CARRVLLE UNTED CHURCH 3 p.m.â€"The Church School. The evening service will be withdrawn Monday, 8 p.m.â€"Y.P.S. Service of Remembrance. Rev. L. C. Secrett will speak. Everyone is invited to attend. Mr. Ray Bartlett has returned to his home at Unionville. He has been employed by Mr. W. Reaman for the summer. ' The flu is quite prevalent in the community. Mr. Walter and Mr. Ernie Bone were confined to their homes last week with it. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton and Beth visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenny in Toronto. Mrs. Beythel of Toronto spent Sat- urday with Mrs. Reaman. The Y.P.S. held a Hallowa’en sooia] last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Baker and Spent a very enjoyable time. Mr .and Mrs. McCrone left last Friday for their home at Windermere. An old house on Carrv‘ille Road, near Yonge St., was burned dovm Sun- day evening. There was no one living in it. The W.A. held their monthly meet. ing at the home of Mrs. J. Clement on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ferguson and famâ€" ily of Downsview spent Sunday at Mr. C. Clark’s. an apple ate the mustache as well, there could have been no pain as it came off as he did not know it until told. Hallowe’en passed very quietly around Camille, most of the young people went to Richmond Hill to the Hallowe’en party in the arena. There were two men (?) calling on some of the Carrvflle people and asking for work. One of the gentlemen (7) was sporting a nice little black mustache and on one of their calls while eating Bakery and Grocery, Phone 77 Specials F or This W_eek-:Epd (And 1 small pkg. Oxydol FREE) MOSS ROSE PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lb. bag ARROW BLEND TEA, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . LAUNDRY SOAP, 10 bars for . . . . . . . . . . . CREAMERY BUTTER, 2 lbs. for . . . . . . , . POTATOES, Dry and Mealy, 10c. pk., 55c. ba MINCEMEAT, 2 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUGAR, 10 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRUNES & DATES, 2 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . Fresh and Cooked Meats, Phone 117 €Vatchn Our Window for High Class Cakes and Pastry BAN ANA, CREAM LAYER CAKE, Special . . . . 20c. PEANUT COOKIES, Special, 2 doz. for . . . . . . 19c. SEEDLESS RAISINS, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c. MAPLE LEAF LARD, 2 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. P. & G. SOAP, 7 bars fpr. 1 . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . 25c. BAKERS â€" GROCERS â€" BUTCHERS BREAD CAKES PIES Kerr Brothers SCHOOL 'CHILDREN Every Tuesday Afternoon FROM 2 - 5 P. M. CARRVILLE Richmond Hill PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE FOUR WILL BE OPEN FOR The November meeting of the Vel- lrore Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. E. Bryson on Tuesday afternoon. The Roll Call was well responded to by a verse of Scripture. The Topic for the program was “Lest We Forget.†An excellent poem was] read by Mrs. Albert Ireland. The activities of the Jun'ior Farmers and Miss Elma. Farr spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farr of Pickering. Mr. A. M. McNaughton, Miss Cath- erine McNaughton and Miss M. L. Black, R. N. Christie Hospital of To~ ronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rutherford last week. Miss Jane McNeil spent the week end with friends at O.A.C. Guelph. Miss Laun'ena Rutherford entertain- ed the choir of St. Paul’s Church Vanghan on Friday evening. Mr. Art McNeil of Toronto was home for the weekâ€"end. Miss' Mary Constable is holidaying with friends in Toronto. The monthly meeting of the clul to be held on Tuesday, Nov. 13tl‘ has been cancelled and. the business will be attended to on Friday evening Miss Jean McKinnon spent the Wee} end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D A. McKinnon. A épecial invitation ié extended t all, young and old, to attend thi Armistice program l A meeting will be held in the Men lorial Hall on Friday evening, No 9th, under the auspices of the Vello; Junior Farmers and Farm Girls. A address on “The World War†will b given by Mr. W. K. F. Kendrick of th staff of the Toronto Normal Schoo An excellent program has been ar ranged and along with the speake) who is a. veteran of the Great War, i will be very ed‘ucative and oommemor ative at this time of year, “Lest Wv Forget.