Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Sep 1934, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT Teston Y.P.S. met last Sunday eve- ning with Miss Mary Downing in charge. Sergeant Major Butler of Richmond Hill was the guest speaker. Mr. Roy Bowman read the lesson and Miss Louise Carson read a short paper. Sergeant Major Butler took the topic “A Challenge to Youth.” Miss Mary Downing and S. M. Butler sang a due “ The Old Rugged Cross.” There was a good attendance. Phone 78 'ano==o=o Ino===o=lo=ao=on==o=o==o=9l Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th Full information now in Agentsr' hands. CANADIAN NATIONAL Wilfrid R. Scott The Big Swing again in 1934 We are Specialists of Long Standing in Repairing, Remodelling and Restyling of all Furs 2431 YONGE ST. TORONTO, ONT. Broadway Furs Phone 18 READ YOUR HEALTH IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND Stretch the hand out flat and look at the colouring which lies just beneath the outer skin. If you are in good health the flesh will be a mottled rosy pink. Should the pink tones appear pale, the probability is that your blood lacks haemoglobin (red colouring) and red corpuscles. Here is the reason why many people are not exactly well; some are really ill. The blood carries life force and nutriment to every part of the body. If the blood is low in haemoglobin and red corpuscles, the person is more or less anaemic or “run-down" . . . easily tired . . . lacking in vitality . . . perhaps close to serious sickness. Fortunately the vitality of the blood can be increased in the majority of cases, as was proved in a special clinic of 40 persons whose haemoglobin and red cm’puxt‘les were low. Under a phys- ician’s direction these patients took a 30â€"day treatment of Dr. VVilliams' Pink Pills. Blood tests taken before and after treatment demonstrated conclusively in the physician's microscope how this excellent remedy had built up the vitality of the blood and restored health and vigour. If your palm or ygur feelings tell you your blood is not up to normaktry g 39-day treatment with Dr: W’illiams’ Pinkjfillg.‘ Yrm_Y l-IVLl-uul MAJ 11 (“I’ou Ll’cl‘llyultul “llll Ill. VV uuuum A “In .1 “lo. *Ilu, too, ml] probably experience the same pickâ€"up in general health and the same gain in strength and vitality that the physician observed in the persons forming the clinic. Health is precious. Let Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills help you keep it. This tested remedy has amply proved its restorative qualities. Full size box for 50¢. the kitchen range, is cold, install a Findlay Oval. Its success has been proved in thousands of Canadian homes. The Oval is a better cooker and baker, saves space and radiates heat throughout the home. Tbere is a Findla Range to suit every purse andpmpose. Findlay quality as been improving for 70 years, until to-day it is tbe accepted standard of stove building. TESTON Y. W. BRAITHWAITE ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN Telephone MOhawk 5530 o=o=om=o=o The regular meeting of the Button ville Women‘s Institute was held a: the home of Mrs. Jas. Calvert 0: Thursday last with a. very good at tendance. The President, Miss Rosezena Hord, in the chair, assistec by Mrs. Oscar Cox, 3rd Vice-Pres ident. Work was planned for tht coming Winter, also a small donation given "toward a hospital on Manitoulin Island. A very interesting talk was given by Mrs. Reesor, District President, on her trip to the Western Coast, also vxords of greetings from Mrs. Graham District Treasurer. Miss O. Burr of Richmond Hill gave a very helpful and humorous address on nursing and general health hints. Miss Irma Court of Unionville gave a very fine instrumental, also a pleasing solo ac- companied by Mrs. Braithwaite. One of our members, Miss Rhoda Barker, favoured us: with two readings, after which the usual social hour was spent. