Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Oct 1934, p. 8

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0=0=0=01 Ino=o=o The Big Swing again in 1934 to Modern and Olde Tyme Dancing Three Lucky Number Prizes 6 Piece Breakfast Suite, 68 Piece Dinner Set, Ladies or Gents Wrist Watch Entertainment Galore Fun and Frolic For All Wed.0ct. 10th ’ Broadway Furs Massey Harris Farm Implements Parts and Repairs Beatty Bros. Products Stable and Water Equipment. etc. Roofing Supplies 74 Chuck St. Phone 132W Richmond Hill SPECIAL from Isl to 13th Oct, 2431 YONGE‘ST. TORONTO, ONT. CHAS. GRAHAM Phone 18 Lucky Number Admission Tickets 25c. We are Specialists of Long Standing in Repairing, Remodelling and Restyling of all Furs 3364 Yonge St. (South of Melrose) Richmond Hill Arena RAHAM’S BEAUTY SALON PAGE EIGHT Under auspices Richmond Hill Trumpet. Band THE ORIGINAL GENASCO OIL SHAMPOO ART WEST’S ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE ESTIMATES CH EERFULLY GIVEN Tbere is a Findla Range to suit every urse andpmfiose. Findlay quality Z4: been improving or 70 years, until why it 1'; the accepted standard qf stave building. AGENT Commencing at 8.30 p.m. FINGER WAVE or MARCEL Telephone MOhawk 5530 75c. Reg. $1.00 â€"andâ€" . W. Brathwaite TOEOI 0:0 Phone 4 Mars. Brideâ€"(Under her breath)â€"Ha, ha Bridegroomâ€"The minister said this arriage would cost me exactly ten Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO Wilfrid R. Scott Dodge & DeSoto 10:0! We Deliver o=o==o=9 HUdson 4422 The monthly meeting of the Wom- en’s Institute will be held on Wednes- day, Oct. 10th, at the home of Mrs. E. Wade, instead of at Mrs. J. Mc- Mahon’s, and will be of the nature of a Hallowe’en program. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Les- lie Laver in the death of her brother Mr. J. E. Weech, who passed away on Monday at his home in Lambton Mills. A lecture on China, illustrated with lantern slides, was given on Monday evening by Rev. Mr. Harrington of Toronto. Rev. W. F. Wrixon was present and took part in the meeting. At the close, the Vaughan Branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society was re-organized with Mr. Wm. Oliver as President and Mrs. I. Wat- son, Secretary-Treasurer. Special Thanksgiving services will be held in the United Church next Sunday, Oct. 7th. The children on the Cradle Roll of the Sabbath School of the United Church and their mothers were en- tertained in the school room on Tues~ day by Mrs. A. M. Partridge, Super- intendent of that department. Miss Eva Partridge of Barrie visit- ed‘ last week at the Parsonage. Anniversary services will be held at Hope on Sunday, Oct. 14th, when Rev. W. Hunnisett of the Fred Victor Mission will preach at 11 a.m. The orchestra of the Mission will be pres- ent to take part. Quite a number of young people of Maple are attending the School of Methods at Thornhill. The mariag‘e of Miss Audrey Rogers, formerly of Thornhill, and Mr. W. A. Jackson of Downsview was sol‘emnized at the Parsonage on Satâ€" urday, Rev. A. M. Partridge officiat- mg. Mr. R. Manning and Mr. A. Forrest were enrolled as students at the University of Toronto last week. Prior to moving to Kingston, Mrs. Hadlow was presented with.a hand- some Praye'tf Book by the Women’s Assdciation of St. Stephen’s. Rally Day services were held on Sunday. Dr. F. Routley gave an ad- dress in the United Church. Prof. W. E. Taylor of Wycliffe Col- lege was unable, through ilanSS, to preach in St. Stephen’s Church on Sunday evening, so the service was conducted by Rev. W. F. W’rixon. The occasion was the Harvest Home services. The choir of All Saints’ Church, King City, led the singing. Ferry Dunc. There will be a business meeting of Trinity Women’s Club at the home of the President. Mrs. Fee, on Tuesday, Oct. 9th, at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Short of Toâ€" ronto snent Sunday with Mr. and MB A. Brillinger. Mrs. S. Bone and Mrs. Mann of Toronto visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Percy Bone. ” ’ AL1_A_ At‘ The Women’s Association of the United Church will meet on Wednes- (lay. Oct. 10th, at 3 o’clock, in the Sunday School room. The hostesses will be Mrs. G. Dean, Mrs. W. Dean, Mrs. Guillam and Mrs. J. Fisher. Mrs. F. Simpson is visiting in Buffalo with her sister, Mrs. Puckerâ€" mg. