Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Oct 1934, p. 6

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PAGE SIX L. W. Zuefelt PRACTICAL PAINTER, PAI’ERHANGER. GRAINER, ETC. Clure last week . Will take farm produce or anything Owing to the illness of the pastoral useful for part or full payment for Rev. J. McKenzie‘ there was no my- services. vice at Knox on Sunday. We wish} ‘ ELDER NEWS Mrs. Forsythe of King was a visitor: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mcâ€"‘ 30 Benson A ve., this opportunity to congratulate him " ' -- ion his recent marriage to Miss Jessie is, Lawrence of Palmerston. We Wel- FTCm Maple Gravel Pit come Mrs. McKenzie into our midst. GENERAL CARTAGE by Tm“ l we are pleased to report that Mr. ‘Jack McCallum has sufficiently re- covered from his recent operation as to enable him to return to his home. Mr. W. D. Lawrie left on Monday to resume his studies at O. A. C. Guelph. We are pleased that Miss Jean Elder is able to be around again after her recent serious illness. WM. MCDONALD, Thornhill, Telephone 62. S. TUPPER BlGELOW LLB.” BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. ETC. 'Member of the Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta Bars) 310 McKinnon Building, We read of a radio crooner who 19 MElinda St" Toronto was knocked speechless by lightning. BHS- Phone EL- 1744 And still some deny that Nature Res. Phone RA. 5429 knows bestlvRegina Leader-Post. Kerr Brothers BAKERS â€" GROCERS â€"â€" BUTCHERS BREAD CAKES PIES Specials For This Week-End Watch Our Window for High Class Cakes and Pastry Give us your order for your Mincemeat Pics and Pumpkin Pies this week-end BANANA LAYER CAKES: each . . . . . . . 15c. & 25c. COOKIES, Special, 2 doz. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c. QUICK QUAKER OATS, lge. pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . 21c. MINCEMEAT, Special, 2 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . 23c. COMFORT SOAP, 8 bars for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. UNWRAPPED LAUNDRY SOAP, 10 bars for 25c. SUNFLOWER SALMON, tall tin . . . . . . . . . . . 12c. WASHING SODA, 6 pkgs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. BRUNSWICK SARDINES, 6 tins for . . . . . . . . 25c. CHEFS PORK & BEANS. 2 lge. tins . . . . . . . . 19c. CORN & TOMATOES, 2 tins for . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c. SLICED PINEAPPLE, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11c. Fresh and Cooked Meats, Phone 117 Bakery and Grocery, Phone 77 PROMPT DELIVERY him a speedy recovery and also take 1 n THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO _â€" . y W hat DoYou Know’ TEMPERANL sviLLE About Canada ? DO YOI' KNOW That blasphemy was a serious offence among the early settlers when offenders were liable to exposure on pillory or a lip incision with re- moval of the entire tongue in cases of chronic culprits? THAT Louis Hebert, called the Abraham of Canada. was our first permanent settler who, after living for a while in Acadia came to Queâ€" bec in 1617 to receive the first sig- niory granted in 1623? TIIAT Nicholas Aubry of Paris was the first clergyman to shores of Canada when spending a winter with a band of colonists on Dechaux Island on the St. Croix River in 1604? THAT Eustache Martin, son of the St. Lawrence River pilot, Abraham Martin, born at Quebec in October, 1621, was the first child born of white parents in Quebec? THAT the first school in Canada was opened at Three Rivers in 1616 by the Recollet brother, Pacifique du Plessis, for French and Indian chil- dren? THAT Cardinal Richelieu, Minister of State under Louis XIV, stipulated that none but French Catholics could settle in Canada after 1628? THAT in 1639 the Urculines open- ed in Quebec the first educational establishment for women in North America ? _ » THAT Corneille‘ls “De 01d" was the first play presented in Canada when staged in 1646 in the store- room of the Hundred Associates at Quebec? THAT the first marriage in Ca- nada took place in 1618 when Anne Hebert and Stephen Jonquart be- came man and wife? THAT the first horse was shipped to Quebec in 1647 for the personal use of Governor Montmagny? THAT guests invited to dinner in French Canada were formerly ex- pected to bring their OWn knives? THAT beaver skins were legal tender in New France and that in 1663 a pound of skin was valued at four francs? THAT approximately 1,000 un- married girls were sent from France visit the l 53â€", The VV.A. Of St. John's Anglican Church will be having a rummage sale on Saturday, Oct. (ith. in the Parish Hall, Oak Ridges. The WI. will meet at the home of Mrs. Gui. Thompson on \Vednesd‘ay. Oct. luth. It is expected that Dr. Arabella McCallum of Toronto will present and give a health talk. The Roll Call is to be answered by “Sometime for which I am thankful." The Misses Mary Barker and Ruth Jennings and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings, Mrs. M. B. Beynon and Mrs. W. N. Thompson attended the York County he 29th, which held at Victoria Square. . We congratulate Miss Mary Barker inn winning the second prize in the wa third year sewing project. Mrs. William Pellatt of Toronto is spending a few days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carr. A very pleasant evening was spent last Friday with the family when a‘ number of Mrs. Pellatt's girl friends called as a. surprise party. Mr. Wm. Barker and family motor- ed to Holstein on Sunday where they visited Miss Annie Barker. