Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Nov 1934, p. 2

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With a multiplicity of signs and portents handed down from times immemorial, to say nothing of meteorological :;cience at the command of the government, humanity never knows in advance what is in the mind of Old Man Winter. ,,,,LL-._ NC VV lllbU c The vagaries of other seasons are taken as a matter of course; the sudden shifts of Winter weather are constantly surprising. Why they are is another matter for surprise, since nothing is more certain than that all will be taken unawares. A long and balmy season of typical fall weather en- courages the hope that winter will trail along, mild and open. Then, without warning, the entire country will find itself shivering in zero or near-zero temperatures, bucking biting Winds, and ofter plowing through deep and drifted SHOW. 7 " ‘1 ‘(T_AJ:â€"-‘ DUUW. It doesn’t pay to depend on the weather. “Indian Summer” isn’t a fixed season. An early winter may descend upon the unsuspecting land just when “Indian Summer” is due. Nor does the premature arrival of cold weather in- variably presage a “hard winter.”, No two winters are alike. Winter strikes when the mood is on it. Whether the first attack is early or late, it is neither a threat nor a promise for the future. Of only one thing can we be sure; in due course it will go. There is‘ nothing to be done about it, in season or out. MOTORISTS MUST BE CAUTIOUS This season of the year is a dangerous time for motor car drivers. There are several reasons but the most im- portant one is because it marks the return of children to school and among the army of these young folk are scores Who are going to school for the first time, many of whom are not- old enough to understand what traffic regulations stand for, or who cannot be expected to sense the hazards of the street in this motor age. That they will dart out from the curb in the abandon of their childish play is cer- tain. To prevent their doing so is impossible unless the side- walks were barred with guard rails. Thus, points out the Whitby Gazette, it is a duty and responsibility of motorists to drive their cars, particularly in school zones, in such a manner as to reduce to a minimum the dangers which arise from the thoughtlessness of children in play. Childhood is the happiest time of life, and to expect children never to think of anything else but the hazards of traffic is to deny them something of the birthright. Motorists have rights, we know, but no motorist has the right to endanger human life; and too often have motorists taken refuge in the alibi: “He darted right out in front of me,” when a maimed and still form lies on the pavement. The motorist who is reason- ably cautious has his car always under control. READING AN EDUCATION With the longer evening, the thoughts [of Winter ap- proach, comes very forcibly to the fore, and with Winter comes the commencement once again of reading as a pri- mary recreation. Richmond Hill has a splendid library in which reading, one of the finest forms of education, from detective stories to the classics, is available. Who has not met the man whose horizon hardly reach- es beyond his petty round of business and personal affairs? Intellectually he is insular, yet for breakfast he drinks coffee grown in Brazil and eats toast made of wheat, the price of which is controlled by exports and imports, and then rides to work onrubber produced in Malaya. “Oh, yes,” he will say, “Sometime when my ship comes in I’m going to see the world.” But in the meantime, denied the full loaf he ignores the half which, in this case, is that very excellent substitute for travel-reading. ‘ Everybody can make some time for reading. The late Theodore ROosevelt preached and lived the strenuous life, yet arbitrarily took ten or fifteen minutes each day to read poetry. Books, be they prose or poetry, open the gates of all nations. We are not all privileged to make trips around the world. Few of us will ever journey in many other countries than our oWn, yet practically every country in the world is thrown open to us through reading, Without bother- some customs or passport red tape. In this district, 2111 this is alt the door of the people, Without chargeâ€"all for the taking. Why not share in the good things? This season of the year brings on the fowl suppers in abundance and almost every week there are one or two in this locality. Sure, they are enjoyed, and many travel several miles to partake of their goodness. But there are few, perhaps, who think of the cost and work that is neces- sary for the men and women, particularly the women, who provide these bountiful repasts. Recently We were interest; ed in an article written by a man on this subject to the Women’s Page of the Toronto Globe. It reads in part as follows: “I see that some one is again raising the question of church suppers. If folks would give the value, in money, of the stuff they contribute to such suppers, the church would certainly be far ahead, financially. Last year it took nine of our ducks to get us to the church supper, and my Wife worked her head off for about two days before, as she had a table. We took two ducks, dressed and roasted; a bowl of gravy, a quart of cream, a quart of pickles, and a cake. We paid, my wife and I, thirty-five cents each for admission, and twenty-five cents each for our two girls. The ducks were worth thirty-five cents on the hoof â€"- if ducks have hoofsâ€"so you can figure out how many ducks it took, and we couldn’t raise ducks at thirty-five cents each.â€"Listowe11 Banner. Every day the news dispatches convey the stories of men and women who have lost their grip. These suicides have not been c’onfident of their ability to eventually over- come their handicaps or difficulties. One of our readers recently wrete and asked how he could attain the confident-courageous attitude toward life. Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEE-KLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. J. Eachem Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspapex Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District. Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 PAGE TWO THE CONFIDENT-COURAGEOUS LIFE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lst, 1934 WOMEN AND FOWL SUPPERS VAGARIES OF WINTER THE LIBERAL Of such was my vacation. If you are weary and lonely and heartsoreg if the fangs of adversity have struck deep into your heart of hope, if old friends, grown callonsed with indif- ference, have forgotten you and the intimacy of the years, just backâ€"track _ A feller called up my place some time ago and wanted to know was I dead and if so, where was I buried? He said he would like to plant a few pos‘ies and maybe sprinkle a little grasshopper poison ’round so as to relieve me from some of the tortures he knew I must be en'durin’. “Anyhow,” says he, “I know he must be gettin’ a-plenty ’cause he was always such a deservin’ guy.” What kindness hearts of friends! Funny, ain’t it; how fast news can travel? and me m-oseyin’ ’round never knowin’ it. I always was slow. Goin’ to town a. couple of days after I stepped ’1”ound the corner and came face to face with a couple of guys. On seein’ me they both grew white as ghosts. The thin one rushed into his shop, but the fat onkbem’ a awful hot dayâ€"stoodv his ground but was speechless. “Golly,” thinks I, “maybe after all the news of my demise is authentic. Better go into the bank, old feller, and see if you are as dead physically as you are financially.” But when I stepped into this here museum of rare coins, everybody wears a expectant smile, so of course I know right away this here late Leaa business is all wet. No, sirâ€"ee, I just been off on a little vacationâ€"a queer kind of va- cationâ€"one that wasted neither time, money nor energy. Some folks take the cushions to California, some ride the rubbers to 13.0,, and some think nothin’ quite so restful as a batch of beach blisters, but I couldn’t stand the financial fat- igue of a. physical trip, so I just meandered off on a mental spree that took me over more territory than the C.P.R. could negotiate in a. year. Did I travel? Did I see things and places and people? Boy-o-boy! I followed old trailsâ€"highways that led me to great places and prominent people; by-ways' that took their wind- ing course to outâ€"ofâ€"the-way places where I found queer people and heard quaint phiIOSOphies‘. I heard again the speeches of orators whose elo- quence swayedthe minds of millions. I heard‘ the sifvery voices‘ of famous prima. donnas and noted tenors. I heard the crash of great bands and the symphonies of famOus orchestras. I heard the thunder of Warâ€"the fren- zied cheers of fools gone mad with that barbaric patriotism only War can breed. Again I was intoxicated with the lazy leisure of the southland where it is always summer. I pitched my tent in the virgin forests of the north and heard the “hispered secrets of the silence. And then I sat in that house of houses, and in this house I lived again with the finest 01d gentleman and the dearest little old lady God ever made. He would play the violin, then she would read to me, and when I grew sleepy and climbed into bed this fine old gentleman would always stand by and smile down at me while this dear, little old lady tucked me in. VACATION The same method will do much in the matter of develop ing untried confidence into confirmed courageous-confidence One should begin the developing process by doing and say- ing things of Which he is only a little bit timid. When he has accustomed himself to that he should tackle with a greater appreciation