Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jan 1935, p. 6

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ii THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HiLL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 3rd, 1935 PAGE SIX u ‘ 'Wâ€"fl_’_ #Qm mâ€" " ' â€"-‘â€"=~. =: I“ ' :2 ~ and 24th of December, 33 candidates '- ADVERTISING PAYS ‘6 LE the presented themselves. Of this num- The increased advertising patronage I ll)“l‘ 21 passed and 4 were recommend- ‘enloyed by The Liberal is eVidence A ver' 1 attendance at Sunday ‘ ) ROCK ' v ‘ l , , v' a .h :‘_ 2'30 p' m‘ FIFT‘ ‘1 EARS AGO led. From our “Haze TC 001 10 p855 Layeis Need a Real Home big problem. Stables must be clipped that advertising in ttlxsbiéager g k I L). t gundav at results. If you want e s resu ‘. >Ci00 ‘5 ~ -v _ I S .:f 11 ( d i V 5 rm)“- ‘ advertise in The Liberal. every Sundayv everybody welczme. krcm Oiir Issue of Jan. lst, 188;)li:‘fem‘]v‘:§e5jr:e 21.:rlip:lmM‘i:5qp:;glge While more are many factors matland brusth regularly. and they must ' v 1 ,ed to ave ' ' _ for munici- ‘ - v ~~~ ‘ . ‘ f m . d: â€"________________._._â€" “e would1 iiegleltio aq we are mile “l‘a:“;:::iuf::he Council Chaprilis to be congratulated 0" the success “mi: mg) :hetlmmaiiezl::i:m: tha: ngfiethgchlmgiiiinzm misfit? anyone V0 U ' ' ‘ '5 \f h,. i1: pou ry oc ', who r. , i Y - - D . v tm teachers. - 3, 1 v, Dec, 29th, 1884. Mix," ‘1 pup " _ .- , . - 1 ti», ‘: ' * _ R- 11- KANE. ifath’feiffe‘21::522...aim .3??? Kit“... d... m... 8. Markham and Vaughan Townshps “i” an?“ we“: 21,“: hggf33131536153313”in, ROOFING' EAVESTROQGH'ING C um Th] charire Of Mr POttle R»n b5 ‘l‘CCl'tnl'lthn Mr John have returned their 01d councils by poultn 1615??) Slicers; hous ' his I)a h' wh‘ h i a sci nce inngl y CHIMNEYS BUILT & REPAiRED m. under e . 1 C 1-] e _ ceii __ . . fit/(.1 b t . {Reclamation We Shall give the than the. way in v. ici e ‘ es im c inc, 1c 5 . e ., yam ‘ CONCRETE WORK 3 student from Emanue 0 eg. Brown being nomina e u ‘eClmedinamPS after the elections flock. Birds of good breeding. 710 Some knowledge of the physics of ' ~ matter how well fed, will not return electric motms, internal combustion ‘ i' t (la ' Mr. Hoddinott will be ‘1) nomination. Messrs. Ben Redditt, v ' \CX sun 5' 11 L i The Leap '1 car Concert given in r y ‘ _ l’i‘llXiliiulll profits Ullltrm‘ wcll housed. engines and vacuum pumps. Further TALLED , SEPTIC TANKS INS with 115 35ml“- . J‘ 11' sanderson‘ Alex' MOOdm' P. Gi‘V' toria l‘l'lll Thornhill on Christ. FURNACES ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Seaplet and family Savage, Francis Ii‘lr-Conaghy and Jos. 11.: nin‘ht 1m; '1 plowing: “fair fir The poultry house is the hunk. home, ‘Cloan milk requires clean utensils, a; h i I ‘ i t i i i and to be comfortable and give good poorly washed implements form one E E UIPNIENT ' . ( .' s v v'th 1V1 ‘. and . . . ' , f byfln BARN & STABL Q spent he“ Ye'ii 5 D1} “1 1 Powell weie nominated or mem Us, McBride' BA” of Richmond Hm. ' ~ production, the house should have of the most potent sources of bacteria . . .l MILK COOLERS Mrs. Bailev of Spruce AVO- of Council. Messrs. Vi m. J. PowellI ' _ I ‘ - r "s ’ * E‘ ‘ il'i . _ . . . 