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Beynon and family visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mount and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Paxton of Kettleby on Sun- day. week-end. The United Church will celebrate eve.- one hundred years anniversary 0'] i14t‘i, the week inclusive. 1 l i Achievement Day on Saturday, Sept‘ Sunday, Oct. 7th, and Sunday, Oct. Mlddlesex, On Oct. Icounties THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4th. 1931 uâ€"‘N'm 'mâ€" iNEWS AND INFORMATION BUSY FARMER Advanced Registry in swing is catching on in Ontario. Applications for entry are increasing rapidly, and the first testing station in Ontario: located at New Hamburg with 34] pens is filled to capacity, and scores, of litters will be put on test on the; breeders” farms ,this fall. Swinei raisers are wanting to know what is‘ lack of the sow or boar they purâ€". chase, and the best way to provide that information is through official feeding and slaughter tests. m“ l Grain Burnt Lambs , The use of legume hay, either al-' falfa or clover, is considered essential for success in lamb fattening. Home grown grains may be combined to make an'excellent ration for fatten- ing lambs, but range lambs require a considerable period of building up beâ€" fore being fed a heavy amount of fattening grain. Where the grain is increased too rapidly to include barâ€" ley and wheat, lambs may become grain burnt, or overfed on grain. In such cases they practically go off feed and stop making gains. These lambs are very difficult to handle. They should be taken off grain entirely, and fed on alfalfa hay and roots for: a period of three weeks to a month; The grain feed may then be gradually, Miss Mabel Jennings attended thelmcreased until the lambs are bemg Y.P.S. convention at North Bay last!de a fun fattenmg grain allowance. figs... Weekly Crop Report Reports from Bruce, Dufferin, Wellington and other state that frequent rains ‘7th. Rev. R. B. Beynon of Thornton (luring september have greatly im- ia grandson of John Beynon, one of the founders of the church, will preach in the morning at 11 o'clock. In the evening at 7.30 p.m. Rev. Herbert proved pastures, with a resulting optimism as to wintering of stock since beef cattle are gaining and will go into stable in very fair condition. Lee of Stouffville, abrother-inâ€"law of Warm Weather also reSulted in a Rev. R. B. Beynon, will have charge wondePfUl gTOthL of fall Wheat. In On Tuesday evening an old time supâ€" Huron County all root crops will be )‘Br will be given. on Wednesday above the average of last year. Corn- evcning the W.M.S. will have charge. cutting and Silo-filling has been the O n Thursday evening an Oxford order of the day in most sectionsl group, under the leadership of Aubrey Reports 0f thFeShlng‘S in Wellington ILove, descendant of the Love family lwho gave the present property for iworship. On Friday evening an adâ€" continue to give details of splendid, yields and the grain is of higher quality than for two or three years. ldress will be given by Rev. Geo. Littlelsweet Clover S’eed there has yielded lof Toronto, this meeting- will be in as high as ten bushels to the acre and Charge of the y_P.S' and Sunday while timothy yields were not as high, _ FOR THE the effect of the drought as experâ€" ienced in Canada. The Dominion Bureau of Statistics, in a bulletin issued Sept. 11, esti- mates the total yield in bushels as follows: Spring Wheat, 270,282,000 bushels; Fall Wheat, 7,022,000; Oats, 344,746,000: Barley, 68,800,000; Rye, 6.532.000; Flaxseed, 1,096,000. Yields per acre of all grains are below aver- age but are slightly higher than the revised estimates for last year. The hay and clover crops is esti- mated at 9,884,000 tons, the lowest on record as compared with 11,433,000 tons in 1933 and an average yearly production of more than 16,000,000 for the four years 1926-1930. The fear was therefore well founded that Can- ada might be faced with a hay shortâ€" age, and the Order-in-Council of Aug. 24th was accordingly passed requirâ€" ing a licence for all exports of hay and straw. The Order-in-Council has had the effect of directing attention to the unusual shortage of supply, and the requiring of a licence for export has prompted those in needy areas to anticipate their season’s requirements with the result that there is now a substantial movement of hay in Canâ€" ada from the surplus areas to the areas of shortage. Eternal the flags iaigbmap DailyServices LOW FARES between Richmond Hill and N ewm arket, Sutton, Barrie, Orillia, Midland and intermediate pomts. COMPANY I 2471 Yonge St. at Castlefield Phone MO. 3133 Floor Plugs installed, Appliances repaired, Fixtures, Edison Mazda Lamps, Irons, Toasters, etc. Just Phone us MO. 3133, reverse call and