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Calvert, Mrs. R. Elliott, Mrs. J. McQuay, Della Burr and Rhea McQuay. ROSEDALE COALâ€"Alberta’s finest domestic coal. Try a ton for this time of year, $11.50 per ton, phone 10. BUTTONVILLE to Dodge & DeSotO We Deliver The mucky, damp weather of past few weeks has considerably peded farm operations, but with eauinox and the election over 1 st, of Samuel H. Keffer, a native :L' this district. Born at Con-cord the ate Mr. Keffe-r who was in his .eventieth year went to western Can- da- in 1893. A prosperous and successful farmer n the district where he lived the de- eased took an active part in com- munity and church life. He is sur- ‘Iived by his widow, and two sons Percy B., accountant and office man'- agei' of the Regina Leaderâ€"Post, and I'mest of Wolseley, and one daughter Mrs. Neil C. Gillespie also of Wol- The mucky, damp weather of the past few weeks has considerably im- peded farm operations, but with the equinox and the election over the weather should soon settle down to it’s accustomed order. Mrs. Freeland and Miss Muriel Freeland of Toronto are Visiting the Robertson family. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Valliere at tended anniversary services at Zion Church on Sunday and were the guests of Mrs. Jos. Trimble of Oriole. Mr. and Mrs. Levi AnniS‘ of Port Union, Mrs. Poynte’r and Mrs. White of Whitevale visited with Mrs. Wilâ€" mot Brumwell on Sunday. All roads will lead to Victoria Square on Saturday, Sept. 29th, for the York County Achievement Day. Sessions will be held in the United Church, where an interesting pro~ gram will be presented, and the ex- hibits will be in the Community Hall. Afternoon tea will be supplied by the local J.W.I. All ladies are cordially invited to attend. Don’t forget the concert by the Virginia Jubilee Singers in the United Church on Wednesday, Oct. 3rd, at 8 p.m., under the auspices of the Board of Stewards. Miss Ruth Caseley gave the topic at Y.P.S. on Sunday evening. Miss‘e‘s‘ Laura Gee and Dorothy Oliver sang a dilet and a reading by Mr. George Wellman completed a splendid pro- gram. VICTORIA SQUARE Many of the school children of the surrounding district were successful in Winning prizes at the Markham Township School Fair held at Union- ville on Wednesday of last week. There was the usual good attend- ance of interested ladies at the regu- lar monthly meeting of the Women‘s Auxiliary held last Wednesday eve- ning at the home of Mrs. Hagerman. Mrs. Geo. Baker of Gorinley gave the address and Mrs. Lauren Baker and Mrs. Murray Avison sang a pleasing duet. Miss Mabel Hagerman and Mrs. H. l". Collard attended the W.M.S. tea and Miss Plewman’s oriental display in Richmond Hill United Church last Wednesday afternoon. Severalrof our young ladies intend attending the Young- People’s‘ conven- tion in North Bay next week-end. eley Don’t forget to be in your place next Sunday for the special Rally Day :ervice at 2.30. Sunday School work- ers and pupils will gather at 1.30 to arrange the program. The Young People will decorate the church at 10 a.m. on Sunday. The Sunday School Auditorium of Knox Presbyterian Church was filled to capacity on Saturday afternoon last when the Mission Band Rally of Section 5 Toronto Presbyterial W.M. S. held the annual meeting. Repre- sentatives from all the Bands in the Section were present and had a part on the program that included, songs, recitations, dialogues, etc. Mrs. Hill, MiSSion Band: Secretary of Toronto Presbyterial, brought greetings from the Executive Board and told of the‘ work planned for this year. Espec-i ially interesting was the address by Rev. Jas. Dickson of Formosa, now home on furlough illustrated by slides that told of his work there and pro- trayed the beauties of that far away land and also the customs of the peo- ple. Costumes of the various tribes and curios were also on exhibition. A contribution to the Supply Depart- ment of the W.M.S. donated by the Jessie MacBeen Mission Band of Agin ‘court and including a variety of ar- ticles, clothing, dolls, toys, Christmas ism-prize packages, etc., was on view land showed what may be accomplish- ed by the little folk. Supper was served after the meeting by the Agin- ‘court W.M.S. Auxiliary. Mrs. W. ‘Davidson and Miss M. Sommerville are the Vice-Presidents in