DATED at Toronto this 17th day] of December, 1934. \ ' Henry J. Elliott.‘ 31 Shonnard Avenue, I Lansing, Ontario, : one of the next of kin of said Annie ‘ Elliot, deceased, by his solicitor, Alexander MacGregor, 614 Confederation Life Building, Toronto. AND NOTICE is further given that after said date, the undersigned, one of the next of an of said Annie Elliot, deceased, will proceed to disâ€" tribute the estate amongst those en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. NOTICE is hereby given that all 'peirsoms having claims against the estate of Annie Elliot, late of Lans- ing, Township of North York, Mar- ried Woman, deceased, who died on or about 27th October, 1931, at Lansing, aforesaid, intestate (that is, without having left‘ any Will, Codicil or Testamentary paper) are required to forward their claims, dimly proven, to the undersigned, one of the next of kin of said Annie Elliot, deceased, on or before the 8th day of January, 1935. That special interest is being reâ€" vived in our 'Public School alfairs was evidenced “bv the large attendanCe of ratepayers at the annual school meeting held 'last Wednesday, when school problems were discussed. The election of Mr. G. G. Maynard as Trustee to succeed Mr. Jas. Ash was included in special business. The large enrollment in both rooms this year is presenting a problem that perhaps will have to be solved by reâ€" modeling the school. Comfortable ‘housing of pupils 'is an important *issue that should ‘be taken care of :without delay. The inadvisability of children'using flhe vmililic"highways for a ï¬layground éhaas ragain "been bTought 'to notice, when on Saturday evening last‘an acâ€" :c'iden‘t occurred on the Kennedy Road just south of the village. ‘Mr. “Bert Hm'réll “proceeding north meeting a south bound car, f0 avoid hit‘iing chil- dren on ‘the road, the driver of the south 'bound car unavoidably rcras‘hed into Mr. ’Hu'rrell’s bread truck, for- tunately the 4occupants of the cars were not seriously injured. Mr. Hur- rell’s truc‘k, 'however, was 'badly smashed, the south bound car was, able to proceed to Toronto afterâ€"slight regains. 'A'happy New Year’s day event-was 'the~re-union of the Miiirhead fam‘ly ‘held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ‘Muirh-ead, Jr., of Hagerman. "The splendid welcome accofded the guests lby 'the-genial host and hostess, the exéhangwe of cordial greeting-s, the yg‘ood fellowship around a bountifully "laden table all combinecl to make this a. memorable occasion. Those in at- ;717en'dance were, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. .‘Muii‘head, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Bruce "Muii‘hea'd, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Muir- 'hea'd,’Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Muli‘head, ‘Mr. and‘Mrs. Jas Muirhead, Jr., Mr. :and ‘M'rs. Gordon Muirhead,‘ Mr. 'and Mrs.'Dave Martin, and eighteen grand 'ch‘l'dren. Also an old boyhood ‘fl‘iend 10f Jas.‘M-uirhead, Sn. Mr. Smith of Dmilands. Mr. Jas. Muiï¬head, Sr., is wéll known throughout York County, -a staunch'Liberal and activély 'inter- (tested "for many years ‘m municipal :affairs. ‘We extend best ‘WlShes to Mr. -a.n'd ‘Mrs. Muirhead ‘that they. :along with their family, may enjoy; :mone _liko__events. _ U A _ i Pioneer L.O.L. 228'has the distinc- tion of being one of oldest lodo'es iv“ Canada, organization dating back to 1837. and plans are alreadv in H1" making for†the Centenary celebration in'1937. This will indeed be an honor ‘for‘Unionville and it will be a privi» lege to help make this event a suc- cess. Election of ofï¬cers was recent ly'held and installation conducted bv the ’County Initiation team. The lief includes: Past Master, Fred Pucker ing; 'Worthy Master, Jas. Dukes;- Deputy-Master, Henry ‘Barber; Chan- lin,"Chas. Gray; Recording-Secretarv, Wm. Shearn: Financial Secretary. Geo. Dukes: Treasurer, 'A. Ru<h;'Mar> shall, ’Jas. MacPherson; lst Lecturer, Rosstorton; 2nd Lecturer, J as.'May- na1fd‘,‘ 'Jr. “Police Call" featuring- Nick Stuart. Mvrna Kennedy. Mary Carr and Eddie Phillips. Also "Mickev Mouse†and the “Song of the Hills.†Other attractions will be Mr. 