Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Sep 1934, p. 6

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imomouo Specials F or This Week-End DECQRAT VEGETABLE SOUPS, 3 tins . . . . . . . . . RAISINS, Seedless, 2 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GLACIER SARDINES, 2 tins ...‘ . . . . . . . . . MACARONI, Ready Cut, 3 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . SOAP CHIPS, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROWNTREES COCOA, 2 lbs. for . . . . . . , . . Fresh and Cooked Meats, Phone 117 Bakery and Grocery, Phone 77 PROMPT ] Wat PEA CORN, Extar PURITAN L1 PEARL, the CHIPSO, lge. TIC CROSSE BAKERS â€"1 GROCERS â€"â€" BUTCHERS BREAD CAKES PIES PAGE SIX Kerr Brothers Bert Whlfrey So, read the advertisements before you start buying-trip. Make this a daily habi’g, and see h you save â€" in time, in temper, in money, in shoe-leather. The Ramans had a, phrase for it . a. PAINTING FINE WORKM ANSHIP â€"â€"M ()DERATE PRICE OUR MEA IR COHOE CHURCH STREET- BLACK White n sigueu auverusement is, in a way, like a pr sory note. The advertiser has made a statement affixed his signature as a sign of good faith. These guides are the newspaper advertisements. In this newspaper, they are a catalogue of the best values in townâ€"signed by responsible firms. If the goods are not all'that is claimed for them, their sponsors would need to “beware.” For no business can thrive on a one-time sale, or on dissatisfied customers. A shopkeeper knew little about the source of his mer- chandise. This tunic he bought from a trader, who said it came from Byzantium. So he sold it as the latest Byzan- tian style. The trader told him the dye was pure Tyrianâ€" it wouldn’t fade. So he sold it as Trian dyed. But the buyer knew the responsibility was his own. If he guessed wrongly, or his judgement was poor, it was his hard luck. To-day, fortunately, there are safer guides than the blanket-warning to “let your eyes be your market.” “CAVEAT EMPTOR,” meaning “Let the buyer beWure.” This wasn’t used as a bit of balm to ease the ancient con- science; nor, yet, was it placarded in the booths and stalls of the market-place. It was a piece of every-day knowledge, born of dear-bought experience. ELLS anemone OUO A signed advertisement is, in lar Soap, 3 all tin VIATO & lass Cakes and Pastry ze tins, 2 tins 0 bars for .. ), 3 bars for PROMPT DELIVERY HNGi HILL 15C. 15c. 5c: 25c. z5c 25c 25c 19¢ 01:6 sentative National Commission which would (re-operate with the provinces and municipalities, eliminate the evu of political patronage, co-ordinate the adm'nistration of relief, avoid! the friction, ekasperating delay and un- certainty of the present systemâ€"and effect siibstantial economies thus ,rriving' greate1"re1ief with less ex- though they may be, are not ,2. funda- mental approach to the problem of un- employment. Unemployment is a world problem. It is due to world‘ wide violation of (-conomic lawsâ€"Canada has Been number. (5) Unemployment insurance, an ex tension of the plan of direct relief, l/ut at least an orderly approach to ment. ‘ (4) Staggering the work, as it is :ommohly called, or spreading avail- able work among the largest possible ollowmg: (1) Direct Relief. (2) Public works or other means of 'iving‘ employment. (3) Industrial stabilizationâ€"an en- eavo‘ur to stabilize and regulate‘ the mployment in industry so as to avoid 5 far as possible seasonal unemployâ€" 1e basi But th THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO start out on a see how much like a promis- sic solution he Liberal party realizes fully 1rly that these aids, necessary they may be, are not ,a funda- approach to the problem of un- W 1t two approaches to the unemployment: both are its solution; both must UNEMPLOYMENT I, and be termed the way of ; does not consist in of fundamental rem- es it imply first aid vertheless these are art of the general *e Worthy of careful may be p] .liatives have been but the work has phazard “and mis- Liberal approach through a repre- SOIhnlission which (1‘ th total cannot be changed? Each measure as it is taken may seem an act of shrewdness but the sum of such individual acts of shrewd- ness is plain insanity.” We have watched, since that fatal month of June 1930, the application of a policy which cannot be defined