THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20th WEEKLY NEWT , 1934 #- 8 NOTES FROM HE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT Court Willing Workers No. 1880 I.O.F. met on Tuesday evening and with the new officers chosen for 1935 are all ready for a busy year. encouraging increase in membership and the interest shown gives guar- antee to the superior officers that the Court will be very active and will do its share in helping along the good work undertaken by the organization. An interesting event of the evening was the draw for the fowl. A large number of tickets had been sold and of course all were anxious to hold a lucky number. However, only 10 could claim the prizes and those hold- ing lucky tickets were as follows: 1, Turkey, Mrs. E. G. Hobbs, Unionville; 2, Goose, Helen Irvine, Toronto; 3, Turkey, S. Kioby, Toronto; 4, Goose, R. Humphrey, Toronto; 5, Turkey, K. Duncan, Unionville; 6, Goose, H. S. Abernathy, Toronto; 7, Turkey, F. Wesley, Markham; 8, Goose, Elmer Daniel, Markham; 9, Goose, Len Wil- son, Agincourt; 10, Goose, Mrs. A. Dick, Toronto. The election of officers included: Court Deputy, Bro. Gordon Rudkin; Court Physician, Bro. J. T. Orford; Past Chief Ranger, Bro. Geo. Court; Chief Ranger, Bro. Ernest Appleton: Vice-Chief Ranger, Bro. Stuart Mcâ€" Quay; Recording Secretary, Com., Hilda Blundell; Financial Secretary, V Bro. Abner Summerfeldt; Treasurer. Bro. Geo. Court; Orator, Bro. Alfred Soulsberry; Supt. of Juvenile Court, Com. Mabel Lotten; Organist, Com. The l portation Committee, Mrs. A. Ken- nredy, M'ss E. Russell; Auditors, Mrs. A. Kennedy, Millie Miller. Announcement is made to the re- verting to the original date for the Christmas concert of Central United Church which will be held in the Township Hall on Monday evening, -Dec. 24th. The Cantata “White Gifts for the King" will be of special inter- est and of course the Christmas tree and the visit of old Santa fOr the kiddies. Bethesda Lutheran plan the annual Christmas service on Sunday evening next and a cordial invitation is exâ€" tended to all to come and worship with this congregation. During the morning service at St. Philip's Anglican Church the cantata “Bethlehem†by Adlam will be render- ed by the choir under the leadership if Mrs. A. K. Harrington and with inss Ila Weighill, A.T.C.M., officiatâ€" ng at the organ. There will also be I. special Christmas service at 10.30 i.m. on Christmas morning. A wel- onie awaits you at these services. Brown’s Corners United Church ongregation are meeting on Thursâ€" ay next for the annual supper and )hristmas tree. It is desired that all attend and make this a real congre- gational social. The time for meet- ng is 3 p.m. Preparing for the Christmas fesâ€" .ivities seems to be the order of the lilay, Christmas cakes, puddings, etc., seem to be our daily tasks so that we Erma Court; Senior W'oodward, Bro. have no time for visitors or visiting, Jas. Maynard; Junior Woodward, Broglience the minus quantity of our per- Lloyd Rudkin; Senior B‘ead1e, Bro_'sonal column. Forgive us. It really Roy Lotten; Junior Beadle, Bro. Ar-lisn’t our fault. RITE TESTED RECIPE nold Court. A public installation of: A FAVO officers will be held on the cveningiCranborry Cocktail with Grapefruit of January 15th to which all'are iii-j 4 cups cranberries, 4 cups water, Vited. Bro. John Little and son John : 2%; cup granulated sugar, 2 grape- Jr. had charge of the meeting. fruit sectioned. Cool: cranberries in} There was a full quota of members Water until they poo open (about Si in attendance at the annual meeting minutes), sli‘ain through cheese cloth.‘ of the Auxiliary of Central Br'ng juice to boiling point. add sugar , United Church held at the home of stir until dissolved, boil ‘3 minutes.