LANSING 1' WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0234i BOWDEN [UMBER & COAL CO., LTD LUMBER OF ALL KINDS ï¬Lime, Cement, Tile Insnlex, Donnacona Board, etc. fl ï¬Th‘Jones Coal Co. 1=I0=Ol ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK ï¬rnaces, Eave Troughs, Metal Garages, Roofing Jobbing Prompï¬ly Attended to Dentist Ofï¬ce: Trench Block, two doors north of Bank of Commerce Hours: 9 am. to 5:30 pm. Telephone 32 Office hours: 9 to 11 am. 0 .0 8 p.m., and by appointment. OHice: Centre and Church Streets., Richmond Hill Phone 24. Nwth Yonge St. - Richmond Hill DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFFâ€" DB. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF; (Diseases of women and children) Ofï¬ce hours: 1-3 pm. Phone 100 Bank of Commerce Building Thomhill, Ont. 01506 Hours: 10-12 am. 2-5 p.mi 7â€"9 pm. Phone, Residence 14-12 Office 100 Oflice hours: 8-10 am. & 6-8 p.m. AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol 511., K. G. Prentice, Milliken. Toronto, Hyland 0834 We are prepared to conduct sales of awry description. Farms and farm dock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- l-Ided to on shortest notice, and con- “ud by the most approved methods. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Mud Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 ' Branch Offices at "IHORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE l. T. Saigeon & Son MAPLE Housed Auctioneer for the County of York lak- ottended to on shortest notice md at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Full Line of FUEL ALSO YARDS AT BURR’S MILL Thirty Years Experience Jamel-1y With Heintsman Company {nave Orders at Austin’s Drug Store Richmond Hill VOL. LVI. hem the Toronto Conservatory of Ink, will accept a number of pupils 1: Piano, Organ and Theory. Wand Hill â€" Tuesday & Friday MRS. MYLKS Phone 1 88 Dr. R. A. Bigford THORNHILL Bank 6f Commerce Building Dr. M. J. Quig-ley DENTIST Prentice & Prentice Dr. L. R. M arwood Telephone 80 (Successor to Dr. Caldwell) 'Office Hours 9-10 am. 12-2 & 6â€"8 pm. W and by appointmerltifln Dr. J. P. Wilson Drs. Langstaff Wright & Taylor Dr. L. R. Bell Adelmo M elecci GEO. W. CROSS Established 1880 The Liberal is recognized as one of the Newest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelve pages, all home print, it caries all the news of the entire district and our circulation is in- trusing every weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. Piano Tuner BUSINESS MEDICAL MUSICAL $1.50 PER YEAR :¢:n:n:n==.5a 10:0} PHONE 3‘ 139 J . F. BURR STOCK 0F POULTRY FEEDS Whole Wheat Flour Whole Wheat Cereal Whole Wheat Cereal Blended WE DELIVER DR. CHARLES C. COLLINS DENTIST At Dr. Bigford’s Office Tuesdays 9-12 a. m. Thursdays 12-4 p. m. Maple, Ont. Phone Maple 3 LIFE, FIRE, i ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, I PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES T0 FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO’S. INSURANCE 712 Federal Building Office Phone ADelaide 6138 Toronto 2 l THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone ELgin 1887 BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC W.J.}Hanley K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Richmond Hill â€" Ontario Office over Davies Dry Good Store Maple Every daturday MAPLE .l'lOTEL Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building southwest corner of King and Yonge Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K. C. Herb. A. Clark Henry E. Redman W. P. Mulock 1207 Northern Buildiné 330 Bay Street â€"â€" ' Telephone â€"â€" ADelai¢ Manning Arcade formerly of Wm. Cook, Cook & Delany Barrister, Solicitor .&7 Notgry Public Barrisetrs and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Bales, B. A, Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 1316 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street â€"â€" Toronto Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries Telephone ADelaxde 2108 Offices: 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto Naughton Block, Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Hill, King, Whichurch, Markham and North Gwillimbury. Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Hill 5048. J. Harry Ngughtion. Res. Elgin Mills Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Wm. Cook, K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg, 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate THE MILL McGuire, Boles & Co. 2135 Yonge Street Toronto HYLAND 1898 and 1900 MAPLEâ€"EVERY TUESDAY Standard Bank Building. N aughton & Jenkins 1711 Star Building, 80 King Street, West, Toronto Phone: ELgin 4879 A. Cameron Macnaughton BARRISTER BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. A. G. SAVAGE Mulnck, Milliken, Clark & Redman Harold J. Kirby T. C. Newman Thomas Delany Post Office Block Richmond Hill Richmoqg Hill Every Campbell Line Res. Phone KIngsdale 3886 BARRISTER, Etc. Cook & Gibson Phones Res: Phone 12~2 Phone Maple 3 â€" 'Toronto ADelaide 4140 82W L. P. Evans was elected by accla- mation as councillor for the township of Whitchurch taking the place of Ross Ratcliffe who resigned to accept the position of tax collector. You are invited to attend the big dance and frolic in the Richmond Hill rink Wednesday, October 10th. Prepâ€" arations are being made to accommo- date several thuosand dancers and a record crowd is expected. There will be modern and olde tyme dances and many novelty events. Handsome prizes to holders of lucky number tickets. An exchange aptly remarks that in the recent by-elections the Liberals won four and a. half out of five. Citizens generally breathed a sigh of relief Saturday night when they were able to move their clocks back one hour to standard time. Daylight saving time is alright for a couple of midsummer months but the trouble is that it starts too early and lasts too long. Gate receipts at Barrie Fair this year totalled $2,918. the largest in the history of the Society. And someone said the day of the small fair is done. Successful Rally Day scrvices were observed in connection with local Sabbath Schools last Sunday. Reeve Greene and members of council have plans under way for ap- propriate Armistice Day services here on November 11th. Said Casey to Dooleyâ€"Ye're a. harrd womker, Dooley; how many hods of morther have yez carried up that [ad‘â€" der to-day? Whist man! Said Dooley, I’m foolin the boss, I’ve carried the same hodful up and down all lday and he thinks I’m working! ion Government. Remembrance Day will be observed on Nov. 11th which this year com-es on a. Sunday, thus doing away with the controversy for one year at least as to how it should be observed. ‘ï¬â€˜hanksg‘iving Day is- the next natiOnal holiday and comes this year on Monday, October 8th. The date is fixed by Proclamation of the Domin- l The weather sages are at it again Already predictions are being made by those who pro 55 to have a know- ledge of the w ather signs. The latest comes from Hamilton, Ont., where the fact that a groundhog wandered from his natural habitant to sit for several hours on a city lawn, is taken as an indication of an early and a hard winter. We hope they’re mistaken to the same degree as last year when a mild and open winter was the general prediction. The issuing of the proclamation is merely part of the work in the prep- aration of the new lists under legis- lation passed' at the last session of parliament. In no way does‘ it sug- gest any decision for holding a gen- eral election. ' Registration of electors in Domin- ion electoral disï¬ridbs throughout Canada will commence on Oct. 15th and end Nov. 17. A Proclamation setting these dates is being issued by Dominion Franchise Commissioner John Thompson. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1934 The Vold-fashion'ed woman who used to boast about the number of glasses of jelly she could get out of a gallon of fruit has a. daughter who brags about the number of miles‘ she gets out of a gallon of gas. ‘l «Last week a man, his wife and three small kiddies on a hike to North Bay arrived in Richmond Hill to spend the night. They were directed to the local hotel by a mem- ber of council where they were pro- vided with meals and lodging. The next day a public spirited citizen on learning of the plight of the family took up a subscription about town and realized about $25.00 with which the destitute family were“ enable to entrain via C.N.R. for their desti- nation. Doubtless this unfortunate family will always have pleas-ant recollections of Richmond Hill. Special services of Thanksgiving will be observed in St. Mary’s church toâ€"night (Thursday) and all the peo- ple of the community ave invited to join in the service. PLAN TO GO TO CHURCH ON THANKSGVING DAY GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS I J. S. Lawson-Thos. MacMurchyâ€" That the Clerk be authorized to issue a cheque for $5.00 to each of the fol- lowing, Leonard Blayney and Robert Smith, in payment for shooting d‘og‘s found worrying sheep, the same claim given under sworn statement. By-laws Passed: By-law No. 614â€"To regulate the mode of the collection of Taxes in the Township for the year 1934. J. Jefferson-G. J. Foxâ€"That the Treasurer be instructed to pay Marâ€" gison and Babcock the sum of $65.00 for services rendered to date. J. S. Lawson-G. J. Foxâ€"That the Treasurer be authorized to issue a cheque to Aurora Hunt Club for the sum of $20.00. Thos. MacMurchy-J. P. Jeffersonâ€" That the Treasurer is hereby in- structed to issue cheque for N. L. Matthews for $2.50 for expenses¢ re affidavit and Provincial Treasurer’s consent to affidavit elative tb pur- chase of roadway from Chas'. Denne Estate, also the payment to Denne Estate of $1.00 as stated in deed. to Mrs. Kay, Treasurer of Schombérg Library, for the sum of $10.00, the same being a donation from this‘ Municipality. J. Jefferson-G. J. Foxâ€"That the Clerk be instructed to write the To- ronto Relief Department asking them to forward a cheque to cover the cost of relief given families settled in this Municipality from Toronto (namely Messrs. McCarthy and Guinthe'r). J. J efferson-G. J. Foxâ€"That, the Clerk be authorized to issue a cheque G. J. Fox-J. Jeffersonâ€"That dog's belonging to the following be removed from the 1934 Tax Roll, same being disposed of or destroyed since the time of the Assessor’s visit: Adam Goodfellow, William Hammitt, Laur- eflce Cooper, Mrs. McMain, Mrs. E. Byrne, Harry Ellison, M. W. Saun- ders, James" Wares, Fredl Sheardown, Alfred O’Dell, Robt. Archibald, Jos. Duggan. J. Jefferson-G. J. Foxâ€"Whereas a Drainage Subsidy of $960.89 was reâ€" funded to this Township in connection {with King Township and Tecumseth ‘Mun‘icipal Drain, be it resolved that ï¬rm Levy be made this year but that ‘this years charge to be taken from the above amount, and the balance of the amount be placed to a Separate Account, to the Credit of the Scheme. J. Jefferson-G. J. Foxâ€"That the Treasurer be instructed to add the sum of $8.50 to Tax Bill on Lots 15 and 16, Co. 3 (0.8.). The same be- ing cost 'of cutting weeds on such Lots by Lambert Hambleton: and 3150 the sum of $1.50 be charged Lots 57 to 62 Plan 202, for weeds cut by Wm. Bahen. G. J. Fox-J. Jeffersonâ€"That the Treasurer is hereby instructed to is- sue a cheque to the County Treasurer, Mr. W. Gardhous‘e, for the sum of $190.99 same being this Township’s share of Hospitalization for the months of August and September as followsâ€"â€"August $66.62, Sept. $124,37. l G. J. Fox-J. s. Lawsonâ€"That the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to issue cheques to the following for sheep killed as per sworn statementl now on fileâ€"Frank Wastyn $6.00, Art Storey $11.00, Art Storey $10.00, Earl Cook $5.00, David Gault, Mgr. J. J. McCabe Est. $52.00, John Cham- berlain $12.00, Fred Dew $10.00. . King Town-ship Council regular meeting at King City, Sept. 29, 1934. Resolutions Passed: Truckers are offering farmers- 35 cents per bag for potatoes in the Stouffville district, according to The Tribune. Potatoes weighing as high as two pounds are reported in the Stouff- ville district. Where is the largest potato in this