in better words than to state that it constitutes “plain insanity.” These are the words of a man of wide un- derstanding and vast experience. Since 1930 we have followed a policy of plain insanityâ€"it is indeed time for a change. READ THE “ADS” IN THIS ISSUE. out. 1t IS necessary at tmes to bring US back to reality and face the fact that we are not yet out of the bush. And the doing of it is quite a job! 1701' the thousandeth time it needs to be repeated: Unemployment is due largely to the selfishness of nations and individuals. He who attempts to save himself by selfish means loses himself. When we realize that fact in all its force and truthfulness We will know something of the causes of unemploymentâ€"meither government nor people have yet learned the lesson ment. W ment can the work We have tried to ducts of other countr we have shut in or offâ€"w} ployment increases. It can be summed words of Sir Arthm dress to the Acader Science in March last “What is the use Mr. Bennett does. not speak of im- proving the situation by raising tariffs The need is greater. Why not apâ€" ply the remedy? * If faith failingâ€"is visibn clearerâ€" does he, at last, understand? We are told that world con- ditions are responsible for unemploy- ment. Whenever shreds of improve- It’s a. delightful and 1' but. it is necessary at t us back to reality and that we are not yet out And the doing of it i Services 134.7 Tradle 127.6 But nothing whatever another Specialt Session ment. duction Cll'C 1U mGus‘trle July 193 1111817 l‘ 111 exclu particula total car Communications; Transp ortation Construction Manufacturing: 31' I‘l L09:ng ucc n- to the end of August 1934. 1e comparative table follows giv- index of employment in different stries and trades in June 1930 and a1 t} ym ment m be detect'ad then 1 ‘k of the government. delightful and happy {11 is the use of trying, by ive increases of tariffs, to ‘ particular imports and by ive subsidies to force out lar exports, when the net anmot be changed? Each en to solve the problem of ment by retricting the vol- ‘usiness. Liberal policies in consistent with Liberal pol- ughout the World, have proâ€" :ainst this attitude. The restriction can now be test- fruits. Only by the Liberal nt acti loyment JL‘ imports incne urse a. Spec mth follow busme and went (1926 100) d to exclude the pro- ountri-es. By so doing in our own products. limited busimess fall-s ness falls off unemâ€" xation 1t 1930 June- lst, 19 3.! Th ha: I‘} mm; .It th 116.5 113.6 90.0 115.6 119.6 108.0 137.0 up- briefly in the Salter in an ad- emy of Political in cx‘nm r and sir re to say ion 0 madian t 31 11 m of Imports )rts but re- ses‘ the load 93.2 75.0 106.2 78.0 80.3 116.7 115.4 116.5 is heard of of Parlia- can the un improved. ‘ 11116 n H t} nt 57 lies 1n ‘rinciples no other â€"a1most to brin \VT 0112' mple trie mplo mem tude HOW 111’1 .01‘6 ‘ars the the 3e ably below average. The second cut- ting of alfalfa is‘ light. Roots are making satisfactory progress. ’I‘ur- nips in a few districts will be below average due to insect damage. Sugar beets are 0 per cent. under expecta- tions. Apples, peaches and pears Will be light, with apple production esti- mated at one-third less than last year and peaches oneâ€"half of last , year’s tonnage. Grapes promise al good yield. Current Crop Report Recent general rains have improv- ed pasturage and will benefit root crops and late tree fruits. Threshing- of fall wheat is about completed with yields below average. Harvesting of spring grains is nearing completion under favorable weather conditions. Threshing is well advanced with oats and barley yielding from 35 to 60 bushels per acre. Corn is in» good condition. The hay crop is consider- ably below average. The second cut- ting of alfalfa iS‘ Rnan qa'n Notification of Animal Disease Horses, mules and asses of all ages and classes are liable to contract any of the serious contagious diseases. of the skin known aslmange, scabies or itch. Mange is scheduled under the Animals Contagious Diseases» Act, which requires that every owner, breeder, dealer or veterinary surgeon suspecting the existence of this dis- ease shall immediately notify the nearest veterinary inspector. Treat- ment is carried out under quarantine, the following mixture being- used of- ficially for hand treatment