The Junior Farmers Girls Club were honored on Monday even'nar by the attendance of the members of the Stouffville Junior Institute and who by invitation presented the program, with the president, Miss Ruby Reesor, in charge. The varied program in- cluded many interesting features. as piano duvet, Miss Watson. Mrs. Hinds; readings, Mrs. Roff Winterstein; vocal solo, Alta Fockler: vocal duet, Agnes Klinck, Edith Swift, side lights on “Personality†were cleverly por- trayed by Miss Janet Brodie, also an! Interesting paper on the “Growing and Marketing of Apples†was given by‘Miss Helen Nicely. Leave it to the Junior Farmers for originality in the change of program to meet everv emergencv. The prob- lem, a pair of newly-weds in the organ ization. The solution. a mock wedâ€" ding, ceremony staged by the memâ€" bers followed by the nresentation of a beautiful silver coffee service to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dimma. the said newly-weds. as an expression of the high esteem in which thev are held by their fellow members in this or- ganization. Mr. Dimma has been Secretary-Treasure]- of the BoysClub since its inception and Mrs. Dimma actively connected With the Girls Club. We feel our inability to credit- ably describe this spectacular event. However, it followed the senarate meetings of the clubs and the Dlaying' of “The Prisoner’s Song†by the talented pianist. Miss Isahel Scott. heralded the coming'bf the bride. Cutie Torment (Ruhv Reesor) who looked charming in her greatâ€"grand- mother’s gown and wearing a veil carted to the music bv little Lord Fauntlerov (Kenneth Deaconl and preceded by the petite flower girl Miss Helen Armstrong in a smart pink frock. Her bouquet was a clever arrangement of Swiss Chard, Carrot Tops and Zinnias. Cutie was given away for keeps to the groom Abie Axlegrease (Ken MacIntosh) by her :father Mr. Poneyes Torment (Morris Hammil). The bride’s maid Tootie Peabodv (Jessie Davidson) also looked the part, wearing an antique gown and carrying a nosegay of wild asters and sun flowers. while the'z‘room was abl" sunnorted by his. best‘man Bertie Hayseed (Gameron Kennedy). The wedding lullabye “Why should I cry over you†was affectively rendered by Peggy Milroy, also suitably gowned. The Knot-tie- er was Elliott Harrington. With the sympathetic rendering of “Just be- fore the battle, Mother†by the pianist, Miss Scott, the affair bid; fair to be a success until Chief Ob- jector, Frank Dimma, shot up the whole works and spoiled the party. It was indeed a clever Travesty. Fol- lowing the presentation of the silver coffee service Mr. and Mrs. Dimma (xpressed appreciation to the club for the lovely gift. Dancing and refresh- ments concluded this most enjoyable evening. Announcement was made at this meeting of the Winners at Achieve- ment Day held at Victoria Square last Saturday and includes in the Garden and Canning Project, Miss Jessie Davidson and Miss Isabel Scott; the Clothing Project Sn, R. Scott, Hilda Herd, Margaret Milroy, Velma Clark: Jrs., Mabel Reesor, Florence Pearson. There were ap- The efficiency of the St. Philip’s Anglican Choir has gone abroad. judging from the invitations received to assist in out of town services. On Sunday next, the choir will have charge of the choral service in conâ€" nection with the Harvest Home ser- vice in Stouffville Anglican Church and also on the following Wednesday evening at the Forester event in the To_wnship_ Hall: The special musical worship under the direction of Mrs. A. K. Harringâ€" ton with Miss Ila Weighill, A.T.ClM. as organist included the anthems “Come into His Courts,†“Praise the Lord, 0 my Soul" and “How 0’ Lord how manifold are thy works†and the solo by Mrs. A. K. Harrington “The Highway of Life.