‘ Mrs. C. Crawford on Thursday after- Chill. Place grapefruit sections in noon last, when encouraging reports sherbert glasses, pour cranberry juice. were heard of the year’s work. Ap- ‘Over them. Serve cold. Sn‘vcs 6 to S. ; proximately $300 was raised for misâ€"i VERSE FOR THE KID’DIES sionary purposes, a. splendid bale of; â€"- Overheard At Christmas â€" ' supplies and an increase in the Mis- 5"1 wish you'd kindly more a bit. sionary Monthly subscribers. All? The way you crowd is shocking." other departments also reporting'Reniarked the jolly jumping jack, equal interest and progress. The; Deep down in Teddy’s stocking. meeting, preliminary to the electioni“D0n’t tread on me,†the orange of officers, was presided over by Mrs. l growled, Crawford who conducted the devotion-'; In muffled tones from under; a] exercises. The Bible reading, the I'm sure if people find me sour 122nd Psalm, was read alternatelyi ‘Twcn’t be the slightest wonder.†{Dec. 25th return limit Dec. 26th or THE LIBERAL, Social and Personal Mrs. R. Cardwell, who has been a patient at the Wellesley Hospital for Ethe past three weeks, was conveyed to her home on Monday of this week by Mrs. Norman McGibbon and very kindly cared for during the drive by Miss D. Bottomley (R.N.), sister of Mrs. McGibbon. Mts. CardWell Inow improving and making favorable 1-rogress to recovery. Many gifts of flowers and kind wishes came from Saskatchewan, Gaspe, Quebec, Toâ€" ronto and Richmond Hill. These were sincerely appreciated by the patient. UNITED CHURCH Y.P.S. At the annual meeting of the Young People’s Society of the United Church on Monday evening the following of- ficers were elected for the c0ming year: Miss Margaret Plewman was re-elected President; Viceâ€"Presidents Harry Sayers, Ruth Reaman, Isabel Horrell, Mary Hunt, Mrs. Russell Lynett; Secretary, Isabel Coulter; Treasurer, Mildred Sims; Pianist Blanche Dewsbui‘y; Lantern Operator Roy Lunau; Representatives to Young People’s Council, Harry Sayers, Lewis Sims and Margaret Coulter. VOLLEY BALL CLUB NOTES The activities of Tuesday evening concluded the pre Xmas schedule of competitive matches between five Vil- lage teams. After New Year a fur- ther series will be entered into as between these teams. and in addition introductory gains will be arranged for groups who have only occasional opportunity to be present. The style of play exhibited by sen- ior teams is noticeably improved, wh‘ch results in much satisfaction to all participating. Owing to the holiday season the next date for play will be Tuesday evening, Jan. 8th. SHOOTING MATCH A Shoot'ng Match for Turkeys will he held Saturday, Dcc. 22nd, at the farm of J. P. Glcndenning, Lot 34, Con. 5, Scarboro, shotguns and rifles. Shells supplied for shot guns. RAILWAY XMAS TRAIN SERVICE One way fare and a quarter for the round trip good going Dec. 2lst to one way fare and a third for the round trip good going Dec. 20th to Jan. lst, return limit Jan. 10th. C.N.R. local train service Toronto to Parry Sound line, train leaves To- ronto 9.30 a.m. Monday, Dec. 24th, RTchmond Hill 10.20 a.m. for Parry and the roll call responded to by a Bible verse containing the word “Nativity.†The decision to send Christmas letters to Mrs. A. E. Owen and Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite was unan- imously aproved. Rev. A. E. Owen presided over the election of officers that resulted as follows: Hon. President, Mrs. A. E. OWen; President, Mrs. C. Crawford; lst Viceâ€"President, Mrs. J. H. Chant; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. W. Young; Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. A. Gibâ€" son; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. Stephenson; Treasurer, Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite; Ass’t. Secretary, Mrs. A. E. Milner; Press