__â€"â€" PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18th, 1934 THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO hmugh. “red Toy-.th rotii‘wi chin ed to attend the A.Y.P.A. ('onvention we!“ lem Gmdlmmc and guns' Alf. The lt‘gulm‘ meeting of the “~0m_ W _____ ‘ ï¬~~m WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT NEWS l THORNHILL g=o=o=o=o=omo=o=oac v - 4 . . .. Th) election of officers of the A.Y. Those who visited Mr. and Mrs. VV.prcsuleptl ow}mg to the vaciriiqi , . . (PA. (was held in the parish gal†Last IE R- Scott ‘lUl'lnE the Fair weer M1" {3‘qu J-‘V HE reslgnml‘m 0‘ or" 'Momlay night. when the iivl0\\'1nf_’,‘ and Mrs C T Seott, Erin; Mr. Fred Eastwemi who is about to take up were installed: President, Miss Lucy! ‘ H I“ i ' ' "“" ‘ i ' ’7' v‘ ‘ \lurxlison' Viceâ€"President, Charles McEnmv‘ Secretary (,1 1mm Ag-m- I .t,.1(l9nCt 1n Toionto. \\l..n htnntth .V . ‘. ‘ H ‘ .1 ll ' l S " t' airl J N VVansâ€"lKidd was chosen. Delegates appointâ€" V "N 3 “I Noble. Secretary, Miss Isabel Balk: cu tum ‘ QUE '\' c ' ' i i ‘ Outstanding local pix/.e “mucus “unsurmu “111mm AONU. | ‘E despatchcr for the CPR. he“ in Ottawa “1’1"? Mlng Yk‘l'ii llagg. James Bari-g (ankli Sons.FI. pug. Auxiliary Wm mun on Thuygdayh ~- ~ - 5 W 4 it 0 Smith. Irene Maxey and Mr. Roscrie Kt-llam ambSon. . .. arris. 1'81“ Oct. 23th. at the home ot the pres- A “Olen “I “1th Llunfl IS p' W Th. . ""1. “14.401 of Nattress. \V. Clarkson and Son, Mrs. “pm. Mrs. N' 11. NHIHO. The after- was discovered abandoan and m villa. C llll’hhfn : 1 » " “mm. AWN“: Mâ€: James plum“, WWW Wm he mom quilting. flames on School Hill, Pine GI‘OVQ.*YU3(III1§55 by M185 AVIS Ioolt‘. £11118? )1]... (4,11,10,- Sigypnsgin am] 3111:, \\. MIN. N H_ NPMO ntummfl a mop“ . quturdav momuw lag! Countv land song numbers by Bersoy Kitchen-H. Mitchell. 1 . l . lllt" ol‘ the lite memlyprs of the “ï¬rmi- ‘ - ““ , '. ' . i . . . . . .~ .- ' A .‘ "" 39 ~ 's X "l""' hel‘ in tbe Churc 0‘ '. - ' ~ 1 ~ ~..- er. he as war old son (f Mi. and Mrs. It ll» “1 t 1‘ JU‘ 2m.“ “(H n. . ux 1.113 n ‘ OffKCI 53m Ilelan" ln“~tlgi‘t9d andl L - ’ . llu\\‘.~~1 tbn Redeemer. Toronto, this \\’."f‘l\'. and Designing Furriers TORONTO | V ,. . V V f had the wreck towed to Jack Watson‘s luruest hitchcner. Lunch was seneil; 0 Garage. by Mrs. Walter Rymill and Mrs. Lulu \Voodbridge Junior Women’s Insti- ‘VilliS. Horse Racing 2.2V ClassiDax'id Direct, owned by D. Pnlmrey; Jimmie_ Gl‘illl’(il}i{.10\\ill£(i - - ‘ N v ' bV VIC WWIIU'W- ll (“Wm (71“ .V "3 wins of the \Vomcn's .â€"\.~‘soci.’1li!‘ii. mite were the glues†01 the semom A bpmf‘m“.01’s°r}§t'°ns 0f Gi'attfln. MVHOII UV C B LH‘WNWF- The spectacle is an educational and at the home Of MIR Mamie Fan. and “ Godhnd’t‘ro Paâ€. 2.22 ClassiBluc Mountain Chilcoot. rntcrtaiuiug feature. a consistent. v“ ‘ - s ‘ 7 |' V ‘ v ' i h I . v - . I Miss Helen Ross, 8th Avenue, on Old BOW afld B1115 01 W00db1fldil'0‘p‘“n£‘d by RC.)1 01::11511nilT [Igglltn’lil‘ll MI W NMMEH] mm Hm DH] of moh'm‘ who long a o wandered far rom; Ira an. mm t .. - (~‘* ‘ 1; my... alga ;\ nicturo For the chi‘.- TueSday afternoon laSt' . th. ‘Ei S t .1 ,1 .t w1wn'Penetanu: The Admiral. owned by C. that]: “Vipkov Mame my, The “W. on Miss Emma Horde returned to her home le ulna on a UHF} m lB. LaWI'mlCC- “it?