Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Sep 1934, p. 4

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Mr. J. S. Woodsworth, leader of the C.C.F. party, While presenting to the public the C.C.F. policy as standingi unqualifiedly for the nationalization. and the socialization of all public and private finance, actually voted for Mr. Bennett’s policy. On the motion to adopt the Bill on third reading, Which was presented June 28th, Mr. Woods- worth and all his followers, with the exception of Miss Agnes McPhail, G. G. Coote, E. J. Garland and one other, voted for the monopoly of the private money system and against the Liberals who solidly opposed the Bill. If We judge the C.C.F. by their words they stand for socialism, but if we judge them by how they vote they stand for Mr. Bennett, leading the Conser- vative party, stood definitely for the creation of a. privately owned central banking corporation (a bankers’ cen- tral bank) which would exclusively,â€" (1) Control and manage the mone- tary gold reserves of the na- tion. (2) Control and regulate the issue of currency and credit in the Dominion. (3) Manage the international buy- ing power of Canadian currency Mr. Bennett’s policy now presented in “The Bank of Canada Act” dele~ gates to a private corporation, modelâ€" led after the Bank of England as set up in the British Ban-k Act of 1844, the exclusive monopoly of the issue of national currency and credit, which carries the power to control and reguâ€" late the domestic and international trade to the nation. These great powers are literally farmed out to the private money system as- privi- leges that are to be enjoyed free from the control of government. The Bank of Canada Act makes “the money power supreme over Parliament in the realm of curency, credit and trade. Mr. Bennett indicated that the Bank of Canada in its present form originated in “the City,” the name given by Englishmen to the financial group in London who control the Bank of England. In committee, he frankly acknowledged that fact by declaring:â€" “I said that Lord Macmillan and Sir Charles Addis (a director of the Bank of England) had sug- gested this form of bank. I first said recommended, but I now use the word ‘suggested’.” Sir Thomas White, Mr. Beaudry Leman, and the Honorable J. E. Crownlee, the Canadian member of the Macmillan Canadian Committee, did not agree with the recommenda- tion of the English minority on the committee whose finding Mr. Bennett had adopted. The C.C.F. Program The Debates in the Canadian House of Commons in the month of June 1934 upon “The Bank of Canada Act” developed very definitely the stand of our major political parties upon the all important issues of monetary management and trade control. r{he Conservative Enactment Bill Mulock Elecfim‘g of North York In the by-election on Monday, September 24th, you have an opportunity of expressing your desire for NEW POLICIES and BETTER TIMES. NORTH YORK LIBERAL ASSOCIATION J. E. SMITH, Sect’y. J. H. NAUGHTON, Pres A vote for the Bennett candidate is placing your stamp of approval on the. record of the Bennett Government. THIS TIME vote for a policy to revive industry, increase trade, help agriculture and bring prosperity once-again to the people of Canada. Stand of Liberal Leaders on the Central Bank LIBERAL CANDIDATE Do this by voting for PAGE FOUR private monopoly. The Liberal Policy The Liberal party stands for a pub- licly owned national central bank which will, under the control of the government of the nation, issue nat- ional currency and credit and manage the monetary system in terms of pub- lic need, for the purpose of raising the standard of living of the people and for the further purpose of ad‘â€" vancing the economic security of the social system and the stability of the nation. On June 27th Mr. Casgrain, Liberal Whip, moved:â€"â€"- “That the Bank of Canada Bill “That the Bank of Canada Bill be not now read a third time but that mittee of the whole with instruc- tions that they have power so to amend it as to provide that the Bank of Canada shall be govern- ment owned and controlled.” This motion had the endorsement and the support‘of the Liberal party. Mr. Ralston The Honourable J. L. Ralsiton, recog nized authority of the Liberal party in the realm of finance, denounced the Bank of Canada as created by the Bennett government on the ground that “it abrogated the sovereign rights of the Dominion.” In his op- position to the policy of the Act, he said in part:â€" “The control of credit and curâ€" rency is the biggest and most im- portant public utility in econo- mic activities of the Dominion of