RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, Sept. 16th 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"The Minister. Themeâ€"“Quenching the Thirst." NOTEâ€"Sunday, Sept. 30th, RALLY DAY. If people develop strength by stand ing' alone, maybe, it would be a good idea to let them depend on their own consciences. ST. MARY‘S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Sunday. Sept. 16th 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. Preacherâ€"The Rector. 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School. '7 p.m.â€"Evening Service. The Rector. 10 a.m.â€"Sunday 11 a..m.â€"Rev. W 7 p.m.â€"Rev. W. VOL. LVI. Thurs. Sept.20 Richmond Hill Liberal Candidate in North York and Mérgan Baker M HEPBURN “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Yonge atâ€"tastlefield “We Have Made-to-Order Weather†on. F. ‘-Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back†NORTH YORK LIBERAL ASSOCIATION BILL MULOCK Premier of Ontario FRI. - SAT., SEPT. 14-15 RONALD COLMAN POPEYE, the SAILOR CARTOON Chap. 2 “THE LOST JUNGLE†Friday Night Revival “ANOTHER LANGUAGE†Commencing at 8.30 pm: D.S.T. Sept. 16th School. N. Bellsmith, B.D. N. Bellsmith, B.D. ARENA 3 DAYS â€" MON.-TUE.-WED. WILLIAM POWELL MYRNA LOY THE THIN MAN HEAR HANDY ANDY TWO COMPLETE ' SHOWS EACH NIGHT AT 7 & 9 P. M. SATURDAYS CONTINUOUS in THUR.-FRI.-SAT. WILL ROGERS will speak 300 Seats at 25c. FREE Parking for 300 Cars in The death occurred at her home in Vaughan Township, Friday morning, August 31st, of Sarah Catharine Neill widow of the late Charles H. Boynâ€" ton. The deceased who was in her 67th year was born on the third con- cession of Markham on the farm now occupied by Mr. Watford and she spent practically all her life in Mark- ham township. Her husband prede- ceased her six years ago and she is survived by two sons, Elmore and Leslie, one daughter Mrs. Hazel Smith one grandson Carl Smith, as well as four sisters and three brothers. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Haig' of Victoria Square and Rev. Partridge of Maple and interment fol- iowed at Aurora Cemetery. The fam- ily has the sincere sympathy of the community in their bereavement. Maybe a gallon of gas could lift a skyscraper ten feet as the ad says. It often lifts five people clear to the New Jerusalem. in LATE MRS. C. H. BOYNTON OBITUARY "In Essentials. Unttv: In NOfl-€J‘S(7£7in/’5, [ RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, Allandale @ Auroraâ€"Sept. 14-Fri. Aurora @ Rich. Hillâ€"Sept. 18-Tues. Allandale @ Rich. Hillâ€"Sept. 21-Fr‘i. Aurora @ Allandaleâ€"Sept. 25-Tues. Rich. Hill @ Auroraâ€"Sept. 28-F1'i. Rich. Hill @ Allandaleâ€"Oct. 2â€"Tues. Allandale @ Auroraâ€"Oct. 5â€"Fri. Aurora @ Rich. Hillâ€"Oct. 10â€"Wed. Rich. Hill @ Allandaleâ€"Oct. 12-F1'i. Allandale @ Rich. Hillâ€"Oct. 17-Wed. Rich. Hill @ Auroraâ€"Oct. 19-Fri. Aurora @ Allandaleâ€"Oct. 23â€"Tues. fed leature has Leon the keen interest 01 the electors in the issues of the day and the eagerness of people in all parts of the riding to assist Mr. Mulock in the campaign. Not only are old time Liberals enthusiastic but men and women of all former politi- cal affiliation are supporting Mr. Mulock realizing the seriousness of the present political s'tuation and the necessity for a change at Ottawa. Toâ€"night Col. Mulock speaks at Queenswlle and Holland Landing and FTiday night the meetings are at Unionville and Vandorf. Hon. J. C. Elliott, former Minister of Public Works, speaks at Unio‘nville and Hon. H. C. Nixon at Vandorf. Saturday night Hon. Ian. Mackenzie, one of the outstanding political leaders and ora- tors of the Dominion, speaks at Stouff ville. The meetings for next week are: Monday night, Woodbridge and King City, when the speakers will be H031. Ian Mackenzie, Hon. H. C. Nixon, J. C. McRuer. K.C., Fred King, Morgan Baker and the candidate. Tuesday night is the big rally at Markham when Rt. Hon. W. L. Mac- kenzie King will be present to deliver 151; and 2nd teams to play best two out of three for group. DIED TRACYâ€"At: his late residence, Centre Street East, Richmond Hill, Saturday, Sept. 8, Victor E. Tracy, beloved husband of Althea Lewis, in his 66th year. Funeral took place on Tuesday, 11th Keep in mind inst., at 3.30, D.S.T. Interment fol- Fair which will lowed in Richmond Hill Cemetery. 