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bone and Betty ’and Arthur spent Sunday in Durham visiting with Mrs. Bone’s sister, Mrs. B. Chatreau. at both services. The SundaySchool Rally was held last Sunday morning at 11 o’clock in the United Church. Rev. E. E. Pugs- ley spoke on “Our Sunday School, Yesterday, Toâ€"day and To-morrow,” to a large congregation. The Junior Choir furnished suit- able music. A pageant "Sun..ay School visitors from Far Places” was given splendidly by girls and boys of the school. James Hyslp gave an address on “A Century and a half of the Sunday School movement.” Mr. Neil McDonald, Supt, was in charge of the service. W ‘ - - L3." ‘4- n.“ th Antique Furniture Repaired and Re-Upholstered ESTIMATES SUBMITTED 2646 YONGE STREET Upholstery Shop On Sunday, Oct. 7th, anniversary nd Thank-offering services will be rcld in the United Church. In the morning at 11 o’clock, Rev. S. W. )ean, D.D. of Toronto, will preach ml in the evening at 7 o’clock Rev. 2. B. Lancely, D.D. of Toronto. The Lacrament of the Lord’s Supper will e administered in the morning and he choir will provide special music HIGH GRADE Upholstered Furniture at very Moderate Prices SLIP COVERS THORN HILL MAPLE THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO The ROSEDALE COAIrâ€"Alberta’s finest domestic coal. Try a ton for this time of year, $11.50 per ton, phone 10. The Vellore Junior Farmers and Farm Girls Club meeting has been postponed until Tuesday, October 16th, owing to the fact that King and Vaughan Plowing Match is to be held" on the regular date of their meeting. The Girls Mission Circle presented {iwo pllays on Wednesday evening, Oct. 3rd, in the Sunday School Hall of the United Church at 8 o’clock. “The Blue Bowl” represented a scene in China. The second play repre- sented “A scene in India.” in 4 acts. There was also a splendid musical program of piano solos, vocal quartet readings, etc. ‘ Miss Lamberti, an Italian soloist, and Miss Kumpulanian of Findland, who sang at the General Council in Kingston two weeks ago, also contributed to the program. Special Thanksgiving music will feature the services next Sunday in, the United Church and Thanksgiving Messages by the Pastor. “Come and worship with us and give thanks.” Sunday School at 10 a.m., Worship Services at 11 am. and/7 p.m. The Y.P.S. of Newtonbrook has a record attendance at the school in Thornhill. Miss Janet Riddell’s Mis- sionary group is in the lead. Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Halb‘ert at- tended the funeral of Rev. A. A. Wall at Alliston last week. The Girls Mission Circle will hold their Thank-offering meeting on Wed- nesday evening of next week, Oct. 10th (instead of Thursday), at 8 o’- clock at the parsonage. Note change of date owing to the Y.P.S. School in Thomhill which is held on Thursday evening. The Mission Band met last Monday at 4.15 pm. with a fine attendance. Plans were made for the work of the coming season. Newtonbrook United Church Anni- versary will be held on Sunday, Oct. let, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.111. Former members, adherents and friends are cordially invited to attend these ser- vices. On Tuesday evening, Oct. 23rd there will be 3. Chicken Supper and) Bazaar. Keep these dates open and plan to come. ‘ 'Th~ W.M.S. will hold their Thank- ‘offeiing' meeting next Thursday, Oct. 11th, in the Sunday School room of the Un’ted Church; Willowdale and Lansing Auxiliaries will be guests and will take part in the meeting. The ladies of the congregation are cor- dially invited‘. The Home and School Association held a very successful banquet last Wednesday evening in Newtonbrook Public School, about 200 attend-ed. The tables were tastefully decorated with autumn flowers and the meal was aH that could be desired. The president, Mrs» Bramble, was in charge of the program which follow- ed and consisted of speeches by sev- eral visitors present, music, distribu- tion of diplomas, etc. The National Anthem brought a very happy eve- ning to a close. The Women’s Association is holding- their regular monthly meeting atVthe church this (Thursday) afternoon and a shower will be held for the bazaar. Final arrangements will be madle for the Chicken Supper ahd Bazaar