Canada. I submit, Mr. Chairman that the Prime Minister and those who have drafted the Bank of Canada Bill have forgotten for the moment that after all this (the issue and control of national currency and national credit) is a State function . . . . . I repeat that this (the Bank of Canada) is a public utility of the greatest magnitude and importance and the citizens of Canada should not relinquish control of its adminis- tration to any group of private citizens . . . . . I am not one who neceSSarily champions public ownership at all times and in all places, but there are certain things that'should be under pub- lic ownership or public control and certainly the very first and most important of these is the institution which controls, which guides, which directs the Whole economic life in the Dominion. . . . . I think there should be in this country a government owned bank. If we cannot have public ownership, we should at least have public control.” (Hansard June Elst, 1934). Mr. Mackenzie King The Right Honourable W. L. Mac- kenzie King, leader of the Liberal Opposition in the House, in opposing the Bank of Canada. Bill clearly enun- ciated the policy of the Liberal party upon the issue and control of national currency and national credit. Con- I demning the Bennett Bank of Canada Bill, Mr. King said-:â€" “I want to take very strong exâ€" ception to what the government is doing. They are declaring for a privately owned and privately controlled bank. This is going to an extreme . . . . which will be found to be very much against the public interest." The Sovereignty of Parliament Repeating the policy enunciated by him on. February 27th, 1933, he said:â€" “The Liberal party believes that credit is a public matter, not of interest to bankers only but of direct concern to the average citizen. It stands for the immediate es- tablishment of a properly constiâ€" tuted national bank to perform the functions of rediscount and the control of currency issue con- sidered in terms of public need. “A central bank is necessary to determine the supply of currency in relation to the domestic social and industrial requirements of the Canadian people and‘ also to deal with the problems of inter- national commerce and exchange. I desire to direct special atten- tion to these words,â€" â€"~a properly constituted national central bank.â€" also, to perform the functions of re- discount and the control of cur- rency issue, considered in terms of public need.” (N.B.â€"“in terms of public need’ not possible private gain). Desiro-us of clarifying his position beyond question he further said:â€" “What the government is doing amounts pretty much to this. They are handing over to an in- stitution that is the creation of Parliament supreme power in the matter of financial policy, in the matter of the control of social credit and in the issue of cur- rency . . . . Declaring his belief that the govern nzent itself would not be a substan- tive power in matters of finance but that the Bill left the money power supreme and unquestioned, Mr. King further said:â€" “The Bank of Canada, as con- stituted by this proposed enact- ment, will undoubtedly be the means of vesting in the Bank of England the management and conâ€" trol of Canada’s foreign exchangé and Canada’s internal credit ad- ministration . . . . As I said the other evening, once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, ‘it mat- ters not who makes the nation’s laws. Usury, once in control will wreck any nation. Until the con- trol of the issue of currency and credit restored to government and recognized as its most con- spicuous and sacred’ responsibility all talk of the sovereignty of Bar liament and of (Democracy is idle and futile. Those are strong words; they constitute a strong argument and they are Words which this House ought to take full account of be- fore it is too late.” (Hansard June 27th, 1934). Liberalism therefore stands for the public control of the issue of national currency and credit through a pro- perly constituted national central bank that will issue currency and credit not for private gain but in terms of public need‘. w QUEST” SET Any intentions that players in the Metroâ€"Goldwyn-Mayer picture, “Stam~ boul Quest”â€" which opens at the Capitol Theatre next Fri-Sat. may have had to collect Turkish antiques have since been discarded. In one of scenes, 2. bow-legged Turkish table occupied the center of a room, but the bowâ€"legs were hidden beneath a. bulging table cover. Invariably, whenever George Brent or Myrna Loy brushed past the table, an involuntary “ouch” would break into the sound track. Bell Solves Problem