Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Oct 1934, p. 1

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JR. IIIâ€"Doreen Wise, Chester Unger, Elizabeth Elliott, Marion Lumb, Gloria Anderson, Lloyd San- derson, Helen Whitten, Lorraine Jones, Robert Carpenter, Donald Reid, Lenore Dewsbury, Hazel Reaman, Garth Palmer,. Mervin Charlton, Esther Morrison, Marjorie Pattenden, Douglas Manley“, Frank Young**, Florence Espey". SR. IIIâ€"Stuart Macdonald, Margar- et Hunt, Sidney Lepard; Margah'et McGibbon, Thelma Wood and Donald Wellman (equal); Mary Duncan, Deane Wellman, John Carpenter; Kenneth Shields and Douglas Brown (equal); Jean Mills, Arthur Gater, Clifford Casement, James Carleton, Earle Cook, Edith Page, George Monkman, Victor Secrett; Gwen Schissler and Eric Srig‘ley (equal); Morley Hillaby, Edward Healey, Ruth findall****. JR. IIIâ€"Ruth Richardson, Olive Durrant, Annie Evison, Kenneth Woods, Sidney O’Brady, Murray Hunt Edward Evelyn, Harold Reesor, Effie Jarvis, Leonard Lunau, Arthur Abbey, Robert Abbey and John Schurman“ (equal); Donald Wolfreys, Vernon Mitchell*, Frank Bodnar. SR. IIIâ€"Alfred Warwick, Gilbert Mihorean, Emily White, Fred Leech, Olga Kozak, Evelyn Bowen, Robt. Edmunds, Jim Butler, Stella Ander- sen, Muriel Barrow, Don Moyer, Evelyn Brillinger, Marion Buchanan, Wm. Johnson, Marian Barker; Jack Ewelyn’k and John Stott (equal); Wm. Murray, Robt. Reid, Stanley Cullen“, John Tracy***. ROOM II JR. IVâ€"Ivy Belgrade, Lillie Brown ing, By'ron Sheppard, Alec Macdonald Peggy Endean, Joe Brillinger, Edna Fish, Alice Donald, Joan Carpenter, Lenore Stone, Eva Mihorean, Phyllis Angle; Clifford Dexter and Etta Don- ald (equal); Amy Kozak, Bert Thomp son, Clarence Bowd‘ery, Mabel Gilbert, Murray Cunningham. SR. IVâ€"Reg. Watkins, Peter Meg-i donald, Ronald Luuau, Jim Fish, Ber-l nice Taylor, June Wood, Ruth Smith, Margaret Webster, Ruth Brown, Gordon Cunningham, Winnie Ran-i some, Margaret Walwin, Norman: Mabley, Sydney Seatter, George Pol- lard, Ivy O’Brady, Peter Jarvis, Al- fred Elliot, Bill Glenn, Sydney Hunt, Nellie Coveyduck, Doris Wade, Lesliel Hull, George Offen, Laura Frisby,' Marguerite Smith“, Helen Warwick, Flora Kerr, Charlie Ransome**, Reta Daly, Donald Ban'aclough, Stuart Tyndall, Bill Hall, Elgin Barrow, George Bell. JR. IVâ€"Ethel Mitchell, Harold Mills, Mollie Secrett. 300 Seats at 25c. All Times ' Richmond Hill Public School September Report VOL. LVI. iv Capitol “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER” Yonge hT Castlefield “We Have Made-to-Order Weather” THUR., FRI., SAT., OCT. 4-5-6th HAROLD LLOYD in ROOM III “The Cats Paw” ROOM IV ROOM I MIDNIGHT SHOW SUNDAY 12.01 DOLORES DEL RIO in Geo. Arliss in “King’s Vacation” â€" Added Attraction â€" DIONNE QUINTUPLETS Continuous Show Saturday starting at, 1.30 p.m. FRIDAY NIGHT REVIVAL MON., TUES_., WED., OCT. 8-9-10th SHIRLEY TEMPLE in ‘Now and F orever‘ “DU BAR RY” Continuous Show Thanksgiving Day starting at 1.30 p.m. Regular Prices Prevail 300 Seats at 25c. All Times Gary Cooper and Carole Lombard A Full Two Hour Show ALL SEATS 35c. Walker, Muriel Megdonal, Tom Mc- Leod, Billy Neal, Lorna Baker; George