charge of this section. It is easy to pick out a. writer’s best lines. They are the ones the Pnotype makes a mess of. Th LATE SAMUEL ‘he death occurr E LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO OBITUARY AGINCOURT H. KEFFER d at his home Friday, August Thirty-five girls in the Home Gar- uen and Canning Club will exhibit garden produce and canned vege- tables. Exhibits of clothing, nutri- tion and home beautification projects will also be judged. In addition to the display of pro- ivects, a program for the day has been YORK COUNTY GIRLS’ ACHIEVEMENT DAY The Junior Institutes of York County are holding their annual Achievement Day at Victoria Square on Saturday, Sept. 29th. Thirtv-five girls in the Home Gar- W. I. Meeting A very interesting meeting of the local Women’s Institute met last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. Simpson, N. Yonge St. The president, Mrs. W. Riddell, oceupied the chair and told the members of the pleasant and profitable time she spent at the Canadian National Ex- h.bition as guest of the Women’s In- stitute. The Roll Call was responded to by “the name of the place where you had the most enjoyable outing this» summer." Current Events was taken by Mrs. R. Thompson. Miss Nora Tew, who is always a favorite, improved the program greatly by her singing and was accompanied by Miss Ramer of Richmond Hill. Mrs. R. Simpson gave a paper on the Biennial Convention held in Winnipeg.» .. -- ‘v ‘v11 In the absence of Rev. H. N. Noble, Rev. J. D. Cunningham of Richmond Hill spoke on “My Country," this was a‘ treat to all as Mr. Cunningham has travelled widely and had many in- terestlng stories to relate, which was very educative to all who heard him. The Motto of the Institute is for Home and Country and this ad- dress was very appropriate. The hostesses served light refreshments at the close. John Wesley Breakey, one of the oldest residents of Thornhill, passed away after six weeks illness, at his home last Thursday night. Mr. Breakey was past master in the Mason‘c Lodge, a conservative and attended the United Church. The funeral was held on Monday after- noon, with Rev. E. E. Pugsley taking charge of the service, which was Masonic. Mr. Breakey had many friends here and will be greatly miss- ed, as his jovial disposition and friendly manner made him many friends. Besides his widow, two daughters and three sons» survive. Interment took place at Thornhill Cemetery. In addition to the display of pro- ivects, a program for the day has been arranged, commencing at 9.45 stand- ard time, and continuing until 4.15. A cal-dial invitation is extended to ;he women of York County. YURONISâ€"In Detroit on Sunday, Sept. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. George Yuronis (nee Marjorie Farr), a dayghter. ____ ... -A‘ “Eli‘sâ€"7W. Moore and baby of Cobalt visited last week with Mrs. R. Simp~ son. VMI‘S. W. Acey of St. Thomas visit~ ed last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. McLean. râ€"ll‘ihVQ-Y‘Girls Class” of the United Church will hold their first meeting of the season at the home of Mrs: ii. M‘chéévn; john Sti, on‘ Wednesday evgfiing, Oct_. 3rd, a§_8 o’clgclf; _ I. Thea'opening ineeting' of Trinity Church W.A. will be held at the Rec- tory on Thursday, Oct. 4th, at 2.30. All members are asked to be present. The annual Thanksgiving service of Trinity Church will be held on Sunday, Sept. 30th, morning and eve- ning. The Young People’s Society of the United Church held their annual com roast Monday evening. A smlendid fire was well pepared in advance and- a pot of boiling water was ready for the corn. Everyone doing justice to corn, weiners and marshmallows. At the close of the evening’s fun all heartily joined in singing popular songs. _ _ _ ....... ~11 songs. The Young People’s Training School, opened last Thursday evening- with an attendance of eighty-seven pupils. A profitable and interesting program has been arranged with capable teach- ers and any who have not yet joined are urged to do so. Come on Thurs- day and we feel sure you won’t want to miss anotherrevening. A euchre and dance was