THORN HILL MOTORS Delivezed, fully equippefl, at factory, Oshawa, Ont. Freight Government license only extra. New low tunaprices on the GMAC plan. Ready for lmmediafe Delivery Master Six from Standard Six from satisï¬ed with Just Phone us MO. 3133, reverse call and we wili gladly give you an estimate on the cost of any wiring or repairs you may require. NUMBER? 1397 SACK 'H-IURSDAYXSEPTEMB’ER' 27th, 1932) HARRY R. ROSE M'Yonge St, Rirlmtond Hill ’844 Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"Emmy Monday and Thumflay “Afternoon and by appointment Toronto Office: 100 Adelaide Street “West T$phone ELg'in 9263-4 ROSE 8c HERMAN BEHCHAYA'DON'W SUDETDOAN - DEQETTA IS AEIQL WHO WORKS FOR THE TELEPHO Aw we WHAT! WANTS To SEE EVEN :mow \VHAT AN com 15! BEFORE? ; mime:me {WHAT 00 V00 lTAKE Eon/A, ' HEADACHE AW? ,.i ' THOR NHILL, ONTARIO BARRISTERS-AIELAW ‘710 BURLESON ELECTRIC Floor Plugs installed, Appliances repaired, Fixtures, Edison Mazda Lamps, Irons, Toasters, etc. 2471 Yonge St. at Castlefield COMPANY Phone M0“ 3133 A General Motors Value, Produced in Canada . . . for economical transportation and you’ll never ‘be r other low-priced car Telephone 133 LOUIS HIil’k‘kIJAXE‘zT Doctorâ€"When did you first sus- pect that your husband was not all right mentally? Womanâ€"When he shook the hall iree and began feeling around on the floor for apples. Saturday Sept. 29th, from Toronto to Napanee: Kingston and Brockville. Saturdays Sept. 29th, from Toronto to points 1!. Lindsay, Peterboro and Haliburbma Districts, also to points on Toornm North Bay line, Aurora .m Burke: iFalls, inclufling Midland, ,Meaford‘amd Pentang'. Friday, Oct. 5th, from Toronto to (Bu-icagomtnrn $7.50, final excursion b0 World’s Fair. ‘ Saturday, Oct. 6th, from Toronto {0 Port Huron, Flint and Durand, Mich Friday, :Srpt. 28th, fzmm Toronto to points on'Torontoâ€"Porr. Arthur line 'ant Albert north via Mus‘koka Luke-s .to‘ï¬ipigon Distrï¬ict, also to mints on Temaskamimg Railway ‘Nmth Bay 1to Cochrane and Kapus‘ For full particulars phone any 0‘ QB. ticket office. Friday, Sept. 28th, from Toronto to Tweed, Irandale, Bancmï¬. and other paints. RAIL‘VAJI BARGAIN JFARES THE mm; L, RICHMOND HTLL; 'ONTARM l V costs are sooner paid, I shall, on the 15th day of November 1934 proceed to sell the said lands to discharge the said arreans of taxes and the charges thereon. The sale will be held on the above date at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon in the Municipal Hall in the Village of Richmond Hill. Copies of said Listt may be had at my office. Dated at Richmond Hill August 2nd, 1934 VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL ‘Treasurer’s Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Reeve of the Village of Richmond Hill dated the 5th day of July 1934 and to me directed, commanding me to proceed' with the collection of ar- rears of taxes, together with the fees and expenses, I hereby give notice that the list of lands liable to be sold has been prepared, and is being pub- lished in the “Ontario Gazette†under the dates of August 4th, September lst and October 6th, 1934, and that, unless the said arrears! of taxes and The old sense of honor isn’t dead. A South Carolina man robbed a bank to pay his debts'. It may be a coincidence, but nations that honor the Prince of Peace are the ones most opposed to war. i Thirsdayâ€"went to a little partie tonite and Ted got offly sore at Sadie lzecuz he found her setting on Slims Lap and he Sed. You cant triffle with my feelings thataway and I will tell you rite now I am not, going to by you that hankercheif you was ad- mireing in the show winder yester- day. becuz you have triffled with my effection. Wensdayâ€"Mazie Wiseman is very very dissapointed on acct. she has ben eating East for the pass fore munths and now insted of purposeing to her the fellow she‘,has ban keep- ing Co. witch has- went and quit keep- ing Co. with her so pa says .he says he sposesl she will try smokeing Chesterfield now. Teusdayâ€"Ma is very very sore at Mrs. Lett witch is' liveing on the hill (vet on Lcust st. becuz today ma got out sum Feild Glasses of pa’s and what did she see but Mrs Lett look- ing at are house With a Telescope. Ma sayes she hates' to live in the neiborhood with a Snupe. 1‘ f or he Sundayâ€"1m beginning to think that ‘Jake ajnt quite got all his Buttons becuz he spent 71/.) the day today af- ter we went home frum sunday skool a reading in the Dixionerry. I had a good time tho. I went and got in fnmt of a looken Glass and tryed to shut my eyes and see whut I looked like when I was a sleep. Mund’ayâ€"Mag‘gie Yost is trying to get a devorse frum W'eb Yost witch‘ is her husbend an. she, ast Lawyew Crutcher whut wood‘ he charge her1 for getting a devorse from Web andl Saterdayâ€"I gess pa is all ways g0- ' ing to be the same when it cums to Pollaticks. tonite Mr. Gillem was in here and he sed to pa Well now wont you addinit that Rusevelt is‘the greatest president we have had and pa. replyed and .sed Yes I will addmit that Rusevelt is the greatest President We