Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Oct 1934, p. 7

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GARFIELD YEREX THURSDAY, OC'IfiBIQR 25th, 1935 ' NOTHING To SNEEZE AT Sold by :rAc K 790szâ€" MIGHTY MONARCH OF [ME AER THE finest short-wave reception at A _:_I___.__ '_ L: _ L a minimum of cost, in this new, long and short-wave Majesticâ€"truly a Mighty Monarch of the Air. London, Berlin, Melbourne, Petrograd, all the new places you’ve wanted to sePall the new entertainment you’ve wanted to hearâ€"are within the range of this powerful globe-girdlerâ€"plus the beauty of Majestic’s rare, colorful tone. The famous, guaranteed Spray Shield tubes mean new enjoyment; either at home or abroad, for Spray Shielding has eliminated the metal shielding can. Eight-tube performance in a six-tube radio. Tuning is simplified with the aeroplane type dialâ€"visual wave band selectorâ€"two speed tuningâ€"the visual volume and tone controls. The new auditorium type speaker is a perfect medium for the finer reproduction of Majestic‘s colorful tone. Don't fail to see and hear this great Mighty Monarch of the Air. Phone 49J CLEANING For Finest Quality Hand Tailored Clothes PRESSING We specialize in Cleaning and Press- ing and are equipped to handle all kinds of work. service and perfect satisfaction. WE CAN GUARANTEE prompt, efficient RICHMOND TAILORS J. A. GREENE AND Richmond Hill VICTORIA SQUARE Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Collard, Mrs. 103. Nichols and Rev. F. A. Gilbert were Sunday evening guests of Mrs. Chas. Smith. We can hear the finkle of wedding bells in the very near future. The male quartette assisted at the anniversary services at Mt. Pisgah on Sunday evening. The fine open weather of the last two weeks has speeded up farm work and fall plowing and other tasks are all well in hand. There was a good attendance at the regular monthly meeting of the WA. last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Chas. Smith. The address of the evening was given by Mrs. A. E. Buchanan. A reading by Miss Ruth Caser and a sch) by Mrs. H. D. Mc- Cague completed a splendid program. Several of the men and women of our community spent a busy day on Saturday. Several attractive flower beds were planted and a cistern in- stalled. Pleased to report little Evelyn Barber now out of danger and mak- ing favorable progress in the hospital in Toronto. Jerrold Freeland is also recovering in a satisfactory manner. Several from here attended the fowl supper and concert at Mr. Pisgah last in Mantel Model 262 1-.â€" Long and Short-Wave Model 2622â€" also available H. gogvs $3295 MARKHA'MWED RICHMOND HILL LmL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTAqu M52 (s Friday night. The ladies are busy preparing- for the annual fowl supper which takes> place on Nov. 7th. Program by Elsie McCluhan and other artists. Anni- versary services on Sunday, Nov. 4th., at 2.30 and 7.30 pm. See furtheaa details advertised elsewhere in this Don’t forget the Hallowe’en party on Friday, Nov. 2nd, in the Communu ity Hall. Progressive crokinola and euchre. Lunch served. Under the auspices of the Juhior Farmers. issue By A. Lead ~ Seems like this here business of bein’ a parent is becomin’ just a. little more complicated every day. Time was when dad was highlpriest of the whole household, when his word was law and he backed up the law with a birch rod‘; and when he had occasion to use this here rod on a offender it left welts on a guy’s backside that showed up like the wrinkles on a prize bull’s: neck. Anyhow, the kids of toâ€"day will be the old folks of toâ€"morrow, and when they do finally sit down to thumb over the pages of their past, they-rel goin’ to wonder just the same why their kids are different from ’em, cause by that time our grandchildren will all belnudisi-i. Why {nake the rich pay all the taxes? Well, nobody has yet found a way to get money except from those who have some. So punishment reforms men? Well, when was a. vagrant less a vagrant after serving a week in jail? Times do change and that’s the heck of it. The old folks made their home inside the shelter belt and took root, while the kids want to grow up out in the wind, the rain and: the sunshine, live on skid‘s and slide with the times. The old folks, like the Republicans, believe in stickin’ to the: rut of experience, while the kids take/co experimentin’ like the Demo- crats, and you can’t expect oldsters and youngsters to play in G any more than you expect these old parties to gee. But no matter what they think or how they feel, they’re goin’ to ex- press o'ne great truth when they say, “After all, dad’s greatest sin was bein’ too good.” Correct this sentence: “All I ask," said the co-ed', “is the kind of hus- ban an imperfect girl deserves.” But it’s gettin’ to be different now- a»daysr. Dad is just the old boy who drags in the groceries and hands out the dole. When a. girl finds that she is not the only pebble on the beach, she be- comes a little bolder. About the only time that Willie condescends to ask dad‘ anything these here days is when he comes down all dolled up and asks, “Did you condition the car, dad, and fill her 'up with gas and- oil?” And then he holds out his hand horizontalâ€"a. indication for dad’s blessing in coin. “The only time I’ve had any peace A. J. HUME, since my man'iage,” she said, “was Village Treasurer the interm between when I murderedaDated at Richmond Hill my husband and the police arrived. I August 2nd, 1934 Wisdom used to come to a guy through a long, tedious and someâ€" times painful experience, but now a days youngsters cut their wisdom teeth before they are born. She bangs the door