held in Findlay’s Hall last Wednesday eve- ning, the proceeds going toward the funds of the Juvenile O.A.L.A. who won first place in the series held at Richmond Hill this season. Lunch was served by the young ladies class of the United Church. The evening was a real success. Miss Mildred Everest of Scarboro Junction, Miss Mabel Laitham of To- ronto and Mrs. J. C. Smith and Ede Leusby have returned from a ten days motor trip to Sault Ste. Marie, going by way of Tobemory to Manitoulin Island. Leaving the Island at Little Current they joined the highway at Espanola and journeyed to the 800.] On their return they were conductedi through the International Nickel Smelting‘ Plant at COpper Cliff. Dur- ing their stay at Sudbury they were fortunate in gaining permission to enter the depths of Falcoan'idg‘e Mine. Just off the highway at Cal- ender the party were again fortunate .in obtaining permission to go through the DeFoe Haspital just the day prior ‘tc the opening. To lovers of nature the North County exhibits a beauty in lakes, rivers and forests a beauty indescribable. After motoring near- ly sixteen hundred miles the happy quartette pronounced a very happy holiday with not a mishap, no, not even a. flat tire. Mr. Cféig-WMcDonald of Noranda is visiting at his home here. '~Th€"1Vfis§ibxi"Ba}id 70f the United Church will meet on Monday, Oct. lst, at 6.45 p.m., in the Sunday School {00m THORN HILL Philco and Victor Radios Electric Washing Machines Harness The Young People of the United Church started their season’s activ- ities Monday with a banquet held in the Sunday School Room at which about 150 took part. The toast list included “The King,” “The Society” and “The Ladies” and those taking part on the program were, Miss Laura Neal, Mrs. W. E. Hutchison, Miss Marie Allan, Miss Janey Natâ€" tress, Miss Thelma Shore and Don about 150 took part. The toast listlli‘enwick. included “The King,” “The Society”! Vellore School Fair Big Success and “The Ladies” and thou: takingl Those who failed to visit Vaughan part on the program were, MissiTownship School Fair held at Vellore Laura Neal, Mrs. W. E. Hutchison.'on Thursday, September 20th, missed Miss Marie Allan, Miss Janey Nat-la treat. HOWever, more than 2000 tress, Miss Thelma Shore and Donhvere there and the capacity Of the McCallum. A feature of the eventgschool grounds were taxed to the was. an address by Rev. Pugsley of ’limit. There was much, to interest the Thomh'n‘ spectators. The fruit, vegetable, Mr. and Mrs. John Lauder Celebrate baking and flower Seetion being 95'- Golden wedding pecially attractive, yet the mechan- ‘The home of Mrs. John Snider,'ica1 .and art. departments .hati many Thistletown, was the setting for a adnjlrers WhIIe the dplls’ Slilgmg and happy event on Monday of last week fritters, “fie; lugsdmtegészlilg' The when friends gathered to celebrate “0 00 b o 00 n ge Is not made the Golden Wedding Anniversary of :a gOOd Showmg and numerous wm. sning‘s. The schools include No. 12 M1. and Mrs. John Laudeq of Humber “we Grove, Miss Laura Neal teach_ S . . . ‘ f ‘ ummlt’ Who WEI-.6 the reelplents 0 er; No. 13 Lower 9th, Mlssl Esther many congratulations and numerous gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Lauder were Pessy, teacher; No. 15 Knox, Miss Velma Darker, teacher. Mr. and Mrs. John Lauder Celebrate Golden Wedding ‘The home of Mrs. John Student ’I‘histletown, was the setting for a happy event on Monday of last week when friends gathered to celebrate the Golden Wedding Anniversary of: Mr. and Mrs. John Lauder of Humber Summit, who were the recipients of many congratulations and numerous gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Lauder were married in Davenport Methodist Church with the late Rev. J. McCal- lum officiating. Mrs). Lauder is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.‘ (‘harles W. Watson of Yorkshire Eng-‘1 land, While Mr. Lauder is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Lauder of Belfast Ireland. The couple farmed 1 in the Emery District until retire- ment in 1928. Their family consists‘ of seven daughters and one son, Mrs.l George Castator, Mrs. Gordon Shaw,“ Miss Viola Lauder, Mrs. Charles} Burhlen, Miss Lillian Lauder, Mrs. John Snider, and ELLerton Lauder,“ occupant of the homestead at Emery.