have had. and Mr Gillem sed Im glad to here you say that and then pa finished up and sed. Since Hoover. SLATS’ DIARY Fridayâ€"Addie Fink Witch used to hem pa the twenty 3rd Sam 'and ect. 0 When he was a. little codger cum into are house this evning and sed to pa and ma include- ing Ant Emmy that a, man tryed to Flurt with her as she was acrost the st. frum the liberty and ast pa Whmt he thot ofi that and pa roplyed ; and sed it pl'obly‘ was on acct. of the‘ Depression mebby. i The first of the digestive juices is .found in saliva, so that digestion be- ' gins even before the food is swallow- ed. Other juices are met with in the stomach and the small intestine, beâ€" rubcher whut wood‘ he charge her “1g exerted by these Parts 01' by 0th†,1. getting. a devorse fmm Web andJOrg'an-s, such as liver and pancreas, , told her he wood go a hed & getiwhich pour their juices into the in- fm, 0 becuz web was a good frend’ testinal tract. Each of the digestive juices has its own particular function and performs an essential part in‘ digestion. mt my eyes and see whut I looked ke when I was a sleep. Mund’ayâ€"Mag‘gie Yost is trying to at a devorse frum W'eb Yost witch her husbend an. she ast Lawyer hisse'n. Teusdayâ€"Ma is very very sore at 1'5. Lett witch is liveine' on the hill BY ROSS FARQUHAR A. J. HUME, Village Treasurer Maple, Ontario BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Member of the Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta Bars) 310 McKinnon Building, 19 Melinda St., Toronto Bus. Phone EL. 1744 Still, Washington’s climate would not seem sufficient ground for divorce to anybody but a Calfiornia judge. S. TUPPER BIGELOW LLB. Buy your lucky number d‘ance tickets for the Trumpet Band Frolic and Dance which will be held in Rich- mond Hill arena Wednesday, October 10th. Handsome prizes for lucky number tickets. Art West’s orchestra in attendance. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation. 184 College Street, Toronto. will be answared personally by letter. C. H. BYAM Fire, Life, Casualty, Plate Glau, etc Motor Cars 3 Specialty Before the foods which are eaten can be used by the body as nourish- ment for the tissues, they must under go certain changes, which may be called the process of digestion. The food is crushed and ground by the ieeth » in order that the digestive juices may act more readily upon small pieces of the foods eaten. It is the digestive tract which re- ceives, digests and assimilates our daily bread, in this way providing for the nutrition of all parts of the body. Proper nutrition depends, first of all, 'upon the selection of an adequate balanced diet. For the average nor- mal person, this means the eating of a wide variety of foods, and the daily inclusion in the diet of milk and milk products, green leafy vegetables, and fruits. V Theâ€"man who is the owner of a normal. heart is not conscious of the fact. His heart carries on its work without; ever forcing its presence upon the attention of its owner. In a sim- ilar manner, the normal stomach and other parts of the digestive system do their duty in an unobstrusive way. INSURANCE A HEALTH SERVICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATlON AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIIS IN CANADA OUR DAILY BREAD Res. Phone RA. 5429 Telephone 232 Special Sailingsâ€"to the Homeland by: Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at Lowest Rates. Photos and Passports Secured All enquiries confidential We look after your wants right from your home. Phone Willowdaie 631 Office Stop 6, Yonge St. Lansing BROTHERTON’S - BOOKING Steamship OFFICE The moment you feel the slightest uistress in your eyes or notice a dim- ming of your vision consult 163-167 Yonge St; Toronto, up staifs, opp. Simpsons. Phone Elgin 4820. Decisions are always in order. Our catalog may help you. We send it on re- quest. We train for Businew Positions and help to place our Graduates. Enter any time. No forced vacations. Write to SHAW BUSINESS. SCHOOLS, Dept. Y-1, Bay & Charles Sts., Toronto. WHAT SCHOOL ? PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING F. E. LUKE & SON RICHMOND HILL DAIRY G. WALWIN, Prop. Phone 42 Richmond Hill Keep Your Liver Active A. C. HENDERSON Milk and Cream Secured from selected and inspected herds and handled in the most ap- proved methods it is sure to give satisfaction. Pas. teurized by the most modern methods. PASSPORTS ARRANGED FORI Rail, tickets and sleeper Reservations. Richmond Hill Y. B. Tracy, Agent Phone 169 EXPRESS TELEGRAPH Can. National Station DAIRY Steamship Reservations to Great Britain and the Continent. Premier service to West Indies. sure to insist on Because 1" is so PURE, so FRESH, and so GOOD be Travel Service Your Eyes Richmond Hill Will Repay You in Health $1 Parke’s $1.00. GLENN’S DRUG STORE Thornhill, Ontario Hot Water Heating and General Repairs PAGE SEVEN has long been noted as a stimulator of lazy livers. It peps you up and keeps your stomach act- ing properly. Try it for that dizziness, headache and bilious ness. LIVER TONE