district? If you have a big tuber bring it to The Liberal Office. King Township Council York County will benefit greatly by the proposed move by the new Hepburn government to assume to full cost of provincial highways. Last year York County paid as its share of provincial roads about $50,000.00 and. in years past paid greatly in ex- cess of this amount. This will mean: a lightening of the burden of direct taxation and will be appreciated by the people. As the days pass it is becoming more and more evident that the people made no mistake on June 19th when they turned out the Henry spending machine and entrusted their business to “Mitch†Hepburn and the Liberal party. Phone Willowdale 205 Thornhill 15 Richmond Hill Austin’s Drug Store Phone 33 - DAILY SERVICE [Way Back in the Liberal Files A Garden Party was held on Thurs day evening last, ’on the pfleasure grounds of Mr. Wm. Goulding, New- tonbrook. Quite a number were present and spent a very pleasant evening. Proceeds were applied to the Organ Fund. a large bunch of tame ripe raspber- ries, which were equal to any of the first growth. Raspberries at this season of the year are highly apprec- iated. Mr. John Boyle, whilst working in his garden one day this week, picked The Richmond Hill Village Council met in their chambers, on Wednesday, Oct. lst, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and' approved. The clerk read the correspondence with the Provincial Secretary and Provincial Treasurer relating to the purchase of land for a public park. The Secretary informed the Clerk that the By-law would be approved of by his Hon. the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, and the papers wouldbefor- warded in a few days. Council ad- ;ourned to meet on Wednesday, Oct. 22nd. ' From Our Issue of Oct. 2nd, 1884 The return Cricket Match between Maple and Victoria Square Cricket (‘lubs was played on the grounds of the latter on Friday last, and resulted in an easy victory for the “Vics†by one innings and a. large number of runs to spar-e. It is only fair to the Mapelites, howeverr to state that four of their players belonged to Rich mond Hill. If Maple could be inâ€" duced to meet the Hill team, and play the promised return match, they might have some chance -to Win. 00 um think this idea is pruct TAN ET DONE? - TRANSPARENT swam FOR PARING KNIPE 7’3 PROTECT eves FROM SPURTING on SFRAN’ING auras 0F FRUIT 0R VEGETABLES \ new BEING mm on PREPARED. CAN IT 55 valve? ICE 93 YONGE STREET INVESTMENT SECURITIES IAN. NAT’L. EXPRESS MONEY ORDER OFFICE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. TELEPHONE 87 REAL ESTATE LOANS CON VEYAN CIN G INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE, ETC. FIFTY YEARS AGO 59mm 8mm) E. SAMBROOK . Roy Herrington 31? Write Hay Gross in care ut this uewspupex 'An unexcelled printing service I amiable to this district at The Lib- eral Job Printing Department. OI! plant is equipped to take care ‘ your every requirements in the lir of printed matter. “If it’s printing We do it.†We assure you that you will find the quality, service and price right. 82 Yonge St. ROOFING, EAVESTROUGHING CHIMNEYS BUILT & REPAIRED CONCRETE WORK SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED FURNACES BARN & STABLE EQUIPMENT MILK COOLERS ENorth Yonge KAMMIEHATSHOP 2526 YONGE STREET Mrs. M. BLAIR, Prop. Shampooing Marcelling Hair Cutting Permanent Waving Scalp Treament Facials, Manicures Finger Waving Eye Brow Arching Phone M0. 543,: If you’re sure you’re right. pay no heed to critics. Not until you lose hope do you begin to get old. i Don’t take life too personallyâ€"regard it as you would a drama. Character Is what you are; reputation is what people think you are. Most of us get a. bigger kick out of telling bad news than good news. \ou will not succeed if. you're not en- enthusiastic. Aim high, sure you St. Clements Hairdressing MILLINERS PRINTING SERVICE 3330 Yonge St. TORONTO "2% FIRESIDE PHILOSOPHER‘ R. H. KANE By ALFRED BIGGS even if you are not quite will make it. PHONE 87 _T0_ By Ray Cross Phone 92F No. 14 ,Iu"..’..