Loughlin and Norman Tyn- dall (equal); Arthur Wolfreys, Mur- ray Bowesx, Jack Forsyth; Shirley Parisx and Lolu Sanders (equal); Joyce Barraclough, Jack Evison; Peter Kanlis and Dalbert Hull (equal); Hazel Reesor, Bert Hunt, Florence Edwardsx, Elinor Pattenden, Donny Chedzoy, Horace Pagex, George Balesxx. ROOM VI FIRSTâ€"Mary Burnett, Betty vaith, Sheila Hamilton, Margaret Ransom, Eric Upton; Jean Scott, Billy Sheardown and Foss Mallory (equal); Helen Thompson, Henry Fish, Mar- garet Carpenter; Charles Wellman and Allen Horwood (equal); J-ean ROOM VII SR. PR.â€"Jean Baker, William Bowd‘ery, Victor Richardson, Con- stance Seatter, Frederick Edwards, Victor Jones, Frank Evison, Cecil Espey. bons, Jimmie Barker, Eric Cmick- shanks, Phyllis Jones, Norman Page, Francis Mackie, Douglas Mansbridge, Isobel White, Eunice Sanders, Ernest Wolfreys, Peggie McKenzie, Philip Mihorean, Freddy Wise, Joan Brown. CLASS Bâ€"Shirley Healey, Alverna Smith, Freddy Kozak, Shirley Burt, Stanley White, Reta Mallory, Violet Forsythe, Florence Durrant, Ruth Sanders, Alex Clarke. Georg-A Wini+n George Brock SR. Iâ€"Audrey Seatter, Mary Bar- bara Morris, Harry Tl'yhorn, Henry Richardson, 'Merlyn Graham, Mary Brock; Arthur Barraclough and Wil- lie Kanis (equal); Margaret Brown, Charles Srigley, Viola Woods, Mil- dred Seatter, Leonard Richardson, Kathleen Butler, Billie Bell, Mabel Loughlin, Clarence Espey, Murray Bowen". , ROOM V JR. IIâ€"Anne Walwin, John White; ‘Margaret Allison and Marie Brillin- ger (equal); Helen Ransom, Albert Fish, Rose Jones, Bobby Johnson, Betty Mansbridge, Olive Ross, Don- ald Glenn, Bobbie Endean, Richard Baker, Stewart We‘llman, John Curzon Marie Deferrari; Jean Cruickshank 2nd Harold Reaman (equal); Des- mond Illingsworth, Ruth Webster; (Annie Browning* and Dorothy Ofâ€" fen (equal); Peter Kozak. Cook, Bernice Cook, Alex Belgrade", Ferris Allen, Irving Ross, Vera Evison, Patricia Bedg-rade, John Savage, John Taylor.v SR. IIâ€"-Harold Megdonal, Mabe‘l Brock, Gladys Chedzoy, Mary Meg- donal, June Davis, Cecil Offen, Stan- ley Baker, Donald Smith, Lily 0’- Brady, Audrey Howard, AEiIeen JR. PR., CLASS Aâ€"Milberge Gib- Names marked x missed exams rence Durrant, Ruth Clarke, George White, “In EssentiagL Unztv: [n N on-exsentials. Liberty: In All Things. Charity.” RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1934 of any more curb pumps that the ré- quest be not granted. Messrs. J. W. Palmer and W. C. Savage appeared before the council asking for permission to erect gaso- line pumps in front of their Yonge Street property just North of Arnold Street. Council decided that as the town by-law forbids the installation The regular meeting of the council of Richmond Hill Village was held‘ Monday evening, Reeve Greene pre- Obstacle siding and all members present ex- cept councillor Mills who is on a Western business trip. 'Three Legged Raceâ€"Beatrice Rumble and Jean Robinson. Raceâ€"Doreen Johnston, Ethel White, Beatrice Rumble and Olga McLean tie. 'High Jumpâ€"Beatrice Rumble, Isobel Mr. P. E. Angle and Mr. R. D.