Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1934, p. 8

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Trinity Women’s Auxiliary will hold corporate communion service on St. AndreWs Day, November 30 at 10.30 a. m at; Trinity Church. The Women’s Association of Thom- hill United‘ Church will hold their anu 12113.1 bazaar and supper on Saturday, Novembea‘ 24th. Mrs. C. L. Burton of Toronto, will open the Bazaar at 4 o’clock. Mrs. J. Breakey and Miss Isabel Ball spent the Weekend in Hamilton, visiting with Mr& Breakey’s son, Mr. Peter Nelles. "'ffie‘iaéé‘fiéifiés’ meeting of the year of 'I‘l’imity W. A. will be held at the Rectory on Thursday, Nov. 22nd at 2.307;}. m. A Mr. and Mrs. J. Wells spent Last week visiting friends in Aurora and Nemnan‘kett. wfigswzififiie Harris, of Toronto, V‘s- ited over the Week-end with Miss Rosa. Hands, Yonze St. Mrs. Lee and Miss S. Baxter;- are leg;ng 'thia Vfifsrt of the month, to take up residence in Toronto, for the Phone 78 HALL’S SERVICE STATION Change Now to Winter Oil a, for the Winter Whirl Smartlggtuyled Models 82:98 $3.98 4.98 TRY A PAIR OF OUR Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO GENERAL CARTAGE by True WM. MCDONALD. Telephone 62. TAKE N0 CHANCES OF BEING CAUGHT SOME COLD NIGHT WITH WATER IN YOUR RADIATOR Fill ‘ up with Anti-Freeze Install a BLOWER in your Wm Reel- Mntlnlc 2|- Rnrn‘nh“ plflnnc We will accept Farm Produce at Market Prices as Payment for Radio Repairs. BRING YOUR RADIO TO Farmers H: Wilfrid R. Scott North Yonge St. Snellgroves Radio Service THORNHILL From Maple Gravel Pit We have, LOW TEMP, FROST COP, and VULCAN PAGE EIGHT 3334 Yongef; St. HU 3132 SAND â€"â€" GRAVEL “KNOWN FOR BETTER SERVICE" e St. Opposite L.T.B. & 0. Home Telephone Richmond Hill 191 éSE RVICE Thornhill, ERNIE HALL, Prop. Mrs. W. Hickling, of Allenwood,l visited last week with the Misses Clubine. ‘ Charles E. Banks, of Langstaff,t passed away last week at Toronto General Hospital, after a few mon- ths illness. The funeral service was held on Saturday at Trinity Church and was ccmducted‘ by the Reqtprr, Rev N. H. Noble. Mr. Banks held severâ€" al offices in the church, was a mem- ber of the choir for 30 years and was also a Lay representative of the Sy- nod. Surviving are two daughters, Dorothy and Ethel (Mrs. Percy Poole) and two sons, William and Edward, also three brothers and one sister. Interment took place at York Mills Cemetery. Messrs OH. and RN. Westwo-od haVe sold their property and homes at Langstaff and have moved to Toronto The Young- Men’s Class of the Uni- ted Church met on Tuesday evening at the home of their teacher Mr. M. J. Johnston, John St. After the busi- ness of the class was dispensed Rev. E. E. Pug-sflevy' gave a splendid talk to the boys on “Living”. this was followed by a sing-song. Mrs. John- ston served refreshments and a Jolly time was spent. _-. n“ V A _ _ _ _ 1_ tmit Mm. S. Bone, of Toronto, visited on Wednesday with Mrs. Percy Bone, Yong‘e Street. ‘ Miss Amy Dove, of Toronto, visited- on Sund'ay with Miss Lillian Francis. L‘U‘l uuuv. On Tuesdanyov. 13th at the Well- esle'v Hospital tn Mr. and Mrs. Hug-h: W. Grant (wee Esther John‘s) Orillia, 3 SO flu “ii/101's. R. Fee- and family left the first 01‘ the momch to spend the win'berr in Toronto. ._ .M. m 1‘ ; uznrcy. Mm. F. Farr return-ed home on Sun- day after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Yuronr's in De- mum: waav avg-w. Mrs. and Miss Belden. of Espanola and Miss Smith. of Toronto, visited this week with Rev. E. E. and Mrs. Pu E‘sl‘ey. . ‘ n C. M. LEMON TRY A PAIR OF OUR CORRECTIVE ARCH SHOES FOR FOOT COMFORT 2501 Yonge St. Opposite Capitol Theatre Best Models at Bargain Prices. Sr. IVâ€"Victor Phinmemore (h), Dorothy Smith (h), Sam Kelley (h), Fredda Copeland and Victor Holt (h), {uth Wardle, Muriel Swartman and Donald Geer, June Holliwell and Jean Jacks, Dulcie Tough, Harry