Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Sep 1934, p. 7

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMHER 40 thgc SL, rRichmond Hill 6th, £11931 «JWN/ -q. , RO’SE 8c HERMA‘N HARRY R.» "ROSE LOUIS HERMAN "I elephane' 133 'BARRISYEI{S-.AT.LAW Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment Toronto " :.y3:~;11:‘-."-:.~ H- u;u¢c!r);~i"lv.2”, e1". BllRlEStllt mun: Office: 1'50 Adelaide Street "West. Telephone ELgin 9263-4 ',."".lt."“-Zf.’:'l 1‘2: COMPANY I 2471 Yonge .St. at Castlefield Phone MO. 3133 Floor Plugs installed. Appliances repaired, Fixtures, Edison Mazda Lamps, Irons, Toasters, ('J't‘f‘. Just Phone us MO. 3133, reverse call and we will gladly give you an estimate on the cost of any Till”ng or repairs you may require. REAL ESTATE LOANS CONVEYAN CING INSURANCE .l. tiny .lderringion INVESTMENT" SECURITIES RICHMOND HILL, ONT. i‘CAN.‘NAT’L. EXPRESS "MONEY ORDER OFFICE .‘ 93 ‘YGN GE STREET FIRE AUTOMOBILE, ETC. TELEPHONE .87 PHONE 87 week with he: parents. i Mrs. Timsor spent Sunday with her; .tiauohter, Mrs. Leonard Baker. ’ l Mrs. Farrants, who has been in i l l l i g l | t t l t Witt ‘Millions iii Dollars - a ; .« :»;...-..~.:.-mmm- r$$$$$$ PLACE AND ' sownn MASSED AGAINST, HIM HAROLD BRUELS ‘ Who Supports Stevens THE NEW ‘ DEAL and THE SQUARE DEAL ELECT A MAN OF THE PEOPLE “ North Yonge Liberal Conservative Ass’n. ! t t l ‘ Ginsu FLtDNOODLE, JONES WAS W A TEQDlBLlZFlClâ€"l'l’ t t !. g, l I The 0pm Luxiuion champion- ‘ l l .‘ WAS lâ€"IE ti STABBED THQ: TlMES’ , THE lelau; L. RTCHMOND HELL. ()Nâ€"TAEEO [Hunt] HE \‘./A5_ 1.39 H "c/QANeEROUSLv ‘ find-p...â€" 'fiâ€"‘w‘T '0 TELL. IS HE“ \X‘OUNC'S \VFPE .n w._._. magnum. was. Too OF THE :‘1‘ ‘ ONLV -. WOUNDED? acts-ATMESfiUf'THE I ONE lit lel; HEAQT um. : was“, .E‘PQt: w 17% ._ irAthJ‘l "1:?â€" -' (V, » ‘ " 9' f“) i 7"; RICHVALE Mrs. Cyril Baker has returned home irom l’ort P01"! y where shv spent a Moor health for the past Three weeks, : is much improved. The Wtu’ncn’s Association held their iegular meeting: at the home of Mrs. L: Allison Cir. 011- “7cdncsday of last week. Several members were present and after the meetingr a social time was enjoyed. Mrs». Noble ass‘stcd the lzostcss in serving: refreshments. Mrs. Royal and her daughter Mary of Hamilton have, i‘ctuined heme all; “Lei‘ spending, a few days with Mr. and " Mrs. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. John Honing of To- cnts, Mr. and Mrs. S. Koning. Mr. and Mrs. Rowdcn have re- turned home from a week's vacation spent at H. Cotharii Mr. Rowdcn’s‘ no.1. .i- rtmrmd with them and will mi n “TI‘HT.-. CA" \ 1~rcad thr- ads. .‘xs we undg. the u, i t Europe is foolishly drifting .0 our. thunk 3‘ o'iucs's. l l imi‘iititnsl l t t l E l flare and There 1 |_________m . ship match in the Dominion , Marksmen Revolver competition was won recently by the Cana- , dian Pacific Railway Ontario po- 1 lice team with a. score of 1435 points out of a possible 1500. R. C. M. P., civic and provincial po- lice also competed. Plans for the musical festivals of Western Canada during the l coming year with a tentative disâ€" ‘ cussion of policies for the next two seasons, were featured at a. meeting of delegates of Western Competition Festivals recently at the Palliser Hotel, Calgary. Jcha Jacob Astor and his bride have decided to extend their honeymoon tour to‘ the Canadian Rockies and British Columbia. "We intend to stop over at Lake Louise,” said the young millionâ€" aire, “and then move on to Van- couver, taking (in the sights on the way.” ‘ I Captain R. G. Latta, skipper of the liner Empness of Britain and commodore of the Canadian Paci- fic fleet, retired from active duty recently. He was succeeded