Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1934, p. 8

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STEWARTâ€"At the home of Mrs. H. Stamford, Nurse, Richmond Hill, on Sunday, Dec. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart (Nelda Davis) of York Mills, a. son, James Henry. DIED JONESâ€"Early Wednesday morning Nov. 28th, 1934, at Toronto General Hospital, Elizabeth, beloved wife of George Jones of Vaughan Township. Funeral was held Friday, November 30th, at 2 p.m. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. Mass in St. Mary’s Church, Rich- ;mond‘ Hill, at 9.30, Friday moming. Interment in St. Luke’s Cemetery, 'Thornhill, Ontario. The remote conrtl‘ol system doesn’t work with children. DIED COSGROVEâ€"Passed away peace- fully at his late residence, Bathurst Street, Vaughan Township, on Tuesâ€" day, Dec. 4th, 1934, James Cosgrove, beloved husband of Nellie Robinson. I‘RAI319§, CARE Furnacé BLOWERS Wm. NEAL i \XI-‘.L:..N MonL:nne Santa Claus parents of the village and surrounding dis- trict are invited to bring the children, when g each will be greeted by Santa Claus and pre- ‘ sented with a suitable toy from 2.30 to 5 pm. Wfiéa§a§z§§a§a§a§a§a§3§i§fiam§332 Chairman of the Election Board for the County of York Dated this 14th Day of November,_ AD. 1934. THE VOTERS’ LISTS ACT L‘ULLU“ VA VAAA--1u~ v- r , TAKE NOTICE that sittings of the Revisihg Officer for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Vobers’ Lists to be used at the Vote under the Liquor Control Act "for the Village of Wood-bridge will be held at the times and places set ‘forth in the schedule hereinafter set out: Judge James Parker will be the Revising Officer for the above mentioned Municipality. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the list to be so revised Parts I and III of the Voters’ List prepared for the Municipality the Village of Woodsbridge. “a W, ,__‘.__.___ _..--__. --A...-nâ€" .. . . 1, ‘_,._U, . b .. “we. I AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter who d-eslfes to complain that his name or the name of any person entitled to be entered on the said list has been omitted from the same, or that the names of any persons who are not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon, my on or before the apply, complain or appeal to have his name or the persqn entered on, or removed from the. said list Saturday, Dec. 8%: AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by notice in writing in the prescr’bed form, signed by the complainant in duplicate and given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer 01‘ left for 'him at his address as stated above. Davies’ Dry Goods Store Name of Municipality Village of | 10 a.m.'I‘uesdayI Town Hall , Woodbridge | Dec. 11th, 1934 3 Woo-dbridge Ed' w' 3m” NOTICE OF éfi‘fiNGs OFVR‘EVIISING OFFICER App, , Everyone has an equal chance to win one of the two handsome prizes which we are giving away this year. The prizes, two beautiful electric lamps, are now on display in our windows. PAGE EIGHT Our store now has a Christmasy effect and we have a large variety of merchandise suitable for Christmas gifts. Phone 119 We would appreciate your co-operation by mak- ing your purchases early. We will as heretofore pack for postage or lay aside until required. BIRTH arrives in Richmond Hill on EIGHTH DAY OF DECEMBER Date and Hour 1 of Sittings (Referred to in Section Cockshutt Implemegts, JAMES PARKER SCHEDULE: Vaughan Plans Work For Winter Vaughan Township will endeavour to meet the unemployment situation and reduce direct relief to a minimum by a program of work throughout the winter and the Ontario Government has approved and agreed to co-operate in a program for the expenditure of $10,000.00 of which $8,000 is to be labor. The Ontario government will pay two thirds of the labor costs. At the regular meeting on Monday routine business was transacted and a number of relief matters dealt with. Reeve George Kellam presided and all the members were presnt. Council was advisd that bread would