Secretary, Mrs. A. G. Gormley; Pianist, Mrs. Wheat- ly; Ass’t. Pianist, Mrs. B. Weatherill; Secretaries, Christian Fellowship, Mrs. N. Ogden; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. T. Croft; Supply, Mrs. A. Ken- nedy; Strangers, Millie Miller; As- sociate Helper, Mrs. F. Bagg; Liter- ature, Mrs. E. Bewell; Temperance. ..Mrs. A. Coulson; Supt. of Mission} Band, Mrs. N. Ogden; Supt. Babyll' lg. Band, Mrs. T. Hobbs; President Misâ€" sion Band, Marion Warne; Sick and Visiting Committee, Mrs. J. Thomp-_ “Oh, mercy,†cried the Paris doll, In tones of great dismay; “I see a dreadful chocolate mouse Not lialf an inch away." “Be silent, said the candy cow, “Do cease this paltry prating', Such foolish talk I never heard, I Complaining and berating." iBut here she ceased, for Master Tom, The stocking overhaul'ng, IHad gobbled up the candy cow, 1 Now wasn’t that appalling? â€"-J. B. Sherman. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH UN IONVILLE Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m. “The Significance l Mangerâ€"born Ciii'ist.†7 p.m.â€"“The Hero and the Villian at Christmas Time.†8 p.m., Mon.â€"â€"Siinday School Christâ€" mas Concert. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 30 p.m.â€"Church School. 30 p.m.â€"“The Hero and the Villian at Christmas Time.†St. Philip’s Anglican Church Rev. J. J. Robbins a of a son, Mrs. A. McKinnon;_ Program' 10 a.m.â€"Church School. Committee, Mrs. Crawford, Young, Mrs. A. Coulson, Mrs. B. Weatherill, Mrs. E. Bewell; Trans- Because it is so PURE, so FRESH, and so GOOD be sure to insist on Richmond Hill I DAIRY _____â€"____._â€"â€" Milk and Cream Secured from selected and inspected herds and handled in the most ap- proved methods it is sure to give satisfaction. Pas- teurized by' the most modern methods. RICHMONllâ€"HILL DAIRY G. WALWIN, Prop. Phone 42 Richmond Hill l Mrs. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. Christmas Cantata “Bethlehem†by the Choir. 10.30 a.m., Tue. Christmas Service. BETIIESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. E. Huencrgard ilo a.m.â€"Church School. 7 p.m.â€"Christmas Service. RICHVALE Another successful Euchre and Dance was held by the Vaughan Workers Assoc'ation at Richvale School on Thursday, December 13th. Four geese were given as prizes and the lucky Winners were: Ladies, Isl Mrs. O’Donnell; 2nd Mrs. Pacquette; Gents, lst Mr. J. Loftus; 2nd Mr. J. Dixon. The consolation prizes were won by Doris Dobbin and Tod Watâ€" son. Music for the dancing was supâ€" plied by an orchestra kindly donated by Mr. William Espey of Elgin Mills. A good t'me was enjoyed by the large crowd who attended and another such event is hoped for in the near future. The Workmen's Association held a meeting on Sunday afternoon in Rich- V. 7!) PublicuScliool, Dec. 16th. A fairly good attendance was. at Sunday School on Sunday. The Christmas Tree and entertain- ment will be held on Friday evening, Dec. 215t, at 8 p.m. There will be fancy drills, a pageant, dialogues and recitations by the Sunday School Scholars. Come and show your ap- preciation of the work. Sound and intermediate points, with connection at Washago for North Bay Zine. Returning, leave Parry Sound 5.55 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 25th only, ar- riving Richmond Hill 9.45 p.m., and Toronto 10.35 p.m. WHITE GIFT SERVICE AT UNITED CHURCH S. S. The annual White Gift service of the United Church Sunday School will be held on Sunday, Dec. 23rd, at 2.45. when Miss Dorothy Angle will give the Christmas story. For the many needy famil'es in the community; an appeal is made for groceries, fruit, vegetables, etc, cash will also be gratefully received, For the Orphanage, Christmas pudâ€" ding, pies, vegetables, etc., will be acceptable. Anyone wishing to supply a basket for a needy family, kindly. get in touch with Mr. Pleivnian. Supt, 01* to Relief Committee of Women’s As; sociation, Mrs. Plowman, Miss Mc- Lean or Mrs. Stallibrass. PRESBYTERIAN W. A. The Women’s Association of the Presbyterian Church held their an- nual meeting on Wednesday, Dec‘. 