Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1934, p. 4

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RICHMOND HILL WOMEN’S INSTITUTE The regular meeting of the Wom- en’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Cook, Church St., on Dec. 13th, at 3 p.m. Mrs. H. H. McMahon will bring the Christmas Message. There will be a sing-song pf Christmas Carols. 5 Roll Call, Shower of Gifts for Relief. GARBAGE COLLECTION The last garbage collection of the year will take place next Tuesday, Dec. 11th. It is possible this may be fhe last until spring and householders are asked to avail themselves of this < pportunity. Details from any C. N. R. Ticket Office. Friday, Dec. 7th, to Chicago. Friday, Dec. 7th, to points on To- nnto-Winnipeg line, Mount Albert to ellico inclusive; also points on To- untoâ€"North Bay line and Temiskam- ng Railway. RAILWAY BARGAIN FARES CENT-A-MILE Toronto, Buffalo, Windsor, Detroit Travel by Train â€" Safety â€" Speed â€" Comfort â€" Economy Specials For This .Week-End Wednesday, December 12 Fresh and Cooked Meats, Phone 117 Bakery and Grocery, Phone 77 PROMPT I PAUL SNIDER, Secretary Tickets, Return Limits, Train Information from Agents â€" Ask for Handbill â€" SATURDAY, DEC. 15th PUDDING, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCOTCH SHORTBRE‘AD, each AUSTRALIAN CURRANTS, 2 lbs. TOMATOES, squat tin . . . . . . . . . . DESSERT PEARS, tin . . . . . . . . . . . LAUNDRY SOAP, 10 bars for . . . . DATES, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MINCEMEAT, 2 lbs. for . . . . . . . . SALMON, 2 lge. tins for . . . . . . . . . CORNED BEEF, 2 tins for . . . . . . MOSS ROSE FLOUR, 24 lb. bag . . CAKE, Almond Iced or Plain, lb. .. BAKERS CANADIAN N A TION AL Kerr Brothers bourg, Glencoe, Hamilton, Ingersoll, London, Nia- gara Falls, Oshawa, Paris, Port Hope, St. Cath- arines, Sarnia, Trenton, Whitby, Woodstock. Belleville, Bowmanville, Brantford, Chatham, Co- THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE RATEPAYERS OF VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP will be heldjn the Township Hall, Vellore Ratepayers Meeting CHOICE CHRISTMAS CAKE & PUDDING ONLY CHOICEST INGREDIENTS USED PAGE FOUR 3S â€" GROCERS â€"â€" BUTCHERS BREAD CAKES PIES ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES from RICHMOND HILL to at 2 p. m. I was hurrying across the sma plot of grass between the Hospit; and the Nurses’ Residence one fin morning on the way to my Offic when I encountered a youth loiterin around. “Are you wanting anything? “Yes, I’m just waiting to see Nurs Robinson.” “Well you’ll hardly sc her this early as, no doubt, she is o: duty.” “Oh yes I will, for I ’phone her I’d‘ be waiting around here abow ten, and that she c0u1d see me b‘ looking out of the window, but sh hasn’t: come yet.” He was very con fident. ‘ I scented a romance right there and asked a few leading question: which brought forth: “Yes, he’d beer a patient in the Hospital for fiw weeks, had been operated upon f0] Mastoiditis.” He had no difficult} in pronouncing the Word, I noticedâ€"â€" “and did I think Nurse Robinson a patient in the Hospital weeks, had been operated. Mastoiditis.” He had no in pronouncing the Word, I “and did I think Nurse His Amazing Love JAMES ROBSON, Chairman (By Josephine Kane) PROMPT DELIVERY 25c., for . 35c. 35c. 50c. 50c. 25c. 50. 25c. 10c. 25c. 25c. 25c. 69c. T395D “Oh dear, line busy!” Another minute’s wait, and still busy. It was really ridiculous how impatient I was. I gave a hurried glance through the window. Yes, he was still there, gaz- ing intently towards the building. At last; “Is that Miss Robinson, yes?‘ Well for mercy sake do take time toi show yourself at the back windowfl and View your young Romeo. Yes, To'mmie L., do you remember him?’ Well step on the gas and end his agony of waiting, it’s pathetic to see.” With a merry laugh, and “I will,” the receiver was hung up. I looked out again. There he stood, with such a pleased and satisfied 100k on his young face. I feel impatient at my inability to picture him thus for others to see; the eager eyes, and such a winning shyness in his attiâ€" tude as he stood there in the early morning sunlight, straight and slim as a sapling, with his arm up-raised drawing her gaze in his direction, and to my, perhaps romantic, eyes, show- ing just a hint of his- not.too-far- away manhood. He was just twelve. When he was leaving, I called him into my office. I was anxious to talk further with him, to draw him out, and obtain if I could, something of what was in his heart. But alas! he was not of the fulsome kind, and his eyes questioned: “Why all this interest?” “Oh, it hadn’t been too bad; he woudn’t mind being back, only for the sick part, and of course he woudn’t like to be operated upon again for he might die.” “Were the nurses- good to him?” “Well, he’d say so, they were great!” That was about all he would commit himself to in words, but I had seen his eyes, and he had come back to the Hospital. That was, enough to fire by imagi- nation. “Come back again soon,” I said as he left, “to see me as well as lNurse Robinson.” :0qu be long?” I did not, “for,” I wid, “it is my firm intention of tele- honing right away, and telling her I-at there is a fine upstanding chap -oking up at her Window, and that '11] bring her on the run, I know." He smiled, with some confusion, but ith evident relief. “What Ward is 1e on, Ward J? All right, you wait .ist Where you are for one minute.” I could not reach my office quickly nough; I was thrilled at my find. ere was a youngster anxiously waitâ€" ,g outside of a Hospital to obtain a limpse of his nurse! Could you con- :ive anything quite so lovely? One Yould imagine that the whole Hos- ital episode would make him eager 0 put miles between him and the lace. But no, there he was, hungerâ€" ng for a look at the one who had ent over him in his pain. Just what anderness, understanding of his Ilight, and real palship, had “Nurse 10binson” shown that had irresistably lrawn him back to her? I There were the thoughts that chased through my mind as I tried, almost frantically, to get the switch- ‘woard, and my heart blessed her. I sat down quietly at my desk, stirred at What had, so unexpectedly, been granted tb meâ€"the manifes- tation of an adoring love of a small patient for his nurse. A most won- derful movie had been enacted right before my astonished eyes, on a stage presenting a little green sward be- hind the towering walls of a large and old institution, the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. I wish others could have shared it with me, but my eyes alone had seen it. Had I been depreeslsled that morn- ing as I started out for my office? Well just a little, perhaps, but not now. The whole work had: been glori- fied fior me, and magnified. How privileged to be on the staff of an institution where not only were ail- ing little ones nursed back to health and strength, but where such an at- mosphere of tender and understand- ing love abounded as to make these youngsters eager to come back “to see Nurse Robinson,” and which made possible such a lovely scene as I had: witnessed. Was my hare in it, humble as it was, worth while? I had been shown it was. And so I am going to ask you to help us in this work of curing the sick little ones of Ontario. The need for funds is most urgent. Last year we nursed 7,511 patients in our cotsv and gave 93,789 treatments at our Out-Patient Department. This does not begin to tell the immensity of the work accomplished, it merely gives you a. glimpse of what it must have been. Your contribution may be sent care of the Secretary-Treasurer, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. No amount is too small»â€"“Mony littles mak’ a muckle.” There are two ways to become proud and happy: (1) be good and (2) get through with the dentist. Peace is a blessed interval when moths and cockroaches seem the most mnoying' bug‘s. Phone 178 Done in your own home. For appointment phone HAIRDRESSIN G Miss L. Russell LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Richmond Hill GIRDING THE WORLD WITH CHRISTMAS TREES Each Christmas it is estimated that approximately ten million trees are cut for the Canadian and American mar- ket. According to the Freight Traffic Department of the Canadian National Railways an average of about 350 cars of Christmas trees are shipped annually to the cities of Canada and the United States. As each car con- tains in the neighborhood of 600 trees, the annual cut in the Dominion alone, exclusive of trees hauled by trucks to neighboring points, amounts to more than 200,000 trees. It is pointed out, however, that this g'i- gantic cut does not devastate the forests, as in all districts Where big orders are filled the trees are