be supplied to those on relief at 7.875 cents per loaf. You can tell which is older, hus- band 01' Wife. The older one seems to care when the other is sick. Place of Sittings the name of any other Richmond Hill vising Officer Clerk of Reâ€" tainment and. entirely new program' from last year. Come early and do; not be disappointed in securing a seat, Saturday, December 8th. I The Women’s Association of the United Church will hold the December meeting and election of officers on Wednesday, 12th, at 3 p.m., in. thel Sunday School. A full attendance is requested as this is the last meeting of the year. A meeting of the Thornhill Public Library was held on Monday after. noon at the Library. Mr. Jennings of Toronto, Inspector of Libraries, was present and advised the executive in making some changes 70f canjying' on, as the Library has been closed for some weeks. The members are looking forward to the reâ€"openin‘g. Miss Inez Hickling of Elmwood, who is home on furlough from Vic- toria, B. C., where she is engaged as missionary among the Orientals, vis- ited last week w1trh Mr. and Mrs. J. Wells and Mrs. Brillingver. Do not forget the return engageâ€" ment of the Carolina Jubilee Singers on Saturday, Dec. 8th, at 8 o’clock, in the 'l‘homhill Umbed Church. The Singers are giving. a‘high class enter- Missionary Society of the United Church took place on Tuesday eve- ning and the following were elected‘ to office: President, Mrs. W. J. Wes- ley; lst Vice-President, Mrs. N. L. Morton; Recording Secretary, Mrs. C. P. Johns; Correspondng Secretary. Mrs. M. McLean; Treasurer, Mrs. N. J. Smellie; Christian Stewardship and Finance, Mrs. R. Simpson; Strangers' Secretary, Mrs. S. Elson; Temperance‘ Secretary, Miss L. Spencer; Supply‘ Secretaries, Mrs. J . L. Davis and Mrs.‘' H. Connell; Literature Secretary, Mrs. J. J. Davidson; Associate Helpers! Mrs. J. Wells; Mission Band Leader,‘ Mrs. J. L. McDonald; Missionary' Monthly Secretary, Miss A. Boyle; Pianist, Mrs. S. Elson; Assistant,‘ Miss L. Spencer. ‘ | H Election of officers of the Women’si l An open meeting of the Mission' Band will be held on Wednesday eve- ning, Dec. 12th. Everybody welcome. Dr. Ross and Mrs. Wesley Given Hearty “'elcome into the Circle of Young People of This Village The young people of this village wished to demonstrate to Dr. ROss Wesley and his bride their desire to welcome them into their circle, so last Thursday evening around fifty young folk congregated in the public school where progressive court whilst opened the evening’s fun, Miss Mar- guerite Boyle winning first for ladies and Elmore Hooper carrying off the gents prize. This was followed by refreshments. The room was then cleared and with Mr. Jack Todd at the piano, all were enjoying a lively fox-trot. At the height of the fun Dr. and Mrs. Wesley were announced winners of the spot dance, the young folk taking this opportunity to preâ€" sent them with a walnut end table, Mr. Willard Simpson giving the ad- dress. Dr. Wesley responded ex- pressing gratitude not only for the gift but also what it conveyed. A suggestion was then made thart 'a Community Young People’s get-to- gether be held monthly. This was ‘evidently the Wish of all so a motion 5 was made to that effect and the fol- lowing committee was formed to take charge of the next meeting in Jan- uary. Isabel Farr,- Edith Davies, Geraldine Wesley, Muriel Dean, Jack Tod‘ds, Bruce McDonald, Dr. Wesley, Willard _Simnspn and Elmore Hooper. v a comedy in 3 acts. in the Lawrence , Memorial Hall on Friday, Dec. 14th. ' at 8.