Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Nov 1934, p. 5

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Those who accepted the challenge or the weatherman and remained indoorsl on Tuesday evening last missed a good evening’s entertainment, when the Markham Dramatic Club presented “My Dixie Rose,” a drama in three acts, and the Junior Farmers orches- tra provided good music. The cast are to be congratulated on the able presentation, each member a star in her or his own part. The inclemency of the weather and the fact that the Drama had been presented in .nearby centres recently somewhat hindered the attendance which, although good Was not up to the usual record. The cast included Caroline Brown, Russ-ell Wideman, Rena Brown, Walter Mc- Carty, Dan Burns, Doris Hunt. Gor- don Ferrier, Gordon Brown. It is a significant fact that this is the first play that has been presented under the auspices of the Lawn Bowling Clubs since the organization some twenty-eight years ago. Mr. A. Sum- merfeldt was president at that time and has the honor to hold the same office at the present time. The club anticipate holding a euchre in the Township Hall at an early date. Watch for further particulars. The members of the Junior Farm« era had a. bpecial treat on Wednesday last, when as guests of the Kiwanis Club of Toronto they attended a luncheon at the Royal York Hotel. Toronto, and! were also given compli» mentary tickets to the Royal Winter Fair. Congratulations are also 1r order for two of their members, who are also members of the Markham Calf Club and who won the Dairy Cattle project in the judging contest THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd? 1934 WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT VILLAGE oleCHMOND HlLl NOTICE is hereby given that I have; complied with section 9 of the Voters’ ; List Act and that I have posted up atI my office, Richmond Hill on the 15th: day of November 1934 the list of all} persons entitled to vote in the said; Municipality for members of Parlia- m'ent (or as the case may be at Muni-, c'pal elections) and that such list re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the last day for appeal being; December 9th. DATED this 15th day of November. A. J. HUME. County of York CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF Voters’ List 1934 This radio series, which we have already demonstrated to scores of our customers, makes available broadcasts from 19 nations and more than 50 foreign stations. It is the crowning achievement of eleven years of De Forest Crosley leadership. Every De Forest Crosley 1935 radio is equipped with the modern Spray'Shield Tubes that are vibration/free, lastlonger and anyide 1“greater I) 4 e ity t an any . ‘ radio tubes ever 9” '“ "i \‘f‘ lmown- EASY TERMS Hear Programs from 19 NATIONSâ€"more than 50 FOREIGN STATloNS World -Wide Radio DE FOBEST CROSLEY Municipality of the the challenge or 38A” B.Paed., Director of University Extension; Prof. W. M. Drummond, Department of Economics. The Agri- -culturists’ Division of the Workers’ 'Educational Association are sponsor- ‘inz the venture: _ at the Royal Winter Fair. Ronald Bagg and Lorne Patch are the lucky ones and honor is due these young men for winning a contest participatâ€" ed in by teams representative of the J. F. Clubs in the various provinces. The final chapters in the study book “Living issues in China” were interestingly explained by Mrs. C. Crawford at the regular meeting of the W.M.S. Auxiliary of Central United Church that convened at the home of Mrs. A. Kennedy. Eighteen ladies were in attendance and im- portant business included the renewal of the subscriptions for the Mission- ary Monthly. Mrs. T. Croft is the secretary in charge of this depart- ment of the work in the Auxiliary. The study book next year is on India and an attractive course is planned. Mrs. B. Sabiston had the devotional period and Mrs. C. Crawford presided. Mrs. E. Huenergard was an inter- esting‘ speaker at the Luther League meeting held in Bethesda Lutheran Church on Tuesday evening when the topic “Church Music” was discussed. Holy Communion will be dispensed in Brown’s Corners United Church on Sunday next. The Preparatory ser- vice will be held on the preceeding' Friday evening in the church. All members arerurged tq_attend.