Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Sep 1934, p. 4

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Wednesday, Oct. Every WEDNESDAY 2526 YONGE STREET Shampooing Marcelling Hair Cutting Permanent Waving Scalp Treament Facials, Manicures Finger Waving Eye Brow Arching Phone MO. 5433 Dance Box 148, Richmond Hill Phone 105J appraised. Agricultural products, butter fats, manufactured foods, edible oils, fer- tilizers, waters, stock fOOds, etc. Special preparations. Formulae supplied. Strictly confidential. “Do you see that little church? That is where I lost my sweetheart.” “Gosh, what happened?” “I married her.” again.” “Why, I thought she married a. millionaire ‘I ” “So did she!” MODERN AND OLD TIME ll] types of materials analysed and St. Clements Hairdressing Chemical Analysis 4-PIECE ORCHESTRA W. FERGUSON, Floor Mgr. Admission 25c. “Poor Sally is back in the chorus Victoria Square PHONg YARD Pretty Nice Weather Now Mrs. M. BLAIR, Prop. C. C. PRICE, COMMUNITY HALL PAGE FOUR Do not delayâ€"ORDER YOUR COAL NOWâ€"get the best Anthracite coal pro- duced “BLUE COAL.” Sized to suit every home burning condition. HARD WOOD, also SLABS cut to suit. Call us. .30:- forgotfnl husbands, and anybody else. telephone is always ready. A Long tance call now is as simple and easy as 3 across the street. Look in the front your directory and Ice how low the rates libâ€"100 miles or so for as little as 30 cents. But soon the cold winds will blowâ€"the frost and snow will comeâ€"the cheery warmth of a comfortable coal heated homeâ€"will be necessary. Commencing WHEN you suddenly realize it’s her birthday . . . and you can’t tell her you forgot it u . and you’re miles apart Get to a telephone . . . a Long Distance all will malts both of you happy. RESIDENCE '_ 85'J TRY ROSEDALE COAL for this sea- son of the year. It is extremely flex- ibleâ€"As much heat or little heat as you want. Try a ton and be con- vinced. Cheaper than coke or an- thracite, $11.50 per ton. Phone 10, I. D. Ramer & Son. Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark, Madelenve and Mrs. Hancock visited on Sunday at Mr. Alex. Forrest’s at Maple. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton spent Sunday at Mr. C. Walker’s at Elgin Mills. Mr. Ed. Middleton of Orillia spent last Sunday at Mr. D. Middleton’s. Miss Sadie Midleton and Mr. Jack Oliver attended the anniversary ser- vices at. Palg‘rave last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Adkins and chil- dren Joyce and Jimmie of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Vandel‘berg’s‘. Miss Jessie Mitchell spent the week-end with her grandmother, Mrs. Reaman. Mrs. Willett of Oakville is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Willett. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vanderberg and son Lloyd attended a fowl supper at Seabright at their son Rev. F. Van- derberg’s church. Mr. Wm. Newman, M.P. for Victoria was the chairman. They report a splendid supper and a record crowd. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wynn have moved into their new home on Spruce Ave., Richvale. Miss Jessie Wark of Toronto spent Sunday at her home here. The anniversary at Camille Church will be held on Sunday, Oct. 14th. Further particulars will be published later. Mr. and Mrs. Ridley of Palermo vis- ited at Mr. L. Burton’s last Friday afternoon. Mr. Ed. Shepherd, his son, daughter in-law, and granddaughter of Ros- common, Mich., spent last week with his sister, Mrs. Walter Bone. Next Sunday is Rally Day at Carr- ville Sunday School. A full attendance of pupils and parents is reduested. The service commences at 2 o’clock, Standard Time. The Elevator} PHONE 10 CARRVILLE It was stated in error in last week’s issue that Maple Girls team Won the Pilot Insurance Co. Cup. The trophy won by the team was donated by the Dominion Fire Insurance Company through their agents J. T. Saigeon 'and Son of Maple. A meeting of the Bible Society will be held next Monday evening when Rev. Harrington, Secretary, will give an illustrated address. The Vaughan Branch of the Society will be reor- ganized at the meeting . A concert Will be held in the United Church on Wednesday evening, Oct. 3rd The artists will be Messrs. Idris Hopkins and Franklyn Zinger, and is und‘ar the auspices of the United Church Young People’s Society. