Susieâ€"No, but I’m going back to the fair this year before it closes and see everything- or know the reason why. ‘ VAUGHAN 1 Thornhill .. 2 Patterson .. 3 Edgeley . . . 4 Maple . . . . . 5 Pine Grove . Sadie~â€"Did you hear about the hoH must in Chicago? 1 RICHMOND HILL WOODBRIDGE Nature is unjust, tho. The eyes pick out the food, but they don’t have to do the aching. 8 Kleinburg 9 Nashville . . . . 10 Teston . . . . . . 11 Elgin Mills .. 12 Richvale WHITCHURCH SUTTON MARKHAM TOWNSHIP MARKHAM VILLAGE STOUFFVILLE 1 Wilcox La‘ke . . . . . . 2 Bam‘aclough’s House 3 'Lemonv'illle . . . . . . . . 4 Bloomingbon . . . . . . . 5 Penrose House . . . . . 6 Howlett House . . . . . 7 Bosworth’s House .. 8 Vivian . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWMARKET 1 St. George’s .. 2 St. Andrew’s . 3 St. Patrick’s . NORTH GWILLIMBURY KING TOWNSHIP 1 Thornhill . . . . . . . . . . 2 Allan’s House, Con. 1 3 Buttonville . . . . . . . . . 4 Victoria Square . . . . . 5 Unionville . . . . . . . . . I6 Gashel . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Rolph's House, Con. 8 8 Mount Joy . . . . . . . . 9 Dickson Hill . . . . . . . O Reesor’s H., Con. 10 1 Mongolia . . . . . . . . . . HOLLAND LANDING 1 Temperanceville .. 2 Snowball . . . . . . . . 3 King Home . . . . . . 4 Kettleby . . . . . . . . . 5 Ross’ House, 6 Con. 6 Schomberg . . . . . . . 7 Nobleton . . . . . . . . . 8 Lloydtown- . . . . . . . 9 Glenville . . . . . . . . . 10 Hammertown . . . . ‘ CEO'RGINA EAST GWILLIMBURY AURORA 1 Keswick . . . . 2 Belhaven 3 Gum Swamp 4 Roche’s Point 1 Virginia 2 Peiferrlaw . 3 Udora . . . . 4 Egypt 1 Newmarket . . . . . . . . 164 2 Sharon . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 3 Queensville . . . . . . . . 1'71 4 Holt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5 Mount Albert . . . . . . 109 6 Ravenshoe . . . . . . . . . 80 7 School House No. 12 27 Town Hall Puh‘pleville OFFICIAL RETURNS IN NORTH YORK GIVE MULOCK MAJORITY 0F 3,687â€"TOTAL VOTE, MULOCK 11,480, BRUELS 7,793 ' The Vote in North York PAGE FOUR . . 298 . 1 141 91 112 251 . . 94 . 8 44 41 . . 51 10 115 62 1300 1448 Lennox Muiock Lennox Mulock Bruels Mulock 1930 Total Vote Majority 1930 131 164 159 141 166 129 144 71 171 295 386 1510 1020 879 50 \ 95 149 243 205 113 94 65 91 138 75 ‘98 329 281 207 126 155 492 95 112 405 344 271 85 152 122 96 122 197 177 278 110 206 162 106 38 36 471 124 124 157 116‘ 74 769 897 164 171 115 109 80 1547 1242 90 97 152 138 94 81 121 82 95 93 51 148 104 101 1309 119 205 1057 311 169 131 113 103 77 868 147 211 127 68 167 142 121 246 117 149 306 224 265 489 139 167 498 367 332 358 167 155 102 '74 164 190 199 129 ‘59 79 169 351 '78 118 127 252 64 32 928 668 197 The archbishop had preached on the beauties and benefits of married life. Two old Irish women were heard com- menting on. the address after church. “’Tis a fine sermon his riverenoe would be after givin’ us on ,mariag‘e, this mornin’,†said Bridget. “It is, indade," replied Maggie, “and I wish I knew as little about the ubject as he does.†206 118 201 28 23 114 53 120 229 247 282 129 153 11 159 143 Sept. 24th, 1934 Majority 1934 1147 287 225 677 132 111 920 229 132 988 150 120 54 86 205 77 26 32 36 95 39 187 179 191 288 186 392 319 252 211 146 118 186 169 199 132 63 28 782 148 100 64 351 574 145 97 39 101 107 75 96 70 27 1'76 151 206 153 778 1544 1002 1485 1474 1190 377 237 156 100 158 116 105 144 98 125 173 150 119 109 177 119 97 116 89 105 91 94 219 295 121 116 270 132 96 137 236 137 93 61 137 108 137 330 483 150 180 228 255 207 190 118 114 629 193 163 221 211 200 133 108 86 407 381 402 499 203 129 157 33 180 984 188 236 92 261 71 41 748 140 155 174 141 138 Mr. V. Pellow, who was engaged as teacher for Can'ville School for this term, met with a. very serious acci- dent at the York Mills Bridge as he was driving out to school. .His jaw was broken, his nose fractured and other injuries. Although only here a short time he was very popular with the scholars and all hope he will recover and be back to his school be- fore long. Miss Lorraine Walker has been appointed as teacher in his absence. A beautiful duet “I waited for the Lord" was sung by Miss Switzer and Mrs. Hall. Some one-hundred and twenty-five partook of a delightful luncheon provided by the Richmond Hill Auxiliaf‘y. At the luncheon hour Rev. G. E. Coulter extended Greet- ings and Miss Lillian Plewman‘ of the Canadian Academy, Kobe, Japan, gave an interesting talk and