'Sept 20th- d‘re 8111 zie Km; Hepburn an address. Wednesday night Hon; Ian Mackenzie speaks in Aurora and Thursday night Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn will address a rally in Rich- mond Hill arena. Friday night Hon. J. L. Ralston, former Minister of Defence, speaks in. Newmarket and the closing meeting of the campaign All games in this league scheduled last week were either called on ac- count of darkness, or postponed on account of rain. On Monday of this Week the St. John’s and Newtonbr-ook Junior teams played their second game for the cup, resulting in a. Win for St. John’s. These teams have now won one game each and a third. game is therefore necessary. It is scheduled for Wed- nesday of this week, but if weather does not permit it will most likely be played on Monday, Sept. 17th. The League have been successful in securing two nice cups, which are to be held by the winners for a period of one year. The cups are now on view in the windows of Elliott’s Drug Store, Willowdale. Liberaï¬ Leaders Speak NexiWeek ! {at M Muiuck? will be in Sutton arena when Hon. Ian Mackenzie and Hon. Arthur W. Roebuck, Attorney-General for On- tario, will be the speakers- In the Senior Section Thornhill and Newtonbrook played their first game for the cup on Tuesday of this Week, the game resulting in a victory for Thornhill, who defeated Newtonbrook bf a score of 8-2, in a very fast game; seven innings being played within an hour. The second game is scheduled for Thursday of this week. If Thom- hill wins no further game will be necessary, but if Newtonbrook wins the third and final game will in all probability be played on Thesday, Sept. 18th. The games are scheduled for 6.45 p.m., and are played at the Lansing arena diamond. NORTH YONGE CHURCHES SOFTBALL LEAGUE LACROSSE SCHEDULE ampaign will bei st of reorganization of the Magsterial sys- tem this week with the announcement of the appointment of some 200 Jus- tices of the Peace. These Justices taking the place of the 10,000 eliminated by the reorgan- ization, Will, according to the Attor- ney-General’s original announcement, hear complaints, take informations, issue summonses and warrants, and also act as Clerks of the local Magis- terial courts. The Woodbridge Jersey and H01- stein Calf Club entered in the Calf Club Competition at the C. N. E. and both teams stood second in keen competition. Members of the H01- stein Calf Team were, Cameron Boake, Bruce Watson and Albert Rutherford. Members of the Jersey team were, Norman Bagg, Alex. Mc- Neil. Mr. Norman Bagg' was grant- ed the championship for handling a calf in a class of eighty boys. The Vellore Junior Farmers and Farm Girls Club will be the: guest, of Victoria Square Clubs on Friday eveâ€" ning, Sept. 14th. The six Justices of the Peace named for York County are as follows: Robert Penny, North Weston; P. W. Pearson, Newmarket; Irwin. Watt, Aurora; J. E. Smith, Richmond Hill; Miss Sarah McNeil spent the week- end with her cousin, Miss Nancy Witherspoon, of Toronto. Miss Jean McKinmn of Weston spent the week-end' with her parents. On Saturday, September the fif- teenth from three to nine o’clock the Rangers are holding a Gypsy Tea on the lawn of the Anglican Church. There will also be Palmesrtry and other attractions. We wish to congratulate the York County Domestic Science Team who won first place at the C. N. E. Com- petition. The members of the teams were, Mrs. Wilbert Jennings, Miss Doris Cook and Miss Pearl Chamber- lain. The former two are members of the Vellore Club and we certainly are very proud of them. Tickets may be purchased from any of the Rangers for fifteen cents, 01' yo umay pay when you receive your tea on the grounds. The Vellore Junior Farmers and Farm Girls made a brilliant showing at the C. N. E. Judging Competition in Livestock and Domestic Science. There were more contestants this' year than previously, York having one hundred and tweny-five compet- mg. The girls winning honours in the Vellore Club were, Misses Gladys Harrison, Margaret Watson, Laurena Rutherford, Mary Constable, Ruth Jennings, Margaret Oliver, Sara Mc- Neil, Annie Payne and Mrs. Nelson Kerr. The boys winning honours were, Mr. Heber Irwin, Mr. Newton Watson, Mr. Albert Rutherford, Mr. Donald McCallum, Mr. Wilbert Jen- nings, Mr. Wm. Barker, Mr. Clifford Rumble and Mr. Wallace Jennings, Great praise is du ethe Vellore Club members for the honours they brought home to their club. J. G. Whitmore, Woodbridge; D. F Williams, Markham. Hon. Arthur wrlw RANGER NEWS P‘s. APPOINTED FOR YORK COUNTY VELLORE EPTEMBER 13th, 1934 )n W. Roebuck, Attorneyâ€" xtario, rounded out his of the Magfsterial sys- with the announcement In A'll 'l'hmgs. Charity.