Auction Sale of Antique and Modern Household Furniture Specials For This W_eek_-Epd Chelsea Inn, Thornhill Saturday, September 22nd > at 1:30 p.m.. D.S.T. ‘ As the Chelsea Tea Room has been discontinued and the lease expires September 30th the following articles w111 be sold without reserve. A Number Tea Room Tables and Chairs Kitchen Tables and Cupboard White Enamel Refrigerator Quebec Cookstove with Oven Florence Four Burner Oil Stove A Perfection three burner 0i] Stove with shelf Bakery and Grocery, Phone 77 BAKERS â€"â€" GROCERS â€"â€" BUTCHERS BREAD CAKES PIES {Vatch Our Window for High Class Cakes and Pastry DATE COOKIES, 2 doz. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. TRY OUR FRUIT LOAF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11c. WHITE & BROWN BREAD at the store . . . . . . 7c. ADANAC FLOUR, 24 lb. bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69c. CROSSE & BLACKWELLS Marmalade, 32 oz. jar 27c. RINSO, 3 small pkgs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. DOMESTIC SHORTENING, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12c. DATES. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12c. CORNED BEEF, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120. 'SLICED PINEAPPLE, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . . 11c. CHEFS PORK & BEANS, 28 oz. tin . . . . . . . . . . 10c. SHREDDED WHEAT, 2 pkgs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23c. CORN FLAKES, 3 pkgs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. Fresh and Cooked Meats, Phone 117 Kerr Brothers PAGE SIX varied designs Attractive Occasional Chairs in different woods, some upholstered Also valuable Old China and Glassware and Pictures Numerous small articles including Mandolin, Zitâ€"her-Banjo, Curtains, FIOWer Baskets, Lamp Shades, Child’s Auto Seat, and Ice Water Cooler walnut and pine Walnut Sideboard with carved back ~ Large Maple Sideboard Oak Serving Table Square Polished Walnut Dining Table Top, two leaves Several Old Beds, one with Maple Posts Pine Corner Cupboard Numerous Tables, both large and small in and oven Store Awning, about 15 feet, excellent con- dition Office Typewriter Desk and Chair in Oak A number of office files Several Iron Beds with Springs and Mat~ tresses Two Chemical Toilets with Pipes One Upholstered Chesterfield Large Antique Sofa, carved walnut frame A number of Chests of Drawers in mahogany Including Tea Room and ’t‘ffice Equipment TERMS: â€" CASH . SAIGEON, Auctioneer CAPITAL $5,000,000 Divided into 100,000 Shares of $50.00 Each The Minister of Finance, pursuant to the provisions of the Bank of Canada Act, oflers for public subscription: 100,000 Shares of the Capital Stock of the I The Bank of Canada has been incorporated by the Parliament of Canada and given wide powers to operate as a central bank of issue and rediscount for Canada. The Bank is authorized to pay cumulative dividends from its proï¬ts, after provision for expenses, depreciation, etc., at the rate of 4%.% per annum, payable half-yearly. Surplus proï¬ts are to be applied to the rest fund of the Bank or paid into the Consolidated Revenue Fund as provided by the Bank of Canada Act. Not inore than 750 shares may be held by or for the beneï¬t of any one person. Share- holders must be British subjects ordinarily resident in Canada or corporations organized under Dominion or provincial laws and controlled by British subjects ordinarily resident in Canada. Dnmuum- or mecn, OHAWA, Srhuam 17, 1934. Subscriptions should be mailed to the Minister of Finance, Ottawa, in envelopes marked “ Bank of Canada Shares.†Payment must be made by a certiï¬ed cheque on a chartered bank or by a bank draft or post ofï¬ce or express company money order, payable to the Receiver General of Canada. As soon as possible after subscriptions have been received, allotments will be made and notice of the allotment will be mailed to the post ofï¬ce address furnished by the subscriber. , Further particulars will be found in the ofï¬cial prospectus and application form which may be obtained at the Department of Finance, the ofï¬ces of the Assistant Receivers General, post ofï¬ces, any branch of any chartered bank, and other ï¬nancial institutions. The Subsm-iption List will open on September 17, 1934, and close on or before September 21, 1934, with or without notice, at the discretion of the Minister of Finance. PROMPT DELIVERY BANK OF CANADA Issue Price: $50.00 a Share 011 Application On Jan, 2. 