Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Sep 1934, p. 6

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PRACTICAL PAINTER, PAPERHANGER. GRAINER, ETC. Will take farm produce or anything useful for part or full payment for services. Dealers in LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES ASHPHALT ROOFING, GYPDOC‘ SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. Specials For This Week-End GOOD MORNiNG COFFEE, per lb. . . . . . . . ROWNTREES COCOA, 2 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . Fresh and Cooked. Meats, Phone 117 Bakery and Grocery, Phone 77 PROMPT 7] Rinso, Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOAP CHIPS, 3 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . SNOW FLAKE AMMONIA, 4 pkgs. . LAUNDRY SOAP, 10 bars . . . . . . . . . LAUNDRY STARCH. 2 lbs. for . . . . . PEARS or PINEAPPLE, tin . . . . . . . SALMON, 2 lge. tins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BAKERS .â€" GROCERS _ BUTCHERS BREAD CAKES PIES Watch Our Window for High Class Cakes and Pastry DATE & NUT CAKES, Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24c. LARGE WALNUT SANDWICH BISCUITS, our own make, 2 doz. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c. AYLMER TOMATO JUICE. tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ CHEF BRAND PORK & BEANS. 3 lge. tins .. 4 CAKES LUX TOILET SOAP & 1 Small Pkg. PAGE SIX Kerr Brothers 30 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill Telephone 27 Zuefelt 1. National Credit HE Dominion of Canada will offer for public sub- scription within the next few days the 1934 Refunding Loam It is an undertaking of such significance to every citizen that I think it fitting to resent this brief explanation of its close relation to the we are and continued progress of our country. The 1934- Loan is not an incidental effort. It is a partâ€" and an essential partâ€"of the great debt conversion pro- me in which Canada has been engaged since 1931, and y which we are refunding at maturity the large sums borrowed for wartime purposes. The national importance of this programmeâ€"and of the 1934 Loan as part of itâ€" cannot be over emphasized. It is important from three aspects: lâ€"National Credit; 2â€"National Economy; 3â€" National Recovery. I shall deal with each of these in turn. National credit means to a nation what an honest reputa- tion means to a man. Its maintenance is a rimary essential and necessitates that each obligation e met, fully and promptly, as it comes due. Our debt conversion programme is then. in the first instance, our method of meeting our obligations and thus maintaining our credit. By this programme Canada has already refunded $858,000,000 of maturing wartime debt, and completion of the 1934 Loan will bring the refunded' total to over one billion dollars. As a result, Canada’s credit stands notably high, both at home and in the great money markets of the world. Striking evidence of our high credit standing was given within the last lbw months when Canada seemed im- mediate over-subscription of a long-term loan in London at a price to yield the investor less than 3%% and, in New York, obtained a oneâ€"year Lean of $50,000,000 bearing interest at 2 per cent. And there is equally striking evidence at the present moment in the fact that every internal issue of Dominion of Canada Bonds now outstanding is selling today at substantially above its isue price. The twelve-year 4% Bonds of the 1933 Refunding Loan, issued at 96 % , are now selling at 104 to yield approximately 3%%. The debt conversion programme, in the second place, is roviding substantial savings in public intei’est charges. he debt which we are refunding was incurred with in- terest rates at artificially high wartime peaks. Refunding is now being accomplished with interest rates throughout the world moving steadily downward toward more normal levelsâ€"an encouraging world movement which is essential to business recovery. By refunding under these conditions Canada has already obtained a reduction of the previous interest charges amountin to more than $9,000,000 per anuum, and completion 0 the 1934 Loan will provide a further saving of over $5,000,000 per annuzn. The annual saving of over $14,000,000 thus secured has a direct cash benefit to every tax-payer. This saving has much more than offset the interest charges on the debt which has been incurred to meet the extraordinary burden of unemployment relief. It has, to a considerable extent, offset the heavy burdens which the depression period has imposed with res t to railway and other current require- ments. It will a pave the way to tax reductions with the return to better times. 