†ByOrder, PROMPT DELIVERY LIBRARY BOARD VELLORE bag 25c. 53c. 23c. 67 c. 47c. 25c. 430. MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Renew your magazine subscriptions at The Liberal Office. We take new or renewal subscriptions for any naper or magazine published any- where in the world. The farm outâ€"building's of Mr. M. Nightingale were destroyed by fire m Tuesday evening about five 0’- :Iock. Mr. Nightingale was just finishing threshing when fire broke vut, every effort was made to save he méch‘ine belonging to Mr. Bell of Kleinburg but the machine stuck at the door and was also destroyed. Special There Will be no services held Sun- iay, Nov. 11th, at Laskay. They are withdrawn in favour of the Teston opening services held on that day. Y.P.S. was in charge of Mr. E. Wiltshire. Mr. P. Forrestea; speaker for the evening, took as his subject “Music†classifying it in three parts, popular or jazz, classical and sacred. This was very inrtecresting all _through. Miss Thersa Boys sang a solo and Miss M. McMurch’y gave“ a piano selection. “ Mr. G. Patton of Laskay is up North for the hunting season. Hallowe’en has passed for another year and the activities in this com- munity were all much enjoyed by young and old. The Senior Classes of the Sunday School met at the home of Mrs. Boys Friday evening, to plan the winter program and enjoy a social evening together. VICTORIA SQUARE UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Nov. 11th Rev. F. A. Gilbert, BA. 1 p.m.â€"The Chuirch School. 2.30 p.m.â€"Day of Remembrance Se'r- vice. ' The Williamson boys entertained the Trail Rangers, Rev. F. A. Gilbert and Mr. Sutton of Toronmo to a dinner and Hallowe’en party last Wednesday night. Rev. F. A. Gilbert exchanged pul- pits with Rev. Anderson of Newmarket on Sunday evening. There was an excellent attendance at the Halloween masquerade d‘ance held in the Community Hall last Wed- nesday night. Prizes were awarded for the costumes and a good time was. enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffries and Miss Ruby Jeffries of Thornhill were guests of Mrs. A. Valliere on Sunday. About forty members of our J .F.A. and J.W.I. groups made the thirty- five mile journey to Belhaven on Mon- day evening. A splendlid' program of games, musical numbers and’ the read- ing of the club paper passed the first part of the evening pleasantly. Lunch and dancing then complemed another friendly and interesting meeting- for all clubs concerned. Anniversary services were well at- tended on Sunday despite unfavour- able Weather. In the afternoon, Rev. Clifford Torrance, B.A. of Washing- ton Church, was the speaker and New- tonbrook choir furnished music. In the evening the gathering was ad- dressed by Rev. T. W. F. G. Andrews of Newmarket and the Headford choir lead in service of song. Mrs. Alder of Durham visited with her aunt, Mrs. L. L. Nichols, last week. Miss Els'ie Cripps of Mal’oon is vis- iting old friends here this waek. Mr. Arthur Moa‘tson of Concord had tea with the Sanderson family on Sun day evening. About seventy enjoyed the progres- sive euchre and crokinole under the auspices of the J .F.A. Prizes for euchre were won by Mrs». H. Barber and Mrs. P Willows. In crokinole Miss Eloise Perkins and Mr. Les. Boston Were the winners. A tasrty lunch was served at the conclusion of the games and dancing completed an enjoyable eve- ning. ‘arm' Girls Club were well given by‘ .