1 ‘ ALL KINDS OF SHEET MEETAL Phone 188 WORK Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Metal YARDS AT BURR’S MILL [1‘ Garages, Roofing =0uo==o=o=fl Jobbing Promptly Attended to I] ï¬TheJones Coal C0 1| ALSO ï¬Lime, Cement, Tile i=ono===o=xo==1 DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Office Woodbridge Phone 77 Maple, Ont. DR. CHARLES C. COLLINS DENTIST At Dr. Bigford’s Office 1 Tuesdays 9-12 8.. m. Thursdays 12-4 p. m. ] Dentist Ofï¬ce: Trench Block, two deors north of Bank of Commerce Hours: 9 am. to 5:30 pm. Telephone 32 Office hours: 9 to 11 am. 0 to 8 p.m., and by appointment. Wee: Centre and Church Streets., Richmond Hill Phone 24. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF;~ {ï¬rth Yonge 7 St, DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFFâ€"â€" Phone, Residence i4â€"12 Office 100 Bank of Commerce Building Thomhil], Ont. 01308 Hours: 10â€"12 a.m. 2-5 7-9 pm. J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St†K. G. Prentice, Milliken. Toronto, Hyland 0834 We are prepared to conduct sales of Ivory description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at.- indod to on shortest notice, and con- hchd by the most approved methods. moBNIï¬L'EmARF'UNI’ONVILLE Thirty Years Experience Formerly With Heintsman Company Leave Orders at Austin’s Drug Store Richmond Hill Qtï¬icg hours: 8-10 am, 7& 6:8 p.m. MAPLE Unused Auctioneer for the County of York “as attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited (Diseases of mice hours: From the Toronto Conservatory 01‘ Unit, will accept a number of pupils h Piano, Organ and Theory. Wad Hill â€"â€" Tuesday & Friday MRS. MYLKS VOL. LVI. Dr. C. A. MacDonald Full Line of FUEL FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Mend Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Bunch Offices at; Prentice & Prentice AUCTIONEERS Dr. M. J. Quig-ley DENTIST Dr. R. A. Bigford THORNHILL Bank 6f Commerce Building Dr. L. R. Marwood Office Hours 9-10 am. 12â€"2 & 6-8 pm. and by appointment PLE â€" PHONE 3 Telephone 80 (Successor to Dr. Caldwell) '. T. Saigeon & Son Dr. J. P. Wilson Wright & Taygqr Adelmo M elecci Drs. Langstaff $1.50 PER YEAR The Liberal is recognized as one of the Newest Home Papers in the Prevince of Ottario. Eight to brake Pages- all home print, it entries all the news of the entire wet and our circulation is in- clusing every weekâ€"Subscribe 80-day. GEO. W. CROSS Piano Tuner Dr. L. R. Bell MUSICAL BUSINESS MEDICAL DENTIST Successor to women and children) 1-3 pm. Phone 100 Phone Maple 3 Richmond Hill OE: BOWDEN [UMBER & COAL C0., LTD LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Insulex, Donnacona Board, etc. LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0234 We are putting up a very spec- ial Scratch Feed, at a very low price, while it lasts. Whole Wheat Cereal Blended WE DELIVER 139 Phones 82W J. F. BURR STOCK OF POULTRY FEEDS LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES T0 FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO'S. INSURANCE 712 Federal’ Building Office Phone ADelaide 6138 Toronto 2 ’ Res. Phone KIngsdale 3886 ‘ BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC ~Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hal] Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone ELgin 1887 Barrister. Solicitor, Etc. Richmond Hill â€" Ontario Office over Davies Dry Good Store Maple Every daturday MAPLE nOTEL Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building southwest corner of King and Yonge Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken. K. C. Herb. A. Clark Henry E. Redman W. P. Mulock W.J.'Hanley K.C. Manning Arcade formerly of Wm. Cook, Cook & Delany Barrister, Solicitor .82" N5)er Public 1207 Northern Building 330 Bay Street â€"â€" ' Telephone â€" ADelai: Barrisetrs and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Bales. B. A, Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 6178 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street â€" Toronto Barrigters. Solicitors, Notaries Telephone ADelzxde 2108 Offices: 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto Naug to: Block, Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Hill, King, Whichurch, Markham and \North Gwillimbury. jWalter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Hill 5048. J. Harry Ngughgqn. Rf3_s.