}5 p.m. Thornhill Orchestra will . prOVide music. {WRWKflfl'xl-ww‘w .m an The Women's ~Association of the<was a son of the late George Pierson, Wa lnited Church will hold the Dlecemberizmd was born on Lot 9Y Con. 9’ Vau_ and czitrllggdai?d1§iimwg? igipsz’meif tfigkghan. where he spent his early lifeieSSt undav school. ’A full attendance is and attended the Lower 9th school.!W. equesth as this is the last meeting Following, his marriage to Miss De_ 1' ,borah Linton he lived in Clairvillelrcm f the year' h Th h 11 P bl‘ A 1‘ t A 'n i u ic mCLtmg 0f C 01 ‘for a number of years and worked at‘gi'o the carpenter trade. In 1886*y‘ .ibrary was held on Monday after- oon at the Library. Mr. Jennings f Toronto! Inspecwr 0f Libral'ies’ moved to Weston and in addition toi his trade he took to breeding fancy! ifowl and was an extensive exhibitoril “on” yo--." as present and advised the executive 1 making some changes of carrying n, as the Library has been closed 01' some, Weeks- The members are at the C.N.E.. the Royal Winter Fair| T )ofiligg ilgggalgigfliage land other Fairs throughout the Pro-II ‘ ,ho is home on furlough from Vic_‘v1nce. He was the first constable:r100 oria, B. C., where she is engaged as appointed by the Weston council and;Cht }iSSi0naI'y among the Onentafig» “‘51â€" also attended to the pumping of theifiiq “ed laSt “er WIth MI" and 15‘ ' Village water. His father, a nativel‘D‘r“ Veils and Mrs. Brillinger. V _ . Election of officers of the Women's of Sorkshire, England, when coming . lissionary Society of the Canada with his young wife. about 1m; {hm-Ch tOOk place 9“ Tues‘ia-V eve41840, was shipwrecked. The journey . mg and the following were electcd' ‘ . . brii 0 Office. President Mrs_ w. J_ wesjhad a sad ending for Mr. Pierson as Chi ay; lst Vice-President, Mrs. N, L. his wife was numbered among the ' 101301;); Recél'ding Seare’wmb’, MI‘S- 0- drowned. However, later on Mr. I ’. 0 ns; orrespon ng ‘ecretary. - , ' - . “S. M. McLean; Treasurer, Mrs. N.;Piers.on mairied again and staited you . Smellie; Christian Stewardship and falmmg 011 Lot 11, COU- 10. Toronto jug. “inance, Mrs. R. Simpson; StrangerslGore, and established a reputation as Secretary! empé‘figggf a breeder of high class draft horses. )ecre ary, . er; _' . . . ‘ ivecretaries, Mrs. J. L. Davis and MrsHIThe late JOhn Allen Plelson ls sm‘ 1. Council; Literature Secretary, Mrs.V1Ved by one 5011 Allen WGStOH and i. J. Davidson; 'Associate Helps1*s.!txvo sisters, Mrs. Robert Dobson, Jj WE115;MlVCI]SS§r11<;1i‘d333%qg‘iigfi};.Branipton, and Mrs. Sam Charters, VIonthly Secretary, Miss A. Boyle; v ‘ )ilanist, Mrs, S. Elson; Asgistant,’ \.P.S. DISCUSS Home Influences t V1155 L- Spencer; I , The. weekly meeting of the United! A“ 01"?“ “‘99”an 0f “‘9 M15510“ Church Y.P.S. held on Monday night‘ ” ‘ll 1 ' ' - . . 32¢ (16391.?15351; gifcfg,:_ last was devoted to Fellowship with. Mrs. Leo Watson, convenor, in the Dr. Ross and Mrs. Wesley Given Hearty “'elcome into the Circle of chap; The devotional pimiod con. Jsistul of a tableau on the Story ofi hYoung People of This Village T ' l f th'. "1] i . e young peOpe O R ‘1 8:“ Ruth and Naomi explained by Jack! McCallum, and the characters por- wished to demonstrate to Dr. Ress Wesley and his bride their desire to trayed by Misses Ila Watson, Marion Watson and Doris Hrendi‘y. “The welcome them into their circle, so last Thursday evening around fifty young folk congregated in the public . . ” . school where progressive court whis't Chl'lstlan Home was the “WW taken opened the evening’s fun, Miss Mar- by Mrs. W. E. Berry all of which was gu‘erlte Boyle Wmnmg first for ladles followed by a discussion on influences that weaken or strengthen the home with Clare Birch, Miss Laura Neal, Mrs. A. Doane and Wilfred S. Scott and Elmore Hooper carrying off the gents prize. This was followed by taking part in the discussion. Musical numbers were contributed by Miss refreshments. The room was then cleared and with Mr. Jack Todd at Mary Bagg and the Y.P.S. quartette and a reading from the poems of the piano, all were enjoying a lively fox-trot. At the height of the fun Edgar Guest by Miss Bessie Nattress. ,Late William Graham Dick Dr. and Mrs. Wesley were announced The death of William Graham Dick- occurrred suddenly at his 'hon1e in L. 3-11 Brampton. it winners of the spot dance, the young folk taking this opportunity to preâ€" Weston on Monday, Nov. 26th, the funeral taking place on Thursday sent them with a walnut end table, Mr. Willard Simpson giving the ad\-. dress. Dr. Wesley