'Ted Curtis, the dancing doll; Mr. Chas. Conqueror. the boy with a double voice and Jack 'Ray'nor. the personality hay. formerly of ’C.F.R.B‘., Toronto, will be master of ceremonies. You can’t afford to miss this entertainment. Remember the date, Friday eveixing', Jan. 7th, in the Township Hall, Unionville. Adâ€" miï¬tsion, adults 25 cents, children ’15 ce 5. ’Let me with patience stand and wait, A friend to all who find my gate, Keep me from envy and from scorn; As shines the sun With every mom On great and low, so'let me give My love to all who round me live. â€"Edgar Guest. Have you heard the news? Well, the Pioneer L.0.L. 228 are planning 13. real evening’s entertainment for next Friday commencing at 8 o’clock when the first talkie will be nresente'd in Unionville. The Bill includes the Let me not bitterly complain When cherished hopes e‘f mine prove vain, 0r spoil with deeds of ‘hate and rage Some fair tmmon‘ow’s spotless Page? Lord, as the days shall come and go In courage let me stronger grow. PRAYER FOR THE NEW YEAR Sunday School held the annual Supâ€" Grant 'me the strength from day to per and Christmas Trae on Thursday ‘ evening last. A good time is reported '1'on Whét burd-ens’cmme my way, Mr. B. Hurrell is confined to the Grant me throughout, this bright New house this week, the result of a. motor Year yaccident last Saturday evening. More to endure and less to fear, ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. ng me 119 hve :chatll'may‘ï¬e a lWilcox 9f Toronto yverg guests of Brown’s Corners ‘United Church Notice to Creditors WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT Vlaoï¬vsfï¬teâ€" ‘aidmï¬ertty milice free THURSDAY, JANUARY 31-d,.1935 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. The Rector. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Jan. 6th 11 a.m.â€"The Pastor. 2.45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"The Pastor. Wed., Jan. 9th, 8 p.m.â€"Serv1'ce under the auspices of the W.C.T.U. when the address Will be given by Judge Mott of Toronto. The public are in. vited to attend this meeting. No doubt a little breathing spell will be appreciated by many before our usual swing of activities proceedJ once more. dreary As we blaze the pathway upward for Our God. the load! May the hilltops still glow cheery Though we pass through valleys And new shall We all of the Vic- toria. Square Community join in a New Year’s wish for each and every one of us? May the New Year‘s skies grow brighter And our burdens all be lighter As we share with one another on the road. Shall our friendships not be stronger If we help each other onward? What if shoulders bend a. little with ‘ Christmas eve found the Commun- 'ity Hall well filled for the annual “Christmas concert. Some enjoyed the ehildren’s part, some the minstrel, (some the cantata, some Santa Claus and surely all met old friends, so we ‘hope no one went away disappointed. The committee wishes to thank all who gave of their time and energy, so 'Imecious before Christmas, to make the concert possible. Several families in our community spent Christmas with relatives in other parts and report plenty of snow.- Lucky it wasn’t Wednesday, re'h‘? Some had large gatherings, others a quiet home Christmas. ‘We hope everyone had a happy time. On Christmas Sunday the Sunday School held special services. after- noon and evening. In the afternoon Mrs. Smith of Markham gave a Christmas message and also dwelt on the C.G.I.T. th‘k throughout the township. In the evening Mr. Vau- ghan Blueman, student of Emanuel College, gave a splendid address Quite a number attended the var- ious school concerts in our vicinity and enjoyed the varied programs. 8 p.m., Momâ€"Y. P. S fold Fellowship.†BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. E. Hunnerqard 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"Pub‘lic Worship. St. Philip’s Anglican Church Rev. J. J. Robbins 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. The rink under the management of Chas. Allan and Mr. McMullen prom- ises to be a successful venture this season and many interesting events are scheduled. Good skating and ex- tiiiting hockey games being a part of the prpgram arranged. 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School.â€":“Th§_R§covery of a. three- Sprinkle the veal with a little salt and pepper and 1 tablespoon flour. Melt butter in frying pan, add onion and veal. Cook until meat is browned add curry and- boiling water. Simmer covered for 30 minutes, or until, meat is tender. Make a paste of remain- ing 2 tablespoons flour with water and thicken mixture. Add remain- der salt, pepper and vinegar. Serve with boiled rice-or mashed potatoes. And â€"BeatriCe Fumess. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH UN IONVILLE Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen ‘0 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"“The 'Recovery of a three- fold Fellowship.†7 p.m.â€"“The New Year and the Open Door,†by Rev. J. R. Bick. 8 p.m., Mamâ€"Y1 P.7S. ' â€" Curried Veal â€"- 17% 1b. veal steak dICEd, 3 table- spoons flour, 2 tablespoons butter, 1,4 cup sliced onion, ‘33. teaspoon curry powder, 2 cups boiling water,- 1 tea- spoon salt, 1/3 teaspoon pepper, ‘ré teaspoon vinegar. VERSE FOR THE KIDDIES â€" My Mother Says -â€" “I wonder what that poor door’s done to you Tht you should slam it so when you go through. A friend it is, with kind protecting ways, To keep the cold blasts out on sftormy days, And VICTORIA SQUARE Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox of Toronto were guests of Mr_s_. GnMurphy 0!