2. National Economy DOMINION OF CANADA 1934 REFUNDING LOAN 011 the Road to Recovery A Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada A FURTHER STEP MUSHROOMS The delectable mushrooms are lift- ing their heads above the sod of wood and vale énd lawn. They are of a great food value and most deliciofis, tut. beware of the deadly amanita. 'Many of the Fungi are edible but often woody and tough and hardly worth cooking. There are 4 kinds which one can eat with pleasure, The shaggy Mane (Comprinus Comatus) growing in pastures and lawns. It comes up like a white column rounded at the apex PROMPT DELIVERY (By Caltha) 22c. 20c. 23c. 25c. 19c. 11c. 25c. 25c. 25c. 290. 5c. 25c. The debt conversion which Canada has achieved since 1931, by thus maintaining national credit and securing national economy, has been a major factor in our progress toward business recovery. A year ago, preliminary to the 1933 Refunding Loan, I took occasion to express the belief that Canada had passed the low point of depression and was definitely upon the road to recovery. Today, our progress toward recovery is a matter of established fact. Since the low point of February 1933, the trend of business has been moving steadily upward in an improvement so marked and so con- sistently sustained that we need no longer doubt its reality. The facts of business recovery are written beyond dispute in our statistical records. The most significant indices relate to physical volume of business. industrial production, carloadings, electric power production, employment and prices. Here is the record in each case: Our external trade figures are equally encouraging. D the first eight months of the present year, exports 0% Canadian products increased approximately $99,000,000, or 32.7% over the same period last. year. The correspond- ing increasa for imports has been slightly under $93,000,000, or 38.2%. Physical volume of business.. . 13.8% 42.8% Industrial Production . . . . . . . . 15.7% 56.9% Carloadings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. 3% 29.4% Electric Power Production . . 12.4% 32.7% Employment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l4. 7% 17. 1 0 Wholesale Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0% 13.7 a Farm Products Prices . . . . . . . . 7 7% 43.3% *In the case of carloadings. employment and prices, the latest figm available are those for August; in other cases, those for July. A Further Step 3. National Recovery Anyone who reflects upon these three aspects of credit, economy and recovery will at once appreciate that the debt conversion programme is vitally important to every Canadian and that, consequently, the success of the 1934 Loan is the personal concern of every man and woman in the Dominion. The 1934 Loan is a further step in a great national under- taking; its success means a further step on the road to recovery. I know-that I need not stress the attractiveness of the Loan as the soundest possible investment, for that will be universally recognized. I do, however, earnestly call upon my fellow Canadians to support this Loan to the limit of their abilities as an opportunity to promote our national welfare. I know of no way in which the individual citizen can render greater service to himself and to his country. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO hue and lasts for fluid. It isn’t tempting to look at. The Morel (Marchella Deliciosa) is par excellence, the mushroom that ap- pealed to the palate of Lucullus. There are mm or three species' all safe and delicate and delicious. One is pale fawn, deeply honeycomhed, shape of a pyramid. Another more clumpy the network of cells darker. The other is brown, round and looks like the brain convolutions. All give the impression of being sponges stuck on the edge of a stick Puff balls also are being found in woods and along roadsides». They are pure white within but as soon as they turn coldr are not fit to use. One fearsome member of the mush- room family, abhored and avoided is the deadly Agarlc or Amanita (des- troying angel) death-cup, poison-cup all representing the utter (le‘adliness of the growth. It is white, has a‘ large ring on the stem due to the‘ lreaking of the veil that covers the, gills. The stem is usually hollowd and ends in a heavy scaley bulb. Thei gills are always white and never turn] pink or brown. The bulb is deep down in the earth so that in gathering mushrooms of this shape it is well to take them from a good depth and examine carefully the ends of the stems lest danger lurk hidden for there is no‘ known remedy for the examine carefully the ends of stems lest danger lurk hidden there is no known remedy for poison of the deadly Amanita. >oisonous on The Geeky ,arino). Th' :s Surfaceis covered with small :ular brown scales, curling up- at the