as she flits‘ out, steps into a wa‘tin' fliver and roars away without even a backward look at mother who stands wonderin’, “Will Jane be back in time to wash for brea’ldast?” And how about sister Jane? Dad gets a fleetin' glance at her as she glides past and concludes: from what he sees that Jane must have been in a awful hurry and‘ just couldn't spare the time to dress. In does beat all the advice 2. young- ster .can give a old fell-er these days. Parenthood A Missiofi Band Rally will be held in Newtonbrook United Church next Saturaay at 2.30 p.m., Mission Bands in this splendid program is: to lowed by refreshments A sad gloom was cast over this community last Monday morning when it was known that Mrs. A. W. Galbraith had passed away after a lingering illness. Deepest sympathy is extended to the sorrowing husband and friends. An only son, Gordon, predeceaseii her five years ago. Elise, six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wells, was rushed to St. Michaels Hospital last Monday morning-for an operation for appen- dicitis. She is doing as well asucan be expected. The sale will be held on the above date at the hour of ten o’clock in the torenoon in the Municipal Hall in the Village of Richmond Hill. VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL Treasurer’s Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes - By virtue of a Warrant issued b the Reeve of the Village of Richmond Hill dated the 5th day of July 1934 and to me directed, commanding me to proceed with the collection of ar- rears of taxes, together with the fees and expenses, I hereby give notice that the list of lands liable to be sold has been prepared, and is being pub- lished in thef‘Ontario Gazette” under the dates of August 4th, September lst and October 6th,'1934, and that unless the said arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, I shall, on the 15th day of November 1934 proceed to sell the said lands to discharge the said arrears of taxes and the charges thereon; Copies of said List may be had at my office. Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Halbert at- tended the funeral of Mr. R. B. Rich- ards zit King City last Tuesday after- noon. The Provincial Sunday School Con- \rention will be held in St. Andrew’s United Church, Orangeville, on Tues- day, Nov. 6th. Sunday School repre- sentatives from this district vare re- quested. to attend. Miss Dorothy Cochrane of Toronto and Rev. C. W. and Mrs. Follett were guests at the parsonage last Sunday, N ewtonbrook United Church choir is ‘invited to sing at Oriole Harvest Home Service next Sunday. Miss Hazel Carson, Miss Velma Carson and Mr. G. Mortson attended the anniversary services last Sunday and were guests zit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith. The Young People’s Society will meet next Monday evening at 8 0’- clock. The president, Mr. W. T. New, has mad; extensive plans for the winter’s activities. An invitation is extended to the young people of the community to attend the regular meet ings of the Y.P.S. every Monday eveâ€" ning'. The Missionary and Maintenance Institute of this part of the Toronto Centre Presbytery will meet in the Newtonbrook United Church next Thursday, Nov. lst. The afternoon session to commence at 3 o’cllock. There will be: a supper meeting'fol- lowed by an evening session. Miss Mabel Gospel of Pemberton Ave. has returned home from Victoria Memorial Hospital and is recovering from an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Snapperâ€"How did you-know ‘ was here? Mrs. Rapperâ€"I saw my umbrella n the hall. NEWTONBROOK tftking in all district. A be given folâ€" Germans have always been fond of bologna; The Hitler product they are foolish about is spelled differently. Growing a moustache means, (1) he has nobody to kiss, or (2) he’s too old to care much about it. Hick towns have their troubles, (no. You ask central for Mrs. Jones’ resiâ€" dence and get the wrong Jones. Why bother with complicated ii)- telligenCe tests when you can semi the subject a chain letter and watch what he does. ' BROTHERTON’S ' BOOKINQ Steamship omce Special Sailingsrto the Homeland by: Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at Lowest Rates. Photos and Passports Secured All enquiries oonfidential We look after your wants right (to. your home. Phone Willowdale 63.] Office Stop 6, Yonge St. Lansing 'The moment you feel the slightest uistress in your eyes or notice a dimâ€" ming of your vision consult A LAZY LIVER 163-167 Yonge St., Tomato, up stairs, opp. Simpsons. Phone Elgin 4820. Your Eyes PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Thornhill. Ontario Hot Water Heating and General Repairs CAN EASILY RESULT FROM A HEAVY WINTER DIET Don’t suffer from constant headache, ;% biliousness, consti- PARKE'S nation, coated [NH] tongue, _etc. A. C. HENDERSON Milk and Cream DAIRY Because 3'“ is so PURE, so FRESH, and so GOOD be sure to insist on RICHMOND HILL DAIRY G. WALWIN, Prop. Secured from selected and inspected herds and handled in the most ap- proved methods it is sure to give satisfaction. P3: teurized by the most modern methods. Phone 42 Richmond Hill uvui ' _TOHE PASSPORTS ARRANGED FOR Rail tickets and sleeper Reservations. Richmond Hm Y. B. Tracy, Agent Phone 169 EXPRESS TELEGRAPH Can. National Station Steamship Reservations to \ Great Britain .and the Continent. Premier service to West Indies, F. E. LUKE & SON Richmond Hill Travel Service is a vegetable cor- rective and will give quick relief. Italso aids the stomach in its digestion. Sold for over 40 years. 51.00 GLENN’S DRUG STORE PAGE SEVEN Parvké’s LIVER TONE

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