on the bridge of the Britain by Cap- tain R. N. Stuart, V.C., D..S.0., U.SlN.C., R.D., R.N.R. Captain Stuart was promoted to the post of commodore of the Canadian Pacific fleet Indicating the trend towards greater production and recovery of business, substantial increase in the second quarter of 1934 as companed with the corresponding period of 1933 is shown in the re- cently published production fig- -ures of Consolidated Mining and Smelting, one of world’s greatest mining companies. Driving a highly decorated locomotive into the Canadian Pa- cific Railway depot at the end of the Calgary-Edmonton run reâ€" cently, A. N. Hobkirk, veteran engineer, completed 43 years of continuous service with the rail- way, most of it at the throttle of an engine. “I have always liked my work and I hate to quit". said Mr. Hobkirk. Found-ed June 18, 1874, by George and Mathew Beatty and with agencies, warehouses, offiâ€" ces or depots across Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and fifty other countries, the national and world-wide exporting house of Beatty Bros, manufacturers of washing machines and farm im- plements, celebrated its Diamond Jubilee at Fergus, Ont, last month. John F‘. Sweeting, industrial commissioner of the Canadian Pacific Railway, states in an offiâ€" cial publication of the railway that there is a. decidedly firm tone of confidence in the West and increased activity in many industries. with the tourist busiâ€" ness promising to be better at all resorts this year. An increase of 877,900 lbs, in the Nova Scotia lobster catch during the month of May was l instrumental in raising the landâ€" w ed values 5333.468 over the Same ! month in 1933. according to an announcement by the Depart- ment of Fisheries on June 28th. hâ€"‘uâ€"â€"__~_-_Wmmw spend two \V‘L‘ClCS here. l l S L A T S" BY ROSS anUiiAn romo spent Sunday with their parâ€"' " ~ ' lines. 1;. UL .l. l v mining fall and hi:- liard DIARY Fridayâ€"Pa wood of hen all writeing the story about Mrs lletty litters new ba only he spoke 0 is very at. pa. they are 1: sore him. Saterdziy ll ' Package frum incliagc. Shake Until Cr It will Keep. one town sled. zp: for lcvciug now. l\l Ll n dayâ€"The d (24:21 do they I lg} just sand I){'\‘.' l‘a'uly in the new lit-u.»- . V ‘ I ill,./:~: paper today ‘.‘‘‘ the (Jamel of Chest was‘ starttd in ll loud sum thin along about the time without. It is a matter of taste as to I g rite in the stoiy he was - writing: as a Blast- , ed Event and Hotâ€" ' ty and her husbend vu'y sore at lease} . Gillzm got a Xmas his cutzen witch lives . from his it \‘e ihc pic.ur.: of bulb fll'e rcalTy healthy l l by l of A HEALTH SERVtCE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL AssocuArioN AND LIFEflL, INSURANCE COMPANIES iN CANADA THE I’ICTLRE OF HEALTH More admiration of personal up- at pearonce is conveyed in the phrase “the picture of health” than in any Ir. othtr of the many complimentary exâ€" pressions which are used to describe the cleanâ€"cut, attractive, capable and lappyâ€"looking‘ individual. down in lllcxiko That it is the popular desire to have and he rote on the, this healthy appearance is shown by sutsidc of the the enormous sums expended to per- Do Not :‘llilfli‘ the public of the health value lS-lot' this and that commercial product. Mr. Cillcm can Most (.17 it is cleverly done, but unâ€" iuot imagine whut it cud be. So he :‘rlunutcly scientific truths are dis- 1 aruys. ifl‘it'tl in ten many cases, leaving~ no Sunday~â€"1 of pn‘s ole Class mates ,tsrounds I'vr excuses; the method used {rum his home ‘towu was lure at are simply misreprcscntation. rinse today and pit was shmvinc‘ him; Th: wrinkled brow, the frown and pitchers in the Album and <rfc.,; :;1(l:it.'lit) i'iom eye-strain is just a my] he showed him :1 Unity faum'hluirc(l, Otltâ€"of-fucus reflection of Yuging‘ golf. he swi. This is ihclhcultli. The tll,La;-Ml or abnormal .uting cup I win thm o 7; :if‘,‘(\‘llll5 ' U My (1"1111 3; reflect the health which dos no! pocsr-ss'. These who look 1. in mind and body. They have gwcn witch (reasonath cute to their bodies. and . l zlcl'fls'c t...