‘ that fiaoe them to-day, a School if Economics is being arranged under ’.he University Extension department .hat Will convene in Simcoe Hall Uni- Jersity of Toronto. Nov. 26--Dec. 8, 1934. Subjects under discussion will include Price Raising Policies, Mar- keting Improvements, Lessons we can ‘earn from the Roosevelt Plan, Gov- ernment Intervention, The Relatiom ship of Supply, Demand, Price, Po- litical Science. The instructors are Prof. E. J. Urwirk, Head of the Deâ€" partment of Economics; W. J. _Dunlop, "WIII-lwgi'zlre; jchgto Hie? V Agricul- Eurist’s may have an opportunity to study the social and economic prob- Ziaâ€"refitted that the deportment of our children slipped a little from the usual standard at the Drama the other evening, especially during the musical selections. We feel that this was just a bit of thoughtlessness and with no intention to intei'rupt and have the assurance it will not occur again. Our entertaining visitors are worthy of courteous reception and we haVée confidence in our boys and girls to o it. Miss Ada Robinson, Miss Gertrude Reesor and Mrs. Hamilton of Toronto visited Mrs. G. R. Whaley on Friday. Miss Robinson leaves shortly for St. Pebersburg, Fla., where she plans to spend the yinter Inonths. “Missiéfi Milnwer of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs; A. E. Milner. ' usual quota of boys and girls from here. This grand old fellow never loses his popularity with both young and old. Miss Effie Stiver of Toronto spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson visited friends in Toronto on Friday last. Mrs. W. M. Smith visited her dautzh ter, Mrs. K. B. Heisey of Toronto, over the week-end. Mi-ss Grace Harrington is spending the week in Ottawa. -Dr. C. R. MacKay and Mr. K. Watson enjoyed a fishing holiday Hall’s Lake this week. Mrs. Earl Parkinson of Toronto spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. J. R. Hood. We are pleased‘ to renor‘t Mr. A. . Camplin home from Welles‘ley Hosâ€" pital and making favorable conval- esc'ence. Mr. John Weighill of Toronto was â€" Date Crumb Squares â€"â€" 1/1; cup butter, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 1 egg well beaten, 1 cup pastry flr‘ur, 1/3 teaspoon soda, 1A; teaspoon» baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 14 cup sour milk, 1% cups‘ dates cut in Hones, 1%; cup orange juice, 1 cup corn flakes crushed. Cream butter, ad‘d snorar gradually, ore‘am wall fonethor Add 922 beat well. add sifted dry in- medt'wntw altem'natelv with sour milk. Qm-ead thinly in a buttered plan (8 X 12). Cook date< and orange ivioev um-i‘ date-g are soft. cool. Sm‘ead‘ over Mr. John Weighill of Toronto was the guest of his brother, Mr. A. Woiqhill, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Welch of Fergus and Miss Wilson of Elora were guests of Mrs. G. Murnhy on Monday. Mrs. J. A. Gibson and Miss M. Som- weq‘ville visited Miss E. Thomas of Markham on Fridav. dong-h. oovpr With cmwhod ommflakm bake in hot oven for 20 to 25 minutes When cool cut in Squares. I know a wonderful land, I said, Where the skies are always blue, Whey; on Achocolate drops are the childl‘en fed, And cocoanut cookies too. Wherqpuppy dogs romp at the chil- dren’é feet. - And the liveliest k‘ttens play, And little tin soldiers guard the street To frighten the bears away. So come! It is time for the ship to go To this wonderful land so fair, An-d gently the summer breezes blow To carry- you safely there. So comé! Set sail 6n this golden sea, To the land that is free from dread “I know what you mean,” she said to “An’VI don’t wanna go to bed.” CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH UNIONVILLE Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"C’hurch School. 11 _a.m‘.Aâ€"“A Religious Man’s Conver- siom” ' ’7 p.m.-â€"“A Destrover of Poison.” 8 n.m.. Mondayâ€"YRS. A FAVORITE TESTED RECEIPE The Santa Claus Parade drew its‘ EBENEZER‘ UNITED CHURCH VERSE FOR THE KIDDIES ! Social and Personal held 13;; Sgturday by the Richmond Hill L.Ov.B.A. in the Masonic Hall. Reeve J. A. Greene, Mi$ Mae Greene, Councillor and Mrs. Neal, Councillor and Mrs. Little, Messrs. P. C. Hill, J. H. Naughton and A. Savage of Richmond Hill attended the Warden’s Banquet in Toronto Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Davies/wob-l served their Silver Wedding anniverâ€" sary Wednesday, Nov. 2151:. Immedâ€" iate members of the family joined with them at their home, Yonge St., Ricknldnfd Hill, to mark the event. v The Liberal joins with the people of this district in extending to Mr. and Mrs. Davies sincere best Wishes for many more years of health and hapâ€" pines‘s. A Bridge will be held in the Masonic Hall next Monday evening under the auspices of the Bowling Club. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Association of the Presâ€" byterian Church was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Archie Savage, Vaughan Township. Mr. Marshall Brown, who worked as a. printer in The Liberal Office: in 1882, was a caller at Our office on Wednesday. Mr. Brown is living, re- tired, in Toronto, and‘ was here for the funeral of his brother, the late Herman J. Brown, who died in Chiâ€" cago. He renewed many old acquaint ances in the village. Santa Claus will visit Richmond Hill this year, according to announce- ment by Davies Dry Goods) Store in this issue. There are a number of unemployed men in the village and anyone who has odd jobs to be done or a few days work are asked‘ to get in loouch with clerk A. J. Hume at the Municipal Building. Reserve the daté November 30th and December 151: for the big Bazaar in the Masonic Hall under the aus- pices of the St. Mary’s R. C. Church. Herman J. Brown, a former resi- dent of this district, who has been living in Chicago, was buried here on Wednesday. He passed away after an illness of several months duration. Rev. G. E. Coulter and Mr. W. A. Wright attended the meeting of To- 1'onto Centre Presbytery held in Fairlawn Avenue United Church, To- ronto, on Tuesday. At the luncheon hour an address was given by Mr. M. A. Sorsoleil, Deputy‘Minister of Public Welfare. Read the specials offer-ed in this issue by Kerr Brothers for this weekâ€" end. Mrs. J. W. Vickery of Lindsay is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Smith. A pleasant social function of the coming week is the Dance and Euchre to be held in the Masonic Hall, Wed- nesday evening, Nov. 28th, under the auspices of Empire ’L.O.B.A. The Richmond Hill Girls Athletic Society will hold a basketball game and dance at the High School Friday evening, Nov. 30th, at 8 p.111. The g’ame will be the present school team versus the “Grads.” After the game there will be dancing and refresh- ments. Davies Dry Good Store in this issue announces that as usual Santa. Claus will visit their store this year. No handsome prizes are to be given away at this store this year. / Special music was rendered on Sum day night by the United Church choir, including Mozart’s “Gloria in Excel- sis” which was sung at the May festival services, and Marks’ “Now the Day is Over,” with solo by Mrs. N. J: Glass. The Sunday evening service marked the closing of the choir attendance contest, which has been enthusiastically carried on since Oct. 12. The contest betWeen the two sides, led by Mr. Rand Phipps and Mr. Wes. Middleton, has been very close, and theme was some suspense as to the outcome. It was announced that Mr. Middleton’s side had won by two points. The winning side is to be entertained by the losing iside on Tuesday, Nov. 27th. A very successful sale and tea was TALKING PICTURES On Tuesday evening, Nov. 27th, at 8 o’clock, there will be a. showing at Little Brothers’ Garage of a, number of Ford Talking Pictures such as “Rhapsody in Steel” and others. These pictures are very entertain. ing and interesting and Little Broâ€" thers are issuing a general invitation to the public to attend. N o admissmn fee. Car load West Indies Cane Mo- lasses. A151: far ‘bookuet “How to FeedJ’ At the Elevator, telephone 10 in LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO DANCE IN MASONIC HALL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30th Plan now to attend the big dance in Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, Friâ€" day evening, Nov. 30th, in connection with the St. Mary’s Bazaar. ADâ€" MISSION IS FREE. Everyone 1n- vited. Jane Seager’s orchestra in at- tendance. WILL START ROSEVIEW JOB NEXT WEEK Municipal council of Richmond Hill met this week and completed arrange ments for the work to be done on Roseview Avenue. It is expected work will start the first of next week. / Pearl Newton, elocutionist, assisted by other artists, will give a concert in the Masonic Hall, Maple, Tuesday, Nov. 27th, under the auspices of the Lutheran Church Choir. Admission 25 cents. This will be an entertain- ment of exceptional merit. Don’t forget the concert and dance to be given in. Masonic Hall, Thursâ€" day, Dec. 6th, under the auspices of the veterans. The Barmstormers 0r- chestra in atbendance. TOXOID TREATMENTS The second of the Toxodcl treat- ments will be administered to the children of the Public Schol Friday afternoon of this week, it is announcâ€" ed by Dr. J. P. Wilson, M.0.H. OFFICERS ELECTED The following officers have been elected by Excelsior (975) King, L.O. elected). D.M.