to be held on Tuesday, Oct. 23rd. The church was very beautifully) decorated for the occasion with flow-il ers which made a beautiful setting for the pageant. I Mrs. R. E. Hicks, Mrs. J. T. Soden,’ Mrs. A. H. Halbert, Miss Lever and‘ Mrs. A. W. Stephenson attended the W.M.S. Conference in Richmond Hill last Wednesday. t Galbraith. The service was in charge of Rev. A. H. Halbert and Mr. Shaw of Toronto gave a very interesting address on “The origin of Sunday Schools.” ' “VII? N EWTONBROOK VELLORE Philco and Victor Radios Electric Washing Machines Harness Rev. Coles occupied the pulpit in. the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morn ing- and Rev. John McKenzie, alâ€" though ill, conducted the evening ser- vice when a special musical service was presented by the choir with Miss Jean Lawrie at the organ. . WATSON-TURNER i A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized in St? Outhbert’s Church, Toronto, on Saturday afternoon, when Hilda Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ’E. E. Turner, became the bride‘ of Mr. Alexander Kerr Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watson of Toâ€" ronto, formerly of Pine Grove, On- tario, with Rev. P. M. Lamb the of- ficiating clergyman. The church was tastefully decorated with autumn flowers. The bride chose for her wedding gown a midnight blue crepe with grey accessories and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses and lilyâ€"of- the-valley. Miss Lydia Watson, sis- ter of the groom, was her bridesmaid. and the groom was attended by Mr. Woodbridge Volunteer Fire Brigade made a speedy run to the home of i John Howarth, 8th Avenue North, in response to the call of the fire bell. On arrival it was discovered that the fir ehad been controlled with but little damage done. The origin is not known but started in the kitchen where the window shades were burn- ed. Miss Violet Hewson of Brampton :v‘sited Woodbridge friends on Thurs- ' day last. United Church Y.P.S. Opening 5 Meeting 5 The opening meeting for the season ,of the United Church Young People’s .Society on Monday night was devoted Ito Christian Fellowship with Mrs. ILeo Watson as convenor who occu- pied the chair dur'ng the devotional ,period when topics were presented by Kelvin Shore, “Turning others to Christianity" by Miss Bessie Nattress and a poem fitting the subject by Miss Margery Darker. Miss Bertha ‘Whitmore took charge of the rest of .the program which Consisted of vocal :and musical numbers contributed by ‘Misses Marjorie Blake, Marie Allen, Jessie Watson and Mary McLean. Christ Church Y.P.A. Install Officers Christ Church Y.P.A. started the season’s activities on Monday night with a business meeting and the in- ]stallation of officers for the coming Eyear as follows: Honorary President, 'Rev. J. H. Kidd; President, Wilfred Maxey; Vice-President, Herb East- wood; Secretary, Miss Avis Poole; Treasurer, Miss Vera Smith. The Young People Will hold their next meeting on Monday night, October 15th, which will be devoted to Literâ€" ature with Miss Evelyn Brown as Convenor. ! Y.P.S. Hold Weiner Roast and ' , Elect Officers I On Friday night of last week the 'Young People of the Pfres-byterian‘ Church heId a Weiner Roast at the1 ‘lManse and enjoyed a program ofj ‘games, contests, etc., and on Monday inight last met in the Sunday Schoolg room when plans for the season were-l discussed and officers elected for thel coming year: President, Gilbert Walâ€"I lis; Vice-President, William McKenâ€" zie; Secretary, Miss Lillian Brown” Treasurer, Miss , Gertie F‘rankham; l l | Pianist, Miss Maybelle Harris; Con- venors of Committees: Devotional, Murray Coles; Misionary, Miss Mar- garet McKenzie; Literary, Miss Jean Lawrie; Sbcial, Mrs. Mamie Fan-r. On Monday night next the Youngi People will attend the big rally in the city. . the recent heavy rainfalls in the Humber Valley is abundant and sur- Ipasses that of former years, espec- ially during the autumn season. I A thirty-five cent Classified Ad. gm The Liberal was responsible for 'the sale of 200 fowl the property of (i. R. Sherin, Woodbridge, 50 of the 'brood being disposed of on Friday, ‘almost as soon as the paper was off the press. It pays to advertise. I Miss Violet Hewson of Brampton gv‘sited Woodbridge friends on