‘Elgin Mills Barristers, Solicitors, ebc. Wm. Cook, K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg, 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate McGuire, Boles & Co. Naughton & Jenkins A. Cameron Macnaughton BARRISTER 1711 Star Building, 80 King Street, West, Toronto Phone: ELgin 4879 .T.F'OX THE MILL Mulock, Milliken, Clark & Redman T. C. Newman Thomas Delany A. G. SAVAGE Cook & Gibson Campbell Line Post Office Block Richmond Hill BARRISTER, Etc. Established 1880 Rei Phone 122 â€" _Toronto ADelaide 4140 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIU‘ A general overhauling of the secondary school curriculum to proâ€" vide a practical education for those who do not attend’ University, and‘ elimination of weaker teachers from 7 the profession, as proposed by Dr. L.’ J. Simpson, Minister of Education, will receive the wholehearted support from the people of this Province. Dr. Simpson proposes to increase tech- nical training in schools with less exâ€" pensive equipment. Referring to the appointment of Miss Bessie, Macdiarmid to succeed Mr. Putmanr, who has been retired as superintendent of the Women’s Insti- tutes after 30 years’ service, the Han- over Post remarks: “We don’t say that a woman will do the job any better, but they are capable 'of doing just as well, and it is not only a com- pliment to them but something to which they are rightfully entitled», that the head of this. great and ex- clusively women’s organization should be a woman, not a man.†Praise men and flatter women and you will have many good friends. “Indigent†patients are remaining in hospitals twice as long as patients who pay, with a resultant cost to the taxpayers of Ontario amounting to $11,500,000 a year,†stated the Hon. Dr. Faulkner in an address before a gathering of doctors in London the other day. It is this» condition which prompted the Minister of Health to request hospital boards to have three members of the medical staff appoint- ed to examine such patients regularly. What a shock was the loss of one hundred and thirty-four lives in the burning of the Havana-New York liner, Morro Castle. We venture to say that fully as many lives are lost every month in traffic accidents on our highways, but reading about them has become such a daily habit that they do not register a shock, unless some relative or friends should be a Victim.â€"Aylmer Express. Owen Sound is listening to a disâ€" cussion regarding the advantages of having the place revert to the status of a town. Perhaps it is false pride which keeps a number of cities from admitting that they are nothing but large towns. Small towns from ad- mitting they are really only large villages. Uxbridge town, for instan- ces, is 500 short in population of beâ€" ing a town, but clings ta that status. Forest Hill village just won’t be called a town, however, although it has the population and is also the wealthiest community in Canada for its size. It is generally a month or two after the efficiency expert leaves that things get to working right again. Womanâ€"Men are such liars about ages! Womanâ€"Well, when- a woman tells them she is 25 they say, “Why, you don’t look that old!†Her Neighborâ€"Why, What do you mean? The latest kind‘ of fishing we have heard of, is of a coloured man, James Farris, of Lexington, Ky. He baits his hook with a grain of corn, hangs if over his neighbor’s fence and catches a chicken. The court fined him for fishing without a license. The expenditure involved in main- taining the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege at Guelph is to be materially re- duced, it has been announced by Hon. Duncan Marshall. A cut of $100,000 is the objective aimed at. Dr. Christie, president of the college and the Minister of Agriculture are going over the expenditures in an effort to make a large saving possible. Son (on a visit)-â€"â€"He’s all right, but he hasn’t all his toes on one foot. Grandfatherâ€"How’s that? HOW many has he? Sonâ€"Oh, five on one foot