‘ Ainslie and Jean Robinson tie. Little appeared as a delegation fromISlow Bicycle Raceâ€"Mary Rollinson. the Horticultural Society asking that action be taken to enforce regulations regarding Black Knot. It was point- ed out that this was now a serious menace and that a great many orch- ards were infested. Council mem- bers promisQ co-operation and the Weed Inspector will make a special inspection of all yards this week in an effort to stamp out this nuisance. Clerk Hume reported a number of poll tax payments in arrears and it was decided to give those in arrears until Saturday of this week to pay up and then the accounts will be placed' in court for collection. Senior: Baseball Throwâ€"Jean Parks, Mary Rollinson, Malrjorie Evans. Standing Broad Jumpâ€"Mary Rollin- son, Helen Sinclair, Ruth Angle. Hop, Step and Jumpâ€"Ruth Angle, Helen Sinclair, Mary Rollinson. 100 Yard Dashâ€"Ruth Angle, Helen Sinclair, Mary Rollinson. Tennis Ball Throwâ€"Helen Haldane and Nancy Webb Three Legged Raceâ€"Rfith Angle and Jean Runw‘le ‘ Obstacle Raceâ€"Nora Barlow, Mary Rollinson, Helen Haldane High Jumnâ€"Marv Rollinson, Jessie. Tuesday, the first day of the match is known as York County day, when competition will be limited to York County plowmen. Municipal Council Regular Meeting It is interesting t9 note that the first provincial plowing match was held in York County in the year 1834, so that this year fihe A‘ssocia‘tfion joins with the City of Toronto in cele- brating the centennial. The annual Provincial Plowing Match will be held at Maryvale Farms, Dawes Road, next Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friclay. During the four days it is expected over five hundred plowmen will com- pete for handsome prizes and the general public are cordially invited to attend. In addition to the plowing classes there will be an extensive farm machinery demonstration with exhibits by the leading ‘manufacturers of the Dominion. Plowing Match Is Next Week 1 Rev. H. J. Cody, president of the ‘University of Toronto and known as one of Canada’s foremost orators will deliver the address at the Remem- brance Day service in Richmond Hill on Sunday, Nov. 11th. Reeve Greene and members of the council assisted by members f the clergy have been busy during recent weeks planning and arranging for this annual service. It is expected that the school children will have a part in the servce and the Veterans of the district Will parade. Cannon Cody Will Speak At Service Members of council did not discuss the matter as it Was felt that it was an important item of business and should be dealt with when all mem- bers are present. Reeve Greene pointed out that a special session will he held during this month when it will be determined whether or not the council will take a vote on the ques- tion. Councillor Harold Mills who is at present on a business trip to Win- nipeg was not present at Monday’s meeting. A request that the citizens of Rich- mond Hill be given an opportunity of expressing their wishes regarding the issuing of a beverage authority 111' Richmond Hill under the Liquor Control Act was made to the muni- cipal council Monday night. It was made by Mr. Page the proprietor of the local Hotel. Mr. Page pointed out that it was several years since the people expressed themselves on the subject and he thought it was only fair the feeling of the people should be ascertained by a vote to be taken in January. May Have Vote On Local Option Rollinson, Malrjorie Evans. Standing Broad Jumpâ€"Mary Rollin- son, Helen Sinclair, Ruth Angle. Hop, Step and Jumpâ€"Ruth Angle, Helen Sinclair, Mary Rollinson. 