demonstration of Japanese dress. The Conference closed with Messages from Mrs. R. F. Hicks and Mrs. J. A. Maitland. Sunday, Oct. 7th, there will be a special Thanksgiving service and‘ communion service in Carrvill‘e church On Sunday, Oct. 14th, Carrville Church will hold its. anniversary ser- vices. In the afternoon Rev. G. E. Coulter of Richmond Bill will occupy the pulpit, there will be special music. In the evening the Rev. J. A. C. Kell of Fairbank will speak. Victoria Square choir will render special music. Our own minister, Mr. Gilbert, will also be present at that service. Mrs. Jack Clement and Miss G. Thompson spent Sunday at Graven- hurst. Mrs. Alex Forrest, Mrs. Wm. Woods and) Mrs. H. Jennings visited friends in Carrville last Friday after- noon. Mr. Ray Bartlett spent Sunday at his home in Markham. Carrville Young People’s Society will hold their meeting on. Tuesd‘ay evening of next week as Monday is a holiday. Mrs. E. Ryerson Young, President of Toronto Conference Branch, gave a most informative addreSS on The Work in Northern Ontario, in sparse- ly settled districts, stressing the wonderful work done by the hospi- tals and in homes under trying con- ditions. Mrs. Young also told of the splendid work among different nationalities. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. H. Burton of Lambtbn Mills, Mr. and Mrs. F. Fisk of To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Burbon of Arger and Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- Intyre of Woodville spent Sunday at Mr. Leo. Burton’s. Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark Visited friends at Downsview on Sunday. A shooting match for Ducks, Geese and Turkeys will be held 'Thanksg'iving Day. Shot guns and (miles. Shells provided. Leo Burton, .Carrville Road. Mrs. J. A. Snell, Rresident of To- ronto Centre Presbyterial, gave an inspiring address ion the value of Literature provided urging the use of the Study Books and the Report which she called a “Symphony in Blue," a “Romance in figures.†The feature of the morning session was the group conference led by the Presbyterial Secretaries followe<i by an Open Forum led by Mrs. Frank Rae.. The Conference theme was “Har- vesting th eHarvest." The Worship Services, carrying out the theme, were conducted by Richmond Hill and Maple Auxiliaries, Victoria Square and Sutton Auxiliaries, and the noon- tide period was led by Mrs. E. M. Benton. Reports were given on the work of the Northern Section (comprising 18 Auxiliaries) by Mrs. R. F. Hicks, 4th Vice-President of Toronto Centre Pl'esbyberial, and Mrs. J. A. Mait- land. , The eighth annual Conference of the W.M.S. Northern Section, Toronto Centre Presbyterial, was held Wed- resd-ay, Sept. 26th, in the United Church, Richmond Hill, Mrs. J. A. Maitland, 3rd Vice-President of To- ronto Centre Presbybe‘l'ial, presiding. Mrs. William Caldwell of Union- ville wishes to thank all relatives and friends who sent flowers and> other kind nemembrances in her sad be- reavement in the death of a beloved husban¢ WOMEN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY CONFERENCE TRY ROSEDALE COAL for this sea- son of the year. It is extremely flex- ibleâ€"â€"As much heat or little heat as you want. Try a ton and be con- vinced. Cheaper than coke or anâ€" thracite, $11.50 per ton. Phone 10, I. D. Ramer & Son. RAILWAY BARGAIN FARES Saturday, Oct. 13th, from Toronto to points in Niagara Peninsula, also to Dundas, Port Stanley, Samia, Tavistock, and numerous others. Communicate with any C.N.R. ticket agent for further details. CA RD OF THANKS THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO CARRVILLE ( SHOOTING MATCH Another good way to start a con- versation with a changer is to say: ,“How's your foot trouble?†[ Tuesday saw the close of the New- :market School of Methods with /a ,‘fairly good‘ attendance. In two weeks ltime the annual convention will be held in Queensville Church. DON’T SUFFER WITH ACID S'I‘OMACH Acid stomach, the cause of Indliâ€" gestion, Bloating, Belching, Heartâ€" burn, Gas‘, Discomfort, Sournessl, Pains before or after eating, quickly undermines the health if allowed to persist. KIRK’S STOMALKA, an alkaline remedy of proven value, will quickly sweeten and Hone up acid stomach. It is scientifically com» pounded as the result of years of experience in treating stomach dis- orders. Small doses make it easy and economical to take. Get a bottle of KIRK’S STOMALKA to-day at AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Don’t forget that Tuesday next is the regular J.F. and‘ J.W.I. night when a good program is being planâ€" ned for both. Have a look at the program and be on hand with your roll call response. TOWCSHIP 0F MARKHAM We are sorry to report that Mrs. H. Bennett and Mrs. Hagerman have been suffering from ill health. We wish them speedy and complete reâ€" covery. Misses Ruth Casely, Mabel Sander- son and Vera Nichols returned home from the Y.P. convention at North Bay reporting a splendid convention. Kara has now taken up duties on the Toronto occasional staff. On Monday evening a large group of Y.P. gathered in the home of Mr. H. Barber to present a miscellaneous shower to Miss Velma Boston, bride- to-be. Many lovely gifts Were re- ceived and the young people enjoyed a social time together. Woe to the unlucky one who had to clean up the house. NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of the Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Unionville on the lst day of October, 1984, the list of all persons entitled to vote in. the said Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. ‘ AND I hereby call upon all Voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 22nd day of October, 1934. Dated this lst day of October, 1934.7 Voters’flL’isiiV] 934 ,An especially fine Rally Day ser- ï¬ce was held on Sunday in the church which _Was suitably decorated with autumn fruit and flowers. Each class had some part in the program which was well planned by the comâ€" mittee in charge. The Jr. choir and the trio by Misses Marion Klees, Dor- een Klinck and Bertie Forster were enjoyed very much. The talk was given by our pastor and the offering went to help needy schools in the province. Sunday was recreation night at Y. P.S. when Miss Dorothy Valliere gave a suitable topic. Music was suppl‘ d by a male quartette and Mr. i1 Myers as soloist. Readings by Miss Margaret Avison and by Mr. Lorne Mortson made a well rounded pro- gram. Mr. Frank Brumwell took a car- load to attend the Y.P. reunion at Cen tennial Church where his mother was one of the original officers. He also visited relatives in the district hav- ing‘ tea with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Annis. On Saturday a fine display of vegetables and clothing were to be seen in the Hall at the York County Achievement Day. With unpromis- ing weather conditions the day got away to rather a bad start. However, the program as carried out proved very interesting. Highlights of the program were a. Health Talk by Dr. Marritt of Toronto, a dress parade by the clothing girls of Vellore and Unionville Clubs, the illustrated talk on “Home Beautification†and the demonstration on a ‘Well-dressed country girl’ by Vellore Club. Many lovely prizes were given. Congratu- lations to Misses Marion Smith, Thelma Hart and Aura Klinck of the local girls who won prizes in the Sr. Garden and Canning Club, also Miss Marjorie Hart who won first in the Junior. Rev. Mr. Gilbert has organized the boys of the Sunday School into a Trail Rangers group with Alec Wil- liamson chief. Come out and be a member boys. Mr. Eddie Hitchcock and friend of Aurora were present at the Sunday School session. When the frost is on the pumpkin ~we11 it’s about time to be getting- them in the cellar. VICTORIA SQUARE Clerk’s Notice of First Posting of Voters’ List COUNTY OF YORK a A._M. mwgpm, Township Clerk All persons having claims against the estate of NELSON THOMPSON, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of June, 1934, are notified to send to the 'undersigmed Nelson Thompson, or to the undersigned Fen- nell, Porter and Davis his solicitors, on or before the 8th day of October, 1934, their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by statu- tory declaration. Immediately after the said 8th day of Oct., 1934, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which it shall then have notice. DATED September 14th, 1934. NELSON THOMPSON, R. R. No. 2, Gomley, Ontario. by his solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF NELSON THOMPSON of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, Farmer, Deceased. SOLID BRICK 6 room House on Centre St. W., Richmond Hill, all con- veniences, possession at once. Apply Mrs. W. Mortson, 4 Highview Cres- cent, Toronto. PIANO, practically new, small up- right walnut, original cost $940.00, must sell, will; sacrifice. Telephone Unlonville 700, Stouffville 