12th, in the church parlor, with the President, Mrs. Yei‘ex, in the chair for the first half of the meeting After the devotional excrc'ses and business, reports were presented by Secretary and Treasurer, which were accepted by the Society and showed a very successful year. Rev. J. D. Cunningham presided during the election of officers for 1935: Hon. President, Miss Boyle;l l’icsidcnt, Mrs. T. Moore; lst Vice- l’i‘esidcnt, Mrs. G. Yerex; ‘2nd Vice- Pi'esidcnt, Mrs. F. SChlSSlCl'; Tl‘CLlS, M ss A. Boyle; Secty., Mrs. K. Blanchard; Flower Committee, Mrs. Buchanan and Mrs. Bercsfoi‘d; Visib‘ iiig Committee, Mrs. Horde and Mrs. Bowes. p. TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS IN THIS DISTRICT WE EXTEND BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS. THE JONES! COAL CO., PHONE 188, RICHMOND HILL. ATTENTION FARMERS HIGHEST PRICES paid for wheat, oats, barley. Phone Richmond Hill 10 for prices. I. D. Rainer & Son. Wilfrid R. Scott Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO Phone 78 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO SHOOTING MATCH A shooting match for dressed geese will be held at Russell Boyington‘s, Lot 11, Con. 4. Markham, 0n Satur-‘ .iay, Dec. 22nd. Shotgun and riflesl, Shells supplied for shotguns. ‘ XMAS GREETING BY TELEGRAPH AND CABLE A Holiday Greeting by Cable is socially correct, and costs only a trifle more than the usual card but is much more intimate and impression- able. Rates to Great Britain and Ireâ€" land six cents per word minimum charge ten words, your own text, or one dollar per message, (plus tax) from any of seventeen carefully selected and beautiful texts to be chosen from. Messages delivered on decorative forms appropriate to the Yuletide Season. Phone C.N. Telegraphs, local 169. ADVOCATE OF SCIENTIFIC MONEY SPOKE HERE Mr. Harry Hallatt, radio advocate of a new scientific money system for Canada, addressed a large audience in Richmond Hill Masonic Hall, Tues- day evening, and gave a very interest- ing talk on our financial system. The meeting was held under the auspices of the Meteor Tuxis group of the Richmond Hill United Church and Mr. P. E. Angle, leader of the organizaâ€" tion, presided and introduced the speaker of the evening. Mr. Hallatt is well known as the Sunday afternoon radio speaker who advocates a new money system wh'ch he claims will solve our economic difâ€" ficulties and prevent recurring de- pressions. Mr. Hallatt advocates the; abolishing Of gold as an imaginary" basis for the issue of currency and the introduction of scienti ic money which will be issued against the real wealth of the nation. The speaker was listened to with earnest attention ‘ and at the conclusion chairmen Angle intimated that he would try to have a study group organized hero to furâ€" ther investigate and study the systczn. MAPLE Special Christmas slides will be shown at the c10se of the service in the United Church next Sunday cvc- ning. A good program is being prepared for the concert on Friday night to be given by the pupils of the two Sabbath Schools and the Public School. “ A White Gift service was held in Hope Church on Sunday when a large number of presents were received to be sent to the Fred Victor M'ssion. A similar service will be held (at the United Church here next Sunday afternoon. A successful Bazaar, Lunch and Baking Sale was held on Saturday afternoon by the Girls’ Club of St. Andrew’s Church. ' The funeral of the late Ephraim Line was held on Saturday