100 Yard Dashâ€"Ruth Angle, Helen Sinclair, Mary Rollinson. Tennis Ball Throwâ€"Helen Haldane and Nancy Webb Three Legged Raceâ€"RtitH Angle and Jean Rumble ‘ Obstacle Raceâ€"Nora Barlow, Mary Rollinson, Helen Haldane High Jumpâ€"Mary Rollin-son, Jessie Angle, Mildred Haworth Basketball Throwâ€"Marry Rlollinson, Isobel Ball, Marjorie Evans Boys Events Junior: Standing Broad Jumpâ€"Joe Onasick, Jack Morrison, Bill Stewart 100 Yard Dashâ€"Mac Cooper, Jack Morrison, Jack Webb. Jones, Doreen Johnston. Junior: Baseball Throwâ€"Beatrice Rumble, Audrey Smith, Lorna Gilling's and Doreen Johnston tie. Standing Broad Jumpâ€"Beatrice Rumble, Jean Robinson, Isobel Ainslie. Hop, Step and Jumpâ€"Isobel Ainslie, Jean Robinson, Beatrice Rumble. 75 Yard Dashâ€"Beatrice Rumble, Aud- rey Smith, Jean Robinson. Tennis Ball Throwâ€"Jean Robinson and- Beatrice Rumble. Three Legged RaCFBeatl'ice Rumble and Jean Robinson. Obstacle Raceâ€"Doreen Johnston, Ethel White, Beatrice Rumble and Olga McLean tie. High Jumpâ€"Beatrice Rumble, Isobel Juvenile: Standing Broadâ€"Ethel White, Doris Jones, Doreen Johnston. Hop, Step and Jumpâ€"Doris Jones, Ethel White, Doreen Johnston. 50 Yard Dashâ€"Ethel White, Doris Girls Senior Championâ€"Mary Rollin- son. Runner-upâ€"R’u’ch Angle. Junior Championâ€"Isobel Ainslie by reversion from Beatrice Rumble, last year champion. Runner-upâ€" Jean Rollins‘on. Juvenile Championâ€"Ethel White. Runner-up, Doris Jones. Boys Senior Championâ€"Donald Gra- ham by reversion from Jim Ley, last years champion. Runner-upâ€" Jack Beresford. Junior Championâ€"Mac Cooper. Run- ner-upâ€"Joe Onasick. Girls Events HIGH SCHOOL FIELD DAY PRIZE WINNERS :-ection, $4.75; B. W. Watford, sheep killed by dog‘s, $42.50; Ralph Wide- man, sheep killed by dogs, $9.70; (f‘has. Smith, sheep killed by dogs, $40.00; Wm. Brooks, Sheep Valuator, fees and mileage, $10.00; Mrs. Clarry, nursing Mrs. Calvert, $3.00; Mrs. Armstrong, nursing Mrs. Calvert, 310.00; Jas. Walker, Constable, salary and mileage, $145.30; H. Underwood, assisting Constable Walker, $13.00. 37; J. Rattle, Relief Officer, salary and mileage, $36.44; ROSS Nichols, Tax Collector, stamps and telephone, $2.40; Thos. Flett, equalizing school motion, $4.75; B. W. Watford, sheep killed by dog‘s, $42.50; Ralph Wide- man, sheep killed by dogs, $9.70; ‘ Road accounts were passed totalling- about 81500 and general adcounts were passed as follows: G. A. M. Davison, stamps, etc., $9.35; W. W. Gardhouse, County Hospital acc., $68.