Get your new suit or overcoat hand tailored to your measure. Let us show you samples and you will appreciate the benefit and saving. Richmond Tailors J. A. Geene Phone 49J Richmond Hill FOR SMART APPEARANCE ° ' Mid-Winter Golf Tournament, Safewâ€" W Victoria, Feb. 18 to 23, 1935. I D'vendabillw I Full information from any ticket agent. 7'“ CANADIAN NATIflNA HARRY R. ROSE 40 Yonge St., Richmond Hill I DIDN'T KNOW THAT. By J’AC K 'Pomzpâ€" m VANADA'S EVERGREEN ' - pmva ROUND Office Hoursâ€"I THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20th, 1934 OUTSTANDING EVENTS Week-end sports programmes on Grouse Mountain, Vancouver. Mid-Winter Golf Tournament, Victoria, Feb. 18 to 23, 1935. Full infomatx'on from any ticket agent. : Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment Toronto Office: 100 Adelaide Street West Telephone ELgin 9263-4 ROSE 8c HERMAN :1 Come out to Canada’s Evergreen Playground .' . . enjoy balmy days of glorious outdoor sports. Golf, riding, yaChting, motoring, hikingâ€"all in the land of year-round summer sports! Always Use Low rail fares and special winter rates at hotels. Tickets good going CANADIAN Dec. 15 to Feb. 28. Return limit, NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS April 30. Stop-over allowed at all intermediate points. Low Rail Fares to VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, B.C., and SEATTLE, Wash. it» CANADA’S BARRISTERS-AT-LAW Scientists have found a way to cure fodder artificially. But apparently there’s no way .to cure cannon fodder. Is your subscription due? If so send it in toâ€"day. Thirsda3'TAnt Emmys nefew rites home to Unkel Hen that he is be- comeing famous up there where he is liveing now. A promimem barbel- is swing for a divorce and Ant Em- mys nefew is the Grounds. Tuesdayâ€"They was a funeral here at the chirch today and they played to Standing Rm. dnly. Ant Emmry says you may think you aint popalar but you never no how menny frend’s you .Havie till you are dead or sum thing. Wénsdayâ€"Ma has got a new idea about driveing the ottomobile when she is in the city. Today she dis- sided she wood park in the safety Zone and the policeman woodent be aloud to Tag her. her idea costed her five S. Sundayâ€"Ant Emmy was wandering today why we never hear of enny yung people frum are high skool go- ing to skool at the Electoral Colligo after they Gradiate frum are high skool. Saterday â€" my cuzzen An lsew ’ fl‘um the city was makeing fun of we whom live in a small town. he says it must be offle to be cut off frum evry buddy like that. I replyed and sed I gess it wassent enny wirse for us then it was for the people witch is cut off frum us. Munday Hetty Bassett was at are house today and she was a telling me and Ant Emmy includeing pa. and ma that her d'autelr 'had just got marryed to a Lawyer and she was very very glad becuz now that her dauter has marryed a Lawyer mebby she can a ford to have a Law suit mebby. SLATS’ DIARY RENEW’ YOUR SUBSCRIPTION Fridayâ€"Well Slimey and me tyed u tonite and had a reel Swell fight. ; 1 'Lime While I had ‘ him down he rub- bed my face in the dirt and hit me in the Back of the Neck and nocked 2 teath out and cut my lip. well they cant say I am a sissy but after I looked in the Lookpenw glass I dissidsd I liked my face better the " way it was Be- fore. BY ROSS FARQUHAR Telephone 133 Speed â€"- Safety â€"- Dependability LOUIS HERMAN EXPRESS and I'LL TAKEN/o ILL HAVE ONE : CAQOS AND I CARD AN 1 RAISE ‘BET vquï¬ggo. W ADVERTISING PAYS The increased advertising patronage enjoyed by The Liberal is evidence that advertising in th‘s‘ paper gets results. If you want the best results, advertise in The Liberal. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical Asâ€" sociation, 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. Don’t feel that you must do some- thing. If you do not know the right thing to do, it is likely a. kindness on your part to do nothing, as otherwise harm may result from your efforts. Remember that speed‘ is seldom necessary, and that untrained, how- ever wellâ€"meaning, hands do harm. Don’t rush to the medicine chest; for a. laxative when you have a. pain in your stomach. The one time you should never take a laxative is when there is a pain in the abdomen. To i0 so is siinply to court disaster, be- cause under some conditions, the laxative may be a stick of dynamite. This is the case when it is' an acutely inflamed appendix which has caused ;he pain. Don’t insist on giving advice unless, you are sure you know what you are talking about. There is nothing ur- gent about getting a. person home or putting him to bed if he has had a. fainting spell. He is usually much better to remain where he is for a time. Any extra effort caused by movement may be the straw which breaks the camel’s back of 3 weaken- ed heart. " Some pieople have What, appears to