care- fully selected with a view of accompâ€" lishing the natural thinning of the growth, so that those which remain will have an opportunity of attaining a healthy girth. And as each tree is cut, another is usually planted in a different section, so that the reforest. ration goes on under expert super- vision. There are, however, isolated districts where the system reforest- ration has not penetrated but such sections are growing smaller and smaller each year. The trees for cut- ting are usually selected in the late summer and early fall, and the actual cut begins about three weeks- before Christmas. Apart from the, serving of the Canadian markets, the big Eastern marts for Christmas trees are New York, Boston, Phila- delphia, Buffalo, Cleveland, Pittsburg, Detroit and Chicago, and the prov- inces from which the biggest exports are made are the Maritime, Quebec and Ontario. It is computed that were the annual cut of Christmas trees planted a quarter of a mile apart at the equator, it would girdle the globe four and a half times. A celebrity shouldn’t feel flattered by the number of his visitors. The monkey cage always has more. CONCERT AT MAPLE A concert will be given in the Com- munity Hall, Maple, Friday, Dec. 7th, by the Arcadian Singers, well known radio artists. The concert will be under the auspices of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Chm-ch. Custom Grinding at your own barn. See George Moore’s advertisement in this issue. “The middle flaw is bound to the upper by a common interest,” says an editorial. Usually about 8 per cent. A good neighborhood is a place where the landlord penalizes you for being respectable. The Woodbridge 8: Vaughan Telephone Company Limited BY_LAW N0. 3 A BY-LAW CHANGING THE L0- CATION OF THE HEAD OFFICE OF THE WOODBRIDGE AND VAUGHAN TELEPHONE COMPANY, LIMITED “BE IT ENACTED as By-law No. 3 of The Woodbridge and Vaughan Telephone Company, Limited, that the location of the Head Office of the Company be and the same is hereby changed to the Village of Woodbridge, in the County of York, Province 015 Ontario.” The foregoing is hereby certified to be a true copy of By-law No. 3 of The Woodbridge and Vaughan Telephone Company, Limited, nassedi by its Directors at their meeting held on the 5th day of November, 1934, and con- firmed on the 20th day of Nov., 1934, by a vote of the Shareholders present or represented by proxy at a meeting duly called for considering the same, and holding not less than two-thirds of the issued Capital Stock of the Company represented at such meeting. Dated this 27th day of Nov., 1934. M. J. Kinnee, Secretary-Treasurer. Milk and Cream DAIRY Secured from selected and inspected herds and handled in the most ap- proved methods it is sure to give satisfaction. Pas- teurized by the most modern methods. Because it is so PURE, so FRESH, and so GOOD be sure to insist on RICHMOND HILL DAIRY G. WALWIN, Prop. Phone 42 Richmond Hill Richmond Hill FOUR YEAR OLD Holstein cow, due Dec. 7th, 10 pigs 8 weeks old, 12 ewes. Cameron Walkington, King. S'AND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 94M. ‘ 17 LAYING Barred Rock Pullets. Les. Jones, 14 Elizabeth Street, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 218. FRESH COW. Apply Percy Bril- linger, Elgin Mills. FIREPLACE in good condition, single bed, and the best watch dog. Apply Mrs. A. Donald, Elgin Mills, telephone Maple 1049 TAMSWORTH PIGS, shoats around 50 pounds, two SOWS nearly due, also boars 6 months old. W. Reaman, phone Maple 1564. ‘ HOUSE FOR SALE or RENT, No. 27 Rosveview Avenue, Richmond Hill, 5 rooms. Apply 6 Centre St, East, Richmond Hill. DON’T STAND ON ONE FOOT like a stork â€" use Cress Corn Salve. Guaranteed by your druggist. Austin’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill, telephone 33. A NUMBER of young dairy horses and mares. These horses are from five to ten years of age, slightly city worn. Apply Mr. Burton, Roselawn Farms. TWO SCOTCH Shorthom Bulls, year old, also several females, herd fully accredited, registered. Jas. Bell, Lot 17, Con. 8, Vaughan, telephone Wood- bridge 1937. STOVES AND HEATERS for sale or exchange. Furnaces and blowers in- stalled. Repairs to all makes of stoves and furnaces. 82 Yonge St., Richmond Hill, phone 92F. NEW AND USED RADIOS, electricl and battery, sets, bargain prices. 