we will gladly give you an estimate on the cost of any Wiring or repairs you may require. ~M l “NO WONDER YOU FEEL AND I l l i LOOK SO MUCH BETTER” â€"said the physician. Half in fun and half because he occasionally “felt punk", :1 college chap Jorned 39 other students to form a test class or clinic. A certain physrcran Wanted to test on this class the recuperative power of a certain tonic preparation, the formula of ' inspired his confidence. Whmh had H Like the other 39. this young man’s blood was tested and the count of red corpuscles and roll colouring matter was found well below normal. No wonder he “felt punk” at times. He was given 1 the tome and returned in thirty days to have his blood tested again. There was no doubt about improved health. He looked it and felt it. His blood test showed that red corpuscles and red colouring matter had strikingly increased. “No wonder ou are feel' I looking better." said the physician. y mg am I Would you like to feel better, too? Would you like to be keen again about study or work or play? Then take this “tested tonic” which proved such a benefit to the forty college students. It restores well-being by increasmg the red corpuscles and red colouring matter of the bloodâ€"those carriers in the blood stream which must he kept up to normal numbers if the person is to possess health and vitality. This tested tonic IS Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Easy to take whether at home, at college or at business. Recommended for all who feel i l l l l i run-down, over-tired, nervous or “low”, or are under-Weight Your druggist has this tested tonic~Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills,’ price 50c. Pretty Nice Weather Now But soon the cold winds will blowâ€"the frost and snow will comeâ€"the cheery warmth of a comfortable coal heated homeâ€"will be necessary. Do not delayâ€"ORDER YOUR COAL NOWâ€"“get the best Anthracite coal pro- duced BLUE COAL.” Sized to suit every home burning condition HARD WOOD . , l SLABS cut to suit. a so Call us. PHONE 10 The Elevator by 1672 for the Quebec marriage mart ? l THAT the feudal system was 1n- 3 and troduced into Canada in 162 abolished by Parliament in 1854? THAT the parish priests received cne-twenty-sixth of all the grain grown by French-Canadian farmers as church tithes? THAT trade and travel between Canada and the AmericanAColonies were forbidden at one period of his- tory under the death penalty? THAT the Hotel Dieu of Quebec, founded in 1639, was the first hos- pital in North America? THAT the father of an unmarried daughter of sixteen or an unmarried son of twenty was subject to a court fine and that bachelors could not ob- tain a license to engage in the fur tradeâ€"the only non-agricultural oc- cupation of that period. . THAT the raising of large families was subsidized by a decree passed in 1669 when, for instance, the father of ten living children received an annuity of sixty dollars? THAT King Charles I of England in 1625 created the Order of Baronets of Nova Scotia upon those willing to contribute to the founding of that colony and that, of the 280 Barons created until 1707, 34 were given estates both in New Brunswick and Anticosti, 24 in Cape Breton and’ 15 in Nova Scotia? ‘ THAT “Spencerwood,” the official residence of the Lieutenant-Governors of Quebec, was originally the home of Sieur de Puizeau who gave the pro- perty to Paul de Maisonneuve, the founder of Montreal? THAT 7,995,470 acres of land were I School. these memorial services. THE COW The cow is a female quadruped with an alto voice, and a countenance which has no guile. She collaborates with the pump in the production of a liquid called milk. Provides the filler for hash and at last is skinned by lthose she has benefited as mortals commonly are. The cows tail is mounted aft and has a universal joint. Persons who milk cows and come in contact with this» tail have vocabularies of peculiar and impressive force. The cow has no upper plate, all of ler teeth are parked in the lower part of her face. This arrangement was- perfected by an efficiency expert to keep her from gumming things up, as a result she bites up and gums down. The cow has two stomachs. The one on the ground floor is used for a warehouse and has no other function, when,this filled, the cow retires to a quiet place where her ill manners will cause no comment and devotes: herself to belching. The raw material then is conveyed for the second time to the interior of her face, is then delivered to the auxiliary stomach where it is converted into cow. The young cow is called a calf and is used in the manufacture of chicken salad. I The male cow is called a bull and is used extensively to advertise a. cerâ€" tain brand of tobacco. granted ecclesiastical bodies during) A Slice of COW costs eight cents in the French regime of which thelthe cow fourteen cents in the hands Jesuits received 891,845, the Seminary, of a packer and two dollars and sixty of Quebec 693,324, the Supicians 250,-{cents in a restaurant that specializes 191, the Ursulines 195,525, the Hoteijin atmosphere â€" and that’s what a Dieu of Quebec 14,112 and the pioneeri CUW