Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Sep 1934, p. 8

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OHO==0=0 HIe: “I’ve been reading some statis- tics. Do you know that every time my watch ticks a man dies.” She: “For goodness sake, let it run down." -Public Meeting- ommunity Hall, MAPLE MONDAY, SEPT. 10th WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12thâ€"Kleinburg Speakers: Bill Mulock; Hon. Dr. Simpson J. E. SMITH, Sect’y. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12thâ€"â€"â€"Sch0mberg Speakers: Bill Mulock; Hon. Duncan Marshall SATURDAY, SEPT. 8thâ€"Community Hall, Kettleby Speakers: Bill Mulock, Hon. H. C. Nixon, Ross Gray, M.P.; 1f»..lorgan Baker, M.L.A. MONDAY, SEPT. Nthâ€"Community Hall, Maple Speakers: Bill Mulock; George McPhee, M.P., Yorkton, Sask.; Morgan Baker, M.L.A., and others. TUESDAY, SEPT. 11thâ€"Findlay’s Hall, Thornhill Speakers: Bill Mulock; Hon. Arthur W. Roebuck, Attorney-General; J. C. Ger- man; Morgan Baker, M.L.A., and others TUESDAY, SEPT. 11thâ€"Richvale Church Speakers: Bill Mulock; Hon. Arthur Roe- buck, Attorney-General; Mr. W. S. Cameron; Morgan Baker, M.L.A., and others Bill Mulock’s CAMPAIGN MEETINGS North York Liberal Association J. E. SMITH, Sect’y. J. H. NAUGHTON, Pres. “If my three baby boys were rest- ,less with colic or peevish from their teeth I gave them & Baby’s Own Tablet and they were soon asleep," says Mrs. T. Tweedy, 475 Mill- wood Rd., Toronto. These sweet little tablets remove the cause of fretfulness and the child becomes happy and well again. All the com- mon ailments of little folk are promptly and safely corrected with Dr. Williams' Baby’s Own Tablets. Price 250 at your druggist’s. ‘56 The Big Swing again in 1934 DnWiHiams PAGE EIGHT The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Richmond Hill, will in future, ccmmencirg Sept. 29:11, close each Saturday at 12 o’clock noon, rather than at 1 o'clcck as in the past. at 8 p.m., Standard Time Speakers Bill Mulock, Liberal Candidate George McPhee M.P., Yorkton, Sask. Morgan Baker, M.L.A. and others NORTH YORK LIBERAL ASS’N. NOTICE Everybody Invited i335“, Dodge &DeSot0 0:0 service was in charge of Rev. Frank Suilivan and a former Pastor Rev. Adams, and was held in Smithfield United Church. Surviving are two daughters Mrs. John Cameron and MI'SL Clarence Button, Thistletown. Nine grandchildren also survive. The late Mrs. Robinson was predeceased by her husband many years ago. Alf. Bagg Successful Winner Late Mrs. James Robinson breeder, Mrs. James Robinson, aged 77, died others at at the home of her daughter, Con 6 head cession B. Etobicoke, on Thursday :butedv Aug. 30th, and was buried in River rand Ci side Cemetery, Weston, on Sunday rst for Mrs. Robinson was Elizabeth Smitl :lf; fir: before her marriage and lived a mior gs Smithfield most of her active life am am; res‘ spent the past few years in retire eifer ca ment at Thistletown. The funeral eifer; t} At C. N. E. Alf. Bagg of Edgeley, Jersey cattle J. H. NAUGHTON, Pres. WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT NEWS °=l0l==°=l The sacred concert given by WoodL bridge Citizens Band on Sunday drew many spectators who enjOyed the splendid program provided. Boss: “My wife heard that I took you out to dinner the other evening.” gull calf; fourth for aged bull; fifth for 2 year old heifer in milk; fourth ;01' Junior herd; fifth for Senior get of sire; and! second for Junior herd. Miss Esther Bessey is again on duty as teacher at School Section No. 13, Lower 9th. Twentieth Annual Family Reunion of Ellerby Clan From a start of two brothers, Jon- athan and Peter Ellerby, natives of Yorkshire, England, the Ellerby fam- ily has grown until it is now a clan counted in the hundreds, and like most clans many members have wan- dered far throughout the Dominion‘ and the United States. However, more than 200 members assembled in Community Park, Thistletown, on Labor Day for the twentieth annual; picnic. Many from points which inr‘ eluded Chicago, Duluth Minn., Asta- ,bnla Ohio, London Ontario, Th-ennes- ‘ford, Woodstock, Toronto, Aurora, 1Newmarket and Shelbourne. For ‘long distance attendance honours 'went to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aberr- athy of Duluth, both well past the four score age, who made the long journey by automobile. The oldest iperson present was Colin Cameron of i'l‘hisrtletown. During the afternoon a lengthy program of sportsvwas car- ried out which was enjoyed by