32 Yonge St- Phone 92F The Office” Of the sunda-V SChOOl Jl‘n rlOlm l'ullcan- l~ CYPSlJY- DT~ W-lpH med b (halman and Owned 9 proper ventilation, insulation andiin milk, and clean milk must be rapid. ,. . ., i - i' i "th a few a )1‘0 )riate . ‘ J- ‘x'llson' R' If“ Lawi Thos' Debson‘ mulmmmmt “I m } sanitation; it should have a properly cooled if the number of bacteria is take great pleasure in thanking MT. in - k~ The roceeds amounted to MYS- E- T- Stephens for the” A- L- SleVi W- R- Promo" and Wm'n‘mdr b. p i ' location, plenty of light, be dry, and‘to be kept down. Finally, the milk and . . . - . my , ' ' th '0' great kindness in providing (family Afldnmn were also nommuted hm { \ihii .l arc in aid of e Oi nan have ample floor “not “must be delivered promptly to the dis. . , l. < for the bovs and girsldeciincd, ' â€". ‘ributor which means the fa (,TIONEER and (“anger ‘ v t , mei- LICENSED AU ‘ A [million slot on foot by the VV.C. Barley Growers Honoured {turning out anywhere from1 fOur a- . . ~ heir recent County 0t York of the Sunday School at t ‘ . . D n v . on the“ m Tum“ \allq’ they When members of Parliament and m. to six a_m_ to milk the COWS, coo! Prompt attention to all kinds of Sales muistmas entertainment held on Fri- T_U_ Signed by Drs‘ J. W_ wllsom lrecently SIN.le a strata of rock . . . ‘ ‘ . . . . . . other prominent Citizens tum out toithe milk, and deliver it in time for AURORA â€"â€" ONTARIO lday, Dec. 'let, which was a g'i-catlJas. Lungstaff' with 58 Others, was‘ h. h I‘ a d t be r .1 bil ‘ “ m 1“ mppose 0 Emma _ honour successful farmers, Aqriculâ€"lhouseholders in the city to find the Or Apply - .., . . i ' h c v ‘l T wda - ho 210' Richmond Hill success in eiei) “ay._ I ‘ Hence-d in to t c .ounci on ms y , H I H ' . ‘ Bl“ Neal P ne The Women’s Assocmtion Will hold'wenjng, asking: that the By-la\v 1m” “a” Old’ 1 SUppOSQ that” the ture is approaching the position of bottled milk on the doorstep early in ~' ' “9“: '1’” ‘ ih’ci" i't’fIUlm‘ monthly meeting: at the i illivllt t0 llfi' Passed I'Qlallllg t0 Ell-15pm .Whm'o. these would-b? rad“) prestige. which it deserves. This i the morning. ‘ SAND â€"- GRAVEL ‘ ham; of Mrs, Allison, Yonge St., oniliard Tables be made as stringem as Comedians (in:r up most of their crackâ€" occurred recently when a banqud wasi From Maple GmVEl P“ Wednesday, Jan. 9th. This will bPlpos;:ible. Qtd Niles" tendered to the Master Barley Gi-ow- Annual Crop ReVIew 7W: cry, of Simcoe County. The agricultural situation in 0n- the annual clcclion of officers alllli A Very pioasant mm? was spent on. E lover-y member is Ui‘fl‘?'~'l t“ be lll‘og‘x’lllfl (Tlii'istnias night by the scholars and In AWN-aha and England’ face i The winners in Combined Crop Lai'io during 1934 has been featured l: - hmhsw are animal to m.“ from .nght Competitions wire announced, the by a slight decrease in the volume of VltCtl to come with us. ‘Svlionl of this place. The entei~tan~l m ‘1‘)” “hllo' on this conltment‘l’prizes for which had been supplicdfln‘OdUCtion due Chlefly to Small hay, ' r- 4 m w ~~- Yin: zit consisted of liyi‘iil‘is and I‘CCitfl-i‘Wm-l‘v hill.