‘iss Marion Phillips. Newsy current xemts were read by Mrs. J. A. Mc- eil. An interesting- paper on “Can- ,la’s Book of Remembrance†which ill be placed in the Peace Tower, arIiament Buildings, Ottawa, was :ad by Mrs. Roy McDonad. A very iteresting talk was given by Miss Largaret L. Black, R. N. of Christie Lospital, ex-war nurse, on her exper- nces over seas during- the Great War. lrs. F. Hicks of Woodbridge, Presi- 3nt of West York branches of W.I., 'as present and spoke briefly, but fated that at this time of year our remory goes back to Nov. 11, 1918, hen the Peace was declared. .ur public meetings. Miss Jean Mc- elland, Secretary of West York branch, was: also present and expressed :r pleasure at attending the differ- nt Institutes in the branch. Mrs. L. Weldrick conducted a fruit contest ,vhich was won by Miss Jane McNeil 1nd Mrs. S. Jones. Lunch was served W the hostess and the committee in charge. She ‘ aid the first place we should practice : 'eace was in our homes and then in . VICTORIA SQUARE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO LASK AY LA_RG}_3 CROWD ATVFOWL SUPPER The large crowd which attembed‘ the eggSL†Victoria Square Fowl Supper Wednes- day night was'evidence of the ever increasing- populaï¬ty of such events I and the splendid reputation of Vic- The trouble 1_s that ypu can’t prove toria Square ladies for putting up ahe’s a £901 dn-xver untll the oomner “good spread." is sweepmg- him up. ADVERTISING PAYS The increased advertising patronage enjoyed by The Liberal is evidence that advertising in this paper gets results. If you want the best results, advertise in The Liberal. ,RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 OCTOBER REPORT ROOM I SR. IVâ€"Ronald Lunau, Peter Meg- donald', Reginald Watkins, Margaret Walwin, Marguerite Smith, Winnifred Rans'ome, Bernice Taylor; Ruth Smith and Gordon Cunningham (equal); Margaret Webster, Sydney Seatter, James Fish, Charlie Ran- some, Joe Morris, Nellie Cove'yduck, Ruth Brown, Ivy O'Brady; Herbert Grater and Norman Mabley (equal); George Pollard, Peter Jarvis, Bill Glenn, George Offen, Douglas Sanders Dorothy Donald, Stuart 'hrndall, Helen Warwick, Alfred Elliot, Flora Kerr, Elgin Barrow, Donald Barra- clough, Doris Wade, Reta Daly, Laura Frisby, Sydney Hunt, June Woods, Leslie Hull, George Bell. JR. IVâ€"Mollie Secrett, Harold Mills, Ethel Mitchel. A third recommendation they make is to encourage a four day market. There has been. a tendency, they point out, to oversupply all live stock markets on Monday with a large per- centage of stock remaining unsold at closing hour. Under such conditions there is a tendency on the part of buyers to mark ,time rather than to transact much business during- the early stages of the day’s trading. At the same time, in the case of the Toronto market, reports are flashed by wire to other markets. in Canada thereby depressing prices on these markets. By establishing a fourâ€"day marklet and encouraging shipments more evenly divided over the four days, a regular supply would be as- sured and excessive feed charges from day to day as at present eliminated. In suggesting that regulations governing live stock truckers be en- forced, the directors point out that the stock yards, the commission firms and the railroads are required to con- form to established regulations in the handling of live stock and ask “Why ‘should not the truck drivers comply ‘with similar regulations? Live stock commission houses, they explain, are bonded, and are under the supervision of government officials both as to ‘their financial standing and as to their qualifications and‘ ability as salesmen, whereas truck drivers, sell- ing direct to the plants, have done so without any license and Without be- ing required to provide any financial security to the producer. In their resolution the Directors request strict enforcement of the Act compelling all drivers of live stock transports and truckers to carry a Bill of