†A substantial Thanksgiving offering was received at both services. fl _ - m. r “hr â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" r " â€"â€"Whittier. Unionville citizens have been es- pecially favored in having the oppor- tunity to attend so many splendid special church services and Sunday records still another when St. Philip‘s Anglican Church held the annual Harvest Home celebration. Services in both the United and Lutheran Churches were withdrawn and a splendid attendance is recorded. The chancel, resplendent with floral dec- orations made an ideal setting for the fine inspirational services with A. H. Cuttle, Finance Secretary of the Anâ€" glican Church Board as guest speaker at the morning service and Rev. J. J. Robbins officiating in the evening. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1934 WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE’ DISTRICT The work is being continued under best conditions for pro- gress and results, and parena who have any problem on hand regarding Educational plans for their young people are invited to write for our curriculum. Please address W. R. Shaw, Registrar, Dept. L-2, Bay and Charles Sts., Toronto. THE SHAW BUSINESS SCHOOLS 'have added much to our National Assets by training thousands of men and women during- the past forty years, to become leaders in the Commercial Enterprises of our Dominion. He}: pumpkin pie? Victoria Square W.M.S‘.J Auxiliarynart the annual Thank-offering meeting cn Wednesday last and supplied the program. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH UNIONVILLE Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"“A Strange Thanksgiving.†7 p.m.â€"-“The Book of Job.†8 p.m., Mondayâ€"Y.P.S. _ PRENEZRR YTNITWT) CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. ‘ 2.30 p.m.â€"“A Strange Thanksgiving.†St. PMHDS Anq'iran "hutch Rev. J. J. Robbins 10 a.m.~â€"-Church School. '7 p.m.â€"â€"Evem'ng Prayer. 8 p.m., Mondayâ€"Y.P.S. Owen Sound Play Here Next Tuesday Rduhzrbnd Hill Young Canadians still undefeated in the T‘ri-County league journey to Orangeville Satur- day night to play Caledon East in a schedule fixture. Last Friday the locals minus some of their regular team won a hard fought game from the highly rated Allison crew by a score of 6-5. Next Tuesday, Oct. 9th, Owen Sound, a new entry in the ’I‘ri-Oounw league, will play here and local fans will have their ï¬rst op- portunity of seeing the northerners in action. Owen Sound is said to have a smart team and a good game is assured. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Mason and Dorothy Mason. Mr. 14}. Willis. Lloyd Walker. Wm. Willis and Misses Gladys and Alberta Stiver were entertained at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. _Jas. on Tuesday. A number of ladies reï¬i‘égéï¬ï¬ng the W.M.S. Auxiliary of Central priteq Cflhurch were g'ugstsmof the Many friends express regret for the illness of Mr. G. I. Hambly in hos~ vital and hope that he may have a spfedy recovery. get their way. They just threatenlof thanks. the country with a revolution. 2.45 p.m.â€"Sunday School Tuesday night Allandale sprang a surprise by decisively defeating Caledon East by a score of 28-5. Grownâ€"ups don’t have tantrums to get their way. They just threaten The Junior Farmers and Girls Club are busy these days adding the final touches to the Exhibit for Markham Fair that promises to be bigger and better than ever. Col. F. H. Deacon, President of the C.N.E., will officially oven the Exhibit and will address the Clubs. The Junior Farmers will also haye charge 91' the open seed show. A Corn Roast and Dance was the ï¬leasing form of entertainment pro- vided by Mr. and Mrs. S. Hands for a merry group of Toronto young peo- ple at their home recently. The guests included Greta Smith. Cecelia Dean-Napper, Margaret Williamson, Mable Clarke, Doris Valliere, Viola Rigelow, Mary Hands. Kenneth Mc- Kinnon, Bert McDonald, Hector Camp bell, Bill Ford, Joe Hands, Alex. Hands. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Milner are spend ing- two weeks with friends in Brlgh- tog_and_ _vic_iniï¬y. M13 N. Ogdén visited her daughter F1:ed Conley of Orillia last week. M12 5nd MrE. Jas. Camplirnrleft on Tuesday to spet'ld the winter With their sqn-in-law, Rev. Cooke of Canâ€" nington. Mrs. W. J. Russell and infant son John Kenneth returned home on Tues- Clay. Mrs. Willis and son Bill visited Mr am} Mrs. liobt. Stiv9r_on Friday. 