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robson of Sourisl Mam, visited at Mr. J. B McLean’s on Monday, and called on other friends in the Village. The choir of Runnymede United Church held a Corn Roast in Mr. C. Rob-eson’s yard on Tuesday evening. Rev. A. M. Partridge and Mr. T. McCormick attended the meeting of the‘ Central Presbytery in Rosedale United Church on Tuesday. Rally Day services will be held next Sunday, Dr. F. Routley to be the special speaker in the United Church at 2.30- pm. A Harvest Home Festival Service will be held in St. Stephen’sl Church next Sunday at 7 p.m., when the spec- ial preacher will be Prof. W. E. Tay- lor of Wycliffe College. It is exâ€" pected that the choir of St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, will be present at the service. A successful sale of homeâ€"baking was held on Saturday, at the home of Mrs. 1. Watson. Misses Catherine McQuarrie, Mary Johnson and Audrey McNaughton are 2ttending Normal School in Toronto. Mrs. Leslie Kay and little daughter of Aurora spent Saturday and Sunâ€" day at Mr. and Mrs. W. Cousins. Misses Ottille and Elsie Robinson of Toronto visited at Mr. A. C. Robin son’s on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Modle of Downsview ocâ€" cupied the pulpit of the United church on Sunday, Rev. A. M. Partridge tak- ing anniversary services at that place. An auto driver crashed into a. gas tank at Mr. R. Jones’ Hotel last week breaking off a globe from the top and destroying it. The pupils of Maple and Hope Pub- lic Schools won quite a number of 1.-rizes at the Fair at Vellore last week. There was keen competition among the many schools that entered and from the large attendance it could be seen that school fairs are becoming more popular. Bert Cook and “Bunny” White on kehalf of the Young Canucks and Night Hawks juvenile laci-OSSe teams wish to express their sincere thanks to those who supplied baking, and those who assisted financially making possible the banquet tendered the boys last Saturday. THANKS TO THOSE WHO HELPED The members of the Unionvillei Grain Club will hold their Judgingl Competition and examination of their year’s work on Thursday evening, Oct. 4th, at 7 p.m., in the Markham Fair Building, Markham. Festival Service. St. John's, Oak Ridges, 3 p.m.â€"Eve- ning Prayer. St. Stephen’s, Maple, 7 p.111.â€"Har- vesrt Festival Service. SPECIAL SPEAKER The Rev. Dr. W. E. Taylor, Pro- fessor at Wycliffe College, Toronto, will be the guest preacher on Sunday next, Sept. 30th, at the following Churches :â€" All Saint's, King, 11 a.m.â€"Ha1’vest Y. P. S. BANQUET On Monday, Oct. 1517, the Young People’s Society of Richmond Hill United Church will hold a banquet in the Sunday School Room at 6.30 pm. All young people of the congregation are invited. Price 25c. SPECIAL SERVICES The evening service of Richmond Hill United Church on Sunday, Sept. 30th, will be under the auspices of the Young People’s Society. The speaker will be Mr. Vaughan Blue- man, past president of Centre Presby- tery Young People’s Council. There will also be a choir composed of members of the Young People’s So- ciety. Come and bring your friends! DANCE AT MAPLE A dance will be held in the Com- munity Hall, Maple, Friday, Oct. 5"“ under the auspices of the Maple Girls Softball Team. Les Smith’s orches- tra in attendance, Andy Muir, Floor Manager. SHOOTING MATCH A shooting match for Ducks, Geese and Turkeys will be held Thanksgiving Day. Shot guns and rifles. Shells provided. Leo Burton, Carrville Road. UNIONVILLE GRAIN CLUB MEMBERS HOLD JUDGING COMPETITION MAPLE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO At St. Mary’s‘ Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, with the rector, Rev. L. C. Secrett, officiating, Miss Mar- jorie Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver A. Boyle, of Oak Ridges, was married to Arthur James Dolan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dolan of Rich- mond Hill. The church was d‘ecorated with pink and white asters and corn- ilowers and ferns for the occasion, and during the signing of the register Mrs. L. C. Secrett sang. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white satin made on prinâ€" cess lines- with veil of point d’esprit and coron-et liliesâ€"ofâ€"the-valley, and carried butterfly roses. She was at- tended by her sister, Miss Jean H. Boyle, who wore a gown of seal crepe trimmed with ermine and brown hat. She carried Johanna Hill roses. Mr. Malcolm Tennyson was groomsman and Mr. Kenneth Frisby and Mr. Al- fred Dolan the ushers, and Mr. Wilâ€" liam Davies, the organist, played the wegding music. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, Mrs. Boyle receiving her guests in a costume of brown and white crepe romaine. Mrs. Dolan, mother of the groom, was in a brown ensemble and both wore shoulder bouquets of briarcliffe roses. Following the ceremony a reception was held, at which the bride’s. mother received, wearing navy blue crepe with cors-age of red roses. She was as- sisted by Mrs. Norman Batty, mother of the groom, who were black satin with lace and a corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Batty will reside in Toronto. in blue chiffon velvet with matching Ophelia roses. The bride’s sister, Miss Lillian Cosburn, acted as bridesâ€" maid, wealring wine clhiffon Velvet with matching hat and“ caran Ophelâ€" ia roses. Mr. Granville Crisp attended the groom. The ushers were Mr. Bruce Ross and M. Edward Cosburn. Dur- ing the signing of the register, Mr. E. H. Tucker sang “At Dawning.” A very pretty wedding- took place at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, L’Amoreaux, when Hazel Cosburn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cosburn of Agincourt, was united in marriage to Allan Batty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Batty, of Brant- ford, formerly of Richmond Hill. Rev. G. S. Scovell officiated, assisted by Rev. W. K. Batty, brother of the groom. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, looked charming Members of the Junior Institute are joining in with the other displays and showing cooking and sewing. So successful have been the ex- hibits staged by the Unionville‘ Junior Farmers at Markham Fall Fair in past years, that the Directors have asked them to take over complete Grain Show this year. Great prep- aration is being- made for this ex- hibit. In addition to 'the regular cash prizes given by the Society, many valuable specials have been solicited by the organization, all of which should attract a large exhibit. CLUB MEMBERS STAGE BIG SHOW FOR FIRST DAY OF MARKHAM FAIR Friday, Oct. 5th, should be an in- teresting day at Markham Fair when ever one hundred club members will be displaying their live stock and field crops. The Calf Club with thirty-five members, and the Foal Club with sixteen members will ex- libit their calves and colts commenc- ing at 2 o’clock. Fifty members of the Grain Club will exhibit bushel lots of their field crops grown from registered seed this year. Included in the educational proâ€" gram of Calf Club boys is 3. Judging Competition and questionaire on care, feeding and management of dairy cattle, which takes place previous to the annual show. The members of the Markham Calf Club will hold their Judging Competition on Friday, Sept. 28th, judging classes of Ayr- shires at Vincent’ i, Agincourt, and Holsteins at Henry’s, Oriole. Mem- bers of the Woodbridge Calf Club will hold their Judging Competition on Tuesday, Oct. 2nd, judging Ayrshires at John Riddell’s, King, and Hol- steins at Watson Bros., King. GREAT FROLIC AND DANCE WED., OCT. 10th There is keen interest in the great Frolic and Dance to be held in the Richmond Hill Arena Wednesday, Oct. 10th. under the auspices of Richmond Hill Trumpet Band. Art West's or- chestra will supply music for modern and old time dancing. A six piece breakfast suite, a 68 piece dinner set and a wrist watch will be given away to the holders of lucky number ad- mission tickets. There is a keen de- mand- for the tickets and the event promises to be one of the largest and most enjoyable of the season. The admission is the popular price of 25 cents. YORK COUNTY CALF CLUBS HOLD ANNUAL ACHIEVEMENT DAY WEDDING BATTYâ€"COSBURN DOLAN-BOYLE Remains of the late Rev. Wall rest- ed at the Fred B. Myers’ Funeral Home, 2335 Yonge Street, until Thurs day, Sept. 27th, when a private ser- vice was held at 1 p.m. Funeral ser- vice at the Alliston United Church, Allisbon, Out, at 2 pm, E.S.T. In- terment followed in Alliston Cemetery DIED WALLâ€"At St. Michael’s Hospital, on Tuesday, Sept. 25th, 1934, Rev. Adam Alfred, beloved husband of Elizabeth Mulligan Wall. Private sale of Household Goods at sacrifice prices during the month of September, the effects of J. C. Mc- Collum, Oak Avenue, Richvale. Every- thing- in good condition. WHEN BUYING A RADIO make sure you get one with latest Spray- shield tubes. Rogers; Majestic and De Forrest Crossley models are thus equipped. New and used models, from $15 