and five on the other! Next to war the most pathetic thing is watching a. tax rate sneak up on an unsuspecting public. Grandfather (to son) ~ Well, and how is the baby? Last Sunday morning the people of this district awoke to find‘ the country side covered with a heavy blanket of snow, the first of the season. Several from this district are plan- ning hitting northwards for the deer hunting season this week-end. GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS The regular weekly meeting of the ‘Y.P.S. was held on Friday evening at the church with the Missionary Con- venor in charge. The topic “Why Home Missions†was' given by Mabel Jennings, after which a discussion fol- lower participated in by the members. Mrs. N. Thompson gave a reading on ithe life of Miss C. E. Brodie, a mis- sionary who has just retired from seivice. It was in the fall of 1913â€"â€" that Miss Brodie, then a young Onâ€" tario school teacher, exchanged her ,work with the children of her own ‘i'ace for the new and very different ‘(xpierienoe of service among the chil- dren at the Cecilia Jeffrey Indian School on the Lake of the Woods. While her Work officially was that of the class room, Miss Brodie was e‘sâ€" sentially the Missionary, and took her full share of “duty†with her colleagues in the direction of the school resw idemce and in inter-course with the parents and friends of the children when they were in the vicinity of the school. Miss Brodie helped to win many of the'women of that district to Christian ways of thinking and in many cases to definite Christian ex- perience and life. PRACTICAL PAINTER, PAPERHANGER, GRAINER, ETC. Will take farm produce or anything useful for part or full payment for sérvices. A Hallowe’en party was held in the Parish Hall on Monday evening undea' the auspices of St. John’s A.Y.P.A. There were many unique costumes and the prizes were awarded as fol- lows: Comic costumes, Ella Dibb and Mrs. A. Carlisle; dress costumes, Ken neth Brown and Bill Carlisle. Re~ freshments were served. cay‘ Mrs. K. Reynolds and daughter Nellie of the Manitoulin Island are visiting the formers brother, Mr. John Jennings. The Willing Workers Mission Band are having a miscellaneous bazaar in the basement of the church on Friday evening, Nov. 23rd. The program “111 be put on by the Y.P.S. and the Band. Please keep this date in mind and plan to attend. Everyone cor- dially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and family of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Rumble on Sunday. man. The evening was spent in dancing with music provided by Clarence Shropshire and “Bud†H‘eis'e of Aurora. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. John Jennings on Wednesday, Nov. 14th. The Roll Call is to be answered by “An Inex- pensive Christmas Gift.†Mrs. Robert Painter of Toronto and Mrs. John. Gowan of Aurora visited Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Beynon on Mon- How would a witch’s servant an- nounce her car? Your broom is at the door Mum! ' The Chivareve Boys, friends and neighbors of Mr. and- Mrs. Alvin Wide man, newlyâ€"weds, assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings on Thursday evening to honour the young couple. Mrs. Nelson Thompson road1 the address and Mr. William Nicholls presented a beautiful cabinet of flatware to Mr. and Mrs. Wide- “In America by the time a criminal comes to trial half the witnesses against him have disappeared and be: fore he gets into jail the rest are dy- mg of old age.â€â€"Hem‘y L. Mencken. “It is one of the defects of the modern world that it provides more for pleasure than for needrs.â€â€"-â€"Bert- rand Russell. Te‘acherâ€"Junior, have you learned your history lesson? Juniorâ€"â€"No’m, I hain’t had no time yet for nuthin’ but my grammar les- The provincial highway debt of Canada in 1933 was $438,000,000 with annual charges of 23 3/; million dollars. Ontario led with $185,410,000 at 91/4 millions of interest on the average provincial rate of five per cent. Que- bec coming next with $57,877,000 at $3,628,000 interest. British Columbia was third with $40,441,000 and inter- est of almost two millions. TEMPERA N t @VILLE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 151;. 