13 plate car batteries $3.50 and your old; battery. Guaranteed. G. Yerex, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. I FRESH COWS and springer-s, pure- breds and grades of all dairy breeds. Government T. B. tested, also blood tested. All cows guaranteed to be right or will be replaced. Ed. Irish, Willowdale, phone 369J. YOUR FUEL SUPPLY IS 'AS NEAR TO YOU AS YOUR TELE- PHONE. THE JONES COAL COM- PANY, TELEPHONE 188, RICH- MOND HILL. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8thâ€"Auc- tion sale of household furniture, garden tools, etc., Lot 28, Con. 4 Scar- boro, Clark’s Corners, Kennedy Road, the property of Rev. Kirklin. Sale at 1.30. Terms cash. Prentice and Prentice, auctioneers. FRIDAY, DECEMBER Nthâ€"Auction sale of dairy herd. A fine lot' of milk cows and a few miscellaneous articles, the property of Albert S. Cox, Lot 25, Con. 3 North York, three miles west of Milliken. Terms cash. No reâ€" serve as part of farm has been sold. Prentice & Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15th â€"â€" Mortgage sale of valuable farm pro- perty, east half of Lot 10 in 10th Con. of Markham, containing 60 acres, of- fered for sale at Franklin House, Markham. Terms made known on day of sale or apply to Chartered Trust Co., 34 King Street West, To- ronto. Prentice & Prentice, auction- eers . MONDAY, DEC. Nthâ€"Auction sale of 5 acres or more of standing timber on Lot 25, Com 5, Scarboro (at Millik-en). This is a. good bush mostly all hardwood, good entrance to bush for motor trucks and close to Highway. Property of Robt. Ratcliff Sale at 1 p.m. J. H. and Ken Pren- tice, Auctioneers. Mrs. Blackburn will be open to take appointments in all branches of Hair dressing, specializing in Permanent Waving, every Tuesday all day and evening. Essex Ave., off No. 7 High- way, at Langstaff. Telephone Rich.- mond Hill 51-r-4. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGo-MAKR THE MOST OF I'l" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first i1~sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extrl each intersection. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. LA GROVE Beauty Salone SALE REGISTER FOR SALE BRANCH THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1934 $12.00, 5 room house, electric, water newly decorated. Apply 40 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill. FRAME HOUSE on Yonge Sti'eet, at a low rent, possession at once. Apply Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. 6 ROOM HOUSE and kitchen, elec- tric light, furnace, on Yonge Street close to Stop 26. Apply H. MacMil- len, 25 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. HOUSE on Richmond Street, near Yonge Street, in good repair, newly papered, hard and soft water, posses. sion first of December, $12.00 per month. Apply G. Smith, Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. HOUSE AT MAPLE, 1 acre of land, garage, number of fruit trees. Ap- ply Mrs. Jennie Bone, Maple, Ont. STRAYED to Lot 34, Con. 5, Vaughan about October lst, four heifer calves, owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. T. B. Weldrick, phone Maple 1972. Feed Laying Mash containing anti worm vegetable ingredients. They are in Royal Richmond Mashes. POULTRY MEN Keep your stock healthy feed- ing Molasses and Vita-Mineral Supplement. S. TUPPER BIGELOW LL.B.. 139 Member of the Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta Bars) 310 McKinnon Building, 19 Melinda St., Toronto Bus. Phone EL. 1744 Used Cars Shaw Schools 1932 CHEVROLET DeLUXE COUPE Rumble Seat, Six Wheels and Tires Excellent Condition. of Toronto meet your immediate needs with plans for individual instruction in training for busi- ness positions. Day, Night and Home Study Courses. You are invited to write for curriculum. Address W. H. Shaw, President, Bay-Charles Sts. 1932 FORD V-8 COUPEâ€"A Good ..Car 1932 FORD V-8 COUPE 1925 CHEVROLET TOURINGâ€" All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 dun Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTAR'IO- BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. AGENT Massey Harris Farm Implements Parts and Repairs Beatty Bros. Products Stable and Water Equipment, etc. Roofing Supplies 74 Church St. Phone 132W Richmond Hill CHAS. GRAHAM Small Mileage. THE MILL TO RENT STRAYED WE DELIVER Phones $475.00 $475.00 $475.00 J- F. BURR $75.00 Res. Phone RA. 5429‘ 82W

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