7 Mrs. Robt. Weatherill and son Lloyd who is making a favorable convalesâ€" cence following a serious accfl-ent Vis- ited M15. A.H(_Joulson on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. :I. Duffield ï¬sited Mr. Duffield’s sisters, Mrs. Cribs and Ml:s_. Blizzard of_ Hesplgrj la§t week: Announcement is made of the an- nual Thank-offering meeting ‘of the W.M.S. Auxiliary of Central United Church that will be held in the church on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 11th, at Mrs. R. J. Duffield had charge of the sionary to Japan, now home on fur- lough, will be the special speaker. A cordial invitation is extended to attend this meeting. 2.30 o’clock. Mrs. Myra Veasey, mis- ing†was the topic of discussion at the Central United Y.P.S. on Monday evening and was led by Marion Warne Mr. Samuel Bully and‘ 125 boys, members of the Planet Bicycle 00., while on their annual outing last Sun- day were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stiver. Mr. and Mrs. Beare, Miss Beam of Bethany, and Mrs. Wilson of Guelph were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Har- rington on Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Elliott was in towï¬ on Bigpday callipg 031 old friends. Mrs. W. Lameroux of Milliken and Mrs. W. Pingle of Toronto Were guests at the home of Mrs. V. Wagg last week. Mrs. John Boyington was the guest of Mrs. J. Galloway on Monday. 7 The monthly social was held at the home of Miss Dorothy Carr recently andra good timgigreporrted. Thirty-two ladies were in attenâ€" dance at the monthly meeting of Cen- tral United Church W.A. that con- vened in the Church last Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Bewell presiding. Mrs. R. J. Duffied had charge of the program. The devotional exercises included Scripture reading, Mrs. T. Burnett; Bible talk, Mrs. A. Camplirr; nrayer, Mrs. Kincaid. Other interest- ing items were a solo by Mrs. Leslie Hurd, Toronto, and a reading “Why I am glad I am sixty†by Dorothy Dix, and given by Mrs. Bewell. The usual enjoyable social hour and sup- per followed the program. HosteSses for the afternoon were Mrs. Jas. Camplin, Mrs. Bewell, Mrs. Geo. Compton. 11 a.m.â€"â€"â€"Pro-fessor E. L. Morrow, Ph. D. of Knox College will preach. 2.45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. Note change of hour. 7 p.m.â€"Great Service of Praise and Thanksgiving. Special music by the choir assisted by the Wood- bridge quartette. Strangers very welcome. ST. MARY’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Special Services of Thanksgiving Thursday, Oct. 4th 8 p.m.â€"Specia1 Thanksgiving- Service. Preacher Rev. R. B. McElheren, D. D., Principal of Wycliffe College. Sunday, Oct. 7th 11 a.m.â€"â€"The Holy Communion. Preacherâ€"The Rector. 7 p.m.â€"~Evening Prayer. Preacherâ€" Rev. G. O. Lightbourn, M.A., Rector of Aurora. And still our hearts are sore; We are so Lonely without you, dear mother, ‘ Each day we miSS you more. Some may think we have forgotten, When at times they see us- smjle; But they little know the heart ache That our smile hides all the while. Ever remembered. Gents Wrist Watch. A special dance floor is to be laid‘ and Art West and his versatile musicians will keep you stepping with old and modern dance music. One of the extra features is- “he only local appearance of Sam and Samson, entertaining Clowns DeLuxe, direct from the little World’s Fair at Birds-eye Centre. There will be fun, frolic, games and a good time for all. Tickets may be secured from any member of the Band 25c., which en- titles holder to lucky draw. Come one, come all. Bring your friends. VALLIEREâ€"In loving memory of our dear mother, Elizabeth Valliel'e, who passed away, Oct. 8th, 1930. Four years on the 8th of October, And still our hearts are sore; We are so lonely without you, dear The Grand Frolic and Dance to be held Wednesday, Oct. 10th, in Rich- mond Hill arena, promises to be one uf the great events of the season. Three luclqr prizes are to be given, lst prize Breakfast Suite, 2nd prize 68 piece Dinner Set, 3rd Ladies or A dance will be held in the Com- munity Hall, Maple, Friday, Oct. 51,.under the auspices of the