responded ex-f pressmg gratitude not only fer the1 gift but also what it conveyed. A suggestion was then made thart a Comm‘un'ty Young People’s get-to- gether be held. monthly. This was €Vldentl§ tile X118: Off; alt] sodatlmotijolri with interment in Sanctuary Ceme- wasmaeo aeec an‘ eon, . . lowing committee was formed to take tery' weSton' . peceasgd was a .50" Charge of the next meeting. in Jam-.01" the late William Dick, farm im- uary, ' Isabel Fan-y. Edith Davies, plement manufacturer of Bolton. He ggggglgrgfsfiszggelDI-Z'eawegfg‘? k spent much of his early life as sales- Willard Simpson and Elmore Hoope‘rf‘ ma“ 0f hls fathers pmd‘um’ and Miss Geraldine Wesley is supplying several decades ago was well known as teacher at Thornlee School takingto Vaughan Township farmers. We thipll‘ffizbgi %%:1‘%:Â¥:10 recall with sadness when deceased Young. People’s Society here attended, and the Liberal scribe were pals more the Rally in Trinity Church, Toronto, than four decades ago- onWMOigi-ay owning. f P H Bishop Owen Officiates At . ro. . ay 0 a .ersong - -, ‘ - Masonic Lodge accompanied by a~ confirmath Clslfir:;1ce In ChnSt l' goodly number of the members visited Ulster Logge, Toronto}; on Monday, Christ Church, Woodbridge, and St. evening t ‘9 OCC.aSi°n e‘lnq the in‘ John’s, Castlemore, united on Sunday E?l£§1§;%réisffPfigfigfgmqfigé 'ig: last with a confirmation service held in Christ Church at 11 a.m., when stalling master. The master being. Geo. W. Porter, formerly of Thornâ€" Bishop Owen, primate of Canada, officiated. A musical program fit- Eil‘]i and Tl}ilfe 'inember of Patterson o‘ , . i - " . . . - Vi? $31.0. H'e fiwlfiggiagiagazie?gjgé|ting the occaSion.w1th Misvs_Queenie with a grand father chime clock. W.{Dumb1€‘t0n. Ol'gan‘st, ConduCtlng‘, W35 Eran/[Poitier b-eifng presenied witch anlfurnished by the choir. Christ . . nron rom mem ers o the r . . . ’_ Sibitan Club of which he is one of‘Church also celebrated the 13th anni versary of the opening of the new the most prominent members. This . club have their summer camp for structure, following the destruction of the original building by fire in crippled children at Mr. Porter’s 32.11.1113. Oglrggiigovgig Igggg'ntelf’i'wvatfiwé 1921. The evening service with the Parker Pen and Pencil Set of latest RBCtOI', Rev- J- H- Kldd 1“ Charge, des‘ign- ‘ . _ ' . was devoted to the anniversary cele- Bogrdmfifimbi figlvdtléen bration. The services were largely at the home of Mrs. J. A. Thompson. .attended' The A.Y.P.A. attended in a body SPBCial Meeting Of MiSSion Band {Ihe egenjing SQl'Vice at Trinity ChUI‘Ch A special meeting of the Mission fistNolfii’agaivglznsgheiigegfifi’ifgi‘ég:.Band .of the Presbyterian Church was ing talk ont‘God is our Creator}: held- in the Sunday School on Wed- Trinity Anglican Sunday School nesday night of last week when a harsher. slut; his 12...?“ feature of the meeting waste Rev. George 0. Fams of Trinity entation of a life membership cei- United Church, Toronto, visited on tificate to Joyce Coles. An interest- Monday with Miss Lillian Francis. ing item on the program was a play- ‘ Mr. Harry Hayes has rented the let entitled “Why We Work For 13.03“ property and Wm take posses‘ Missions” presented by Lillian Brown ‘ Sion soon. . . play Kathleen Farriand, Irene Earriand, Trinity Women’s Club will present JOYOG 00195, Irene BTOWTllee, OYPha a Play emititled “Strictly Business'." Farr, Thelma Uppington. Other items on the program were a piano duet by Orpha Farr and Ruth Mayhew, and a dialogue by members of the band. Christ Church Christmas Sale Christ Church Christmas sale of N0 “mud” it is hard to get an idea fancy and useful articles together into some heads- The Poor thing with supper held at the residence of dreads solitary confinement. Misses Bessie and Mary Wallace, Pine Street, on Thursday evening of last week was one of the most sucâ€" cessful the Women’s Guild ever staged: Those in charge of the dif~ Wilfrid R. Scott Successor in J. J. Deane A number from the United Church Young People’s Society here attended' the Rally in Trinity Church, Toronto, on Monday evening. The A.Y.P.A. attended in a body the evening service at Trinity Church last Sunday when the Rector, Rev. N. H. Noble, gave a special and interest- ing talk onv“God is Our Creator.” 