from Lawrie’s Undertaking Parlours to the Lutheran Cemetery. Mr. R. Jarrett is spending several weeks with relatives in Flint, Mich. The monthly meeting of the Womâ€" en’s Institute was held last Wednesâ€" day at the home of Mrs. J. H. Jack- son. The roll call was responded to with gifts for the Sick Children’s Hos- pital. A splendid report of the Conâ€" vention at the Royal York was given by Mrs. D. Allen. Several other numâ€" bers were given after which refresh- ments were served. The monthly meeting of the Aux- liary of St. Stephen’s Church was held in the Parish Hall on Thursday PAGE FIVE No Shows Daily â€" 7.30 & 9.30 â€" Sat. Matinee 2.00 p.m. TO-DAY â€" THURSDAY CLARA BOW -â€" HERBERT MUNDEN __ 1n _. “ HOOPLA†FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DEC. 21-22 TWO FEATURES EDNA MAY OLIVER â€" JAS. GLEASON __ 1n .â€" “._Murder on The Blackboard †â€" also â€" BUCK. JONES _ 1n _ “ MAN TR AILER’ MONDAY & TUESDAY. DEC. 24-25 LILLIAN HARVEY â€" GENE RAYMOND AND THE NOVELTY MARIONET’I‘ES .â€"â€"in_. “I AM SUZANNE†OUR GANG COMEDY PICTURES OF DUKE OF KENT WEDDING WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, DEC. 26-27 JACK HULBERT _in__ M" l“; l... ~__. aaaaaaananaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Christmas Greetings MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS DAY BE A DELIGHT- FUL ONE AND MAY IT USHER IN A YEAR OF HAPPINESS AND HEALTH. Ted Grainger,’~? Barber RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO assasssï¬eeeses QEQEH “’3‘ HEEHE‘SEHW HWEWW’SmW SQEEPEWQEQEQEQEQEQE “e F or Happiness anannaaaaanaanaa IF WE COULD GATHER UP ALL THE “MERRY CHRISTMAS†GREETINGS AND ROLL THEM INTO ONEâ€"THAT WOULD BE OUR GREETING TO YOU. A. BAILEY, General Store MAPLE, ONTARIO if? f DRESS UP FOR CHRISTMAS There is still time to order your new suit or overcoat for Christmas. I †asasssssmessiss 9- his 355% last. Miss M. E. Morrison left on Mon- day to spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Win. Howard, of Mark- dale. At the meeting of the Young Peo- ple‘s Society on Monday night, the topic was taken by the ictiging pl';:. idcnt, Mr. I. B. Mus-:clman. tw piano duets were pl;.;,'r;‘. b; iiil‘S.‘-\E T. Wade and Miss Minnie Line, a read iiig was given by Mrs. 0. Downey and the lesson was read by Dorothy Wil- son. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Hon.‘ Presidents, Rev. A. M. Partridge, Mr. 1. B. Musselmaii; President, Margaret Rumble; Vicul’i‘csideiit, Henry Mc-l Donald; Treasurer, Allen Rumble; Secretary, Kenneth Gracie; Assistant Secretary, Desmond Partridge; Pian- ist, Minnie Line; Assistant, Agnes Mc- Lean. The following were appointed as Convenors of Committees: Fellowâ€" ship, Stewart Wai‘k; Ass’t., Marjorie Bowes; Missionary, Edna IIatwood; Ass’t., Jessie Kei‘sey; Citizenship, Douglas Crook; Ass’t., Doris Cook; Literary, Bruce McDonald; Ass‘t., Ivy Hatwood; Social, Irene Jones; Ass’t., Dorothy Wilson. The Post Off ce will be open for Mail Delivery one hour only on Christmas Day, viz 11 a.m. until 12 noon. There will be no rural delivery Miss Marion Chapman of Hamilton is visiting at Mr. C. Robeson‘s. Miss Ruth Reaman received a credit from the recent _School of Methods for Leadership on Monday evening at the Young People’s meet- ing. Mrs. G. Reaman of Richmond Hill and Mr. Elmore G. Reaman of Toronto visited at Mr. T. H. Keys’ on Sunday. HHHWHW Finest quality materials, best fit and work- manship. . Let us supply your clothing needs and you will find it is more economical. Our prices are most moderate. CLEANING AND PRESSING A SPECIALTY Richmond Tailors J. A. GREENE ? asses {isaeeeaeiasca PHONE 49J RICHMOND HILL "ii assassin i) g f i ; ALL Welsh Cobbles and Blower Coke, Anthracite, Pocahontas Alberta Coal . Langstaii Coal Supply Phone Thorilliill 73