tip- giving it a shaggy This “is safe to eat, as no 10115 ones resemble it. : Geeky Cap ~(Copricus e‘tra Men »). This has a solid round head it first, appears rather leady in and somewhat slimy. It only for a few hours. »When its cap [d5 it begins to d’rip an inky PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA PERCENTAGE INCREAS Since Low Point During ofDepresaion Past Year" February 1933 13.8% 42.8% 15.7% 56.9% 10.3% 29.4% 12.4% 32.7% 14.7% 17.1% 4.0% 13.7% 7.7% 43.3% 'uf yam: kay. At Defoe 2 savz'iveé ed can: by the Murchy done i} An interesting event was held at :he Laskay Hall, Saturday evening, ,n a shower for Miss Margaret Macâ€" Mul'ciiy, bride-elect. As an opening feature to the evenings program a mock wedding was played by a, group of young ladies of Strange and Las- kay. At the close of the ceremony Dial Defoe accompanied by his head nurse? aurived wheeling a beautifully decofat ed cariage filled with parcels topped by the famous quintuplets. Miss Mac- Murchy was ushered to a long table done in pink and white where, the bridal party assisted in the opening of the many and useful gifts. Mr. D. M. McMurchy returns to Guelph O.A.C. to finish his course and also to take a position as one of the Deans of the College. A large number attended the School. Fair held at Vellore last week. ‘A splendid showing- in all classes was enjoyed by all. ' W.M.S. will hold special services on Oct. 14th, followed by a fowl supper on Wednesday, Oct. 17th. W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. D. Davis on Wednesday, Oct. On sale Sept. let to Oct. 2nd in- clusive, exceptionally low round: trip bargain fares from stations in East- ern Canada to stations in Western Canada, head of lakes to Pacific Coast. return limit thirty days from (late of sale. For full information phone any C,N.R. ticket agent. But, why is it wrong- to say the hen sets if it is correct to say the sun does BARGAIN FARES TO WESTERN CANADA LASK AY Swede Boots for Seetf Swede roots fior seed may bu eiiher in outs‘de pits or in well ventilatefi cellar free irom frost yet sufficiently cool to keep them from sprouting too early in the spring. “Then the roots are pulled the tops should be cut off about an inch to an inch and a half from the crown. ‘ . l Seed Crops More Favorable Seed crops in Ontario, generally well ventilated cellar free from frost yet sufficiently cool to keep them from sprouting too early in the speaking, are more favorable than spring. When the roots are pulled was considered possible a. few weeks the tops should be cutoff about an ago, leading seed firms report; There inch to an inch and a half from the is, it is true, an extreme shortage of; crown. high grade alsike as; a result of a curtailed acreage followed by a dry Protecting Potatoes. " summer in 1933 and a. cold Winter and From Freezing Injury spring in 1934. In most other lines, Losses to potatoes from low tem- however, sufficient supplies to meet; peratures may be prevented by minute normal demand! are indicated. ing the following measures: (1) ' To build up the alsike acreage. next Harvest the crop before heavy frosts. spring, seed will have to be imported (2) Store the crop in rooms having -a and prices are, likely to be high. It temperature between 35 and 40 de- is pointed out that only the very best grees F.. thus preventing the pota- No. 1 seed should be used for this toes from turning sweet and the deâ€" purpose as the crop to be sown win velopment of necros?s. (3) Provide be the foundatiOn for future commer. protection against frost for potatoes c'al Seed yields. 1 transported during the cold months. Alfalfa. seed is more plentiful than (4) When it is known that potatoeslwas anticipated. Quality is reported NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER have been undercooled do not handle them until it is certain that the tem- perature is above the freezing point. Ploughing Practice A series of experiments carried out at a government experimental station has given some interesting results in regard to ploughing at different depths and times. ' On an average, over a period of nine years; ploughing four inches deep for a rotation of corn,‘ oats, clover and timothy' has given higher yields than has ploughing seven inchâ€" es deep, except in the case of oats, in which the yields have been practically the same. The shallow ploughing is- of particular advantage to: the corn crop. In the preparation of sod land for grain, it has been found that plough- . mg in- July, as soon as the hay is off and top working during the summer has not only given higher yields of cats, but has also left the land free from couch grass. The experiment has shown that on sandy loam soil,l it does not pay to either rib the land or