“ to_ $09k Tall uThy the Ontario and Qucbec Brewingisugal‘ beet and fall wheat yields. i of the scliOiil..H‘9-V “in jmm lat to fight” smallllndusti'y. Interest was most keen inillig‘liei‘ prices, particularly for grain taken of by all “V‘m‘lm‘ thu’v a horse transported the award of a handmme Shgcid to tireland fodder more than offset the ef. GENERAL CARTAGE‘. by 'l'rii WM. MCDONALD. Telephone 62. .Thol‘l’llllli All l'illes in the community 11“? l’l'.fi'icn:ls of the Methodist Sabbatlii .t The c'iicf centics of infection Fei’m tiuiis by the Lliililie; . c. i I. ' ~ ~ '1 u l'*- iic was: ;2ll‘ . ,1.) hi he ,i,1,i(\. tenth, tonsils and ilic i..iii i c i I JV . , , ‘ M}... t 7-,1 iri‘adri. ‘:.‘.ivi proved 1,0 c.n‘iaiii many good “3",” tho “Ca? 513118 to fulfllll :EQKVhampion Barley Grower of thc'fCCt 0f the early drought and‘ the ‘ ' “1“ “tl' mi 0“ “ “ mm“ am O‘Counly. This trophy provided by E_:\';‘.lue of field crop production shows l.,.n;:: such :is iipiilis. nutâ€"y candy, . _ : i“! lit“ c. Giuliani, (lrain Dealer. Alliston.1€t gain of 818,460,000 or 14.8% over (‘l‘l' iii/i fi‘icii‘is might (in. ‘ VT‘TT’T “'1” “'“n 1W J. E. Rut‘iivcn, Allision. ‘last .Vcai'. . m -i; :i as ihi homo folks ii” ~.- ii l -' V r' : wcri dis-' 7 A I 7- l- l 3’ ‘ y k ' '1} .L“~ r-a “HY,” “l” "l Nil“ ‘ ‘ _, l1 s the prevailing. \vind that makes; V + Th H I V h ', . 7‘ id lll’m CVCW (lilin l.l':l‘.it.’l .Ziil'l ill” ( :irirtnias Tree, and“ t], 1 1” (M p11an loan that WM. i The promotion of good seed by the c aCieage sown to t e pilnCipal ' r " ‘ ‘ 'V is S v» E 'l ' l . - . , . i . ‘ ‘ ». . Y ’ (such ii::ii“.;i' of ill? «ch iol received a («._'l pull». 11],“, hmimhh] .‘\L‘jll(’Lllilll'2ll frociciirs in the area has llelil CFODS (1901111061 from 9,184,900 . ., r U ,' . ' _ ‘ v V v ..:’ Hi \i. ' . < i | . v A . ‘ _ 31"?”“L‘ 1"?” 0‘ “‘~ “‘“M‘l' but ‘1“! to; liili «*1 camp, etc. but ‘iho least (lOliL) much to l)lm;: Siiiicoe to Lllk‘.a-LIGS to 8,966,000 acres, a leduction The moment you feel the Shrink-M 1““ \ m "L ‘Un‘m’ll" C’ll‘“ m?" wile 4.x; ilil‘l oi the proceedings; 13,. Mp. PM] (in “mm amflp Allyloi’c in the production of Rliristered "1 318,000 times 01 2.5%. The volume distress in your eyes or notice a dim 'l'lV ‘xl ‘75“ “"“3 "l L mak‘m‘ .“‘..‘iiilil‘ ul' ;: hamlsoiiiu mm ,m. insp‘nqi 1w \Vatching“5(‘llll and top quilitj.’ Malling; Baring: iii output showed a diminution of ming of your vision consult ili‘i i i-iiiirii'icii‘i, Mr. \V. .7} L... 1m“. a 2.0m; “mo. i ._.7. lion from 1933. Crops. showmg an ‘I Raise Ycur )wn Livng l'lYlCl'Cil.~'0 on production were: Spring . il‘linsi in and ioziclici's 7 1 F. E. & Til i" ‘V “"01 :0 If? D a l i::ii'. :izi (imply ht’zlll that de-‘ Whether willing or no: iii; innâ€""V'llefli. 031:9, barley, flaxsleed, mixea 163-107 Yonge St.. Toronto. up sin-3h :31,” EH if] i. is“ ‘1, ‘i‘iw inn”; Enliuqix- llvtiiiiiiu-liilrw .- i-i l<il(‘ idias. lt is flll‘lel‘liy rf Till'l‘illl‘.; art now Ollll}: id to u‘iains, buckwheat, fodder, corn, com opp. Simpsons. hone Elgin (1530 ‘ i' " i‘ " l ‘ i H cli ti i..;'i.'. in l. .,'.i.ii i ll 1: ll on the 3 lid“ i'ir .- _ czfilmuk. :supiilf more of ’hwii‘ own needs. Thol‘il’ lllliilimliv lmtaiO‘CS, till‘mDS, man- l following 13:: may iii'oxiilc mug: â€""’"~ld$ allkl cal'l‘fiS- CTOPS S'hOWlIlE‘ 3 ___ _ ‘_v ~ ~ ~ A ' ~ Wm ' ’ " ' “ ' ’ [mm rm. flu-flam- anmy; ri' ile‘t‘ were: Fall wheat, fall rye, l. Milk a few goof. cow~z i cl Din“. ill)" bear-S, Sugar beets, hay and clover. alfalfa. alsikc and sweet clov- ‘ikl'. Hay crops, fall wheat and fall lailiilt inc-mth of the family: i 1:75 Sufi-fired hea'l'lly from Win-bet the moat p,.,;,,,:.11y. iliilllllfl' and unfavourable weather con. 5r Ken) at 1.7.3“ 100 “.3 ', ,,.._;“rlitions previous to maturity. Spring lgi'ains proved to be less affected: by ,\-p_m«_~;<li‘0Liqht than anticipated and yields , {mm Windmill i" ,,r,\.b.