7 Play Trinity Women’s Club Will present a play entitled “Strictly Businessi," a comedy in 3 acts. in the Lawrence Memorial Hall on Friday, Dec. 14th. at 8.15 p.m. Thornhill Orchestra will provide music. Phone 78 FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO THORNHILL Successor to J. J. Deane Director of THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Washing Machines Late John Allen Pierson The funeral of John Allen Pierson, aged 76, who died at his late residence Church Street, Weston, on Wednesâ€" day, November 28th, took place on Saturday with interment in River- side Cemetery, Weston. Mr. Pierson fermn departments were: Fancy _ work, Mrs. Lulu Willi; and Mrs. Thos. lCole; aprolxs and quilts, Mrs. F. gsmrk and Mrs. Earl Ring; baking, candy and flowers, Mrs. John Robb WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT NE ,and Mrs. Sidney Sm'atford; dining; room, Misses Olive Wallace, Gladys Cowdry, Annie Kersey, Mary Wal- lace, Olive Weatherill, Evelyn Brown and Mrs. Murray Ingram; kitchen, Mrs. Arthur Weatherill, Mrs. Harry Hugill, Mrs. Bert Marsden, Mrs. Walter Rymill, Mrs. Fred Elleston and Mrs. G. H. Maxey; acting hostâ€" esses, Mrs. J. H. Kidd and Mrs. F. W. Hicks. The December meeting of the W. I. will be held: next Thursday after- noon, Dec. 13th, in Brown’s Corners Church. Members please note that this is a week earlier than usual. Dr. C. R. McKay, Unionville, has been invited to address this meeting. IT’S A FACT â€" Cress Com Salve removes corns, calluses, warts, inâ€" grown toe-nails, etc. Sold at: Bel- fry’s Drug Store, Woodbridg-e. Roll call will be responded to by bringing a gift for the Willowdale Childrens Shelter. It isn’t a sense of duty that makes you res-train grown offsprings. It is just a desire to keep on bossing. OUR SPECIALTY Edbern Beauty Parlour } 3-152 YONGE ST. - St City Limits HUd. 4123 Permanent Waving I mo=m=lox ! Letteau Furs 'o=o=o=m Be Prepared -- Cold Weather Coming BUTTONVILLE at your farm Work guaranteed and charges moderaté FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY Richmond Hill R. R. 1 Rahams’ THE Hairdressers GEORGE S. MOORE Announces that he is now equipped to do BUY YOUR SHOES AND RUBBERS NOW SPECIALMEN’S ENGLISH MADE SHOES $5.95 BOYS PROSPECTOR BOOTS 3364 Yonge St. (South of Melrose) 2501 YONGE ST. NORTH TC OPPOSITE CAPITOL THEATRE MAIL ORDERS FILLED CUSTOM GRINDING RAHAM’S BEAUTY SALON OFFER The SMARTEST AND LARGEST PARLORS IN THE NORTH SECTION WITH A SERVICE AND OPERATORS THAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED. 2568 YONGE STREET MOHAWK 6030 ANNOUNCEMENT and Designing Furriers Manufacturing GEORGE S. MOORE . M. LEMON Sizes 11 to 13â€"$2.65 1 to 5â€"$2.95 y ‘ LICENSED AUCTIONEER l County of Â¥(l):‘kd S 31' 1* ‘ Prompt attention to al in s of ales O n ? AURORA â€" ONTARIO Y ‘i . Or Apply Hbd. 4123 Bill Neal Phone 210, Richmond Hm THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1934 TORONTO ODD People Who have suffered for years wi-th Indigestion, Acid Stomach, Gas, Heartburn, etc., are amazed at the quick relief which KIRK’S STOM- ALKA gives. A small dose tonw up even the most stubborn case of sour, acid stomach, banishes pain, revives appetite. Everyone is subject to occasional stomach troubles, so never be without a. bottle in the home. At drug- stores. Get KIRK’S STOMâ€" Stomach Troubles [0:0] ALKA at and have it repaired properly 3334 Yonge St. HU. 3132 2 Blocks South of City Limits North Fancy Goods 3360 Yonge St., at City Limits GORDON PHILLIPS SNELGROVE’S RADIO SERVICE emstitching and Picot Edging 10 cents a yard Mail Orders Filled Linens QU ICKEST RELIEF FROM AUSTIN'S DRUG STORE Bring Your Radio To Tel. Richmond Hill 44-r-6 NORTH TORONTO 0n0=0=0 10=0=0=1 HUdson 4422

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