Maple Girls Softball Team. Les Smith‘s orches- tra in attendance, Andy Muir, Floor Manager. For further particulars phone any C.N.R. ticket agent. UNITED CHURCH EVENING AUXILIARY The Evening Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Sayers, Centre Street West, on Tuesday, Oct. 9th, at 8 pan. This will be Thank- offering' meeting and a full attendance is expected. Round trip Toronto to Chicago, Friday, Oct. 5th, returning on all trains up to and includï¬ng Monday night, Oct. 8th. Final excursion to Century of Pro- gress World’s Fair which closes Oct. 3151:. Fare $7.50. The Primary Department of United! Church are holding their annual Pro- motion Exercises on Sunday, Oct. 7th, at 2.45 pm. Fourteen children are being pro- moted to the Junior Department and parents and interested friends are cordially invited to come and see this interesting ceremony. Special Thanksgiving services will be held in St. Mary’s Church to-night (Thursday) at 8 pm. Rev. R. B. McElhern, D.D. principal of Wycliffe College will be the speaker and every one is cordially invited to join in the service. A Junior Choir is being organized in connection with the United Church and any parents who are interested in having their children taking part are asked to see Mr. A. Melecci. Mr. Melville R. Walton, son of Mrs. Mabel Vanberburgh Walton, Toronto, was Winner of 2nd prize in Model Air Craft Class A at the 33rd annual Broadview Boys Fall Fair. Toronto. EXCEPTIONALLY LOW RATES TO W'ORLD’S FAIR THANKSGIVING a.m. and 7 p.m.â€"Rev. Harold E. Wellwood, B.A., B.D‘., Pastor of Central United Church, Weston, will conduct both services. Special music by the choir. We invite you to join in the giving Social and Personal RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, Oct. 7th “LET US GIVE THANKS†PRIMARY PROMOTION FROLIC AND DANCE DANCE AT MAPLE RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Oct. 7th IN MEMORIAM TH]: LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO Vaughan Twp. Council Seniorâ€" istâ€"Gladys Harrison Enidâ€"Mary Barker 3rdâ€"Margaret Watson Juniorâ€" ' lstâ€"Doris Cook 2ndâ€"Cla1'a. Phillips At the regular session of Vaughan Township Council held at Vellore Monday of this week it was passed that a reward of five dollars be given to John Espey of Woodbridg'e and Fdward Love of Weston for their assistance in the apprehending of chicken thieves. The two young- men were responsible for the arrest of a party of thieves some weeks ago and council felt it advisable to enâ€" courage such action on the part of citizens in. an effort to rid the com~ munity of the nuisance. Seniorâ€" lstâ€"Isabel Scott 2ndâ€"Hilda Horde 3rdâ€"Peggy Milroy 4thâ€"Ve1ma Coakwell J uniorâ€" lstâ€"Mabel Reesor findâ€"Florence Pearson Well over two hundred young womâ€" en from all parts of York County at- tended the fourth annual Girls’ Achievement Day held on Saturday, Sept. 29th, in the United Church at Victoria Square. In addition to a program of lec- tures and demonstrations given by the girls, twentyâ€"five exhibits of fresh and canned vegetables were judged by Mr. Gerge Rush of the Ontario Vegetable Growers Associa- tion, Miss Betty Wallace and Miss Helen Baycroft of the Institutes Branch. The following girls were awarded attractive prizes of silver and glassware: Senior Competition;- lstâ€"J‘essie Davidson, Unionvil-le‘ Club 2ndâ€"Marion Smith, Victoria Sq. Club 3rdâ€"Thelma Hart, Victoria. Sq. Club 4thâ€"Mabel Barker, Victoria Sq. Club 5thâ€"Isobel Scott, Unionville Club Junior Competitionâ€" lstâ€"Marjori-e Hart, Victoria Sq. Club 2ndâ€"-Gwen Smith, Victoria Sq. Club A number of road accounts amfl ne- lief accounts were passed and routine business transacted and council ad- journed at an earva hour. GRAINGER-OUGH -The home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ough, Newmarket, was the setting for a pretty autumn wedding- on Sat- urday, Sept. 29th, when their (laugh- ter Audrey Olivia was united in mar- riage to Francis Frederick Grainger, son of Mr. F. Grainger and the late Mrs. Grainger of Richmond Hill. To the strains of the bridal march play- ed by Miss Marion