“ they “:Cli put 3 add in ‘ht paper t-d: have made a sotisl‘eclory adjust- iy il mt to the world in wh‘ch they have ix'itc'i sed. \Vanted. Showfer pl 0 u) lira-it‘ney are healthy, happy and 51: handy with motors mil two scrub i. : utcuted. t‘d‘iiiitu. Thaw; is nutlrng‘ artificial about Teusdayâ€"Pa wcs unlim: in the-51hr, picture «1' health. It is, an un‘ .rucli.<l phi-o graph from within. not i more paint and powder job from \xllUll Clumbus discovered the Unit- whether or n it eyelids should be dark- cd States. it. 2:0 We done chsdayâ€"Samly MacDug'g'an had a new baby at his house this morn- ing and it made him very very happy! he bought a new Ant Emmy piped up and lvrauted to no if the game had bcu li'im'slred yet. i no \-:c:‘.'h'.-r ‘she was joaking or just. diddtnt see we often an obvious attempt to pro- Ecent seegar :casonable care. (Il‘Ltl, cheeks rouged and hair dyed, but no one is deceived into thinking that these alterations are real; they ride something in the place of the list; picture of health. I Sound teeth and healthy gums are made possible by proper foods and You cannot make and went around and let all his best= bricks without straw; neither can you fr proofs. good. cnd‘s take a Puff off of it. Thirsdayâ€"Lizzy Ruff had a X ray pitcher tuk of her liver and 1 of her [lungs and she is ’all thrilled and says 'she is going up to morro to see the she says she hopes they are she has! all ways had such ed and varnishedfinish of some dingy poor luck with her pitchers. Eight days only after they had witnessed the Grand National classic at Aintree, near Liver- pool, a number of Torontonians reached their homes in time for the Easter celebrations. The achievement was made possible by a' fast voyage of the Duchess of Richmond under her new comâ€" mander, Captain Arthur Roth- well. Announcement is made by the Canadian Pacific Railway that it will now accept shipments of freight via Port McNicoll and its lake and rail route subject to delay at Port McNicoll, pending the first sailing. Three Cana- dian Pacific steamers will be in service on the Great Lakes dur- ing the coming season. “Bride ship of the Atlantic," as she was called by reason of the large number of prospective briâ€" des she carried from Great Brit- ain and the continent to Canada. the Metagama of the Canadian Pacific Sleaniships is to be sold . for scrap, her owners dundunced recently. Fifty years of railroad service. 35' of them with the Canadian Pacific Railway, were honored recently at the Royal York Hotel by a. banquet and presentation to Robert E. Larmour. retired gen- eral freight agent at Toronto. E. W. Beatty. K.C., Ll..D., chairman and president of the company; Grant Hall, vice-president; and George Stephen, traffic vice- president, were among those who attended. L. G. Prevost, K.C., assistant solicitor, Canadian Pacific Rail- way, has been promoted to the post of solicitor of the company for the province of Quebec, suc- ceeding the late Rodolphe Para- dis, K.C., the appointment being effective as from April 1. Captain David Sinclair Mc- Queen, commander of the Cana- dian Pacific liner Duchess of Atholl, will retire on May 1, after 44 years spent on sea. service, most of which was in the employ of the old Allan Line and Cam. dian Pacific