the youthful members while those of ad- vanced years discussed polit’ical prob- lems and recalled incidents in their Secretary: “Well, what does that make me?” Boss: “That makes you my former :ecretary.” breeder, in competition with many others at the ONE. With an entry of 6 head was awarded 17 prizes dis- ':butedv in the following order: rand Champion Junior Cow in milk; rst for cow in milk; first for senior :lf; first for aged herd; first for mior get of sire; first for progeny am; reserve Junior Championship for eifer calf; second for senior yearling eifer; third for 2 year old dry heifer; hird for senior yearling bull; third Jr Junior bull calf; fourth for 3 year old heifer in milk; fourth for Senior Phone 78 Woodbridge Public School opened on Tuesday following summer vaca- tion with the following staff of teachers: Principal G. W. Shore, M'iss Marjorie Blake, Miss Thelma Shore, and Miss Edith Hyslop. The latter of Downsview who fills the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Mary Topper who will take a course at Guelph Agricultural College. early lives. A feature of the event was the presence of four generations with Thomas (Pete) Farr as the head. Officers elected for 1935: Honorary Presidents, Jonathan Ellerby, Wood- bridge; Colin Cameron, Thistletown; Mrs. Ellerby Farr, Toronto; Mrs. John Ellerby, Toronto; Miss Alice Linten, Toronto; James Robinson, Toronto; President, Miss May Wat- son; 1st Vice-President, Miss Vina Storey; 2nd Vice-President, Joseph Farr; Historical Secretary, J. W. El- lerby; Secretary, Lambert Farr; Con- venor of Committees, Sports, James Maw; Refreshments, Mrs. Austin Fairchild; Program, Mrs. M. Barker; Reception, Miss May Watson. Miss Marie Winslow was the winner in a nail guessing contest and was award- :ed a roasting chicken. A program was provided following the day’s pro- ceedings which was contributed to by Tom Clark of Woodstock, Norman and Jack Farr of Toronto, reading by Mrs. Steadman, London, the Brown family of Milford, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Steadman and Neil Burton, W-ood- bridge. Lt. Col. Gilbert Jarvis, To- ronto, occupied the mohair and the event ended with a dance that con- tinued until midnight. Frank O. Reeves Winner at C.N.E. Frank 0,. Reeves, one of 'Ontario’s leading market gardeners who culti- vates about 70 acres at Humber Sum- mit with an entry of 36 drew 24 prizes at the ONE. distributed as follows: 8 firsts, 9 seconds, 7 thirds. First for large display of 25 varieties; first for salad collections; first for collection of basket tomatoes. Con- petition in the vegetable section was keen with the greatest number of entries in the history of the Canadian National Exhibition. Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE ' SERVICE WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO Wilfrid R. Scott THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Late Samuel Bone Samuel Bone of S. Bone and Sons Grocers, of Avenue Road, passed away suddenly on Sunday evening at his summer home on Lake Simcoe. Mr. Bone was in his seventy-fourth year, having been born in Hertfordâ€" shire, England, on Aug. 5th, 1861. He came to Toronto thirtyâ€"one years ago and established himself in the grocery business, and for the past twenty-six years had conducted the Well-known business on Avenue Rd. Mr. Bone was a member of St. Paul’s United Church, Avenue Road, and celebrated his fiftieth wedding anniversary one year ago. He is sur- vived by his wife, Mary Elizabeth, and four daughters, Mrs. H. M. Cowan of Toronto, Mrs. A. E. W. Bone of Harron, England, Mrs. D. B. Shepherd and Mrs. A. C. Mann, both of Toronto, and three sons, Frederick A.. Percy and Cyril 0., who are carry- ingflon the b1.1_siness._ _ _ The funeral was held on Wednes- day at, the home of Mrs. Cowan, 210 Riverside Drive. Rev. Dr. Harold Young of St. Paul’s Umited Church conducted the service at the house. Interment took place in Mount; Eleas~ ant Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Morton and family arrived home on Monday after spending the month of August at Lake Simcoe. Mrs. Lee and Miss S. Baxter re- turned home last week from Georg-Ian Bay, where theyisr‘pent the sgmq1e3._ 7 Mr. Bill Breakey and family of Winnipeg are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Breakey. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Findlater and' daughter Elsie 0f Galt and Mr. Parry Thompson of Parkhill visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompsop: Mr. and Mrs." CHarles Clark of P511â€" myra, New York, spent Sunday Wlth Mr. and Mrs. J. Wells. Mrs. Charles J. Smith and Mrs. Edith Duesby Left on Tuesday by motor for a ten day trip to Manitou- Rln Island, Sudbury and Sault Ste‘ arze. John Sumner of New York and' formcrly of this village, diied suddenly last Wednesday while at his work as Secretary for the Y.M.C.A. in New York. Mr. Sumner was a Y.M.C.A. worker in Toronto during and after the war and was a special representa- tive assigned to troop transports mov ing from Canada to France and Egg- land. Surviving are his widow, two daughters Mildred and Betty and two sons Alan at home and John of Ham- ilton‘. His dear face fond and true; Your death can never take away Sweet memories, dear grandpa, of you. Lovingly remembered by Grand)- children. â€"a danger signal! Acid stomach, causing- pains after eating, bloating, belching, heartburn, dyspepsia, indigestion, nausea, etc. â€" is a warning. You must sweeten and tone up your stomach at once! For quickest, most certain res-'ults get a bottle of KIRK’S STOMALKA, an al- kaline remedy of proven value. Never be_ witliout it. Economical, easy to take. Get KIRK’S STOMALKA “at AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE McDonaldâ€"In loving memory of dear Grandpa, Murdoch McDonald, “ho went to sleep with Jesus, Sept. 8th, 1931. How oft he comes before us, KAMMIEHATSHOP W.A. Meeting The first meeting of autumn of the Women’s Association Vin'll be held on Wednesday, Sept. 12th, at 3 o’clock, in the Sunday School room. The host- ess will be Mrs. J. L. Davis, Mrs. S. Davies and Mrs. F. Echlin. Choir practice for the Juniors will be held on Friday night at 7.30 and the Seniors at 8.15. Rev. H. N. and Mrs. Noble, Charles and Henry left on Wednesday to spend two weeks at the Cartwright cottage at Huntsville. Congratulations are extended to Miss Nora Tew of Langstaff, who for the second time, won the gold medal at the Canadian National Exhibition for the class of Dramatic Soprano. Miss Tew won this medal two years ago. Miss Marion Rainer of Rich- mond Hill was her accompanist. MCDONALDâ€"In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Murdoch McDonald, who entered into rest Sept. 8th, 1931. As we loved you so we miss you, And in our hearts you are never near; Loved, remembered, longed for always Bring many a silent tear. Every day our thoughts are wandering- To that grave not far away, Where they gently laid your body Just three years ago to-day. Ever remembered by Wife and Family. Mrs. Estes of Ingersol is spending this week with Miss Rea Hooper. M ILLINERS North Yonge 3330 Yonge St. THORN HILL ACID STOMACH IN MEMORIAM Philco and Victor Radios Electric Washing Machines Harness TORONTO _T0_ I Simon-mono 33am Poultry Adanac Stores N- D- HICKS gar-Jami: All players and those interested in Jun- ior and Intermediate lacrosse in this district are invited to attend a meeting in the Muni- cipal Hall, Monday evening, September 10th at 8 p.m., D.S.T. Lacrosse Friday Evening, Sept. 19th W. CHAMPION, Pres TROWELL HARDWARE EXTRA SPECIAL SOAP CHIPS, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CORN, Extra Quality, regular size tin, 2 tins TIGER COHOE’ SALMON, tall tin . . , . . . . . . “SPECIAL BUTTER, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FINE DRY POTATOES, full 15 lb. peck .. FIG BARS, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUGAR, 10 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . CHIPSO, makes clothes last longer . . . . . . . JAMES ELLIS, President Lacrosse Club at Mr. Jas. Russell’s Farm 1% Miles North of N0. 7 Highway on Con. 4 Markham Music by the Junior Farmers Orchestra We are Specialists of Long Standing in Repairing, Remodelling and Restyling of all Furs 2431 YONGE ST. TORONTO, ONT. Broadway Furs FREE DINNER WARE Roofings, 1 ply $1.29; 2 ply $1.49; 3 ply $1.79 Buy now before the price advances. See our advertisement for specials every Thursday in‘the TORONTO DAILY STAR DOMINION HARDWARE STORE A CHAIN OF SERVICE Under the auspices of the Unionville Junior Farmers ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 1934 We have a stock of LAYMORE CHICKEN FEED, CHARCOAL OYSTER SHELL GRIT WE DELIVER â€"â€" PHONE 93 ROOFINGS EVENING TELEGRAM Telephone MOhawk 5530 Phone Thornhill 99 and LORNE DIMMA, Sect’y.-Treas. g Phone W. NEAL hone 210 Richmond Hill 0:0 5c. 15c. 17c. 22c. 15c. 18c. 54c. 15c.

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