‘ ‘Sixteen grandchildren also took part in the celebration. Among others {present were two aunts of Mrs. Laud- ier, Mrs. Jamieson and Mrs. Hullett 'of Toronto, Charles Watson, brother lof Mrs. Lauder was also present to- gether with an old friend in the per- .son of Mrs. John McFaddar. ! Miss Margaret Fenw-ick, assistant to Postmaster Alf. Thompson, left I" or the Canadian West on Monday last :10 visit her mother Mrs. Frank Fen,- {wick who is very 111. Meeting Edgeley United Church will ob- The Woodbridge Women’s Institute serve Rally Sunday with special set: met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Farr near Woodbridge for the SeptemberI meeting. The program consisted of‘ vices next Sunday. Sunday School at 1.30 and Church Service at 2.30 p.m. Rev. Partridge will preach and a paper by Miss Minnie Elliott “Can- Peaches Quartette will render several adian Literature” and an article on numbers. the Life and Works of Dr. Henry IDrummond by Mrs. W. King. The ‘Habitant Poet a reading by Mary [Burton and a contest by Mrs. H. N. -Smith and Mrs. G. W. Shore. Roll Call was responded to by Canadian Authors. The Woodbridge Junior In- stitute will be entertained by the Seniors at the October meeting. Af- ternoon tea. was served by the hostâ€" ess and the ladies in charge of the program. Miss L. McNeil was in charge of the meeting. ‘ Late Charles Walker V Charles Walker, aged 61, who died - on Sunday was buried in Hillcrest| ‘_ Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. The ’ funeral, directed by Wilfred Scott, iWoodbridge funeral director, took ’place from his late residence, 141 l Dupont Street, Toronto. Surviving is f his wife who was Miss Lizzie Rogers, ' laccording to law. The last day for L formerly of Woodbridge. ' York County Pioneers } September Meeting t The York County Pioneers Septem- her meeting, held in Forresters Hall, ‘ 22 College Street, Toronto, was of ; more than usual interest. It was 3 announced by Secretary N. F. Caswell ‘7 that since the May meeting nineteen 3 members had passed on to the Great 5 Beyond. It was strongly urged that the present active members help to 0 swell the membership of the society 2 in order to keep it alive and active. 5 A most interesting program was pre- 3‘ sented with Mr. James Kinniburg as 2 the feature who in addition to his _t talk showed pictures of monuments ).‘and memories of Toronto from the d days when it was called Muddy York 3} to the present. Mr. Kinniburg, who 19 is a young scotchman surprised the 0 members with his knowledge of the early life of Toronto and told them :e_0f many tablets, monuments, etc., dis- h tributed about the city, some of them ’1' occupying remote positions that to most people have never been seen. ,3, Rev. C. W. Watch proposed and N. F. râ€" Caswell seconded a hearty vote of '3’ thanks to Mr. Kinniburg for the able 2% manner in which he had treated the ‘ subject. So impressed was the aud- la ience that Neil Burton proposed a )d double vote of thanks. The musical Qt. portion of the program was provided ol|by Mrs. W. 0. Duncan, Woodbridge, and Miss Jenny Devins, Emery. Pro- “‘1 VOTERS’ 1934 VILLAGE OF WOODBRIDGE County of York Clerk’s notice of First Posting of Voters’ List. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Vot- ers’ List Act and that I have posted up in my office at Woodbridge, on the 8th day of Sept, 1934, the List of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parlia- ment and at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for in« spection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or ommissions corrected tiling appeals is September 29, 1934. Dated at Woodbridge, Sept. 8, 1934. ED. W. BROWN, Clerk Village of Woodbridge. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF NELSON THOMPSON of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, Farmer, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of NELSON THOMPSON, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of June, 1934, are notified to send to the undersigned Nelson Thompson, or to the undersigned Feni- nell, Porter and Davis his solicitors on or before the 8th day of October 1934, their names and addresses an( full particulars of their claims, ant the nature of the securities (if any} held by them duly verified by statu tury declaration. Immediately after the said 8th da: of Oct., 1934, the assets of the sail deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of whicl it shall then have notice. DATED September 14th, 1934. NELSON THOMPSON, R. R. No. 2, Gormley, Ontario. by his solicitors FENNELL, PORTER & DAVIS 357 Bay Street, Toronto. Rev. 1. E. Kennedy of Bolton was the occupant of Woodbridge United Church at the morning service on Sunday last and in the afternoon and evening conducted the Anniversary Heaviest; Home servides at Emery. Rev. J. E. Anderson was in charge at Bolton in exchange with Mr. Kennedy. The \Vome'n’s Institute Monthly WOODBRIDGE’ DISTRICT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th. 1934 fessm' D. R. Keys, M.A., presided. Miss Anna Cameron is assistant to Mr. A. Thompson, postmaster, follow- ing the resignation of Miss Margaret Well, well, well, so North York that made history a century ago and for so many years lost to the Liber- als was brought back to the fold by Bill Mulock with a majority that was a surprise to everybody. Community Welfare Council of Ontario Start Woodbridge Branch At a meeting of the Community Welfare Council-of Ontario with Rev. Gilbert Agar, executive Director, To- ronto, in charge, a local branch was organized with Miss Evelyn Brown, president of the Junior Women’s In- stitute as convenor of a committee selected from other organizations which ‘nclude Miss Margaret McKenâ€" zie and Mrs. Leo. Watson, all of whom .are endeavoring to make the Wood- bridge district 3. better place in which to live. The Community Welfare Council has for a part of its program a selection of plays, dramatic instruc- tion, debating the study of good literature, etc. It was planned to hold the first meeting on Tuesday evening, Oct. 2nd, in the public school which will be followed by a series of meetings for one week and will be under direction of Miss Jessie L. Beattie, director of Rural Recreation. Mrs. Doe is no longer wrinkled and worried, she uses Cress Corn or Bun- ion Salve for sore feet. Sold at Bel- fry’s Drug Store, Woodbridge. Edgeley United Church will ob- serve Rally Sunday with special ser: vices next Sunday. Sunday School at 1.30 and Church Service at 2.30 p.m Rev. Partridge will preach and Peaches Quartette will render several numbers. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the V01:- ers’ List Act and that I have posted up in my office at Woodbridge, on the 8th day of Sept, 19341 the List of all UQI‘SO‘HS entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parlia- ment and at Municipal Elections, and VOTERS’ LIST 1934 VILLAGE OF WOODBRIDGE County of York Clerk‘s notice of First Posting of Voters’ List. And I hereby call upon all vome'rs to take immediate proceedfmg‘s to have any errors or ommissions corrected according to law. The last day for filing appeals is September 29, 1934. Dated at Woodbridge, Sept. 8, 1934. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF NELSON THOMPSON of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, Farmer, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of NELSON THOMPSON, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of June, 1934, are notified to send to the undersigned Nelson Thompson, 01' to the undersigned Fen- nell, Porter and Davis his solicitors, on or before the 8th day of October, 1934, their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the securities! (if any) held by them duly verified by statu- tul'y declaration. Immediately after the said 8th day of Oct., 1934, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto ‘having regard only to the claims of which it shall then have notice. DATED September 14th, 1984. Phone EDGELEY

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