†‘Tw‘rhoursi of thrillimT most home at Thornhill after spending a they met many old fl‘lends at the; . .. . _ h 2.15 Class (5 heatslâ€"Grattanettc, _‘ , Week with her friend, Miss Marry Conic to see the <W‘ctacle “Mothers! and Millions" in the United Church! on Monday. Oct. ‘22nd. under the aus- ' ’ ‘ v - x]'- . v I v Dz J. 1] 3:10,; I‘agtip Patchwllisnil‘illfl‘ story ever told of' the un- Fair, and 1nc1dently spent the “etx |(\\l’1(‘(. by l L- hmimbmis: Gmunn [Wing IMO (p nmthorhmd‘ homo and 2568 YONGE STREET MOHAVVK 6030 00=°==0=0=£0=0=0=0 l l [1 Fairgreavcs. 31‘] With “‘laï¬ves- Nntlceable amfmgl ggpfilhiwoï¬ï¬pd [w G. Rowmroe. country ln'ntliei‘bpod for God and man “The Road Back†a plav produced «hem were Tom Eal'ls‘ Lew MCBI‘de’ offici§13_3tm+9n J. M. mimie‘ In motion, music. art and humor. by the Young“ People of Kettlebv An- IO? Shal‘l‘. Ben Hal‘l‘lsv W- H- Buntv Tillsonburg; timer, J. C. Harris. b01991th (Ii‘IP«IY:£?p?3FhS:§]:W at R; i ‘ - v V .' ;- ' ~ I I r O (' C(‘A’. In If‘ l I ‘ . Art Hal'rlsv Mrs- Thomas Mounse)‘ “ OOthL'm‘ ‘mdges' Ha] B “ almn' Trinity \Vomen‘s Alwiliary is hold'i =0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0: glican Church under the direction of Rev. Hunt of Schombergwas pre59nt- ed in the Orange Hall under auspices int? :1 banouct on Friday evenino. Oct. 19th. at 7 o‘clock. in Lawreucn anor- in] Hall. The guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. F. H. Cosm'avc, M.A., Pr.“- Vost oi" Trinity College. l A Raynor of interest to all will be bold in the Sundav School Room of Thornhill Presbyterian Church on Mrs. Ed. Ramsey Jeaanoronto. Dr. C. Riddel, Orangcville. and Miss Mounsey. Horses . . Pcrcherons‘A. Bagg, Edgeley; H. of N. Clarke Wallace L-O-L- 0“ Satin" Of the 12000 Specratms Who passed i M. Hodgson, Lloydtown; J. Lindsay. day night last to a capacity audience. through the new tl'lrnStlle at the Fan‘lBolton: F. Nattress, Bolton; J. Fewâ€" HarveSt Home Sel'ViceS 0f Humber 9.†saturdabv' Garfield Ella of smlth' stcr. Weston: W. B. Reid. Brampton: Summit Congregational Church held]ï¬eld “'35 ï¬rst E. Watson, \Voodbridge, and H. Tay_ on sunday last With M1" Erneslc ROOt . MUSIC waï¬ pmuled by a Radio cm 1013 Klelllblll'z‘r- lSaturday afternoon. Oct. 27th. Fancy: as guest speaker were well attended I“ “‘9 abs-en“? Of a ban‘l' _ Heavy draftâ€"E. Stewart. Bolton; wm-k suitabl'} fm- Christmas giftmi when a special musical service was Great m’temSt “'35 taken 1“ the W- B. RC‘HL Bl'athOHL F. Nattl't‘sgv homo baking and candy for sale.. - - -t b M. three trotting events. Owing to the Bolt'm; L. WOIdI‘ICk, WOOdbl'ldgC; J- At'ternron tea. _ pmwdedby the Chmr 35515 ed y .IS' 1, . .th . fth d .th «mi 1' Clfll'k, NOI'Vab and G- Amlel‘son, Trinity Women's Club White Elo- W. 0. Duncan and Miss Jenny Devms 0W tC’mi‘mu 1119 0 e 3} eigï¬ (- {Made-V. 7.1mm Sale and Afternoon T0,, will he) of Emery United Church choir. ‘ta'ld “'33 “0t as “'0†patromzed as llarncss llOl‘SLSvâ€"“I. H. Rutledge,Humtmmm] until Saturday, Nov. 3rd. Hockey Club Dance Little sale was made of ice Poit Credit; M. Givens, Limchouse;: The Hockey Club with a committee cream and ginger ale. 2516 Yonge St. MO. 4246 The crown, A- 13- Weber. Kitchener. and R. N-lTRY RosunALEEOAL for this sca- 1 hot weiner and hamburger Lourden Taylor’s usual. Burden, Hillsburg. Lady (lrivcrs‘vl i - f son of the year. It is extremely flexâ€"I composed of Wilfred Maxey, Lynas‘pm 9â€" Miss J. lirownridge, Brampton: M‘ss ’. g ' h ‘ H“ h‘eat asl ' Glass Am McKinnon and Gordonlsandwiches, hot tea and coffee 11v R, Kerr. Acton; Mrs. V, w_ made“, ible As much eat 01 l C ‘1 I ~ I ' ' ‘ ' King. (icntlcmen‘s saddle horseâ€"R. \‘ou rant. Try a ton and be conâ€"l theistead. The