1934 L. W. Zuefelt The evening was spent in 30 Benson Ave. Richmond Hill Way Back inthe Liberal Files l Minutes of special meeting of Rich- :mond Hill Fire Brigade, on Oct. 24th, ‘b’éing an adjournment of regular ‘meeting‘, which should have been held on Oct. 17th. Members present: James McConnell, Alex. McLaughlin, Samuel Piper, Thos. Wilson, Thos. Tyrrel, E. Langford, Foreman Redditt, John Piper, Chesley Soules, Oscar Brown, W. Snyder, W. McLaughlan and N. Stephenson. Moved by Fire-, man Langford, seconded by Fireman“ Brown; that the Fire Brigade hold their annual entertainment and torch-l light procession on New Year’s eveâ€" ning 1885. The Village Council met in the: Council Chamber on Wednesday eve-‘ ning, Reeve in the chair. Councillors present,'Messrs. Moodie, Hopper and Law. General business transacted and accounts ordered paid. Mr. Moodie introduced By-law No. 107 providing for the raising of the necessary taXes for the year which was read a lst, 2nd and 3rd time and passed. Mr. Jas. Daniels was re-appointed Tax Collector for the present year. Mr. Law moved, seconded by Mr. Moodie, that the clerk be and is hereby in- structed to have the deed from Dr. Langstaff in reference to the village park registered in the regular man- ner. Carried. Council adjourned to 1meet on Wednesday, Nov. 19th. M. Teefy, clerk. Mr. Robert Marsh, as usual, has been eminently successful this fall in carryng off prizes for his Southdown sheep at the fairs. At NeWmarket he received $53 which was the largest amount of premiums gained by any one exhibitor. Qn Friday last Mr. Peter Rupert Jr. died very suddenly at his resi- dence near Sherwood. Heart disease of which he had been troubled for years, is supposed to have been the cause of his death. He was buried in ~the Presbyterian cemetery here on Monday afternoon. The trouble about these “floating hotels†is that the hired help don’t know anything but the hotel business. From Our Issue of Oct. 30th, 1884 A drove of cattle numbering one hundred and thiry-five, belonging to Pugsley Bros., passed through the vil- lage on Saturday. They were being taken to Toronto, whence they were shipped to Buffalo. The drove must have been worth at least $5,000. Mr. Mapes of Headford has handed us a little box of large ripe straw- berries. They are as large as those of the first growth, but scarcely so sweet at this time of year. Stork Shoppe INVESTMENT SECURITIES CAN. NAT’L. EXPRESS MONEY ORDER OFFICE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. TELEPHONE 87 FIFTY YEARS AGO Everything for Children 2514 YONGE ST. N BOYS BREEKS, TWEEDS, CORDUROYS & WHIPCORDS â€"â€" $1.69 to $2.25 FULL RANGE OF WINTER UNDERWEAR FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. 93 YONGE STREET REAL ESTATE LOANS CON VEYAN CIN G INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE, ETC. See Our Selection of Dolls from 59c. to $4.98 LARGE CHOICE IN GIRLS’ DRESSES A small deposit will hold any till required. . Roy Herrington Near Capitol Theatre 'An unexcelled printing genie. - available to this district at The Lib- eral Job Printing Department. OI! plant is equipped to take care ‘ your every requirements in the the of prian matter. “If it's printlm we do it.†We assure you that you will find the quality, service and price right. 2526 YONGE STREET Maple, Ontario Shampooing Hair Cutting Scalp Treament Finger Waving ROOFING, EAVESTROUGHINC CHIMNEYS BUILT & REPAIIEJ) CONCRETE WORK 82 Yonge St. KAMMIEHATSHOP Public health Indisc tion Don’t cust Kno St. Clements Hairdressing rmrmc SERVICE North Yonge SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED FURNACES BARN & STABLE EQUIPMENT MILK COOLERS C. H. BYAM Fire, Life, Casualty, Plate Glam, eu- MILLINERS ‘hen we study eating and b doctors will have a tough Li 3330 Yonge St. "2% FIRESEDE PMLOSOPHER‘ INSURANCE Mrs. M. BLAIR, Prop. Lion has ruined R. H. KANE By ALFRED BIGGS all your smiles for your TORONTO __To__ 5 public wealth. PHONE 87 if you would lessen Marcelling Permanent Waving Facials, Manicures Eye Brow Arching Phone M0. 543?} many a reputa fore condemr Telephone 2:! Phone 921° breathing No. 18 1e