Lading signed by the producer or oWner of live stack showing to whom consigned and stipulating that when all ex-‘ penses are paid, the net proceeds shall be sent direct to the producer or owner. In order to establish uniformity of marketing methods whr'ch will assure the farmer better bargaining power and fair prices, the directors of the United Farmers Co-operative Com- pany, Ltd, have resolved to request our governments (Federal and Pro- vincial) to take such action as Will Require all commercial live stock (except that sold for local consumpâ€" bion) to be marketed through live stack exchanges or where exchanges are not provided, through live stock exchange agencies. This would mean that selling direct to the packing plants. would be discontinued. When practically all live stock Was shipped by rail more uniformity preâ€" vailed in marketing methods, but since the motor truck has come into general use for transporting live stock to market, certain practices have grown up which are distinctly injurious to the farmers’ interests. When truckers sell direct to the abattoirs the effectiveness of the stock yards, in improving the farm- ers’ bargaining power, is destroyed. By securing a. large part of their supply direct from the trucks, packâ€" ing houses are able to carry on to some extent independent of the public market. This, in turn, results in a lessening of demand on the live stock exchange, and a consequent bearing down of prices. i When public stock yards were established it was thought by having all commercial live stock assembled on such yards, by applying uniform methods of marketing, by weighing over Government inspected scales, and by having stock yards operate under government supervision that prices arrived at would be a. fairly accurate reflection of demand and supply conditions at any given time. Urge Uniform Methods For a Marketing “We want your eggs and We want them had†an adVertiser iniomed the public, and on another occasion, “I am now in a position to hatch your eggSLn A local read: “Mrs. Gallomp has been taken to the hospital for an operatiom Her gasoline station will be closed indefinitely.†Two rival editoa‘s fought bitterly for years. One died and the otheu~ Sought to make amends in the chip tuary. But unfortunately the item became mixed up with the report of a. fire and it read: “When the beau- tiful (msket was lowered to the last resting place, lurid flames shot up ward.†Excerpt from a near-by paper: “It is proposed to use the donations to purchase wenycyhes for the park as the old ones are in a. very dJapidated con- ditiom†Classified Ad: “The Ladies of St. Paul’s Church have cast off clothing. They may be seen in the basement from 3 to 6 o’clock. I SECOND CLASSâ€"Helen Leonard ancl Frances Killam (equal); Jeam Collins, Gladys Masters, Mary Paul, Leona. Kerst, Peter Youteff, Harry Paul, Audrey Gringer, Georg-e Mack- lem, James Trussell, Florence Taylor* Lois Craig, Billie Maybury, Olive Bentley, Donald Stephens, Clarence Wade. ' * Missed one exam. FIRST CLASSâ€"Billie Kerst, Eve- lyn Trussell Eileen Dickinson, Betty Dinner, John Stephens, Lyman Smith“ Billie Moore and Margaret Jordan (equal); Raymond Sparkes, Rose Masters, Doreen Andrews, Georgina Trussell, Ernie Wade, Jack Sparkes. JR. IIIâ€"Jack Gringer, May Hill, Margaret Moore, Thomas Leonard, Betty Mercer, Audrey McGill, Mar- shall Holland, Derek Andrews, Bea. trice Wade, Gordon Macklem, Audrey Baker, Roy Smith, Elsie Sparkes, Roy Bentley. / SR. IIIâ€"Walter Dickinson, Shirley Dinner, Sherwood Dinner, Jack Brock bank, Stanley Bakemi, Muriel Craig, Marion Donaldson, Donald Andrews; Mary Youteff, Tommy Youteff, Mar. gar-et Trussell. sale of used cars in Thornhill, proper- ty of Thornhill Motors, at 1 p.m. sharp A wide range of used models in first class condition. Terms arranged. Used cars 'taken in part pay. Used cars appraised before 1 pm. on day of sale. J. C. Saigeon, auctioneer. JR. IVâ€"{essie