Steamships. build sound teeth without calcium, and the best source of calcium is the old reliable friend from the cradle to old ageâ€"milk. The picture of health is a clean one. There is about it nothing of the crack- cld painting; there is colour, bright- ness and cleanliness. The clean skin is a healthier skin; it covers a body 5that appears strong and capable. The lstarved and hungry-looking individual lis not the- picture of health, neither is, ‘the person who is overweight. Neither undereating nor overeating promotes .good health. If you would be the picture of {health, you must rely upon good habits of living to attain this end. There is nothing; which refreshes l-ke sleep; lthlere is nothing that cleanses like 'soap and water. There is no food to lreplace milk. These are the things to know and to make use of in your daily life. , Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical Ass loot-ration, 184 College Street, Toronto. 'will be answered personally by letter. ViLLAGE 0F RICHMOND HILL Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Reeve of the Village of Richmond lldl dated the 5th day of July 1934 and to me directed, commanding me to proceed with the collection of arâ€" rears of taxes, together with the fees land expenses, I hereby give notice that the list of lands liable to be sold [has been prepared, and is being pub- lished in the “Ontario Gazette” under the dates of August 4th, September lst and October 6th, 1934, and that. unless the said arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, I shall, on the 15th day of November 1934 proceed to sell the said lands to discharge the said arrears of taxes and the charges theueon. ’ The sale will be held on the above date at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon in the Municipal Hall in the Village of Richmond Hill. Copies of said List may be had at my office. A. J. HUME, Village Treasurer Dated at Richmond Hill August 2nd, 1934 ' PAGE SEVEN (i at. Axvay From That Lanquid Tired Feel- ing Caused by 3 Lazy Liver Parke’s LIVER TONE quickly tones up a lazy liver and soon restores you to nor- mal. It is also a great aid in stomach disorders. A month’s treatment for $1.00 GLENN'S DRUG STORE Telephone 71 A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Thornhill, Ontario Hot Water Heating and General Repairs Because 3“ is so PURE, so FRESH, and so GOOD be sure to insist on Richmond llill DA] RY ltlilli and Cream Secured from selected and inspected herds and handled in the most ap- proved methOds it is sure to give satisfaction. Pas- teurized by the most, modern methods. RlCillthNlllllLL DAIRY G. WALWIN, Prop. i Phone 42 Richmond Hill Travel Service Steamship Reservations to Great Britain and the Continent. Premier service to West Indies. PASSPORTS ARRANGED FOR ' Rail tickets and sleeper Reservations. EXPRESS TELEGRAPH Can. National Station Richmond Hill Y. B. Tracy, Agent Phone 169 E. IJUKE 167 YONGE ST. TORONTO’S EYESIGHT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Richmond Hill Tuesday, Sept, 11th From 2 p. m.‘ to 8 p. m. BROTHERTON’S ' BOOKlNC Steamship OFFICE Special Sailings to the Homeland by: Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at Lowest Rates. Pnotos and Passports Secured All enquiries confidential We look after your wants rig-ht from your home. Phone Willowdale 631 Office StOp 6, Yongc St. Lansing :3. 3 Decisions are always in order. Our catalog may 3 help you. We send it on re- 3*: quest- We train for Business Positions and help to place 3 our Graduates. Enter any time. No forced vacations. Write to SHAW BUSINESS SCHOOLS, Dept. Y-l, Bay & Charles Sts., Toronto.

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