities and town 0 Mr- B‘em‘ett was“ the tariff and“ 1 ges’ 0m un ay mormng Mt, Ontario. 3 f raised it tremendously, he raised it pvhen a nexwivindow depicting;ClIrist The Empire Trade Agreements more than it was ever raised before. the G°9d Shepherd Will be unvejledl came into effect in November 1932- in the history of the Dominion of and dedicated to the Glory of God and. The C-C-DI- Store They cannot therefore be said to have Canada“ We now have the highesfi the memory of the late Mr. and; Mrs. 2620: Yonge St. iaffectcd the trade of the calendar tariff we ever had- James Kels‘mu Who were ameng the 6.“ear 1932. Let us give You now the . Tariffs restrict imports. valued first members of the Church' ,‘exports of grain to the United Kingâ€" Edom in 1932, before, the treaties were igin force and the exports in 1933, the Who“ we resu'iCt imports We te‘ tfirst year of their operation. Remem- fuse to accept payments for our- 6’“ gber when you look at these figures itlports' Ilis. not a question of not having suffic~i 0r P1113 Tin another way, our govern- ;ient gram to ship: our elevators Were ments remse to permit .us to acuept 1,qu of it, 200,000,000 bushels of as large a sum in payment for our wheat alone being carried over from “('1)er ‘45 We otherwise would res the preceding year; and yet our eX-lcewe“ ports of grain to Great Britain des- *fi Way Back in the liberal Files receive for exports. pite the Agreements, fell off. Here are the figures: EXPORT T0 UNITED KINGDOM /_.._.._ W- 1932 1933 FIFTY YEARS AGO Bushele Bushels. From Our Issue of Sept. 4th, 1884 Wheat ----- 140,200,000 120,737,000 Several of our lacrosse players Oats ------ 8,455,000 4,237,000 went out to Patterson on Thursday Barley ----- 5,416,000 , 1,840,000 evening last, to have a practice game Rye â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 1,253,000 276,000 with the boys there, previous to their The farmers of the Dominion'of Canada are not interested particularâ€" ly in where their agricultural exports go. What they want is a market. This applies also to the rest of the people of the Dominion of Canada. Let us take then total exports of Canadian produce for the calendar years 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933. In the last two years recorded values are higher than they otherwise would be, (Patterson’s) match with the Mark- ham team on Saturday. Monday last beng the Ist of Sept. the schools re-opcned for another term. Quite a large number put'in an appearance at bothfithe Public and High Schools. The Village appears L0 be much more cheerful when teach- ers and pupils are to be seen on the :treets. Mr. Joseph Hall has opened out in Imports are payments which we Ml" Dan Kemswm’ Son Of' Mn and “whines Coal C0. Full Line of FUEL ALSO ' Lime, Cement, Tile Phohâ€"e 188 YARDS AT BURR’S MILL °=0=0=0 .T.F'OX ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Metal Garages, Roofing Jobbing Promptly Attended to O=O= cm: === l alumnae i simply because of the depreciation in the dollar. In 1932 our dollar in terms of gold was worth 30 cents. in 1933 it was worth 00 cents, prior to that over many years it was worth 100 cents in gold. As you decrease the size of the measure that you use in measuring trade the numbers will in- icrcase. Or, in other words, you can ANTI WARBLE FLY SPRAY take more pints than gallons out of a barrel of water. The figures fol- Full lines of Stock and Poultry low: 1 Feeds . Calendar Years MILL J - F. BURR Canadian Exports . . 1030 . . . . . . . . , $885,900,000 A-l Quality. Moderate Prices. 1931 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 605,300,000 Day 139 Phones Evening 82W 1932 . . . . . . . . 493,800,000 1933 . . . . . . . . 531,700,000 . WE DELIVER But these you say are total exports. Why not tell us the export of agriâ€" cultural produce? Here are the ex- â€"l ports for all agricultural and vegetable l l Brown’s old stand, his large and var- ied assortment of groceries, flour and feed, boots and shoes, etc., and has taken the right method of letting the public know it by engaging a column in the, Liberal. The Fergus Lacrosse Club intend visiting Richmond Hill on Friday, Sept. 12th, and will make an attempt to secure the much coveted gold medal. This match will no doubt draw a large crowd of people. as it will likely be the last championship match of the season played here. Patterson vs. Markham The above teams crossed sticks on the Markham fair grounds on Satur- day last. The match was evenly con- tested, Markham club securing the 2nd, 3rd and 5th games, and Patter- son the lst and 4th. The match lastâ€" ‘Mrs. James Kerswlll, will unveil the window, and the Rector, Rev.. W. F. Wrixon, will dedicate it. All memâ€" 'bers and friends of the Church are cordially invited to be present at the service, which will be at 11 a.m., Day- light Saving Time. R'. H. KANE ROOFING, EAVESTROUGHING CHIMNEYS BUILT & REPAIRED» CONCRETE WORK SEPTIC, TANKS INSTALLED FURNACES BARN & STABLE EQUIPMENT MILK COOLERS ‘82 Yonge St. Phone 921’ Things that make youfeel superior: Wealth, birth and knowing how to pronounce a word that somebody else pronounces wrong. can it) no? - B,R.,G... Mm w. Route who 0mm; WITH ms deuce ON A Rouse. SKATE A SIMPLE MOVEMENT 0: THE ANKLE PUTS ON A BRAKE. CAI! 1785001115? Viv-\u‘u\.-\-‘.-\av\u\u\n‘u\u\ lv\-I\v-\.I\.-I \4-‘ l l l 4-l\ol\s-‘no‘uo‘v‘alvl‘al‘ai'wv‘l‘lI~l\-I\I~IM~IVI\J-IV~IW Do you think this idea Is practical? Write Bay Gross In care of this newspaper

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