is- Recollets 945 acres? I â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" THAT the first slave sale recorded THIS IS QUEER in Canadian history took place in 1628? can a girl 2‘ ChiCk and She Smiles; when David Kirke sold a Madagascar call her a hen and she howls. Call a boy at Quebec for fifty half crowns? young woman a Witch and She is THAT the estimated population of pleased; can an Old Woman 3 WitCh New France at- the close of the French and She is indignant‘ can a girl a regime was only 60,000 inhabitants? kitten and she rather likes it; call a woman a cat and she hates you. Wo- INEVITABLE men are queer. Secretary: Your broker is calling If you call a man a gay dog, it Will for more margin and the laundryman flatter him; call him a pup, a. hound, want his money, Which one shall I or a cur, and he will try to alter the pay? map of your face. He doesn’t mind Boss: It doesn't make any differ- being called a bullor a bear, yet he enceâ€"I’ll lese my shirt at either will object to being mentioned as a place. calf or a cub. Men are queer, too. Patientâ€"“Doctor, I’ve just re. .GINGER-SNAPS ceived your bill for that operation. Conductor (helping Stout lady 01! Could you take anything off for car)â€"“Ye should take yeast, mo- cash?” ther, ter ’elp yer to rise better.” Doctorâ€"“Yes, anything â€" What, Stout Lady â€" “Take some yerself, would you like to have taken off, an lad and then yer’d be better bred.”â€" arm or a leg?” (Sheffield Telegraph). All are invited to attend good prices are very encouraging- ithan at first anticipated. lwill be a bumper crop in Middlesex, betwe n so the supply of feed for livestock will be much larger than expeCtEd. d 0 an I ATTRACTIVE RATES Haldimand also reports higher yields Mangelsv Poultry Field Day at the ' Central Experimental Farm A special poultry field“ day on the ‘ finishing, dressing and grading lof i poultry will be held at the Poultry; Division, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa on October 18th. Demonstrations and lectures will be given on fattening feeds for poultry crate feeding and crate feeding prac- tices, killing and plucking, and grad- ing of dressed poultry. Farmers and poultrymen who would be interested can secure programs either through the Experimental Farm or by notifying their local Agricul- tural Representative. Canadian and USA. points GRAY COACH fiarness and Harness Repairs NEW AND USED COLLARS COLLAR REPAIRING AND FITTING A SPECIALTY Extend Ontario Boar Bonus Policy Until Next March In pursuance of the present policy of encouraging the production of} bacon hogs suitable for the Export Market, it is announced that the Federal share of the assistance of- fered under the Ontario Boar Bonus Policy will be continued until the end of the present fiscal year, March 3151:, 1935. Under this policy a bonus of $5.00 is offered to owners of purebred boars of approved type available for public service. If such boalrs are from sows, qualified under Advanced Registry, the bonus payable is $7.550 Applications should be sent to H. J. Maybeie, 59 Victoria Street, Toronto ISAAC BAKER .Maple, Ont. R. R. No. 2 Telephone Maple 1063 (1% miles North of Concord) VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL 2, Ont. Crate Feeding of Poultry Crate feeding of poultry gives the highest quality flesh, and feeding in clean sanitary pens makes the best substitute. Only healthy birds of any kind will pay for feeding. Before confining them in crates or pens they should be given a laxative and made clean of lice. Feed sparingly at first. Two to four weeks are required for the finishing. It has been found that almost any good mixture of homeâ€" grown grains finely ground and mixed with milk will answer. A satisfactory finishing ration may be composed of the following: One part finely ground whole wheat One, part finely ground whole bar- ley. One part finely ground whole oats. Fresh skim, whole or buttermilk should be used as a mixer. This ration is satisfactory for all market poultry except geese and ducks. Effects of Drought in Canada The following references to Ca- nadian crop production are from Ca- nadian official sources and indicate Treasurer’s Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Reeve of the Village of Richmond Hill dated the 5th day of July 1934 and to me directed, commanding me to. proceed with the collection of air- rears of taxes, together with the fees and expenses, I hereby give notice that the list of lands liable to be sold has been prepared, and is being pub- lished in the “Ontario Gazette” under the dates- of August 4th, September lst and October 6th, 1934, and that, unless the said arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, I shall, on the 15th day of November 1934 proceed to sell the said lands to discharge the said arrears of taxes and the charges thereon. The sale will be held on the above date at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon in the Municipal Hall in the Village of Richmond Hill. Copies of said List may be had at my office. A. J. HUME, Village Treasurer Dated at Richmond Hill August 2nd, 1934

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