2615, or write Unionville Post Office. McCLARY SUNSHINE HOT AIR FURNACE, No. 400, for 6 room house, installing larger one; also a few dozen Darwin Tulips. Telephone Thornhill 42J. The Court will sit in the Council Chamber on the above date at 7.30 o’- clock p.m., and all whom it may can'- oern are requested to govern them- selves accordingly. FERTILIZER, Empire brand, product of Canadian Fertilizer Co. for sale by‘Wm. Neal, Richmond Hill, phone 210. The Con“: of Revision for the Vil- lage of Richmond Hill, will hold! its First Sitting for the current year on Monday, October 29th, 1934, for the purpose of hearing complaints and appeals against the assessment of the said village. All appeals must be filed with the undutrsigned on or before Monday, October 15th. a and 16 x 16 feet. Apply Dr. Ante, Stop 23 Yonge St., West 1% miles. RASPBERRY CANES, Cuthbert, also Dunlop Strawberry plants. Apply Mrs. Sam Mashinter, Maple, Phone LIACKING PEP you need Kipp’s Un- equalled Herb Tablets. Austin’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill, telephone VORKSHIRE SOW and 10 young pigs also some young Tamworth Hogs. Apply Walter Reaman, telephone Maple 1564. cook stove. Telephone Richmond Hill 105J. QUANTITY OF GREEN CORN. Ap- ply Thos. Murphy, telephone Rich- mond Hill 44r6. GEESE dressed or alive; matoes green or ripe, 40c. D Kozak, Richmond Hill. buildings raised. John Jarvis, Richâ€" mond Hill, telephone 94M. A. J. HUME, Clerk Richmond Hill, October lst, 1934. . GENT’S BICYCLE, nearly new, elec- tric light. Apply at The Liberal Office. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, POULTRY HOUSE PENS 12' x 12 CORN BINDER, newly overhauled, also 1 heavy work horse. B. R. Leach, 3rd Con. Markham, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. ROOSTERS, 4 lbs. and over. Apply 24 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill. OAK DIVANETTE, W‘i‘ll swap for Buy your lucky number dance tickets for the Trumpet Band Frolic and Dance which will be held in Rich- mond Hill arena Wednesday, October 10th. Handsome prizes for lucky number tickets. Art West’s orchestra VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL Court of Revision FENNELL, PORTER & DAVIS in attendance. Notice to Creditors RATES-Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst i! sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line utn CENTS PER LINE. "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGsMAKE THE MOST OF IT" Cla ssified Advs. 357 Bay Street, Toronto. PUBLIC NOTICE FOR SALE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1934 a bushel. for the installation of septic tanks including necessary plumbing and equipment. Tenders to be in the Clerk’s office not later than Wednesday, Nov. 12th. The lowest or any tend-er not neces- sarily accepted. Tenders will be received! at the Village Clerk’s Office up to 5 o’clock p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 9th, for rates for Firemen’s Insurancé. Particulars of requirements may be had from the undersigned. Used Cars Clerk Richmond Hill, Oct. 151:, 1934‘ A. J. HUME, Clerk. RichmondrHill, Oct. lst, 1934 DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Office Woodhridge Phone 77 FARMERS requiring help are asked to apply to T. Woods, Elgin Mills, sec- retary of the Workers Association of Vaughan Township. BOARDERS, all conveniences in modern home, Thomhill. Telephone Thomhill 58r3. 1932 OILDSMOBILE DeLUXE COACH Excellent Condition Headford, possession middle of, Oct. Apply T. Thomson, R. R. No. 2, Gorm- ley, telephone Richmond Hill 47-24. $20.00. 5 rooms, cellar, furnace, water, electric. Apply 40 Benson Avenue, Richmond Hill. FIFTY ACRE FARM. Apply Wil- liam A. Elliott, Lot 15, Con. 4 Mark- ham. SIX ROOM HOUSE on Elizabeth St†Richmond Hill, good garden, moder. ate rent. Apply at The Liberal Office. 1931 CHEVROLET COACH 1930 WILLYS KNIGHT SEDAN A good car at a remarkably low 1930 FORD TUDOR 1930 FORD COUPEâ€"â€"Small mileage All Ford cars guaranteed for so darn to o. L. Wright, phone 78 Richmona Hill. Little Brothers HOUSE on Richmond Street. Apply Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Tenders Wanted 1934 V-8 FORD DeLUXE SEDAN â€" Demonstrator with small mileage â€"â€" At- tractive reduction from new car price. ROOM BRICK HOUSE, Village of price. Dr. C. A. MacDonald TENDERS $550.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 WANTED T0 RENT $275.00 Suecessor to DENTIST SPECIAL A. J. HUME,