If only people could get enthus- Latic about a common sense plan as they do about something idiotic. ADDRESS MEETING Ccl. W P. Mulock, M.P., and 360139 H. .VIakPhce, M.P., of York- bon,‘ Smk‘atvhewan, will laddvess a Jibeial rally at Humberside School, North York Township, Friday eve- ling, March 15th. COL. W P. ML’LOCK. M.P., T0 1131513313 “Sons of the Desert†BEAUTIFUL COSTUMES, APPROPRIATE SCENERY CHARACTERISTIC MUSIC, COLORFUL, SPECTACULAR DRAMATIC SCENES AND HUMOROUS SITUATIONS. TWO HOURS OF MIRTH AND MELODY LAUREL & u Luis de Montero, plantation owner . . . . . . . Gloria de Montero, his wife . . . . . . . . . . . . . Margarita, an accomplished daughter . Mercedes, her sister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Francisco de la Vega, Inspector at Custom I Pedro, manager of the plantation . . . . . . . Emilio, a toureador, suitor of Mercedes . . Don Juan, student friend of Emile . . . . . Don Jose, student friend of Emile . . . . . . . Dona Marcela, friend of Margarita . . . . . Dona Anita, friend of Margarita . . . .,. . . . Martha Matilda Ayres, English Governess Lieut. Harold Wright, Customs Inspector . Patrick (Pat) Malone, companion of Hal . Capt. Colton, of the Cruiser Montana . . . Chorus of Marines and Spanish Students. â€" Directed by â€"â€" Anna I PLAYING ALL WEEK March 11 to 16 MATINEE DAILY Thursday and Friday,‘ March 14, 15 CLAUDETTE “ COLBERT in ‘The Belle of Barcelona’ 0L. LVL THUR., FRI., SAT., MAR. 7 -8-9 WE’RE OFF FOR EGYPT AND BURIED gaff“ EDDIE TREASURE WITH fl MAN’S MANIA FOR SPEED 3:†WE AIM T0 PLEASE 333 POPEYE NEWS REVIVAL FRIDAY AT 10.45 RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH CHOIR in the SCHOOL ROOM OF THE CHURCH “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NE WSPAPER†A MUSICAL COMEDY IN THREE ACTS GENERAL ADMISSION 25 CENTS Revival Tuesday at 10.45 CA ST OF CHARACTERS Commencing at 8 p.m. The Torch Singer†presented by Sir Bun Standing - Kathleen Burke French's! Tune - Richard Cromwell A ParamoUn' Picture w-‘Oh GARY COOPER Handsome sfolwarts, living, ï¬ghting, hating together , . patrolling the bandii-infested borders of mystic Indial TORTOISE & THE HARE STRIKES & SPADES 3%D Mlll 0N5 ... SAMUEL qogogvll'g [Indictioh of Adolph Zukor present: Yonge at Castlefield M0. 2172 300 Seats all Evening 25c. Parking for 200 Cars Continuous Show Saturday 1.30 to 11.30 Don’t miss the annual commence- ment exercises at the High School Friday and Saturday of this week. CAPITOL ‘l VAUGHAN COUNCIL MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Vaughan Township Council was held‘ at Vellore on Monday with Reeve George Kellam presiding and all mem- bers present. Routine business was transacted and accounts passed. Re- lief costs to the municipality continue to be high. and the cash relief work projects are still being carried on. Phipps â€" House . “IIVI. Al'lSV' . . . . . Lauder Glass .. . Harry Charles . . . . . Reg. Watkins . . . . . Mildred Sims ‘ . . . . Isobel Coulber . . . . . . . Lola Jones . . . . . . Rand Phipps . . . . Wes Middleton . . . . . . P. E. Angle . . Olive SWitzer . Dorothy Angle George Bilbrough . . . . . . . Joe Mills . Clarence Mylks Mrs. N. J. Glass “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO '1HURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1935 issue. Anyone desiring a copy of “The Tatler†should communicate at once with the staff as the number of copies available is limited. “The Tatler†is published by ani editorial staff headed by Shirley Hill‘ as Editor-inâ€"chief, Virginia Little as. business manager and the following assisting elitors, Dick Patrick, Nora Campbell, Isobel Oliver, Lorne Wells, Jessie Angle, Stewart Rumble, Robert! Casement. Olive Wilson edited the graduate section. “The Tatler†the year book of Rich mond Hill High School is now on the press and will be on sale at the an- nual Commencement exercises Friday and Saturday evening. This is the first year book published by the school since 1929 and it will be a very attractive and creditable publication. The book whicli is attractively ar- ranged