1935 BANK OF CANADA PAYABLE AS FOLLOWS Bennett Tax on Suguar Is Iniquitous and Uniust Delares Bill Mulock Immediate removal of the sugar tax, which he described as “one of the most iniquitous and unjust taxes ever perpetrated on a long-suffering and courageous people,†was advocat- ed by Col. W. P. Mulock, Liberal standard-bearer in'the North York federal by-election, when he address- ed a packed meeting at Stouffville Saturday night. “Premier Bennett has betrayed the trust placed in him by the Canadian peeple, and every vote given to a Conservative candi- date is endorsation of that deception,†declared Hon. Ian Mackenzie, who spoke on behalf of Col. Mulock. De- cline in Canada’s trade with Italy, France, Japan and other countries was charged to the policies of Mr. Bennett by Morgan Baker, M.P.P. for North York. “We are determined to give the people honest administration and seek to bring back that day when there will be work for every man,†said Col. Mulock. “When we are will ing to treat the mother country as she ought to be treated, then she will treat Canada as she has treated us in the past,†he continued, condemn- ing the high tariff policies of the Conservatives. “If we are going to hold up the mailed fist and attempt to dictate to other people, we can expect what we have toâ€"day,†he added. ‘ Strongly supporting a system of unemployment insurance, Col. Mulock said it was time the government paid more attention to the needs of the workingman. “Bennett only succeed- ed in finding employment for high- salaried officials,†he charged. Need Cheaper Money ‘ Cheaper money is an urgent neces- sity in Canada, Col. Mulock went on. “We are paying interest on interest. The Bennett government has added $557,000,000 to the debt of Canada.†THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Warning against the granting of “unlimited powers†to boards under the Marketing Act of the Bennett government, Hon. Ian Mackenzie said that apple growers in Nova Scotia were already protesting against the powers of the board recently set up there.†The cnetral bank, he said, should be publicly owned. ‘At present there is grave danger that the bankers will take control,†he declared. Says He Deceived “I qon’t blame Mr. Bennett for world conditions. I blame him for wilfully and maliciously deceiving- the people of Canada with his election promises,†said Morgan Baker. “Mr. Bennett showed himself in his true colors,†he continued, “when he re- fused to see the farmers who went to him at Ottawa.†“Vote for Mr. Mulock,†he urged. “In him you will Have a representa- tive of whom you can be proud.†$12.50 a Share $37.50 a Share Hon. Duncan Marshall, Ontario mimster demnesl The Women’s Institute met 'on Wednesday afternoon at the home of the president, Mrse. Wilkins. Pro1 grams for the year were arranged. The October meetingswill be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Thompson on the second Wednesday. Further anâ€" nouncements will be éiven in a later TEMPERAN CEVILLE issue 7’ Rally Day Service will be held in the United Church next Sunday at 3.15 p.m., S.T. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wilson and fainin of Dunkeron visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Folliott on Sunday. The W.M.S. met on Thursday at The W.M.S. met on Thur: the home of Mrs. A. Folliottl Mr. Norwood Hogg’ of Bridgeburg‘ is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phillips. We are glad to report that Miss' Margaret Henshaw is improving nice- ly. She had the misfortune of being kicked by a cow some days ago. The Willing Workers Mission Band met on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mildred Folliott the presi- dent. A very interesting program was given, which consisted of read- ings by Gertie HenshawY Reta Rum- Ue, Fay Bernard, Thelma Graham and Constance Jones. Piano selecâ€" tions were given by Doris Payne and Norma Jones. A very dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be held at St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, on Friday, Sept. 28th, at 8.30 The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Edna Folliott on Oct». 20th. My. and Mrs. J. H. Snider of Vic- toria Square and Mr. Paul Bucher of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Thompson, Sunday evening. lam; D.S.T., and on Sunday, Sept. 30th at 11 p.m., D.S.T. Miss Jennie Kerswill of Toronto spent Sunday with her\parents, Mr. and Mrs. Giles Kerswill. Mrs; H. Casely and Stanley visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Casely at Vel- lol‘e on Sunday. Centennial Services will be held at the United Church on Sunday, Oct. 7th and Sunday Oct. 30th. .On Oct. 9th an “Old Fashioned Tea†will be held in the basement of the church under the auspices of the W.A. There’s a. slip somewhere when crime flourishes best in the land that has the most guardians of morals. Full particulars of these services will be given later. Watch for fur- ther announcements. ‘ er of agriculture, also con- 3‘. the “trade strangulation As" of the federal government. and and ‘NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE ‘. BUSY FARMER Apple Output Down Early varieties of apples, which account for approximately 25 per cent of the commercial crop in On- tario, yielded almost up to normal.l The production of late varieties is most severely reduced due to winter-'1 killing of most exceptional propor-‘ tions and to frost damage at blossom time. The estimated commercial uot-i put of apples in Ontario is 320,600 barrels this year as compared with 1,068,700 barrels in 1933. Exports of apples from Ontario, which at tained a record volume of more than 500,000 barrels last season, are not expected to exceed 75,000 barrels this ‘season. Early apples were in good demand and prices received were lcunsiderably higher than for a number ‘of years. Domestic prices of certain llate varieties of apples may lift some of these varieties out of the potential export category, and in this event exports from Ontario may be consider ably below 