Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Sep 1934, p. 1

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Mr. Champion of Toronto was in charge of the Church Service last‘ Sunday and gave an excellent address. Mr. and Mrs. Owen and family of Toronto spent Sunday afternoon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and Mr. Scarlett. Mrs. Rowdlen, Sr. has returned to St. Catharines after spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowden. The W.A. will hold their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, the 26th, at the home of Mrs. Bailey, Spruce Avenue, at 2.30 pm. Mrs. W. J. Baker and Mrs. Donaldson will assist the hostess. Everybody wel- come. Next Sunday, Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. and Church Service at 7 p.m. BEAT BENNETT AND HARD TIMES VOL. LVI. Capitol Yonge at Castlefield 3», “W9 Havo Made-to-Order Weatl ‘ ‘4 HEAR itchell F. Morgan Baker M.L.A Richmond " ‘ ARENA TO-NIGHT HEPBURN § 2 DAYSâ€"FRI. & SAT., SEPT. 21-22 WILL ROGERS in RICHVALE “YORK COUNTY’S NEWS-[EST NEWSPAPER” Yonge E Castlefield “We Have Made-to-Order Weather” NORTH YORK LIBERAL ASSOCIATION BILL. MULOCK Chap. N0. 3 “THE LOSTVJUNGLE” Liberal Candidate in North York and n ELECT BILL MULOCK IN NORTH YORK HANDY ANDY at 10.45 p. m. CLAUDETTE COLBERT in “THREE CORNERED MOON” FRIDAY NIGHT REVIVAL Premier of Ontario THUR. Last Day “THE THIN MAN” GRAND CANARY MON., TUES., SEPT. 24-25 WARNER BAXTER in KEN MAYNARD in “FIDDLIN BUCKAROO” with Madge Evans â€" added feature â€"â€" WILL HAY in “THOSE WERE THE DAYS” WED., THURS, SEPT. 26-27 JOE. E. BROWN in Sat. Matinee Only CIRCUS CLOWN “CRIME WITHOUT PASSION” 2 Complete Shows Each Evening at 7 & 9 pm. 300 Seats at 25c. â€" also â€" â€" second feature â€" BOYNTONâ€"On Wednesday, Sept. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boyn- ton, Victoria Square, a son. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERI'AN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, Sept. 23rd 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Rev. A. K. McLaren of King Sunday, Sept. 23rd 11 a.m.â€"The Pastor. 2.45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. '7 p.m.â€"The Pastor. City will preach. NOTE:â€"â€"Rally Day, Sept. 30th, when all Parents are cordially invited. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH BIRTH S “In Essentials. Unity; [n Non-essentials. Liberty; In All Things, Charity.” RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, I934 Premier “Mitch” Hepburn is one of the most popular figures in public life in Canada to-day. He has a pleasing personality, is a very inter- esting speaker and thousands of his iriends and admirers in York County will welcome this opportunity of hear- ing him. Since assuming office a few short weeks ago Premier Hepburn has won the commendation of the people of this province for his courageous and fearless handling of the serious situation developed in this province by the extravagance of the last Hem’y‘ administration. Since assuming office‘ Premier Hepburn and his cabinet have discovered that actual conditions were leven worse that the people were told‘ 'during the provincial campaign. The T.N. & 0. Railway investigation un- covered evidence of wholesale waste of the people’s money, as did the lHydro investigation, and the enquiry into the Air Service and the Niagara‘ Parks Commission. Premier Hepburn! and his government have been work-‘ ing day and night cleaning up the1 mess and already over $2,000,000.00; has been saved to the taxpayers of this province. As well as dealing! with federal issues with which he is very consiervant, having served in the House of Commons for a. long time, Premier Hepburn will probably have considerable to say to-night regardâ€" nm; the people’s business in the provâ€" Iince of Ontario. ‘ Friday night Col. Mulock along ‘with the Honorable J. L. Ralston, for- mer Minister of National Defence and regarded as one of Canada’s outstand- ing leaders, will speak in NeWmarket. Saturday night the final meeting of the campaign will take the form of a great mass meeting in the Sutton Arena. This meeting will be addressed by Col. Mulock the candidate, Morgan Baker M.L.A., Hon. Arthur Roebuck the Attorney-General and Minister of Labor for Ontario, and Hon. Ian Mac- kenzie. Mr. Mackenzie, a former cabinet minister, is the man who de- feated Hon. H. H. Stevens Withama- jority of