most of the crowd could I V V iignszigï¬rgzysï¬gii ggnl::to£veeklbe found in the Vicinity of the Mid_ H. Prngle, Toronto, and R. H. Bell, Vincma' (iwapm. than Coko 01- ami [way which was the most extensive in tlxrach, 811.50 per ton. Phone 10, when a program of olde tyme, modern _ . ‘ I. I). Rumor & son. and novelty dances was. carried outithe lilstory of the Falr. A falling off! A l the Draft Horse Classes was a Lambton. l I of Better Made Garments 1573 discount on any Cattle yrshires W. E. Lansdell, Milton; Nancy Lake Farms, King: J. T. Clark WHFJiE \\'.\S SHE? to music by Dick Harrison’s orchestra in . . d who also acted as floor manager. The l “M “able Item‘ The 112. 11mm boys have made these parties very:Squasb shown by W. B. Dav1dson of popular and have planned another for {Agincourt caused many exclamationsl Friday Nov, 9th {of astonishment. Mrs , H. Gragnger of Moncton N_ rHumber Summit, display of vegetables B., visited Mrs. Arthur McNeil and was mm“ admn'ed' . Miss Liny McNeil, 8th Avenue, last sheep was the biggest and best ever. I week. After all, what would a Country' United Church }7_ R S_ iFair be without a Midway. I Citizenshin night attracted a fullipartment, like all others, was well] Sunday School Room to the regulargf‘llefl' , .. l weele meeting of the United Churchi L‘ght flngel‘ed gentry were d'hgent‘ YES: on Monday night when Miss lworkers, several cases of pocket pick- B‘essie Nattress, Citizenship Conven~ rug were reported' or, presided. Following the Devotion_. MIA" 'J' A- Pearson, poultry brewer a1 peï¬bd when the Scripture lesson lof D1x1e, who for 53 years has been an was read by Mrs. A. Dean and ex_lannual exhibitor, was again in evi- plained by Mrs. W. E. Hutchison aide‘lce' I _ program of music and readings was; There were exhlbitors from as far provided by Miss Thelma Shore “.hoiWe-st as St. Thomas and Clinton, read a poem on the life of Pauline Shanty Bay m the North and 139110 Johnston, Indian poetress; Andy Mc-iVille in the East‘ Clure a recitation; Misses Marie Al-l len and Mary McLean a vocal duet: . Misses Agnes McCallum and Maryl Stevenson with Hawaiian Guitar num- bers. Topics were discussed by Mrs. J. E. Anderson. Christ Church A. Y. P. A. Christ Church A.Y.P.A. met in the Parish Room on Monday night last with Miss Evelyn Brown in the chair. Following the opening by President Wilfred Maxey the principal business transacted was the election of a vice- Wilfrid R. Scott Successor to J. J. Deane THE LAST FLY At this season of the year what housewife cannot appreciate the fol- lowing which appeared in the New York Sun? Tis the last fly of summer left zoom- ing alone; All his loathed companions are swat-l ted and goneâ€" No lady bug, June bug nor beetle is nigh the pie. I’ll not leave thee, thou lone one, to pine on the pane; Frank 0- Reevesvfl). Dobson, Brampton; A. E. Waldie,l ‘Milton; J. M. Fraser. Streetsvillc; C. The show off}- Boake. - r raser, This (19- l J. Gardhouse & Sons swept the Short- born cattle class. Rockwood; R. Blackbu‘rn, A. McKinnon, Hillsburg; M. Bailey. To swim in the custard or dance on |J. H. Lockie. Zephvr, and Beath Farms~ i have hit at you often, but swat once 0- B. Boyntons' GOI‘mleyI W. B. Reid, and J. Gardhouse & Sons. W. Clarkson and Son of \Veston and & Sons, Norval; C. K. Jarvis, Milton;l J. Elliott. VVoodbridgc; T. O. Dobson. Brampton; J. M. Fraser. Churchill. Holsteinsâ€"J. B. Kellam, \Veston; T. Interest has been aroused among racingr pigeon fanciers at