75,000 barrels. Canadian Wool Clip Canada uses about four million pounds of wool recovered from rags every year, in addition to her own domestic clip and imported supplies. The Wool grown in Canada provides only about one-third of the require- ments of the Canadian textile indus- ‘try, so that the Dominion imports an- nually about eight million pounds of clean raw wool and twelve million pounds of yarn and other semi- manufacturers of wool. On the other hand, on an average about one-third of the wool grown in Canada is ex- ported. . Points 0n Hog Feeding The big thing for the hog feeder to keep in mind, according to the Dominion Animal Husbandman, is “the feeder needs the frame but the packer wants the finish," and the ideal type which sells as the “select†bacon hog must have both. Grow the frame first. Never feed more than pigs will clean up; overfeeding, par- ticularly of heavy or unbalanced lrations, causes un-thriftiness which in turn is the‘common cause of short, thick pigs. For the first four months the pig should clean his trough and look for more. ~ Good Care Essential The properly balanced ration ac- complishes wonderful results when fed to stock that is rightly bred, well managed and correctly housed. Houses and equipment, such as brooders, feed hoppers, drinking pans, etc. that are sufficient to acconunodate 100 chicks will not take care of 500. Satisfactory growth cannot be made under such conditions. Growing stock needs lots of feed; provide a good grain feed and a good growing mash in hoppers so the birds can get it. The condition of a carcass when it is marketed depends almost entirely on the way the bird is cared for up to the time it is killed. This means the way in which it is grown and the way it is fattened‘ for market. A poorly grown bird will not take on weight satisfactorily; its digestive organs have not developed sufficient- ly to handle the more or less concen- tiated feed that is fed during the fattening period, nor does the bird have the vitality to stand up under this fattening process. Current Crop Report Frequent showers during the past two weeks in most parts of Ontario have freshened pastures and created good growing conditions for late crops which escaped frost injury. The rain has also materially assisted plow ing and many farmers have already begun this fall operation. Sowing- of fall wheat is now under way. Pros- pects for fall feed are still below tormal and dairy cattle in some districts are being fed corn and' other late fodder crops to supplement pasâ€" tulre. Generally speaking livestock are not in as good condition as usual owing to lack of feed. The early ap- Killing The Flies THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1934 Air and Stored Potatoes Careless storing of wet potatoes is responsible for unnecessary annual losses. Potatoes ought to be stored dry in a cool, well-ventilated cellar which is perfectly dark. Piling pol tatoes in heaps in warm and poorly ventilated cellars creates the most favourable conditions! for rotting. iBefore placing the potatoes in a icellar, Wooden slats slightly apart should be nailed about six inches or lmore from the Wall, and a temporary lflocr with cracks between the boards should be laid about six inches above the permanent floor. This will en- sure air to circulate around and under {the pile of potatoes. If it should so |happen that the pile has to be very large, square ventilators made of wooden slats and running from top to bottom of the pile should be put in ‘ here and there. Together with the _ circulation of air at the sides and at 3 the bottom of the pile, these ventila- I'tors will keep the potatoes in a much 7 better condition than if they were in . a solid pile. Another good plan is to keep the potatoes in large crates lmade with slats, the ventilation be- tween the craters assisting very much ,‘in keeping the potatoes in good con- ;‘dition. The temperature of the store Lzlmuse or cellar should be kept as , nearly 33 or 35 degrees F. as possible. ple crop has been moving freely to the trade, with Duchess virtually cleaned out and Wealthies selling at fairly good prices. The yield of to~ matoes will be light, but quality good. Some reports of excellent yields of grain are coming in from various counties; Cutting of com is under way and a good general harvest Will assist to lcffset the shortage of other Winter lfeed. Root crops promise an average lyield, except sugar beets which will jbe 30 to 50% under normal. The [apple crop will be one-third or more ‘below average, While peaches are es- ‘timated at only one-half an average lcrop. Good weather is needed to complete the harvest of flue-cured tobacco, already greatly impaired by ,frost and hail. and Harness Repairs Maple, Ont. Ilarness NEW AND USED COLLARS COLLAR REPAIRING AND FITTING A SPECIALTY attains! the king’s 319mm? GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. MCDONALD, Telephone 62. Daily Services Telephone Maple 1063 (1% miles North of Concord) Newmarket, Sutton, Barrie, Orillia, Midland GRAY COACH LINES between Richmond Hill ISAAC BAKER LOW FARES ATTRACTIVE RATES From Maple Gravel Pit Canadian and USA. points intermediate points. SAND â€" GRAVEL TORONTO between and and and Thornhill, R. R. No. 2