several thousand in the last Dominion election in Centre Van- couver. Mr. Stevens in order to con- tinue to sit in the House of Commons Another feature of the election is the fact that Col. Mulock is attract- ing the support not only of Liberals, but also the support of hundreds and hundreds of those who formerly sup- ported the Conservative party but who to-day recognize that the Bennett government is not representative of the Conservative party and who realize that Bennett policies have been 1m! to be given another seat in an- other section of the province. Along with Premier Hepburn the speakers will be Col. W. P. Mulock the candidate and Morgan Baker M. L.A. who was elected in the provincial elections of June 19th to represent this riding. The Mulock campaign has been swinging along gathering momentum and enthusiasm as time goes on, and the Liberal candidate looks like a sure winner on Monday next. Independent observers throughout the province predict that North York and all the other four constituencies where byâ€" elections are held including Toronto East will defeat the Bennett candi- dates on Monday next. arena The present by-election campaign which concludes with the voting on Monday next has been featured by large crowds and keen enthusiasm at all Bill Mulock meetings. Every- where Col. Mulock has spoken he has been greeted with packed halls and great enthusiasm at Markham Tuesday night the skating arena was not large enough to accommodate the} crowd and at Aurora Wednesdiay eve- ning the large Mechanic Hall was packed to the doors. T-o-might an- other crowd will hear Hon. Mitchell; Premier Miichell F. Hepburn; Speaks in Richmond Hill Arena Tn-Night At Bill Mulock Meeting Mulock Campaign Gaining in Enthusiasm Day by Dayâ€" Record Crowds Greet Candidate in All Parts of The Ridingâ€"Another Big Meeting in Newmarket Friday and Final Mass Meeting in. Sutton Arena Saturday Night .. “vavu u.“ 11y“; LAVIA- AILIULIICII Hepburn in the Richmond HillA Tues., Oct. 23â€"R. Hill @ Allandale Tues., Oct. 23â€"Auro1‘a @ C. East Fri., Oct. 26â€"0. Sound. @ Allandale Sat, Oct. 27â€"Caledon East @ R. Hill Tue., Oct. 30â€"Allanda1e @ Alliston Tues., Oct. 30â€"Aurora @ Owen Sound Fri., Nov. 2â€"Alliston @ Aurora Fri., Nov. 2â€"Allandale @ C. East A very successful Men’s Bowling Tournament was held on the local green on Wednesday when twentyâ€" two rinks competed. Prizes were awarded to rinks: lst, E. T. Stephens, Richmond Hill; 2nd, Morley Hall, Richmond Hill; 3rd, Mr. Edwards of Toronto and 4th G. Yerex, Richmond Hill. The Richmond Hill rinks were composed of: A. G. Savage, G. Gee, W. W. A. Trench, E. T. Stephens skip; Richmond Hill worn. the opening game in the fall series of the Tri- County league by defeating Aurora 15-2. The game was hardly the keen- ly fought battle which characterized Auroraâ€"Richmond Hill games a few years ago but the local squad under manager P., 0.. Hill. and coach Smithson give promise of developing into a championship aggregation. Cameron Frankhem minded the nets in the open ing game and his playing was a fea- ture of the game. Other members of the team included “Cal” Miller, Mike Miller, A1 White, Jack Johnston, Vic Orr, Jack Hart, Jack Miller, all forâ€" mer members of the team, and Bill Buchanan, R. Brown, Herrington and Echlin. W. L. Glass, George Fuller, Charles Kerswill, Morley Hall skip; G. Chadâ€" wick, J. A. Greene, F. J. Mansbridge, G. Yerex skip. 1‘ r1., FIN, Fm, Tues Tues Friday night the team will have a more severe test when they meet the highly rated Allandale team and the fans should be sure of a splendid game. Caledon East and Owen Sound have been admitted to the group and the revised schedule is as follows: Full Schedule 1934 Southern Group Fri., Sept. 14â€"Allandale @ Aurora. 