reploug‘h in the fall. 0n heavy clay soil, rubbing or reploug‘hing late in the fall gives the frost a chance to mellow the soil and leave it in a‘ better state of tilth. l In the preparation of sod land for corn, manuring on the sod and spring ploughing has given “higher yields than: manuring and fall ploughing. It Would, therefore, appear that for corn on sandy loam. the land should be manured and spring ploughed four inches deep, while for grain, it should he ploughed as soon as the hay is off and bop-worked. The Farmer Controls Cost “The cost of producing crops is at all times a very important consider- ation” observes E. S. Hopkins, B.S.A., Dominion Field Husbandman. “Re- turn values are more or less con- trolled by the law of supply and de- mand or by other prevailing con- ditions, and the producer has very little influence upon the price he will receive for his product. He has, however, some control .over his cost of production and the economy with which he produces his crop may mean the difference between profit and. loss on that crop. In times of depression and low prices this is doubly import- ant. If profits are to be maintained when prices are low, costs must be measured accordingly.” Apple Crop Report In Eastern Ontario the orchards show a greater falling off in proâ€" duction than in Western Ontario. Many orchards which bore heavily last year have practically no apples this year, as a large number of old orchards were almost completely winter-killed. A. large number of orchards were planted out in recent years, however, and these are now reaching bearing age. On this account the production of apples in Ontario may Within several years reach the output‘of last year. Esti- mates from Ontario correspondents indicate that Baldwins will show an 85 per cent reduction in output from last year; Spys a 60 per cent reduc- tion; Greening-s a decrease of 65 per cent; Starks a decline of 50 per cent; Ben Davis a reduction of 85 per cent and McIntosh 34 per cent below last year. In the Georgian Bay apple-growing district the weather has been general- ly favorable for the development of fruit. In some orchards serious dam- age from sideworm is reported. In Central Ontario apples are sizing fairly well in the western 'h-alf, but In the Southern part of SouthWes‘t- ern- Ontario dry weather and high temperatures retarded the sizing of apples somewhat but recent rains will improve the situation. Where winter injury was severe, trees showâ€" ed increased mortality on account of the lack of moisture supplies. In- sects are quite numerous, and espec- ially the codlinxg moth. Very little scab is in evidence may be stored or in a dark, [‘ee item frost to keen them THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th,. [334 is pointed out that only the very best; No. 1 seed should be used for this purpose as the crop to be sown Will‘ be the foundatiOn for future commer- c'al seed yields. . Alfalfa seed is» more plentiful than was anticipated. Quality is reported high. Fair crops have been produced in the regular seed sections and there is considerable volume coming in from scattered lots all over Ontario. With the small carryover from the prev- ious season it is believed that suffic- ient seed is in sight. It is too early to make definite pre- dictions regarding red clover. The crop has not all been harvested and- there has been scarcely any thresh-‘ ing. Reports indicate a fair yield in certain districts and scattered lots from other points. Color and quality will depend on the weather of the next few weeks. There is a fair ‘carryover of this seed and if domestic lfalls short seed can be imported from {United States and Europe. Good quality and fair quantity is reported for timothy. The domestic harvest will probably be sufficient to meet a good deal of normal demand. The size of the 1934 crop represents a considerable advance over a. few years ago when 90 per cent of the country’s requirements were import- ed. As buying prices in Canada are now getting close to the cost of high grade American seed, freight and duty paid, steadier prices here in the immediate future are anticipated. and Harness Repairs Maple, Ont. flarness NEW AND USED COLLARS COLLAR REPAIRING AND FITTING A SPECIALTY GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. McDONALB, chattel the king’s 19mm» Telephone 62. Telephone Maple 1063 (11/4 miles North of Concord) Daily Services Newmarket, Sutton, Barrie, Orillia, Midland asrtem counties appks are on ISAAC BAKER GRAY COACH LINES LOW FARES between Richmond Hill ATTRACTIVE RATES From Maple Gravel Pit Canadian and USA. points SAND â€" GRAVEL intermediate points. TORONTO between and and and Thornhill, R. R. No. 2

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