†the Vellore School he held‘ Thursday, mrg‘ Hill Mr. Cecil Nichols. and Missl Flor- ence Baker spent Sunday at Niagara Falls. VICTORIA SQUARE Haying, harvest and Exhibition are now past and we feel these chilly fall evenings that Winter is just around the corner. Rev. Mr. Haig occupied the pulpit ï¬n Sunday in the absence of our Pastor, Rev. Mr. Gilbert. Mr. Gilbert will be back with us this Sunday and has been greatly missed by all dur- ing his enforced holiday.. Miss Mae Flavwelle is spending a week’s holidays at her home here. Mrs. H. F. Collard, Mrs. Haig, Miss Ethel Mortson and Mr. Gordon at- tended Washington United Church on Sunday morning. On sale Sept. 2151: to Oct. 2nd in- clusive with return limit of thirty days, 10w round trip rail fares Will be available from all stations in Eastern Canada to points in Western Canada. Miss Myrtle Avison of Toronto spent Sunday at her home here. We are sorry to hear of the pain- ful accident sustained by Master Lloyd Weatherill of Mt. Pisgah and his many friends here wish him a safe return to health and. strength. Miss Alma Atwood had tea. with Miss Mable Sanderson on Sunday eve- ning. For full information phone any 0. NR. ticket office. Plans are being made for a special Rally Day Service on. Sunday, Sept. 30th. Please keep the date in mind and plan on being at Sunday School that day. York County Achievement Day will be held on Saturday, Sept. 29th, in Victoria Square United Chruch. Miss Bessie Valliere spent the week- end with Miss Jean Anderson of Fair bank. MICKEY MOUSE in “CAMPING OUT†“SCREEN SOUVENIRS†& PARAMOUNT NEWS also SATURDAY MATINEE SPECIAL Chapter 12 “ The Pirates Treasurer I Thrilling New Serial “THE PERILS 0F PAULINE†CENT A MILE EXCURSIONS T0 WESTERN CANADA CLARK GABLE. WILLIAM POWELL & MYRNA LOY _]N__ ‘Manhattan Melodrama JANE EYRE THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2 RM. EVEN-INGS 7:15 & Bedford Theatre COMEDY â€"â€" “ROMAN ROMEO†TRAVELOGUE â€" “BUCKINGHAM PALACEâ€. . .. VIRGINIA BRUCE COLIN CLIVE & BERYL MERCER WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY SEPT. 19, 20 MONDAY, TUESDAY, SEPT. 17, 18 JOAN CRAWFORD & FRANCHOT TONE ' â€" IN â€" “ SADIE McKEE †Quality Has FRIDAY and SATURDAY SEPT. 14, 15 TOM HOWARD in “THE BIG MEOW†"Fresh from the Gardens†TEA Miss Ruth Watson was the recipient of many useful and beautiful gifts at 23. miscellaneous shower in her honour given at her home last Friday eve- ning prior to her marriage. The first fall meeting of the Young; People’s Society was held on Monday evening when the topic was taken by Mr. Allie Forrest. Rev. Douglas Davis of King City will occupy the pulpit of the United Church next Sunday evening when the members of the Masonic frater- nity will attend the service. Mr. H. C. Bailey and Mr. R. Barâ€" kemeyer left on Saturday night for Lake Sesekenika in Nm’them Ontario. Rev. and Mrs. Huen’ergard returned last week from their vacation spent at Manitoulin Island. UNITED Y. P. S. The Young People’s Sbciety of Richmond Hill United Church wil hold a weiner roast on Monday, Sept. 17th. It is to take the form of :1 Treasure Hunt and the Treasure seekâ€" ers will leave the Sunday Schoof Room at 8 p.m. Come and enjOy games, stunts, ghost stories and weiners. The baseball game between the Maple and‘ the Fisherville girls’ team which was to be played last Friday evening was pestponed until next Saturday. The final game of the Church League will be played here the same afternoon between Maple and Woodbridge teams. Mr. Gohn and two sons and a daugh ter of Colling'wood made a. short visit at Mr. T. F. Jackson’s last week. Miss Minnie Line has returned home after spending a week with her cousin, Mrs. Burnham, in Toronto. Lutheran Pastors Association of Toronto and vicinity met by monthly meeting at the Lutheran Parsonage on Monday, Sept. 10th. Rev. E. Huenergard gave a paper on “The Lutheran Church in Canada.†No Substitute Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANKZE The Merry ‘ Frinks ALINE McMAHONE & GUY KIBBE ._ _ 1N _ _ MAPLE 7:15 & 9:15 No. 1!