Billson, Walter Duggan, Selva Conner, Kennâ€" eth Foreman, Joan Coltman, Alice Archer, James Mair, Jean McRae, Frank Tough, Billy Kelley, J. Home and Clayton Clouter, Josephine Mcâ€"1 Cart, Robert Mallam. Sr. III (B)â€"Ma.rgaret McKay, Ger- trude Waud, Rosana Anthonxy, Lillian Thm'nington, Constance Duggan, Con~ stance Burton, Pearl Wimbs, Ellwood McNamara, Murray Copeland, Her- bert Govinlock, Charlie Banks, Robt. Cody and Harry Gelka, Harold Mall- am, Mary Mullery, Fred Clarimghold, Burton Saver, Ronald Mann, Marjorie McCart, Ralph Hawes‘, Doris Holt. E. B. TATE, Principal ‘ , Jr. IVâ€"Carol Trewin (h), Irene Ridden (h), Bill Prebble (h), Phyllis ,Risuebrolugh (h), Mary Perishuke (h), Eveline Rochester, Billie Copeland, Charlie Winiibs‘, Victor Day, Lawren- ‘ce Th-orninigton, Leonard Heading, Ben Bramble, Lorna Anderson, Bill Ferris, Leah S‘enmha'user, Arthur Southern, Alice Wiltshire, Lilly Booth 1Betty Saver, Gerald‘ Whitmore, Doro- thy Burtt, Lorraine Risebrough, Besâ€" sie MacBainy, Frank Horton, Ralph iHeading-yMa‘lcolm Hollowell, Ronald Johnson, Edward Page, John Burtt, Harold Street, Patsy Foreman, Art- hur McCrimmon, Audrey Booth, Annâ€" ,ie Underwood, Rose Nickollsl, Herbert lPhinnemore, Ollie- Line, Margaret lMacCraJe, Marguerite Ge'ary, Mildred Dunn. Sr. III (a)â€"James Ferrari, Bill Washburn, George Saywell, Doreen anmam, Robert Ris‘ebroug‘h, Doris Coltman, Martin Greenwood, Charles Morris, Doreen Wilkin. Newtonbrook School Report R. J. LANG, teacher Jr. IIIâ€"Margaret Gaston (h), Stu- art MccCaI-t (h), Ellen Sayeiavell (h), Arm Wells (h) Marie Ph nnemove‘ (h) Hazel Turmon‘, Grace Smith, Gordon; Bomuell, Marjorie Line, Ivy Jubb and Louise Meekinrs (equal). Rosie Sand- erson, Annie Waud, Jack Underwood. Aileen Riddell, Evelyn Banks, Ruth Smith, Neil McNamara, Violet Roch- ester, Lois Risxebrough, Allan Southâ€" ern, Jessie Jacks and Joey Washburn (a) (equal) Douglas Wardle, Donald Wiain, Robert Wiltshire and Bernard Jubb, (equal), Fred Harrington, Camp bell McCart (a), Robert Skelly, Geo. Duggan, Julia Gelka, Ralph Day, R, Reid, Jack Claringhold, Betty Jardine (a), Harold Moore, Norma McCrim- man (a), Thelma Bridges (a), J. MILBURN, teacher Class Aâ€"Kathleen Page (h), Jack Boxall (h), Allan Page, Donald Street Irene Burtt, Duncan Crone (equal), Phyllis Ferguson, Iona Smith, Leslie lR-obsiorn, Bert Swartman, Dorothy lDumI, Alvery Walls. ' Jr. Bâ€"â€"Earl Robson, Charles Sand- erson, Irene Shuter, Mildred Smith, Gordon Mon, June Waskmm'n. ELS- ie Wells, Jenn Wardbe, Beverley Whit- ‘field, Ruth Wain, Peggy Young. Class Bâ€"Margai‘et Geer (h), Grace Copeland (h), Marie Hill‘er (h), Olg'a Pereshuk (h), Doreen Race (h), L. Skelley (h), Robert MacDonald (h), Marian Saver (h), Margaret Kelley (h), Ina Johns/tone, Doris Nicholls, Vernon Horton, Isobel Cody, George Faulkner, Doris Wardle, Erma Smith, Ernest Line, Alma Clouter and Jean Mann (equal,) Pearl Brown, Stanley Goddard, Jean Plumbi'idgie, Edward Bonnlell, William Banks, Marie Moon, Hilda Mallam, Stanley Wain, Walter ‘Bonneill, Hazel Duggan (absent), Her- }bert Thomin‘g‘ton. L. ROBINSON, beach-er Class IIâ€"Albert Greenwood, Jack Fox, Rosemary Claringbrold, Gordon Ieid, John McCart, 'Jackie Laing, Margaret Line, Norma Cronze, Phyllis Duggan, Ronald McNamara. Sr. I (A)â€"Marjorie Dunrsevith (H) Mildred Dunsieith (h), George Morris (h), Ella Thorming‘ton (h), Warren Anderson, Sylvia Webb, Tom. Brown, Donald Waslhburnl, Catherine Gaston, Annie McCart, Edwin Reid, Ross Booth, Wallace McKinley, Johnm'e Banks, Norma McKinley. Sr. I (B)â€"Elsie Wade (h), Marjor- ie Swartman (h), Bill Robinson (h), Dorothy Wain, Douglas Copeland, Betty Walls, Russell Shubem, Billy Stewardson, Nora Day, Donald Crone David! Carter, Fred) Page, Robt. Street Jr. I (A)â€"Ea.rl Bonnell, Marjorie Bonnell, Phyllis Holt, Francis Jardine Elsie Robinson, Rhona Saver, Jack Zimmerman. , Class Bâ€"Gordon Brown, Audrey Dunseith, Grace Ferguson, Ray Fox. Charles Gasman, Nancy Gee'r, Leeta. Gelka, Anmdelll Good,-Jack GmeenS. pan, Gordon Jubb, Lawrence J acksona, Ardena Laing', John McDonald, John McRae, Margaret McCrimmcm, Fred McKinley, Lawrence Mann, Ralph Moone, Evelyn Newman, Shirley Pope Joe Page, Roger Phinnemoa‘e, Wanda Risebpoug‘h, Albert: Rolfe. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO M. JACKSON, teacher M. L. CROSBY, teacher Remembrance Services in Honor of Glorious Dead Remembrance Day was observed by all Wvoodbridg'e churches last Sunday. At the United Church the morning service was conducted by the Pastor Rev. J. E. Anderson. The evening service, sponsored by the Young Peo- ple’s Society, who also furnished the musical service, had for special spea- ker Rev. Dr. George Little of Toronto. The service at Christ Church was in chayge of the Rector Rev. J. H. Kidd and a. special Remembrance Musical service was provided by the choir. In the absence of the Pastor, Rev. John McKenzie, the pulpit of the Presby- terian church was occupied by Rev. John Lindsay, of Whitby, who also had charge at Knox. A musical pro- gram f ltting‘ the occasion was render- ed by the choir. In the afternoon Villagers! assemb- led in Memorial Park where honor was done the fallen heroes of the Great War when addressm were de- llVe‘l‘E'd by Rev. J. H. Kidd and Rev. J. E. Anderson. floral wreaths: con- tributed by the Provincial Governu ,ment, Woodbridge Women’s Institute and Queen Victoria L.0.B.A< were placed on the Cenotaph. Mr. Lloyd Leach, former mamagem“ of the local branch of the Royal Bank, and Mrs. Leach of Grimsby, werre: guesrt‘s of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hick’s‘l and (ther friends on Remembrancet Day. . Friends of Mrs. Thomas Kitchener aged rexs'dlent of Clairville, who for some time was confined to her bed be- cause of illness will be pleased to hear she is able to be up and around as us- 1131. Bu: a. few days more and the Royal Wm’ 31- Fa-ir will be the big event, to attract the attention of the public. Alveady merchants are offering Chr'sntmas goods for sale with the slo- gan “Shop early and avoid the rush.” A recital of Madam Ethel Holland’s pupils is announced fior Thursday, Nob vember 22nd, to be held in the Orange Hall. Mrs. J amves Nattress for many years: a resident of the Knox district who on retirement from the farm has li'ved in Toronto for the past decade is mportie'd to be seriously ill. home Mr. George Mason Jr. who spent a week in Toronto Western Hospital for eye treatment was able to return The November meeting of the Jun- io-r Women’s Institute was held on Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Leo Watson, McKenzie Hill. The Needlework Course conduct-ed by Miss Evelyn Fresch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture and spon- sored by the Woodbridgie Women’s In- stitue ended on Friday of last week with a luncheon by the ladies of the course at the Tea Room of Miss Betty Wallace, Pine Street. Presentation of Life Membership at \V. M. S. Meeting There was a good attendance at the Once each year there comes this- ap- poa'tunity to see the Continent’s finest animals and birdsâ€"to see daring, breath-taking riding and brilliant driving events. Splendid horses of all types. The Royal Home Show alone is the ‘most thrilling event of the Sporting- and Social Season. The visit of the Foreign Officers? Army Teams is mode possible by the gener- osity of McOoll-Frontenac Oil 00., Limited. Winter FAIR A galaxy of premier attractions. 25 acres» under cover. 