thhcrton,, Nortbumberland, England, by the ar-l rival hrme of bird which was rc-' anmv:m“ and J. Mxleascd at the start of a race three Street-“Ville. Jerseysâ€"A. Scars ago. The l)ll'(l the property of 3319.93 Edfl‘PlCY; L- G. Harris. Pine Solomon Oakley, (f Nether-ton, was Cmve' and '1' Bags: & sons' Edgoloy' entered in 1931 for the 500_mile race from Mclun. She was released with Ihundreds of other birds, but failed! . lto arrive home. Now, exactly three' Hlmhm‘g‘lyears after her disappearance, the race from Melum was again flown, and when the first pigeons arrived . at Nethcrton, the missing bird was Saxflliicgiidelsh(112:3Si:.::f“;,g;,ntT£‘§, noticed among them. She was mi F. B. Glaspel] of Halnnton. Lincomlgood condltion, but where she has sheep was won by J. Gardhouse and spent the intervening three years is l saving Buckingham cigarette and to-l bacco packages. In return for the‘ packages the Association receives' a Angus‘G. Meek, Uxbridgc; Uxbridge; A. McKinnon. . Sheep Leicester sheep class was swept by Sons of Thistlctown. Southdown . - i A v w sheep was taken by J. B. Nathaniel d dmlmh m‘lSteU' of Elora and A. Ayre, Hampton. â€".â€"â€". . Shropshire sheep was won by A. SAVE YOLR BUCKINGHAM Shields and Son of Caister Centre. WRAPPERS Hampshire sheep was taken by F. C. Wilmot and Son of Milton. Alex. Salmon won the Oxfordshire sheep class with J. C. Cunningham a close second. Dorset sheepâ€"A. Rattle, Millikan: R. Neelands and J. F. Nee- Citizcns are asked to co-operate with the Richmond Hill A.A.A. by lands, Hornsby; J. F. R b ‘t. , . . . - ‘Acton. Suï¬-01k Sheop_J_ Bo?,.,f,la,:°§f toys which are dlstributed to the kid-l ' Guelph and W. Clarkson and Son, dies at Christmas time. Containers will: Weston: Beath Farms, Oshawa. be placed in local business p1aces.. ahelviot sheen was taken by C. W. SAVE YOUR BUCKINGHAM . a ton and A. PACKAGES -Berkshire classâ€"W. Boynton. Gorm â€"â€"â€"â€".â€" ley' Thos. Brownbridge. Georgetown; Oshawa. Yorkshire classâ€"R. F. North Fancy Goods l Carscadd‘en, Bradford: W. Pinknev, Cooksville; J. McNeil. Woodbridge; J. K. Featherston, Streetsville, and J. F. Robertson. Acton. Tamw0rth classâ€" 3360 Yonge St., at City Limits GIFTS Hemstitching and Picot Edging 10 cents a yard Director of . Bram ton, a d W. V. H ‘ _ . . FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE agam' . Allistiin. n aka’ Mail Orders Fllled SERVICE So gladly I scatter your wings, legs Roots Linens WOODBRIDGE ONT and head, Ant 1ElfiS‘;:IEEI>‘}3inI) rogt section were ’ ARIO And then I can hardly be sure you SW9†y - - aVl 501% Aglncourt; ‘ J. C. Cunningh , H - b ; F. . . - Phone 78 are dead. ROPVQS. Westmim 0m 'V and O Brmg Your Radio To UN US UAL RANGE VALUE Here is a rangeâ€"simpliï¬ed in con- structionâ€"low in costâ€"backed! by the Findlay reputation. Like its namesake, the great Star Vega, it stands out in the constellation of Findlay products. Straight-line design and modern ï¬nish make the Vega pleasing to the eye. Easy to cleanâ€"lightens kitchen work. Deep oval ï¬re boxâ€"wood or coalâ€"roomy ovenâ€"excellent baker â€"a good heater. Inexpensive to buy â€"economical to operate. Full or part porcelain ï¬nish. - F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE Phone 18 We Deliver There is 4 Findlay Range to suit every purse and purpose. Findlay quality has been improving for 70 years, until today it is the accepted standard of slave building. Principal winners in the vegetable section wereâ€"W. B. Davidson. Agin- court; J. B. Plunkett. Woodbridge: r‘. O. Reeves, Woodbridge, and T. Sayles, lVeston. In the flower section Mrs. A. Cam- eron, Woodbridge, the Misses Good Will, and Mrs. C. Stevenson also of Woodbri'dge were the ones winning most prizes. The special prize for baking was won bv Mrs. R. Ward of Woo‘dbridge. Poultry Charles Vanallen, Peter- boro; E. R. Smith. VVoodbridge; J. A. Pearson. Dixie; J. T. Weir. Agincourt: G. Smith, Toronto: H. Lush, Peterâ€" boro: W. J. Alcvander. Georgetown: R. F. Aikens, Milton: F. and J. Bel- Ebrbv, Shelhourne: Charles Tell, Doon; R. Smith. Weston. Fine artssâ€"Miss Lucille Grant, Clinton: Mrs. W. R Stork, Toronto: Mrs. F. G. Bogart. Toronto: Margaret Watson, Woodbridge: Frances E. Taylor. Toronto: Ed. VVeltrm. Wood- brldge: Mrs. E. Forbes. Brampton: Mrs. H. Hyman. Kitchener; Mrs. J. Savao‘e. Toronto: Mrs. A. LaWSOn, Georgetown. Needleworkâ€"Mrs. J. Webster. T0- v-nnto: Mrs. J. A. Arnott, Orano‘evillc: Mrs. M. E. Powell, Weston: Mrs. E. I‘ant‘r. St. Thomas: Mrs. L. E. Kemp, Tcronto. Vegetablesâ€"Thomas Avmer. Hum- bar Bav- J. R. Plunknt. Woodbridge: J. C. Cunningham, Norval; W. S. Davidson. Agincourtp Frank O. Reeves, Woodbridge. SN ELGROVE’S RADIO SERVICE and have it repaired properly 333-1 Yonge St. HU. 3132 2 Blocks South of City Limits Permanent Waving OUR SPECIALTY Edbern Beauty Parlour 3452 YONGE ST. At City Limits HUd. 4423 The Upholstery Shoppe 2646 YONGE STREET HIGH GRADE Upholstered Furniture at very Moderate Prices SLIP COVERS Antique Furniture Repaired and lie-Upholstered DON’T MISS THE HORTICUL- TURAL SOCIETY BANQUET NEXT WEDNESDAY EVENING. ESTIMATES SUBMITTED Dress or Coat if Customer brings in a copy of this Ad. Alterations done free during sale w Rahams’_ “"3 Hairdressers OFFER The SMARTEST AND LARGEST PARLORS IN THE NORTH SECTION WITH A SERVICE AND OPERATORS THAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED. RAHAM’S BEAUTY SALON 3364 Yonge St. (South of Melrose) HUdson 4422 Regularity ! TO MERCHANDISER ACE Best Models at Bargain Prices. “You sweep out, you trim the windows, you dust off the coun- ters, you make up new price cards, you unpack and arrange new stock you plan your merchandise showings, you do these and a hundred other necessary jobs REGULARLY in the normal conduct of your business. “But how about the biggest job of allâ€"contacting the people and telling them repeatedly that you are'in business and have the goods they need. Do you do that. REGULARLY? Do you figure you are going to get your share of the available business if you don’t tell folks about your merchandise or your service at REGULAR inter- vals instead of doing the job spasmodically or not at all? “By all known tests, experience and thousands of records, the acknowledged best-ofâ€"all medium for REGULARITY is advertising in. the local newspaper. A newspaper going REGULARLY into the homes of your possible customers not only in your city but the sur- rounding territory as well, makes it easy enough for anyone to see how your local newspaper offers you the finest kind of a. vehicle for carrying your business message R‘EGULARLY to the people. “And don’t think these folks won't miss your REGULARITY of advertising. They look for. their newspaper REGULARLY, READ IT REGULARLY, study its advertising (yours, if it’s there) REGU- LARLY. “And what’s more, you’ll find they are buying fairly REGULAR- LY, too, if you’ll just check up, especially with the advertisers who do use space REGULARLY. “YOURS FOR MORE REGULARITY IN ADVERTISING.†: THE LIBERAL Wm. NEAL