So, to avoid further shin disasters, George Brent hung up a bell on a wall, and whenever a shin approached dangerously close to the table, ‘the bell was rung- as a warning. When a shin did thud against the table, the bell was rung twiceâ€"and throughout the day Sound Stage No. 9 sounded like Santa Claus coming to town. “Stamboul Quest,” produced by Ber nard Hyman, and directed by Sam Wood, has a cast that also includes C. Henry Gordon and Judith Vosselli. SAT., SEPT. 22ndâ€"Auction Sale of Antique and Modern Household F‘mniture, Office Furniture, Tea Room Equipment and other articles at Chelsea Inn, Thornhill Saigeon, Auctioneer. sale of hdusehold furniture, poultry equipment and garden crop, the pro- perty of Alfred Fairhiil, 418 Mitch’s East, 1 mile east of Yonge Street near Bayview. Sale at 1.30 D.S.T. Terms cash, J. C. Saigeon auctioneer. BOW-LEGGED TURKISH TABLE WAS ‘JINX’ ON “STAMBOUL SATURDAY, SEPT. 15thâ€"Auction SALE REGISTER LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Everyone is cordially invited to the corn roast sponsored by‘ the ladies of the congregation of the United” Church on Monday evening, Sept. 10th. Sup- per to be served from 6 p.m~ to 8 p. m. in the Sunday School room. A concert of high merit is to follow in the auditorium. Proceeds to go to the local running expenses of the church. The W.M.S. will meet on Thursday afternoon of next Week at the church. The guest speaker is to be Mrs. Hicks Vice-Pnesiden't of Toronto Centre North Presbytery. All members are asked to bring a. visitor and make this a special meeting. Refreshments will be served. Mr. Alfred O’Dell attended the wed- ding of Mr. D. Cameron of Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Stoner, Marjorie and Jack returned home from Belle Ewart on Tuesday after spending a two weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. F. Auckland moved in~ to the house of Misses Cummings on Monday of this week. A number from here attended Las- kay Field Day and Dance. Miss Hilda Patton spent the holiday weekâ€"end at Gananoque. Miss Jean McClure of Toronto vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Egan over the weekâ€"end. Messrs. Gordon Patton and Wesley Dew visited near Ottawa. for the h‘oli- day. Miss Grace Widdifield, Eldor Val- ley, is visiting her cousin, Miss Ar- lean Carson. ' Many were the sighs on Tuesday morning of this Week when teachers and pupils had to return to the school day routine. Misses Eva Dennis and Doris Pat- ton have returned from their vacation to commence duties on Tuesday. The vocalist: “I’m going away to study singing.” Friend': “Good! How far away?” Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Tarrant and daughter of Toronto visited at the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc- Bride, for the week-end. Mrs. W. Carson is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. E. Patton of Laskay. “I can’t give you a job. I can’t af- ford any extra help just now.” “That’s all right. I shan’t be much help.” “Goodness! Have you had- another tooth pulled?” “Yes, I have a regular drawing ac- count at the dentist’s.” Will take farm produce or anything useful for part 01- full payment for services. DR. CHARLES C. COLLINS DENTIST Maple, Ont. All types of Agricultural foods, edible C. C. PRICE, Box 148, Richmond Hill Phone 105.1 Voters List 1934 TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN VOTERS’ LIST 1934 TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN County of York Clerk’s Notice of First Posting of V-oters’ List. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Vot- ers’ List Act and that I have posted up in my office at Maple, on the 24th day of August, 1934, the List of all persons entitle? to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parlia- ment and art Municipal Elections, and that; such list remains there for in- spection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors of ommissions corrected according to law. The last day for filing appeals: is September 14, 1934. Dated at Maple, August 24, 1934. J. B. McLEAN, Chemical Analysis L. W. Zuefelt' TC} PRACTICAL PAINTER, PAPERHANGER, GRAINER, ETC. At Dr. Bigford’s Office Tuesdays 9-12 3.. m. Thursdays 12-4 p. m. s of materials analysed and appraised. ‘ ural products, manufactured lible oils, fertilizers, waters, stock foods, etc. Formulae supplied. Strictly confidential. KING CITY 30 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill Clerk of Vaughan Township Phone Maple 3 FALL WHEAT for semi . Telephone Maple 23â€"63 FALL WHEAT N0. 1, for seed . Ap- ply I. D. Ramer & Son, the Elevator, Richmond Hill. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 94M. CHEVROLET SEDAN in good conâ€" dition, $65.00. Apply F. H. Cole, Spruce Avenue, Stop 21A Yonge St. FALL WHEAT for seed. Apply Wm. Robinson, Lot 7, Con. 2, Markham, telephone Thornhill 18r2. QUANTITY GOOD CLEAN SEED wheat, $1.25 per bushel. Apply 0. Walkington, phone King 4212. TROPICAL COAL OIL STOVE, 3 burners and oven, A-l condition, used one year, a real bargain. Telephone Richmond Hill 22. DINING ROO‘MV SUITE, Qpebec gtBâ€"Qé; Vcsok stare, beds, chairs, library table, and qther household furniture. Mrs. A. erght, Stop 17A, Thornhill. Kipp’s Laxative I-Derb Tablets recommended and sold by Austin’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill, telephone FERTILIZER, Empire brand, product of Canadian Fertilizer Co. for sale by Wm. Neal, Richmond Hill, phone 2] O. SEED WHEAT Dawson-s Golden Chaff, cleaned by seed grader. Ap- ply W. J. Brumwell, Lot 1, Con. 2, Markham, telephone Thornhill 45r2. REGISTERED Dual Purpose Short- horn Bull Calves. Apply B. R. Leech 3rd Con. Markham, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. NOW IS THE TIME to gwed; your radio in working order. All models repaired. New and. used sets. for sale at bargain prices. One used console set, 7 tubes $20.00. G. Yem‘erx, Mark- ham Road, Richmond Hill. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, Village water, hydro, furnace, harwood floors, scree- ned verandah, electric hot water, wired for electric stove, apple, ash, elm and walnut trees, large perennial garden, 2 car garage, breeding pens for 1500 to 2000 hens. Apply Libeal Office, Richmond Hill. BOARDERS wanted, private home Apply at The Liberal Office. A TRUSTWORTHY WOMAN for a country home, must be good at plain sewing. Apply to Box 19, Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. FARMERS requiring help are asked to apply to T. Woods, Elgin Mills, sec- retary of the Workers Association of Vaughan Township. IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE FRANKLIN KELLY, late of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, Veterinary Surgeon, deâ€" ceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with Dr. George Kelly, Executor, on or before the 17th day of September, 1934, af- ter which date the assets will be disâ€" tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. V Dated at Toronto, this 17th day of August, 1934. "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATES-Five tines or less, 25 cents for first it senion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 6 lines 5 cents per line extr- each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. DR. GEORGE KELLY, R. R. No. 2, Gormley, Ont. Executor of the above estate. Notice to Creditors Classified Advs. Final game to decide Winner of Group 3 Intermediate O.A.L.A. Highland Creek vs Scarboro Grads at Aginconrt Arena, 8.30 p.m., E.S.T. Admission 25c. Friday, Sept. 7th LACROSSE FOR SALE WANTED THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 1934 HOUSE at Concord. Telephone Maple 23-63. HOUSE on Richmond Street. Apply to O. L. Wright, phone 78 Richmond Hill. ed or unfurnished, half acre, henery, spring well. J. C. McCollum, Oak Avenue, Richvale. FOUR ROOMED COTTAGE, furnish- SIX ROOM HOUSE on Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, good garden, moder- ate rent. Apply at The Liberal Office. HOUSE, with six nice rooms, all con- veniencw, garage and garden. Ap- ply C. Palmer, 48 Church St., Rich- mond Hill. SIX ROOM HOUSE, good cellar, water and electric in the house, good garden and garage. Apply I. D. Ramer, Richmond Hill. 6 ROOM HOUSE, summer kitchen and woodLshed', hard and soft water, good garden, moderate rem. Apply 87 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. GOOD FARM, Lot 28, Con. 5, Vau- ghan, 102 acres, running water, first- class house, furnace, barns and stables in good condition, good fruit orchard. Apply Murray Malloy, Maple. BOWDEN LUMBER & COAL CO., LTD LUMBER OF ALL KINDS LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0234 Used Cars 1932 FORD TUDORâ€"Small Mileage 1931 FORD TUDORâ€"Small Mileage Insulex, Donnacona Board, etc. 1929 CHEVROLET COACHâ€" Nice Condition All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 day- 1924 CHEVROLET SEDANâ€"Good Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO- AGENT Massey Harris Farm Implements Parts and Repairs Beatty Bros. Products Stable and Water Equipment, etc. Roofing Supplies 74 Church St. Phone 132W Richmond Hill CHAS. GRAHAM Exceptional Value Condition TO RENT Established 1880 $500.00 $250.00 $350.00 $50.00

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