Grainger the bride entered the living-room on the arm of her father and took her place before an arch of autumn flowers. She was dressed in navy blue triple crepe with accessories to match and5 carried Briarcliff roses with Baby’s Breath. Miss Erma Sreasar was her only at- tendant wearing a gown of brown crepe and caried‘ Talisman roses with Baby's Breath. Mr. Jim Grainger, brother of the groom, was best man. The ceremony was performed by Rey. Dr. W. S. Alexandria of the Christian Church. After the ceremony the bride’s mother received wearing a gown of black crepe. Later the couple left on a motor trip north and upon their return will reside in Richmond Hill. GIRLS’ ACHIEVEMENT DAY VICTORIA SQUARE DRAWS RECORD ATTENDANCE Exhibits of dresses and needlework were display-ed by the Unionville and Vellore Girls’ Clubs, with the followâ€" ing prize Winners: The Salvation Army Citadel, Vau- ghan Road. Toronto, prettily decorat- ed with palms and ferns was the scene of a pretty autumn wedding- on Wed- nesday evening, when Lillian Moulton became the bride of Arthur Robinson Adjutant Ernie Green, men’s side of- ficer of the Salvation Army Training Oollege ofï¬ciated. The bridle and groom both were the regulation Sal- vation Army Uniform and the bride carried a bouquet of carnations and baby’s breath. The bridesmaid, Miss Alice Smith, and the best man Cadet Sgt. Len Knight of the Salvation Amy Training College, also wore the regulation uniform. After the tying of the knot the songsterrs sang- the hymn “The Lord Bless Thee and Keep Thee,†and Mrs. Adjutant Worthy- lake rendered a solo entitled “Lord Restow Thy Blessing.†After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson left on a. motor trip to Niagara Falls and district and on their return will reside in Toronto. Well over two hundred y en from all parts of York tended the fourth ann Dealers in . LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES ASHPHAL’I‘ ROOFING. GYPDOC. SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. Unionville Clothing Project Vellore Clothing Project ROBINSON-MOULTON WEDDING Telephone 27 AT Silver’ Bennett, 3. Toronto lacrosse enthusiast, is bringing two teams of juveniles to Richmond Hill for an exhibition game Friday night. The Maroons will play the Young Can- ucks and the Canadians will play the Night Hawks. Silver collection in aid of relief fund. LACROSSE GAME FRIDAY NIGHT RoyalTheatre,AURORA Two Shows Daily â€" 7.30 & 9.30 â€"- Sat. Matinee 2.00 p.m. ANNIVERSARY SALE 2516 Yonge St. Lourden Taylor’s Buck Jones in “THE THRILL HUNTER†Our Gang Comedy WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, OCT. 10-11 CLARKE GABLE â€"- MYRNA LOY -â€" WM. POWELL Opportunities in ‘_ Business Alterations done free during sale “CHARLIE CHANS’ COURAGE†“MANHATTAN MELODRAMA†TO-DAYâ€" THURSDAY LESLIE HOWARD â€" BETTE DAVIS “COCKEYED CAVALIERS†.â€"in._ “OF HUMAN BONDAGE†FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCT. 5-6 of Better Made Garments 15% discount on any Dress 0r Coat if Customer brings in a copy of this Ad. MONDAY & TUESDAY, OCT. 8-9 Special Matinee Mongay at 2 P. M. TWO FEATURES WHEELER and WOOLSEY in WARNER OLAN D â€"â€" also â€" â€"andâ€"- Six Richmond Hill rinks competed in the Newmarket Doubles Tourna- men on Wedlnesday and A. A. Eden and P. C. Hill were successful in winâ€" ning the first prize. Prizes for the tournament were turkeys and geese. Forty rinks competed. Have You CorsetWorries? 2648 Yonge St. MO.3740 OPEN EVENINGS We specialize in Corsetry and in the fitting of these intimate garments. Our new Fall Models are now stocked including the Famous GOSSARD Garments. MisSIMPLICITYâ€"a one-piece Garment with good control Priced from $4.95 to $16.50. Name ............................ AGNES-MAUD CORSETRY Cut out entire advertisement, ï¬ll in space below, and mail : A Walt Disney Colored Cartoon Address ...... How to get a Free copy The latest edition of the Gregg College Catalogue, illustra- ted on the left, gives a very interesting and helpful discussion to those undecided be- tween business and a professional life. BOW LING NOTES PAGE FIVE MO. 4246