Thurs- ! The growth of grass stimulated by g Woodbridge Hockey Club Dance 1 A merry crowd of young folks ‘thronged to the Orange Hall on Wed- nesday night of last week attracted by the Woodbridge Hockey Club dance. The program was a varied one and included Old Mme and Modern dances with music furnished by Ramsay’s Orchestra of Brampton and directed by Henry Hilliard of Kleinburg. The committee in charge was Wilfred Maxey, Alf. McKinnon, Lynas Glass and Gordon Bagg. The club have planned another dance to be held on the first night of the Fair, he held on the first night 01 the rau‘, Friday. Oct. 12th, with irresist'ble Dick Harrison as floor manager who will also furnish the orchestra.’ Monday next is Thanksgiving- Day after which prepare for the/greatest Rural Fair in the Dominion held on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 12th and 13th on Woodbridge Fair Grounds. WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT NEWS THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4th, 193 Ladies’ Plain Dresses95c , o Gents Suits “Beautet” Cleaned & Refinished 1o POUNDS 10‘! Not only look Clean, but smell Clean Returned Damp â€" Ready to Iron (Thursdays &‘ Fridays 20 lbs. 79c.) Austin’s Drug Store Phone 33 Richmond Hill When Clarence Budington Kelland submitted the proofs of his story “The Cat’s Paw” which ran in the Satur- day Evening Past as a serial, and, subsequently, produced as a novel, the comedian found it to be exactly what THRlF-T Wash 8c PER POUND he had in mind. It had an unusual story, a definite characterization, smart dialogue, as well as comedy and drama mingled. Lloyd stayed right with the main stem of the story, de~ viating only when necessary for pic- ture purposes, and Lloyd feels he undoubtedly has produced the “difâ€" ferent” picture he visualized. ’ “Odorless Dry Cleagirg‘”v Quality Spotless Laundry, Ltd. DAMP WASH 496 10 POUNDS Two years have elapsed since the comedian was seen in “Movie Crazy.” During that period Lloyd decided on a definite change in policy. Straight gag comedies, he realized, were be- coming passe. He was facing a. critical moment in- his career which had been one unbroken string of suc- cesses. Instead of trying to surpass the gags in “Movie Crazy,” Lloyd de- termined to go in more for story and characterization, which offered comedy possibilities of course. PERFECT STORY BRINGS LLOYD BACK TO FILMS Comedian's Return Due To Discovery of Ideal YaTn Prolonged absence of Harold Lloyd from the screen can be attributed to several reasons. The principal one has been a lack of What he regarded as suitable material. When it is con- sidered that Lloyd for fifteen years has been making comedies loaded with gags, and touching almost every con- ceivable angle of comedy, slowing down in idea development can be ex- pected. ' Consequently the Horticultural So- ciety has interested itself in an effort to obtain a community clean-up of this disease. This is the time to start. Previous to winter all infested parts should be cut out, and burned, and the burning is as important as the cutting. It does no good Whatever to cut out diseased wood and leave it lying around, for it will continue to infect surrounding trees until it is: burned. Then in the spring an ap~ plication of Bordeaux or Lime Sulphur It is deplorable but it is true that at the present time it is almost im~ possible to grow plums in Richmond Hill. The soil and location of our Village are well adapted to the growth of this delicious fruit, but there is so much uncontrolled black knot along fences and in vacant lots as well as on cultivated lots that new plantings of trees soon become useless through the devastation of this disease. This condition is all unnecessary because the disease is not difficult to control, but community effort is needed for its control. It is difficult for one man to control black knot if his neigh bor neglects to do so. NOW IS THE TIME TO WAR ON BLACK KNOT 0F PLUMS Frederick Turner. The young couple left on a wedding trip to Nova. Scotia and will take up residence on 8th Avenue, Woodbridge, on their return. CAPITOL THEATRE Phone Bed and w. NEAL hone 210 Richmond Hill and Table Linen Ironed Body Cloths: Damp Pres. Horticultural Society PAUL E. ANGLE,

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