contains accounts of the years activities in the various branches and departments of school life and should prove very interesting to students, exâ€"students and all interested in the school. “THE TA'l'LER" WILL BE ON SALE AT COMMENCEMENT Other items on the program include the waxâ€"presidents add‘ress by Miss Mary Johns ,a piano solo by Vincent Burlton, violin solo by Eric Wilson, and a vocal solo by Miss Doreen Johnson. There will also be the presentation of prizes and scholarâ€" ships to successful students in academic and athletic competitions of the year and the presentations will be made by C. H. Sanderson, chairman of the Board of Education, Principal James Stewart and Mrs. Garfield Yerex viceâ€"president of the Women’s Institute. The annual commencement is the event of the school year and is one always generously patronized and greatly enjoyed by the people of the community. Richmond Hill High School twelfth annual Commencement exercises will be held this Friday and Saturday evening, March 8th and 9th, in the “Gymnasium.†The event will be featured by the presentation of the three act comedy “The Queen’s Hus- band.†This splendid play by Robert Sherwood will be presented by the following east: King Eric VIII, Bill Stewart; Granton, his secretary, Joe Mills; General Northrup, his prime minister, Roy Holmes; Lord Birten, his foreign minister, Charlies Noble; Queen Martha, Mildred Angle; Prin- cess Anne, Jean Topper; First Lady- in-Waiting, Ruth Kerswill; Second Lady-in-waiting, Isobel Ball; Fellman a Liberal, Jack Beresford; Laker, an Anarchist, Peter Onasick; Major Blent, aide-deâ€"camp, James Ley; Phipps, a. footman, Jack Webb; Petley another footman, Fred Garter; Serg- eant, Troyer Archibald; Soldier, Alex Henderson; Prince William of Greek, David McGibbon. Tickets are now on sale and may be secured at Glenn’s Drug Store, Rich- mond Hill. The play is in three acts and the scene is laid in a mythic‘al island of 'the North Sea. R.H.H.S. Students Publish Year Book fwelfth iAnnual Commencement Al R. H. High School Q Mi mm Liberty In All Things, Charity" Accounts were passed as follows: treasurer’s office stamps $15.00; Hos- pitalization account $202.25; Findlay Brothers meals for transients $3.20; The members of council Will confer next Monday with engineer Babcock regarding the remodeling- of the Township Hall to accommodate the township offices. The request of two organizations re the use of the hall was laid over for consideration pend- ing decision re alterations. Mr. Macklin headed a deputation 1from Union School Section No. 9, Milliken, asking that their school ‘section be enlarged by the inclusion of additional properties. The depu- tation pointed out that the assess- ment of section 9 was small as cem- pared to neighboring sections and there was property which logically should be included in the section. It was hinted that the property owners concerned were not very anxious to change into the Union section and the members of council felt they should hear the case of the property owners concerned before taking any action. I Over three thousand dollars was ‘expended for relief in Markham Township for the month of February. IThis is considerably higher than for 'the corresponding month a year ago 'and commenting on the increasing {cost Reeve Padget at the regular meeting of the Township Council, held at Unionville Monday. expressed deep concern over the mounting cosd's. “Where in the world is it going to end,†he asked. The relief bill in- clud'ed $162.48 spent for clothing, $690.66 f0. fuel, $134.42 for medical attention, $511.11 for provisions, in; addition to $1700.00 expended in cash‘ relief work projects. Markham Township ratepayers must hear one third of this cost, the other two thirde being paid by the government. The month of December 1934 showed an operating profit of $481.