â€"Mrs. H. Edwards, King (re- elected). lst Connâ€"Mrs. G. Howard, King (ne- elected). Rec. Seaâ€"Miss M. Downinx , Vellore (re-elected). Fin. Seaâ€"Mrs. R. Minton,-King. Treas.â€"Mrs. G. Coo er, Maple. lst Lect.â€"Miss D. iceman, Purple- ville. 2nd Lechâ€"Mrs. A. Byce, King. D. of C.â€"Op‘en for election. Chapsâ€"Mrs. 0,. Diceman, Purpleville I.G.â€"Open for election. Mrs. Stewart, Richmond Hill W.C.T.U Dear Mrs. Stewart:â€" We greatly appreciate the kindness of the community of Richmond Hill in sending the splendid donation of fruit, cookies, etc., for the benefit of the patients in Christie Street Hos- pital. They thoroughly enjoyed thds delicious treat. Thanking all, Sincerely, A. J. Hartley, I Matron Christie St. Hospital CARD OF THANKS Mr. William Walker and sons Ken- neth and James and daughter Kath- leen desire to express gratitude to the many friends for their kindly expressions of sympathy and the many floral tributes received during their recent bereavement in the loss of a devoted wife and mother. Mr. Harry Austin and daughters wish to thank all kind friends and neighbors for help and sympathy, also for floral tributes, during their recent beveavement, Friday and Saturdayfiov. 30th, Dec. 13 Friday Afternoon - Ladies’ Bridge and Euchre Friday Evening DANCE -- Admission FREE Jane Seager’s Orchestra Modem and Olde Tyme Eung Saturday -- FOWL SUPPER BOOTHS, GAMES, NOVELTY ATTRACTIONS GORDON TAYLOR, Chairman M.â€"Mrs. E. Downing, Vellore (rev- CONCERT AT MAPLE VETERANS CONCERT AND DANCE CARD 0F THANKS i Masonic Hall, Richmond Hi“. Christie Street Hospital, Toronto, Nov. 14th, 1934. PROFESSOR ISHERWOOD 0F WYCLIFFE COLLEGE, TORONTO. T0 PREACH AT OAK RIDGES, MAPLE AND KING The Rev. Professor T. W. Isher- wood, M.A., of Wycliffe College, T0- ronto, will be the guest preacher on Sunday next at the following phurch- St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, 11 51.111 St. Stephen’s Church, Maple, 3 p.m. All Saints’ Church, King, 7 pm. Those who have heard Prof. Is~herâ€" wood will want to hear him again. It is expected that the churches will be filled to capacity. L.O.B.A. DANCE AND EUCHRE Plan to attend the L.O.B.A. Dance and Euchre in the Masonic Hall, Wed- nesday evening, Nov. 28th. The lucky ticket will be drawn at 10 o’clock for the quilt displayed in the Window of the Davies Dry Goods Store. The members are indebted to Mrs. Davies for her kindness and generous assist- ance. AFTERNOON and EVENING i=0=0=0 0:0 RoyalTheatre,AURORA Two Shows Daily â€" 7.30 & 9.30 â€" Sat. Matinee 2.00 p.m. Sâ€"eâ€"râ€"Iiâ€"i-AnllualSale 2647 Yonge St. at B'lythewood Rd. LADY MAC, GRENIER, CAMP and GOSSARD MODELS Not all sizes in one line but a garment for every type. SEE OUR WINDOWS during this month Agnes-Maud Corsetry Commencing at 3 p. m. DURING NOVEMBER WE’RE RICH AGAIN THIS MAN IS MINE WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, NOV. 28-29 WALLACE BEERY â€" FAY WRAY MONDAY & TUESDAY, NOV. 26-27 RALPH BELLAMY â€" IRENE DUNNE FRIDAY & SATURDAY, NOV. 23, 24 TWO FEATURES EDNA MAY OLIVER TO-DAY â€" THURSDAY, NOV. 22nd WILL ROGERS in HAP (We specialize in correct fittings) Clearing of Broken Lines and Samples Many at ‘°=O=O=0=O=0=°=O GUN JUSTICE St. Mary’s R.C. Church RICHMOND HILL VIVA VILLA KEN MAYNARD NDY ANDY HALF PRICE Thesle Include â€" also â€" __jn__ Car load of Foot Hills Alberta. CwJ, Grade A Class A. Generous sample given on request. The Elevatbr, Richmond Hill, telephone 10. ADULTS 40c., CAIILDREN 25d. SERVED FROM 5.30 P. M. EDWARD ROBINSON, Secretary Upholstery Shoppe 2646 YONGE STREET SLIP COVERS Antique Furniture Repaired and lie-Upholstered IN AID OF ESTIMATES SUBMITTED HIGH GRADE Upholstered Furniture at very Moderate Prices PAGE FIVE The

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