} 'Sunday. RICHMOND HILL 1e Epiphany Jan. 6, 1935 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion. Preacher-â€"Ven Archdeacon Warren A FAVORITE TESTED RECIPE EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH thveh, my dear, I’ll know you understandl†keep us cool from summer’s sunny rays. close it gently with a friendly hand, D UH U E“ A number from this district enjoy- ed skating on Mr. E. T. Stephen’s rink New Year’s eve. However, they didn’t skate the old year out and the New Vo'w 1": .1? "I"“"’"§‘_ endurance The Vaughan Worker’s Association will hold another euchre and dance in Richvale School, Wednesday eveâ€" ning, Jan. 9th. ‘ lapsed about School opened on Thursday and the youngsters are all dqwn to hard work again after a delightful holiday. Monday next, Jan. 7th, is election day in Vaughan township. Don’t neglect to cast your vote. . Mrs. G. Simpson, Sn, spent New Year’s Day at the home of her daughr fer, Mrs. J. Hardy, in Toronto. A very pleasant New Year’s party was held at the home of Mrs. G. Simpson, Can'ville Road. The guests included a number from Toronto and the evening’s festivities 'includled music, games and moved features. The New Year was ushered in With fitting ceremony after which all joined hands and sang Auld Lang- Syne. Theme:â€"'“Trying the New Way.†We cordiale invite you to our bright evening service. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 'Rev. J. D. Cunningham :Sunday. Jan. 6th 11 a.m.â€"The Minister. Themezâ€"“Attempting the Impos- sible.†2.45 p.m.â€"'Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"The Minister. $=0=0fl0=0u0 “NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH†Could you tell the absolute truth to everyone about everything for twenty four hours? See how its done :in ‘the comedy “Nothing But The Truth†soon to be produced by the Richmond Hill Dramatic Club. More details later. The A.Y.P.A. winter dance will be held in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, Friday evening, January 18th. J. Koning' convenor. Further notice later. The first of the series of old time skating parties will be held at the arena. to-night. Last Winter these parties proved very popular and a. large crowd is expected to-night. Mrs. R. Ritter of ‘ “her sister, Mrs. M. Mc! weekâ€"end and holiday Sincere sympathy is extended to. Mr. H. P. Trowell, local hardware merâ€" chant, Who was bereaved 'by the death of his mother in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Shenbon and Jack of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Mills‘on New Year’s Day. Mrs. Dillinger of Arthur and son Mr. George Dillinger of Toronto, Mrs. C. Nude of Toronto visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mylks, Yonge Street. Miss B. Wiley of Toronto was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. George ’Gee on New Year’s Day. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Duncan and daughters and Miss A. Boyle left this week on a. motor trip to Cali- fornia. ' Mr. 'and Mrs. A. A. Eden and Dor- othy Visited relatives in Aurora on New Year’s Day. M-rs. Wm. Cook .was the guest of Mrs. W. Pearson, Thornhill, on New Year’s ‘Day. Mrs. M. Hewison visited her daugh- ter, Mrs. R. Broatch in Toronto on the holiday. Miss Nina McKine, Missionary of All Peop’l‘e’s Church, Hamilton, was the guest 'of her old friend Mrs. J. D. Cunningham at the Manse during the Xmsa holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bun- spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. W. R‘. Steeper at Mount Albert. Miss F. J. Russell of Brantford, 0nt., and Mr. W. F. Russell, Toronto, were _recent guests of Mrs. H. A. Nicholls and Miss Russell. YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED TO ELECT SociaTEzd" Personal COUNCILLOR FOR 1935 J. A. DICK H RICHV ALE To Electors of Vaughan Township Efficiency & Economy ouomoncmoua of Chicago visited McCart'er, over the THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO For highest quality job printing at the right price consult The Liberal. The quality and service will meet with your approval. I All models are finished in a nev- ~baked enamel, which is claimed to re- tain its high gloss! indefinitely. re- quiring only washing to restore the lustre. Fenders are colored to match the hood and body in all types. Inter- ior/appointments are entirely new. Front and rear appearance conforms with advanced ideas of streamlining. One new type of body is presented, the touring sedan, with unusually sleek lines and embodying a fitted rear trunk compartment integral with the body. There are eleven body types listed. The following are availâ€" able with de luxe equipment: Phaeton Roadster, 