- 34 compared with an operating profit of $29.14 in December 1933. January 1935 provided a slump in revenue and the line showed a loss of $583.48 compared to a loss of $392.44 in Jan»- uary 1934. Passenger revenue in January 0F this year was $5,479.23, a decrease of $232.00 as compared with the corresponding month a year ago. Ln 1934 was $70,613.39 as compared with a total revenue for the precedâ€" ing year, 1933, of $71,932.85. This decrease in revenue of $1,317.46 is very small as compared to the drop of previous years and this small de- crease is looked upon by officials of the line as a very hopeful sign. Ac- cording to Mr. Tate the assilstant manager of the Toronto Transporta- tion Commission the shareholders have no reasoh to be'disappointed or alarmed over the showing of the road. Mr. Tate states that a moderate in- crease in revenue would not only permit the railway to meet all oper- ating expenses but would contribute materially to meeting the annual fixed charges, which because of the small capital invested in the line, are not large. The operating loss for the year 1934 was $1,337.65 which is spread over the areas concerned in the town- ships of North York, Markham and Vaughan and Richmond Hill Village. While the line showed an operating loss for the year, the existing economic conditions must be taken into consideration, and with a return of better times the small increase in revenue referred to by Mr. Tate should not be too much to expect. Operating expenses have been reâ€" duced by economies in operation and with the increase in revenue which will naturally come with improved business conditions the future of the people’s North Yonge radial should be brighter. The total revenue earned on the operation of the North Yonge radials Radial Revenue Holds Up Well Despite Times Markham Relic! Account $3200 For February A Small Increase In Revenue Would Pay Operating Costs and Capital Charges The Home and School Club will hold the annual Bridge and Euchre in the High School Gymnasium on Friday, March 22nd. Please keep this date open. A social and euchre will be held in Elia Hall, Friday evening, March 8th under the auspices of Ward 3, North York Liberal Association. Theve Will be good prizes and an attractive program. J. Rattle, relief officer salary and mileage $84.22; J. Walker, constable salary and mileage $110.20. D. Boyd, Stouffville $1.60, E. A. Buchanan, Unionville $29.00, W. J. Stonehouse, Unionville $6.90, W. All- church, Locust Hill $10.65, W. Clark, dynamite and fuse $48.21, Canadian Industries Ltd. $12.83, A. Hill $2.50, F. H. Roberts $7.80, W. G. Maxwell, salary $100.00, S. Campbell $3.25, F. J. Minion $17.15. ‘ MY SONG FOR YOU WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MARCH 13-14 DIANA WYNARD PAT O’BRIEN & _ IN _ ANN DVORAK _ 1N ._ ‘One More River’ Se" Anvl'hi BEDFORD THEATRE BROWN LABEL *- 33c 1/2 lb. ORANGE PEKOE ~ 40c 1/; lb. BRIDGE AND EUCHRE “Home of High Class Entertainment†Yonge at Glenforest HUdson 5437 Yellow Label Ne ws i." Salada Tea EUCHRE AT ELIA Matinees 2 p. m. MONDAY & TUESDAY, MARCH 11-12 JAN KIEPURA I WARREN WILLIAM Evenings 7 & 9 o’clock BETTY B00 in EP ’ SYLE†I â€" Paramount News -â€" CHAPTER 2 of “VANISHING SHADOW†Playing Saturday Matinee Only - Picture “ now has a blend for every purse _1N_ FRIDAY & SATURDAY. MARCH 8-9 All leaders in their class ODDITY â€" “PRO FOOTBALL†“SCREEN SOUVENIRS†’OVER 2000 ATTEND AUCTION SALE A crowd estimated at over two thousand attended the auction sale at the farm of San Brothers, Edge- ley, on Wednesday. The sale started in the morning and continued through out the day, lunch being- served at noon. It was one of the largest sales held in this district for many years and was attended by a record crowd. Stock, implements and everything offered for sale brought excellent prices. Horses sold as high as $200 and cows as high is $60.00. Prentice & Prentice auctioneers, handled the gigantic job of selling the big list in a very acceptable manner. THE BELLE OF BARCELONA, presented in the school room of Rich.â€" mond Hill United Church next Thum day and Friday evenings, March 14th and 15th by the choir of the church. Don’t miss this attraction. Sell Anything Case‘ of the Howling Dog Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE IN No.36