-:‘,'.._ [3 er acre and total yields exceed 1933. l 5. Plant only cash ('1 1 . "viii The i’lml hay Cl‘OT’ amounted lullly 4.3;.16300 tons, compared with ‘i(('I>llllilLil‘lL‘il lllllflll“. 3. Fatlcn Mic pig;- for U." coi-i‘cclly housed and fed. 4. {also a good garden: i ishow little or llii .,‘.l'l_7l l (3_ Grow your viii-n , ; x r , ,.I_’2.900 tons in 1033. The late sumâ€" “ . ‘7. hitcher fat cum ;. , ' me? and fall provided ideal growing itmde meat wph W 1;;11b,,1;_ l ': nditions and yields per acre of late 8. Raise your own i. king": i,»ril;li‘1‘op were extieniely good. The prosâ€" pects of insufficient hay supplies the were lessened by heavy crops of com and roots and a surprising improve- ment in condition of pastures, per- mitting beef cattle to graze from five to seven weeks later than last year From “any (1ij3 and thus conserving hay supplies. A review of the Sllllltliis who have Dairymen in some counties however: attended O.A.C. during; the last. half‘Wlll be Obllged t0 Durehase a WW? supply of concentratesu In most cases prices of secondary products lare not high enough to warrant the purchase of hay at present levels and farmers are feeding increased quanâ€" tities of straw, stocked corn, rough- Iyour roof tight. ‘ U. Get down to earth and do best you can toâ€"day. 10. Drive a horse until you can afford to buy gasoline. 1century is contained in the annual ‘l‘QiiOI'l’, from the' College. 1: shows that young men and womcii from every province in Canada have been enrolled as well as reprcsensatich from no less than forty-four countr'es ‘in Europe, Asia, South America and 39195 and "10135595- elsewhere. Empireâ€"wide and world- wide recognition is being given O.A. C.. i,«giraduaftes. hEach y'eill‘ . bringt‘s & evn ence o wort v coniri )ulluns o ' LUIWBER 00., world service made by graduates. With improved facilities for instruc- Dealers in tion, research and extension, even LUMBER LAT“ QHINGLES greater service should be possible. \suPHALT ROOFING GYPDOC Telcphone 27 Honey Grades The consum'ng public is showing a special interest in ‘the attractive .vlii i , , appearance and convenient identifi- cation of quality which is made posâ€" i; ., sible by the new honey grades, which. came into effect this year. Wherel honey is sold by grade the grading; firm”! the Ringyg i. must conform to the Canadian stand- i! Th F _ . _ - - - ards. The Canadian standards for y - 0 th egew torddv 8 10.1, 51193.5 I: A New FOId v.8 Brings New Beauty, d:penda.blhtyfand econorfi; m honey provide a natural classification 5 y e lggesb “it riofme t9; t e 591'ch o overt-a ml ‘in by color into the four classes: White, a car ever in . is a s n - owners. ere are re inemen 5. Golden, Amber and Dark These ,3 irieg hgndsome car, with mod- New Safety, and a New of but no change in basic design, classes are in turn graded strictly on : em lines and new, luxurious You buy premium perform- the quality basis as Fancy, Choice between' appointments. once when you buy this Ford or Manujff‘cwl‘ers- The