3-window coupe, Cabriolet, Tudor Sedan, Fordor Sedan, Tudor Touring Sedan, Fordor Touring Sedan The Roadster and Cabriolet have rumble seats. ‘A 5-window coupe and the Tudor and Fordor sedans are available with. out de luxe equipment. Two improvements have been made in the Ford V-8 engine, of which more than 1,300,000 are on the road. Directed-flow crankcase ventilation removes water vapor and other fumes from the engine. Aircraft type con- necting rod bearing-s, of a. copper. lead material used previously only on airplane engines, truck engines and expensive custom-built automobiles, are fitted. Numerous chassis chaï¬ges to give greater ease of control and added sta- bility on the road have been made. Cross-steering, a. stiffer frame, a new clutch requiring less pedal pressure, and new brakes calling for less effort to operate, all contribute to these results. The car also embodies a combina- tion of major engineering develop- ments aimed at increasing riding com forth-which has been called. the “center-poise" ride. These changes include moving the engine forward more than eight inchw over the front axle, a longer front spring placed: four inches forward, a straight in- stead of bowed rear spring, and a total “springbase†of 123 inches on the chassis of 112 inches wheelbase. The frame is placed lower, and 6.00 by 16-inch tires carrying- less air pressure are fitted. There are four double-acting hydraulic shock absorb- ers. Passengers sit inside the wheel- base. The rear tread of the car is more than two inches Wider. VOTE AT MRS. ALLAN’S HOUSE Voting for the Elgin Mills sub- division in Markham township will ‘take place this year at Mrs. Allan’s house, corner of Markham sideroad and second concession. Most striking feature of the new car is body lines which are distinc- tively modern and a definite departure from any previous Ford design. The new cars are approximately eight inches longer from bumper to bumper Seats are as much as 51/2 inches wider and front seat leg room has been in- creased. New Ford has Many Improvements The new Ford V-8 for 1935, pre- senting a new conception of beauty and comfort in the modem automobile was announced to-day by Little Brothers, local Ford dealers. ' The Evening Auxiliary of the Unit- ed Church will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Well- man, Tuesday, Jan. 8th, at 8 p.m. The meeting, the first of the year, will take the form of a. work and dis- cussion meeting. The auxiliary have planned a. full year’s work and will welcome new members. At the De- cember meeting the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. James Pollard; Vice-President, Mrs. L. H. Clement; Secretary, Miss D. Hart; Treasurer, Miss M. Sims; Correspond- ing Secretary, Mrs. F. D. Webster; Press Secretary, Mrs. W. Sayers; Program Committee, Miss M. Wright and Miss M. Ramer; Supply Commit. tee, Miss V. Hunt, Mrs. W. Wellman, Mrs. J. Lee; Pianist, Mrs. Williams. UNITED CHURCH EVENING vEMPIRE LODGE ELECT OFFICERS AUXILIARY OY=0==°=O SAFE. SANE, ADMINISTRATION At the regular meeting of Empire 1 Lodge No. 894 of the Ladies Orange 5 Benevolent Association the following ( officers Were elected: W.M., Sis. L. I Beatty; Dep. M., Sis. F. Simpson; I. e P.M., Sis. E. L. Masters; Chap., Sis.( L. Crocket; Rec. Sec., Sis. I. Beatty;V CHARLES H. Hooper REfELECT John Lawm; Councillor 1935 RoyalTheatreAURORA Two Shows Daily â€" 7.30 & 9.30 â€" Sat. Matinee 2.00 9.111. “ SERVANTS ENTR ANCE †Election Day, Monday, Jan. 7th Polls Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. LESLIE MILLER, President ALEX BELL, Secretary Township Hall Wednesday, January 9th ANNUAL MEETING Unionville Horticultural Society Summerfeldt “ Charlie Chan in London †To the Electors of Markham TWp. YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED T0 ELECT Re-Elect Wishing All The Compliments Of The Season TO THE ELECTORS OF KING TOWNSHIP T0 the Electors of Markhain Twp. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JAN. 9 & 10 MONDAY & TUESDAY, JAN. 7 & 8 M FRED ASTAIRE & GINGER ROGERS r†“ The Gay Divorcee†as Councillor 1935 All members are requested to be present “ JUDGE PRIEST †FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JAN. 4 & 5 WILL ROGERS The Top-notch Musical of the Year JANET GAYNOR, LEW AYRES YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED TO ALSO OUR GANG COMEDY TO-DAY THURSDAY WARNER OLAND _ 1N ._ Abner will be held in the 8p.m. ‘Uomq Sisters J.VReid, C. Richie, A‘ Patton, M. Brboks, H. Eves; Guari dian, Sis. H. Hopper; Pianist, Sis. M Calder; Auditors,- Sisters C. Stong', Fin. Sec., Sis. N. Bepson; T1~eas., Sis. E. Sheardown; Le'ct.. 'Sis. J. McQueen, Dep. Lech, Sis. T. Hawes; D. of C.. Sis. S. Tennyson; I.G_., Sis. V. Beatty, Com., Sisters‘ J. Reid, 0. Richie, A. Davis, Brother R. J. Baatty PAGE FIVE