of his own ability something of which he has always been quite afraid and so on up the climb to mastery when he will easily address himself and abilities to things and conditions of which he was once positively fearful. The confident-courageous attitude, like muscle power, develops through use. In similar mental mood a man may be confident in his own mind that he can lift two hundred pounds of sand. However, when he has actually done it he isn’t afraid to tackle any two hundred pound sack of sand, no matter Who is looking. Then he has confirmed courageous-confidence. But, how can he get to do it? Easy! By practicing at every opportunity on twenty-five pounds of sand and then fifty and then a hundred and then a hundred and fifty and finally on the two hundred. If he never masters the two hundred he will come much nearer doing so than as though he had notfollowed this method. When they héve firmâ€"13} fixea in the mind who and what they are they Will very often find that the cringlng, fearful attitude has been crowded out in much the same manner as light pushes back darkness. Having gained an inner confidence a man may still lack the force to express it outwardly, courageously. Having confidence in one’s source is often an aid to gaining confidence in one’s powers. The finest flowering of many religious systems of thought is the idea that the soul of man is of the same essence as the Infimte Creator. Those who need to gain confidence in their inherent powers would do well to think of this several times a day. They should read all they can supporting this idea. He also Wished to know how he could gain more personal powel': 1 :1 1 _ , , ,,,,,,1:I rvv W’i‘he receipe is simple although a thousand pages would not exhaust a detailed elaboration. The difficulty comes in following it. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO By A. Lead bleeds from the on the trail that leads to your hap- piest yesterdays; back to the hills of pleasant sights, the dales of pleasing sounds; back to old friends, to the old folks who always understood. Per- haps you, too, may come back re- freshed as from a voyage on tranquil seas, enriched with a long- and inti- mate review of old memories which [should help to make you more con-- tented with your lot and enable you to look upon this misery-ridden world with less bitterness. SAVE YOUR BUCKINGHAM WRAPPERS Citizens are asked to co-operate with the Richmond Hill A.A.A. by saving Buckingham cigarette and to- bacco. packages. In return for the packages the Association receives toys which are distributed to the kid- dies‘ at Christmas time. Containers will be placed in local business places. SAVE YOUR BUCKINGHAM PACKAGES. D Maclean’s (24 issues) 1 yr. D Chatelaine . . . . . . . . 1_yr. D Canadian . . . . . . . . . 1 yr. D National Home Monthly . . . . . . . . . . 1 yr. DPicIorial Review. . . .1 yr. D Canadian Horticulture and Home Magazine . . .1yr. and you will receive the whole 4 publica- tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon. Here is the amazing ,co_mbination low prlce. ’ ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS AND MAKE PAYMENTS TO, THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL Reservations on car storage for the coming winter have been in early this year, only a limited space left. Why not treat your car right by storing it in this fire-proof heated garage. PHONE 12 PARFUMERIE MELBA of CANADA, LE MAIL COUPON TODAY STORAGE Cities? Our Guarantee to You! This wonderful offer is avail- able to old and new subscrib- ers to this newspaper. We guarantee the fulfillment of all magazine subscriptions and you have positive assurance that this generous offer is exactly as represented. Re- newals will be extended for full term shown. If your dealer cannof supply you, send us his name REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS BATTERIES â€"â€" RENTALS BATTERY CHARGING AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES Please clip list of Magazines after checking 3 Publica- tions desired. Fill out coupon carefully. Gentlemen: I enclose $ . . . . . . . . . . . . Please send me the three magazines checked with a year’s subscription to your newspaper. NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STREET OR R.‘F. D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOWN AND PROVINCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H Service Garage THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lst. 1934 Melba lipstick, Indeh'ble Melba Rouge, Natural Tonés SHELBA BOUQUET Face Powder + The lightest filfn‘ of this superbly finer powder gives the ef- fect of natural perfec- tion . . . Let your skin benefit by Melba Bou- quet, the final clinging touch to emphasize sheer loveliness. Blended for Your RICHMOND HILL Skin - 55¢ - 55¢ TORONTO

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