- Markham Township Declares War On OFFERS 850.00 REWARD FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO CONVICTION Chicken Thieves Hugh Yerex, Donald Graham 100 Yard Dashâ€"Jim Ley, Donaldl Graham, Jack Beresford Shot Putâ€"Don Graham, Stewart Rumble, Jim Ley 220 Yard Dashâ€"Donald Graham, Jack Beresford, Jim Ley Hop, Step and Jumpâ€"Jim Ley, Don- ald Graham, Jack Beresford 440 Yard Dash Donald Graham, Jim Ley, Bill Pollard rRunning Broad Jumpâ€"Jim Ley, Don- ald Graham, Jack Beresford High Jumpâ€"Jim Ley, Hugh Yerex, Bill Pollard Pole Vaultâ€"Jim Ley, Jack Hall, Don- ald Graham Discuss Throwâ€"Stewart Rumble, Peter Onasick, Jim Ley ROSEDALEâ€"A Canadian coal. No waste, burns to a fine ash, good heat. Phone 10, I. D. Ramer & Son. Mizen, D. Hughes. Senior: Standing Broad Jumpâ€"Jim Ley, Shot Putâ€"Jack Morrison, Joe Onasick Bill Stewart 220 ‘Yard Dashâ€"Mac Cooper, Jack Webb, Jack Morrison Hop, Step and Jumpâ€"Joe Onasick, Jack Webb, Lorne Wells 440 Yard Dashâ€"Mac Cooper, Jack Webb, Jack Morrison lé Mileâ€"Jack Webb, Mac Cooper, Joe Onasick Running Broad Jumpâ€"Mac Cooper, Jack Morrison, Joe Onasick High Jumpâ€"Lorne Wells, Jack Mor- rison, Bill Stewart Pole Vaultâ€"~Lorne Wells, Jack Hea- ton, Harold Patton Discuss Throwâ€"Joe Onas-ick, Jack MATINEE Eggvkzgizfrg at 2 Chapter 4 of “The Perils of. Pauline” SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY “Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back” THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2 RM. EVENINGS 7:15 & I Blue Danube Nights FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCT. 5, 6 WILL ROGERS, PEGGY WOOD & “ HANDY ANDY WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, OCTOBER JESSIE MATHEWES | WARNER RA Bedford Theatre “ BABYTAKE A BOW ” CHARLIE CHASE in “I’LL TAKE VANILLA” “BIG CITY FANTASY” & “EGYPT” Exquisite Quality and Flavour CARTOON â€" “DAVEY JONES’ LOCKER” COMEDY â€" “SALTED SEANUTS” NOVELTY â€" “WHERE’S THAT TIGER” IN MIDNIGHT SHOW MONDAY, TUESDAY. OCT. 8, 9 RONALD COLEMAN & LORETTA YOUNG SUNDAY. OCTOBER 7, AT 12.05 P. M. SHIRLEY TEMPLE & JAMES DUNN BUSTER KEATON in “ALLEZ-OOP” MICKEY MOUSE in “PLAYFUL PLUTO” PARAMOUNT NEWS "Fresh From the Gardens" MON., OCT. 8th Reeve Greene and members of the town council announced at Monday night’s council meeting that a grand children’s frolic and Hallowe’en party will be held in the Richmond Hill arent Wednesday, Oct. 3151:. ,Mr. James McLean has kindly consented to act as chairman of a citizens com- mittee to sponsor the event which promises to be one of delight for young and old. There will probably be a parade after which there will games and amusements in the rink and of course a generous supply of good things for the boys and girls to eat. Keep in mind the big Kid's Night in Richmond Hill, Wednesday, The regular meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Wellmali, 92 Yonge Street, Thursday, Oct. 11th, at 3 pm. Mrs. Reesor, the District President, will give a. talk at this meeting. Members are asked! to answer the Roll Call with sugges- tions for Home Town Improvements. ch. 3lst. Plan Big Party For Youngsters 0n Hallowe’en WOMEN’S INSTITUTE MEETING Such Women areDangerous Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE CONCHITA MONTENGRO JAMES McLEAN HEADS CITIZENS COMMITTEE EVENINGS 7:15 & 9:15 Y, OCTOBER 10-11 WARNER BAXTER -â€"â€"-â€"[Nâ€"__. Sharp 619 No. 14-

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