honey grades Richmond But most important of all it Comfort W’ilhln Reach 0f Millions Of People V-Sâ€"full 90 horsepower and :,:;?;:::i t: and is espeClQnY deSign-ecl to give 85 miles an hour‘ grade tcriiiinoloc‘y to A the product Newmarketz You smooth, easy riding over We invite you to see this when graded, the inherent quality of t Sutton, Bartle, all lands of roadsâ€" (I front-seat ride for The result is Centre-Poise â€"which not New Ford V-8 at the showrooms of Ford the honey literally speaks for itself- 7 back-seat fiders." , only gives you a new riding comfort but dealers. You will want to ride in iiiâ€"iv: T ‘ v ’ and _ V _ _ . _ dd t th 1 bqit i th d -t d - - s I - n, - a], he Saga of (lean Milk :_ . , Thls ease Of “(.1319 1.5 (fCheved by the a s :h eds}? 1 .3 o e CO]: cm x f nve .It You? elf Yo.“ mu 11nd It a ne‘ A very high standard of cleanliness i lntermedlate ugh. of three has“: prmcmles never be_ ease 0 cm mg. on can to e curves experience in motoring. in milk is demanded in Canada Clean .3 points from seven to eight miles faster with . . . _ perfect safety. 1. C d1 t b t f ib . erred S n u "mo car welgh Y There are many new features in the mOVing engine and bOdY forward eight Ford V-8 for 1935 which muke the cur '. cl h l ' h . . . . 7‘ i . cm a a1 mc .95 I still easner to drive. New brakes give Z“ New _1°ccm°n °f seats by Wh’Ch the more power for stopping quickly with far your seat 15 moved for‘iwrd' “Ward lhe less loot pressure on the pedal. A new . i' . U.‘ a centre of the cor away in ii" rear axle type of easy_pressure Clutch employs milk may be defined as milk that is j, free from dirt and foreign matter, containing comparatively few bacteria é and certainly none of a diseaseâ€"pro- ' between ducing" nature. The first essential is' l j TORONTO i lore combined in a low-price car. Ford V“8 Prices Are Low 11 BODY TYPES â€"Coupe (5 windows). $645 ‘ Tudor Sedan. $665 :Fordor Sedan. $750. DE LUXEâ€" Roadster lwitl‘i rum- ble seat), 3715: Coupe (3 windows), $720; Phaeton, $725; Tudor Sedan, $730; Cabriolet (with rumble seat}, $815; Fordor Sedan, $810. TOURING SEDANS. with built-in trunk 7 Tudor- to have healthy cows. The cows must be free from tuberculosis, anthrax, and and other contagious diSQ'dr‘c‘S which affect the milk indirectly. In ad« dition, the uddei‘s of the cows must Canadian and : U.S.A. points ("1d GWGY lrom file bumps- centrifugal force to increase efficiency at T . S d 750 F “d T _ , ' . ~ ; . New spring suspension which per- higher speeds- New steering mechanism curing 6 3:13;}, $838 or 0mm filo SUCh (,illiefisefilfilillf' Q GRAY COACH miis the use of longer, more flexible makes the CG! Still eCISieI *0 handle- (r. o. B. East Windsor, Ontario. Brimpers.cpnre ‘fec: flung-01L Lgoititio swings and incenses the springbase to The New Ford V-8 {or 1935 retains the me and m“Scfififii;m§ifif,§ls,‘l°w“ payment lhealthy came come ti,E twin radon 123 inches. V-8 engine which has demonstrated its ‘ of clcan cattle and clean barns, and ,aiiyonc with the slightcst imagination 2 s U Ii E 'r o s r, E T E N E w F o R D v - s i . r o N A N D 2 - T o N ' 1:12;:gsecggxgj lizafl'vgffi“ffaff 33:! HEAVY-DUTY TRUCKS . . . AND THE NEW COMMERCIAL CARS havet0bestabled.vluanliiiefisE3

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