be an uncontrollable urge to in- vest'gate things by sticking their fingers into them. Don’t put your fingers into cuts. Do not poke at your own or at; the eyes and ears of anyone else. Fingers carry germs, amd infection must be feared. Except in these rare cases, d‘on’t rush for if you do, you only jar the patient with sudden turns and quick stops, and, at the same time, you may injure someone else. Don’t rush, but don’t delay. Minutes seldom count but half-hours do. Did you ever wonder why am- bulances rush around the way they do in most cities; with sirens blow- ing, dodging in and out through the traffic? And have you read in the paper how the injured person was “rushed†to hospital in a motor car? Once in a long while speed is neces- sary to save life, but only once in a long while do minutes count. DON‘T 'We understand that, to secure re- sults, it is much better to teach what to do rather than to emphasize what not to do. This is an occasion, how- ever, when we will disregard what we agree to be sound pedagogy, because we do not know how to present our subject other than as a series of warnings, or “Don’ts.†Some folks get sick worrying about their health. You’re no use to yourself it you're 01 no use to others. The spirit travels wllei‘e the mind can not reach. Greatness in thought or deed speaks for itself. Be sparing with your advice. Better to be reï¬ned Nothing is more tainty. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARLQ Winter Term‘ JAN. 2. Individual attention permits choice of subjects and rapid progress. Accountancy, Stenography, Secretarial and Business Administration Courses. Catalogue free from Shaw Busi- ness Schools, Bay and Charles, Toronto. KI. 3165. 2% FIREMDE PHILOSOPHER‘ By ALFRED BIGGS certain than uncer than beautiful. There were two sorts of perform- ances, the fixed stage to which the audience went to see the plays‘ and second by process'io‘nal plays, in- which series of pageants passed in procesâ€" sion. The fixed stage see-med the mos! popular on the continent and the pro cessona] in England. At first Carols were merely 51mg as intermezzi between scenes of mysâ€" tery plays. These became so populal that the audience joined in singing them. These plays were played in the open air. Mystery plays have come down to us in York and ’Iuwnw‘, Plays and Chester and‘ Covenxtr} plays. The oldest of these are the York plays. Each play was performed by members of various trades. Xmas plays of which St. Francis’ simple tableaux were the forerxmners and were acted versions of Xmas Among- Carols there are a number of Hymns. To the Blessed Virgin they are nearly all Preâ€"Reformation works and many of gh~eat beauty. Most of them were written in Latin and English One particularly of great beauty is on the Annunciation. The melody is given with the Words in the original manuscript. His friend, G'odanni, looking on, had a vision. He was as in a dream a beautiful infant, sleeping, lying in a manger and as St. Frances bent over the manger the babe slowly awoke and stretched out its arms to him. It was the Christ child as it were dead in the hearts of careless people, dead or lost in slumber of a w_ cked world but waking a new life and kindling the whole slumberâ€" ing' universe around Him at the touch and breath of that supreme love which was in His servants hearts. To-d‘ay the creche or crib of St. Francis can be seen in many churches at Xmas while the singing of Carols still flourishes and tends Io grow more popular gs time goes on. Mystery plays were helpful to teach people, few of whom could read, Bible stories‘and these were origin- ally performed by the clergy them- selves and given in Latin. All kinds of secular elements gradually crept in so they passed out of the church into the hands of the people. Comic scenes and buffoonery of a most vul- gar sort became popular. By the 15th century three distinct mystery plays were introduced. 1st, Some depicting the Life of Christ; 2nd, the doings of the Saints; 3rd, Morality playsl, representing various virtues and vices. This simple service in a. littlel Italian village was the origin of. Xmas Carols and mystery plays'. I 8091195 Then there are narrative or story- telling Carols, which Were d‘m'ived from old legends as the "Cherry Tree Carol" of 18th century, in the form of a dialogue between St. Joseph and the Virgin on their way to Bethlehem before the Saviouar’s birth. This legend is one of the oldest legends in the world. People crowded to see it gathering around the village church with tapers and torches singing canticles; and pouring out their hearts in praise to God. ‘To combat this evil St. Francis, the first mystic of the middle ages, in- troduced in the little Italian village church, called Grecia, near Assisi the first Xmas creche or crib and the peoâ€" ple of the community sang hymns in honour of the birth of the Saviour of the World. It was a v‘sible and' realistic representation of the night at Bethlehem. To St. Francis of Assisi, of more than 1200 years later, is credited the custom of singing carols. A great heresy had arisen in Asia Minor call- ed Manechism which asserted that all matter was evil and only things of the spirit good and that- salvation could only be attained by emancipat- ing the soul from the bonds of the flesh. This heresy soon became wide spread. The first Carol ever sung was by the Angel's in the sky at the Saviour’s birth, the first Xmas Morning. “Glory to God in the Highest~peace on earth to men of good will.