upwards. Apply G. Yea-ex, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. KAMMIE HAT SHOP YOUR DRUGGIST can supply you with real foot comfort. Use Cress Corn Salve sold by Austin’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill, telephone 33. STEEL RANGE, Fireco, with water- front, tank, warmifig closet. Good as new. Will sell cheap. Apply Charles Kerswill, Yonge Street. CORN BINDER, newly overhaulecfl, also 1 heavy work horse. B. R. Leach, 3rd Gen. Markham, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. LATE 1929 DURANT CABRIOLET, smart appearance, real buy for quick sale. Apply Box 83, Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. TEAM OF HORSES and Bengal hound pups. Apply Mrs. E. Gage, Brooks'de Road, North of Elgim Mills, Yonge Street. ONCE TRI Kipp’s Une Ausrtin’s DI'L‘ telephone 33 day white Leghorn Pullets. Apply G. I. Sherin, Woodbridge, East on No. 7 Highway. 200 FIVE MONTHS OLD bred-to- RASPBERRY CANES, Cuthbert, also Dunlop Strawberry plants. Apply Mrs. Sam Mashinter, Maple, Phone OR EXCHANGE large Cabinet Vic- trola with large number of records. Apply ’80): 67, Liberal Office, Rich- mond Hill. FERTILIZER, Empire brand, groduct of Canadian Fertilizer Co. for sale by Wm. Neal, Richmond Hill, phone McCLARY Sunshine Hot Air Furnace, No. 400, installing larger one. Apply Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. 210 9 PIGS, 6 weeks old. J. Constable, Woodbridge, R. R. No. 2, telephone Maple 269. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis, Richâ€" mond Hill, telephone 94M. DINING ROOM SUITE, Quebec stove, cook stove, beds, chairs, library table, and other household furniture. Mrs. A. Wright, Stop 17A, Thornhill. 8 HAMPSHIRE EWES, 1 Ram. Ap- ply E. Tooley, Lot 5, Con. 4 Markham. TOMATOES, ripe or green, 40c. per bushel. Apply G. Kozak, Richmond Hill. North Yonge MILLINERS Massey Harris Farm Implements Parts and Repairs Beatty Bros. Products Stable and Water Equipment, etc. Roofing Supplies 74 Chuck St. Phone 132W Richmond Hill 3330 Yonge St. TORONTO SALE REGISTER CHAS. GRAHAM "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGnMAKR THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"â€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 16 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line oxtn each insertion. I? riCHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. W Classified Advs. Unequalled 'Herb Tablets. ’3 Drug Store, Richmond Hill, TRIED ALWAYS USED, FOR SALE ._T0__ AGENT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th, 1934 Buy your lucky number dance tickets for the Trumpet Band Frolic and Dance which will be held in Rich- mond Hill arena Wednesday, October 10th. Handsome prizes for lucky number tickets. Art West’s orchestra in attendance. All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 dun Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Dated at Maple, Sept. 28th. 1930 FORD COUPEâ€"Small mileage Monday, October Used Cars 1932 OLDSMOBILE DeLUXE COACH 1929 CHEVROLET COACH- Nice Condition 1932 FORD TUDORâ€"Small Mileage Exceptional Value 1931 CHEVROLET COACH WILL EXCHANGE ORGAN in ex- cellent condition for chickens or any- thing useful. Mrs. A. Wright, Stop 17A, Thornhill. The Regular Oct. meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Office Woodbridge Phone 77 FARMERS requiring help are asked to apply to T. Woods, Elgin Mills, sec- retary of the Workers Association of Vaughan Township. MAN FOR FARM, must 'be good plougher. and milker. Apply E. Itisher, Milne Farm, Langstaff. SIX ROOM HOUSE, good cellar, water and electric in the house, good garden and garage. Apply I. D. Ramer, Richmond Hill. HOUSE on Richmond Street. Apply to 0. L. Wright, phone 78 Richmond Hill. $20.00. 5 rooms, cellar, furnace, water, electric. Apply 40 Benson Avenue, Richmond Hill. SIX ROOM HOUSE on Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, good garden, moder- ate rent. Apply at The Liberal Office. FIFTY ACRE FARM. Apply Wil- liam A. Elliott, Lot 15, Con. 4 Mark- ham. 1934 V-8 FORD DeLUXE SEDAN â€" Demonstrator with small mileage â€" At- tractive reduction from new car price. Vaughan Council Excellent Condition Dr. C. A. MacDonald DENTIST Successor to DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN $250.00 $500.00 $375.00 $275.00 $550.00 TO RENT 11 a. m. for the transaction of General Business J. B. McLEAN, Clerk WANTED SWAPS SPECIAL

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