'l'ues., Sept 18â€"_â€"Aurora @ R. Hill. Fri., Sept. 21â€"0. Sound @ Allistom Fri., Sept. 21â€"Allandale @ R. Hill Mon., Sept. 24â€"Alliston @ Caledon. E. Tues., Sept. 25â€"Aurora @ Allandale Thur., Sept. 27â€"0. East @ 0. Sound Fri., Sept. 28â€"R. Hill @ Allistom Tues., Oct. 2â€"0. Sound @ Aurora Tues, Oct. 2â€"C. East @ Allandale F1‘i., Se‘pt. gâ€"Alliston @ 0. Sound Sat, Oct. 6â€"R. Hill @ Caledon East Tues, Oct. 9â€"Owen Sound @ R. Hill Tues., Oct. 9â€"Aurora @ Alliston Fri., Oct. 12â€"R. Hill @ Owen Sound Fri., Oct. 12â€"0. East @ Aurora. Fri., Oct. 12â€"Alliston @ Allandale Tues, Oct. 16â€"Alliston @ R. Hill Tues, Oct. Iiiâ€"Owen Sound @ C. East ]r1'i., Oct 19â€"R. Hill @ Aurora Fri; Oct. 9â€"Allandale @ 0. Sound Fri, Oct. lQâ€"Caledon E. @ Alliston Sat, 'hles Tues Fri., OWEN SOUND AND CALEDON I-‘AST JOIN TRI-COUNTY LEAGUE l Col. Mulock has aonductecfl a splen- did campaign and one every platform has discussed, in. a straightforward manner the reallistsues of the election and‘ has absolutely refrained from in- dulging in any personalities. He has (leclared from every platform that the record of the Bennett government is the issue and that he will continue to discuss that record and ask the people to register their opinion of the gov- ernment on MDnday’ next. Local Team Won Opening League Game luinous‘ to the great masses of the people in Canada... BOWLING TOURNAMENT "‘Isu’t a. bit of sunshine. a treat, whether from the jolly old sun or a sunshiny soul.” Wlednesday commenced the busy round of activities for this week the occasion being an entertainment and ice cream social in the Sunday School under the WA. of the Church. A varied program provided, entertain- ment for each one present as well as the enjoyment furnished by the re- .freshments. v Sunday was Mrs.‘Klee~s day in Sun- day School. Announcements were made of an especially fine program 1‘01" Rally Day, Sept. 30th. Mrs. Haig told a story on a Lighthouse and letting our light; shine. Friday evening saw the Hall filled once more with the young people of Vello've Clubs and our own J.F. and J .W.I. The program, though delayed on the start, proved very 'mteresting and entertaining. Readings by Miss Eleanor Drury, music by the Misses Alen and two goo.. group songs “We’ll have to mortgage the farm” and “The Village Pump" were enjoyed. Dancâ€" ing to the Wiley-Webster orchestra l/roved a little warm but continued until lunch and" concluded the evening after. On Thursday afternoon Richmond Hill Institute visited the home Insti- tute in the Community Hall with a splendid representation. Many inter- esting things on the history of York County were told in a talk. by Mrs. G. Gee. Music by Misses Wright and Rainer and Miss E. Barker was also appreciated. At the (210% a. social time was enjo‘yed. VICTORIA SQUARE POPEYE in “WILD, ELEPHINKS” “VINCENT LOI’EZ & HIS BAND” PARAMOUNT'NETWS Chapter 2 of “The Perils of Pauline” SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2‘ RM. EVENINGS 7:15 & 9:15 C6 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY SEPT. 26, 27 MARLENE DIETRICH. JOHN LODGE & SAM JAFFE _____1N____ “The Scarlet Empress” Bedford Theatre Thrifty Housewives Buy Quality STINGAREE MONDAY, TUESDAY, SEPT. 24, 25 RICHARD DIX & - JIMMY DURANTE .& IRENE DUNN LUPE VELEZ â€" â€" IN â€" â€" ' â€" â€" IN â€"- _ “PAT” PATTERSON & HERBERT MUNDIN â€" PARAMOUNT PICTORIAL â€" “ CALL IT LUCK” FRIDAY and SATURDAY SEPT. 21, 22 [GAREE l Strictly Dynamite NOVELTY â€" “GOOFY MOVIES” â€" ADDED ATTRACTION "r. ’resh From the Gardens" TRY ROSEDALE COIL-XL for this sea,- son of the year. It is extremely flex- ibleâ€"As much heat or little heat as you want. Try a ton and be con- vinced. Cheaper than coke or an,- Lhracite, $11.50 per ton. Phone 10, I. D. Ramer & Son AUXILIARY TEA The Evening Auxiliary of Rich- mond Hill United Church will hold a. tea on Saturday, Sept. 22nd, at the home @if Mrs. Cook, Church Street, Item 5 to 7 o‘clock. Everyone inâ€" vited. Admission 25c., Saturday, Sept. 29th, the County“ Achievement Day Will be held in Vic- toria Square with the meeting in the Church and exhibits in the flall. A good program of demonstrations, talks music and readings will be held.mornâ€" ing‘ and afternoon Bring lunch for noon, tea supplied. Refreshments will be served at conclusion of after- noon session. The practice for Rally Sunday will be held 11 the Sunday School room at 1.30 Saturday afternoon, Sept. 22nd, 1934. The Mission Band will follow at 3.00. All. boys and girls are welâ€" come. Several from our society are enjoyâ€" ing the Y.P. Schoolrof Dramatization at Markham and the Y.P. School of Methods at Newmarket. Next week is our tum for the worship service at, Newmarket. The topic for Y.P.S. was well given by Mrs. P. Willows. Other items on the program were readings by Alvin; Caseley and Dorothy' Valliere and. music by Laura Gee. A fine worship service, prepared by Vera Nichols,. made a. good closing for the evening. Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Nov I2 cu

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