†Theword Carol is- derived from the Italian “Carolare†which means to s‘ng joyfully. CHRISTMAS CAROLS (By Caltha) Perhaps nothing of all the gospel stories is more appealing and‘ strong to the imagination of young and old as the story of Angels and Shepherds Music and Carols. Renew your magazine subscriptions at The Liberal Office. We take new or renewal subscriptio for any paper or magazine pub ished any- where in the world. ‘ One is on the Epiphany and others for Easter. Lullaby Carols. Nothing so appealing as the picture of a mother lulling her babe to sleep. Such a picture of pure love and hap- piness has stirred poets and musicians and artists to beautiful carols, songs and paintings of Madonnas, and these wereinspired too by the creches in the churches and the ancient mystery plays. A Sbme of our own English writers produced most beautiful lullaby carols. Angels and Shepherds. Some carols were sung to secular and popular tunes, others were purely celestical. To- the German and French composer’we oWe most beau- tiful hymns and carols. To the Eng- lish the fresh and lively ones with such composers as Sir John Stainer, Sir Arthur Sullivan and many others as famous. BROTHERTON’S Steamship *Efl‘é'fc'ï¬â€œ So we find Carols written on the subjects of birds, flowers and trees, which connect man and nature to- gether as benefitting' under the bless- ing of the Incarnation. In one Carol the birds are supposed to have come from Bethlehem to re- joice at the Savour’s birth and each bird sings its own song to the little child, Jesus. Then the Carol of the flowers are called to play their adoration to the Saviour, the blossoms typifying‘ the virtue of Christ. Trees’ Carols. Holly and Ivy hold the chief place among nature’s Carois. We decorate our churches With these, also our homes, at Xmas tinie. This custom has come down to us from the anc- ient nature worship. The Druids looked‘ upon the oak as a sacred tree. Spring Carols. When God created the world He made a. garden and placed man there- in to dress and keep it. Through dis- obedience of Adam, He drove the two (Adam and Eve) frOm the garden. But the beauty of the garden remained and it is only natural tflat poets should asbciate the beauty, purity and innocence of God’s creation with the perfection of the Christ-child born to redeem the world. The moment you feel the slightest distress in your eyes or notice a dim- ming of your vision consult Special Sailings to the Homeland by: Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at Lowest Rates. Photos and Passports Secured All enquiries confidential We look after your wants right from your home. Phone Willowdale 63.1 Ofï¬ce Stop 6. Yonge St. Lansing 163-167 Yonge St.. Toronto. up stairs, opp. Simpsons. Phone Elgin 4820. Another popular Carol of the name. tive type is “I saw three ships come sailing.†} Another kind of Carols hm the Carols of Nature. PLUMBING AND ’l‘hnrnhill. Hot Watur F General 1 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIBTIQNS F. E. LUKE & SON Your Eyes HE NDERSTON . Ontario Heating : Repairs TINSMITHING and $12435 MARKHAM RD., RICHMOND HILL Garfield Yerex skim“ 'hxba. Unless the radio in your home provides short/wave foreign reception you are missing a great part of the entertainment modes radio provides. Your chance has come to g-z. a 1935 radio set that brings in foreign saw flops. yet at no higher cost than an ordinaxg Every 1935 De Forest Crosley radio a. 911me light the modem, guaranuet'x' DE FOREST CROSLEYA Be Forest Crosley “’orlé‘.» “’ide radio reception in; built into either of two cabinet styles - ‘Moderne’ or ‘Conventional’. Choose the one you prefer. Steamship Reservations to Great Britain and the Continent. Premier service to West Indies. PASSPORTS ARRANGED FOR Rail tickets and sleeper Reservations. EXPRESS TELEGRAPH Can. Nationa‘l Station Richmond Hill Y. B. Tracy, Agent Phone 169 Keep Your Liver Active Travel Service Will Repay You In' Health Ask about our Easy Terms PHONE 71' GLENN’S DRUG STORE PAGE SEVEN has long been noted as a stimulator of lazy livers. It peps y0u up and keeps your stomach act. ing properly. Try it for that dizziness, headache and bilious ness. Parke’s LIVER TONE $1.00 “‘5'!