20,000 animals and birds. Canada’s leading Live- stock Show. Royal Dog Show. Cat Show. Royal Flower Show. Fancy Fish. Grains, Seeds, Vegetable-s, Un- equalled displays of hlorstemanship. International Army Officers’ Teams. Junior Farmars’ Judging Competit- ioran. Horseshoe Pitching Champion- ships. aVOyal You can spend many profitable hours am'id exquisite (iisplays of the comm try’s most perfect specimens of flow- ers, cats, dogs, horses, cattle, poultry See Canada}; great indust‘rieg dispnl'fxy- 261‘ Iiiâ€"1&5? Mr-to-beuflorgbtttéh style. Royal Coliseum TORONTO N 0 V. 21--29 REDUCED RAILWAY FARES WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT NEWS The F armer's Own Show l The world is certainly drawing clos- er together through radio, and a bett- er understanding between nations is 'sure to follow gspec‘ally if we couldl lget away from the prevaflmg war‘ 'tulk that seems to permeate the air. We were' more than amazed on Re- lmembranoe Day when listening to the jPeaee program Sponsored by the Nat-1 iomal Broadcasting Company to hear; tDiplomats speaking from Washing-J *ton D.C., Buenos Ayres in Southl 'America, Paris, Londtm, Yokohoma,‘ 'Japan: and Ottawa, Canada. Such Ihcvokups via. radio throughout the l world should help to end the \war cur- regular meeting of the Presbyterian Church Wom’s Missionary Society held in the Sunday School on Wednesn- day of last week, the feature of Which was the presentation of a. Life Mem- bership Certificate to Miss Jessie Witty, the address being given by Mrs J. W. Ellen‘by and the presentation by W.J. Mitchell. Other items on the program were, a talk on Glemn'oir Girls camp by Miss Evelyn Brown, on “Studying the Bible" by Mrs. Archie Cameron guest speaker, and vocal zmmlmzs by Mrs. W. J. D-alziel. Hockey Club Dance The third dance of the Hockey Club lzeld in the Orange Hall on Friday night attracted a gowly number of young folk of the community, when a program of Olde 'Iyme, modern and novelty dances was carried out to music supplied by Dick Harrison’s Orchestm and directed‘ by Mr. Harriâ€" 1son. A meeting of the Hockey Club is announced for Friday night, Nov. ‘16th, in the Public Library, when lplans for the season’s activities will ‘be discussed. Everybody interested is asked to attend is the urgent request of the committee composed of Wilfrid Maxey, Alf. McKinnon, Lynas Glass and Gordon Bagg. 0:0] ! Leiteau Furs “ 0 I1 6:01 Rahams’ THE Hairdressers vreveu‘ 3364 Yonge St. (South of Melrose) RAHAM’S BEAUTY SALON OFFER The SMARTEST AND LARGEST PARLORS IN THE NORTH SECTION WITH A SERVICE AND OPERATORS THAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED. 2568 YONGE STREET MOHAWK 6030 and Designing Furriers ‘OEO Manufacturing {0H0m0=0=0=0=0fl6 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1934 TORONTO omo===o=o==onlg People who have suffered for years with Indigestion, Acid Stomach, Gas, Heartburn, etc., are amazed at the quick relief which KIRK’S STOM- ALKA give-s. A small dose tones up even the most stubborn case Of sour, acid stomach, bani'shes pain, revives appetite. Everyone is subject to occasional stomach troubles, so never be Without a. bottle in the home. At drug stores. Get KIRK’S STOM- Stomach Troubles Edbern Beauty Parlour ALKA at 3452 YONGE ST. At City Limits . NEALI North Fancy Goods 3360 Yonge St., ay City Limits and have it repaired properly 333i Yonge St. HU. 3132 2 Blocks South of City Limits Hemstitching and Picot Edging 10 cents a yard Mail Orders Filled Linens \Ll. KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK Permanent Waving OUR SPECIALTY Furnaces; Eave Troughs, Metal finrages, Roofing Jobbing l‘rompily Al‘ended to SNELGROVE’S ‘ RADIO SERVICE .4 QUICKEST RELIEF FROM ABRMNNE 2-115 Yonge St. Opposite Miracle Marketeria Adrianne Shoppe AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE I.FOX COATS and FROCKS Excellent Selection Misses Stunning Models Wools & Crepes $4.95 & up WOMEN’S FROCKS Youthful Slenderizing Styles, all sizes, $5.95 & up Bring Your Radio To N9 vember Sale Ireat Reduction in Coats Made to Your Measure. Every Style a Fashion Success $12.95 to $69.50 GIFTS HUdson 4422 HUd. 4423

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