Davidson, Gordon Smith, Mary Kersrt, Doris Bentley, Mary Moore, May Macklem, Gladys Craig, Margaret MacPherson, George Adams, Fred' Sexton, Douglas Baker, argaret Rose, Bruce Stephens. BRICK HOUSE, six rooms, cheap, to settle up an estate. Apply Thos. C. Street, Executor, Newtonbrofli. RICHVALE SCHOOL REPORT SENIOR ROOM SR. IVâ€"Ivy Kellam, Kathleen Chambers, Dalulla Dinner, Jeffre'y Elliott, Clarice Downs, Andrew John- stone, Bilie Downs, Dorothy Gringer, Jack Collin. RADIOS DeForest and Majestic models, travel round the world with these modern sets, also usedi models from $10.00 up, easy terms. We are agents for Oil Burners. ‘G. Yenex, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. BARRED .ROCK PULLETS, Toul- ouse Geese, White Pekin Ducks, or will exchange for bi‘g- work horse. Apply L. C. Burton, stop 23 Yonge St, Carrville Road, phone Maple 764. STOVES AND HEATERS for sale or exchange. Furnaces and blowers in- stalled. Repairs to all makes of stoves and furnaces. 82 Yonge St, Richmond Hill, phone 92F. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 94M. SEDAN, McLaughlin-Buick, mechan- ically Aâ€"l, full price $85.00 cash. Ap- ply G. W. Curtis, Langstaff. TURNIPS. Apply phone Aurora 236 ring 12. SATURDAY, NOV. Nthâ€"Auction HUMORS OF THE PRESS SALE REGISTER Classified Advs. "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGa-MAKR THE MOST OF IT†RATESnFive lines or less, 26 cents for ï¬rst it sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion Over 6 lines 5 cents per line extra each intersection. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. JUNIOR ROOM FOR SALE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1934 Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 1932 OLDSMOBILE DeLUXE COACH Excellent Condition All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 day- Little Brothers 1930 WILLYS KNIGHT SEDAN A good car at a remarkably low 1933 FORD V-8 TUDORâ€"Small Mileageâ€"A Real Bargain. Used Cars Member of the Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta Bars) 310 McKinnon Building, 19 Melinda St., Toronto Bus. Phone EL. 1744 ' TAKE NOTICE that a gravel roadâ€" way has been constructed on road a1- lowance at south limit of Plan 2260 from west limit of Bayview Ave. to West limit of Lot 10, Plan 2260, as ‘a local improvement and a court of réâ€" vision will be held on the 12th day of Nov. 1934 at 2.30 o’clock p.m., at Unionville for the purpose of bearing Complaints against the proposed as~ sessment or the accuracy of frontage measurements and any other com- plaints which persons interested may desire to make and which are by law cognizable by the court. S. TUPPER BIGELOW LLB. SPECIAL 1934 V-8 /, FORD DeLUXE SEDAN â€" Demonstrator with small mileage â€" At- tractive reduction from new car price. ' PRACTICAL NURSING, maternity cases preferred, some experience. Charges reasonable. Mrs. Lewu Clement, phone Richmond Hill 441:11. STRAYED from the vicinity of Maple sideroad and 7th Concession of Van- ghan last Mday, one red heifer, one and a. half years old. Kindly give any Tnformation to N. C. Lewis, phone 946 Maple. HOUSE AT MAPLE, 1 acre of land, garage, number of fruit trees; pos- session in November. Apply Mrs. Jennie Bone, Maple, Ont. SIX ROOM HOUSE on Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, good garden, moder- ate rent. Apply at The Liberal Office. $20.00. 5 rooms, cellar, furnace, water, electric. Apply 40 Benson Avenue, Richmond Hill. FRAME HOUSE on Yonge a low rent, possession at once. Liberal Office, Richmond Hill price. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Dated, Oct. 26th, 1934. AGENT Massey Harris Farm Implements Parts and Repairs Beatty Bros. Products Stable and Water Equipment. etc. Roofing Supplies 74 Church St. Phone 132W Richmond Hill MISCELLANEOUS CHAS. GRAHAM $325.00 $550.00 $575.00 NOTICE STRAYED TO RENT G. M. Davison, Clerk. Res. Phone RA. 5429 Street, at 9. Apply