under the supervision of an inspector: Sulphur, 2 pounds; oil of tar, 8 ounces;raw Vases, with t} effect on yields water but feed as, a fairly thick slop. (3) Hand feeding is the best method for securing hogs of a desirable type. (4) If necessary, a self-feeder may be used alfter pigs have reached the growing stage of development. (5) Keep pails, troughs and other feeding equipment clean. Mouldy *or decay- ing matter will cause feed'ing‘ trou- bles, and (6) Supply clean drinking water. lins‘e The Racket of Robber Bees Although honey stealing by bees is likely to be most troub esome in late summer, the beeke'eper has to keep in mind that robber bees may start thier racket at any time. In warm weather when there is. little 31' no honey to be got from the flow- ers the bees will easily yield to any “temptation to obtain it anyhow. fter more or less fighting they will NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER TWO During the monrth of” 1,000,000 lbs. of bacon: w d to Great Britain as (:01 300.000 lbs. during July verpower any ve nd carry the ho ives. 01d robber I‘E ominion ap1arist ppearanoe, the hair having b- ‘orn off with enterihg‘kso man arent hives. No colony sh-ou [lowed to grow weak, say: ven rup Whe Corr th Al N61 5 ‘mixed varietles W0 i‘edly advantageous to d seed. It is not the of the Department to encourage potato mmen 600 purp ' has 11mm th lefl’MlE hogs all ; Value of Certified Seed nercial potato growers ‘ infested with diseases 11d time I‘} in ified seed with a Vlew 01‘ r crops inspected for ce urpc‘ses, because every p pments 340K“ Feedin there a 1 especially Soak meal them 1 as safe practices In pro of the desdved type: (1) 11' me 3.1'6 am 9th ex; r resultant The use of c 1‘1 3n mlxtu any mm )W being xot use too muck L fairly thick slop s the best methoc f a desirable type a. se‘tf-feeder ma} have reached the h diseases 01‘ con es would find i- 11108 p 01' invar Methods the chief pur- ent of Agricul- ato growers to tom nee a plant di ant seriou: 1T1 too much 1V6 ho cure ul obtalne TY 11‘ THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 6tfi..19’3 rtifi otat< com '0111’1 {an ack llen 9111. the 10 he Maple, Ont and Harness Repairs Prince Duff erin County Norfolk County . . . . Ontario, North . . . . ‘ Ontario, South . . . . . Powassan District Peel County .... . .. Mount PLe‘asant . . . . . I'lantaganlet (Eastern Counties) . . . . . . . . . Russell County . . . . . Ch-illia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stlormon-t, West . . . . . u Richmond Hill Wen two rth North an ‘v‘ I .‘..‘, , Ij" _i-“| Wards-l! ‘Itca'p SAND â€" GRAVEL ‘ Prom Maple Gravel Pit. E GENERAL CARTAGE by 'h'uck WM, MCDONALD, Harness isple, Ontario NEW AND USED COLLARS COLLAR REPAIRING AND FITTING A SPECIALTY a1 late River rge and interested ringside follow- the placings made- By W. J. Belf rd L. C. McOuat, in connection with e Calf Club ami' Showmanship mnetitions. ub mg and V ast York orth York First honors in the Ayrshive oups went to the Newington Calf ub of West Stormont, while in the 1‘sey section, the award went to the o-up from the Carp Calf Club, Ca'rIe n County. A class of 36 faced} Judge J Bell in the Holstein section. llS class was won by the group from 'ince Edward County Calf Club. The me group was later awarded the tampionship of the dairy groups. the Shorthom and Hereford class, th awards went to the groups from o Carp Calf Club of Carleton Coun- . with the Shorthom group receiv- g the beef championship. npet Telephone 62 1av man 1 D< (1% INSURANC national Plow Match ISAAC BAKER 1111 D Telephone Maple 1063 £ miles North of Concord) C. II. BYAM Life, Casualty, Plate Glass, etc Motor Cars 3 Specialty Liver Valley I. County . Dumfr'es Plowin J1; champ'on showman of the agricultural department was. Cummings of Lancaster, unald' McIntyre of Finch re- well as the Calf Club an usth competition, attrante number of 721 entriest. unt Indian] So-uth E. SAMBROOK Phone Willowdale 205 Thornhill 15 Hill Austin’s Drug Store Phone 33 DAILY SERVICE nd Addington Count} rounty ndian t} Match Dates nclu ence 3.1 Telephone 232 Canada Sh0w .uralg Depart" anada Exhibi- ’the outstandl ow. Thisr de- Thornhill, R. R. No. 2 ‘ poultry lter mak Club am Sept. 27 Oct. 17 Oct. 10 Sept 10-11-1

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