Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Mar 1935, p. 7

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The moment you feel the slightem nistrcss in your eyes or notice a dim ning of your vision consult 103-167 Yonge St., Tomato, up stairs opp. Simpsons. Phone Elgin 4820. For further terms and particulars apply 130â€"â€" Hugh, McMillan, Alex McMillan 01' James A Rose, Executors, or to Naughton & Jenkins 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto 2, Solicitors for Executors. HOUSE and ‘VLOT At the same time and place there will be offered for sale House and Lot, 25 Yonge‘ St., Richmond Hill. The house is of white brick, seven rooms, hardwood floors, good cellar, large lot, garage, hen house. ‘ TERMS OF SALEzâ€"Goods and Chattels, Cash. House and Lot ten per cent ca<h on the date of Sale and balance in 30 days. Spn' 1935, at the hour of ONE O’CLOCK in the afternoon, the goods, chattels and effectq and house and lot of the late Duncan McMillan. The following are the goods and E5» Yonge St. Richmonlcimlbl-i'il Saturday, March 16 THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1935 The Executors of the Estate of’ the LATE DUNCAN MchLLAN From Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE by Tru-c-l WM. MCDONALD. F. E. LUKE & SON will be offered for sale by Public ‘ Auction on the premises Telephone 62 Antique Furniture Repaired and lie-Upholstered 2646 YONGE STREET ESTIMATES SUBMITTED HIGH GRADE Upholstered Furniture at very Moderate Prices Auction Sale I The Week in Parliam'entifj Upholstery Shoppe Your Eyes SLIP COVERS SAND â€"â€" GRAVEL wing are t1 chattels J. CARL SAIGEON, The Thornhill Auctioneer (To Sell Out Wheat?) The announcement of a federal grain board suggests that Premiu- Bennett proposes to adopt..Mr. “anx- ford Evans suggestions. If so, then the creation of a board will be fol- lowed at an early date by the adopt- ion of a domestic price independent of the world price. This has been the case in the United States for many months. Wheat might be worth 80 cents at Winnipeg, but sale of Canaâ€" dian grain might be proceeding to Britain or other markets at the pre- vailing Liverpool rates, which might be as little as 70 cents'a bu'shed for No. 1 Northern. The next few months will likely be 5 a critical period in regard to Canada’s 1 Wheat stocks, and, less directly, in ‘ regard to the government’s political!I reputations. If a substantial quan-g‘ tity of wheat can be moved, and the!t excessive carry-over reduced, the:E western farmer’s anxiety about the ] glut of Wheat will be relieved. There ‘ will be good prospect of better world ( wheat prices, also, if the surplus canl oe absorbed. Moreover, the figures for Canada’s export trade in the next few months will be materially imâ€" proved, and the earnings of the Cana- dian National, the Canadian Pacific, and other Canadian transportation and steamship lines will go up by leaps and bounds. These developments will materially assist in the creation of an optimistic and satisfied frame of mind which all politicians on the gov- ul'nm'ent side like to encourage on the eve of a general election. (Sustained Test of Motion) The government had no difficulty in defeating the “want of confidence” motion introduced by Hon. Ian Mac- kenzie, (Liberal, Vancouver) which condemned the government for its remedies for the unemployment situa- tion. ‘ The debate lasted from Mon- day evening to Wednesday afternoon, and the motion was defeated by a vote of 93 to 69. All members of the Co-operating Groups voted with the Liberals, except A. M. Carmichael, Progressive member for Kindersley. Ah-‘InD-hflIâ€"AAv-hrn It is obvious that if the federal grain board sold much Wheat at 70 cents for which it had paid 80, a. loss would be sustained which would have to be met out of federal funds. The value, however; of disposing freely of the existing stocks at the present time probably outweighs any disadâ€" vantages of thet kind, in the mind of Mr. Bennett and his colleagues. The difficulty about this \vas that it meant allowing prices to fall; and the government was anxious to avoid a decline in Winnipeg levels. Mr. Evans said, in effect: “Bonus the western farmer by pegging’ prices, if you like: that is a matter of fed- eral policy. But don’t expect our customers in other countries to foot the bill.” He advised the goverm ment to maintain its domestic price if it wanted to, but be sell its sur- plus abroad at market prices, making up the difference out of the federal treasury. , tmarket of wheat, the financial burden of “stabilizing” the Winnipeg wheat market, were all contingencies or occurrences which had to be faced, unless a. drastic \change of policy were adopted. (Not‘ Confined to Opponents) The criticism of the recent policy was not confined to polit:cal oppon- ents. Sanford Evans, Conservative leader in Manitoba and a noted grain authority, became aiarmed over the way in which world customers of our wheat were turning to other sources for their supplies, and came down to Ottawa about six weeks ago to urge the government to start selling its wheat more freeiy. The “Canadian Grain Board” will have power to buy and sell, store, handle, etc., all grains: but in its early stages it will no doubt confine its activities to wheat. The Wheat problem has been facing the federal government for several years, some- times developing symptoms of crisis, sometimes easing off again, but al- Ways present. 0f recent months it began to look very serious, and a feeling prevailed that only a. third light crop on the North American continent could avert the worst wheat congestion in the history of the country. The, possible loss of world markets, the loss of revenue for Canadian railways and steamship lines, the loss of much of the export ways preser began to k feeling} preV light crop The leading announcement of the week was the proposal to create a federal grain board. Until the reso- lution is debated in the House of Commons, and the actual legislation introduced and explained, all corm ment will of necessity be of an un- official nature. At the same time the circumstances leading up to the proposal are so well known, and the general intention of the govern- ment, that one is not likely to go far wrong in anticipating by a few days the general trend of the legislation. 1 By Wilfrid Eggleston THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILIi,I ONEARIO Committees both in Commons and Senate are working away now, though nothing sensational has yet come out of them. The Stevens Kennedy commission is still laboring over its report. Some developments from that quarter are to be expected sonn. Also we shall have the legis- lation to set up a National Economic Oouicil, perhaps by next week. i In reply Conservatives maintained SundaYfi~Pa W35 8 frade tI0 g0 m that Canada’s plight was due to'chirch today on acct. of in yesteddys world conditions over which Canada. Paper Wl*0h he got out he printed. ‘had no control, said that trade figures The annual covered dish supper 01 showed that conditions were improv- the Yung‘ Peoples SOCiCtY Will be H911 ing ,claimed again that Canada had emerged from the world depress-ion better off than any other country. The C.C.F. members in the corner agreed that unemployment was our most grievous problem, and asserted that neither by Liberal nor by Con- servative policies was there a. pros- in the chirch Parlers on Wensda) nite. Mundayâ€"l kwestion in fisollog} was. At whut age shud the windmw be left open at nite. and Blisters SGL A window shud be left open at nib as soon as it is old enuff to stay 11} all night. pect 01' it being abolished. Only the TeUSdaY'~The teeChel‘ tOId are class overthrow of capitalism, and the sub-ltOdaY that She Considdered us In stitution of a new social order based ferlor t0 the boys and girls WitCl' on the human need rather than pri- lived in the times When the Reva. avate profit could do the trick. Wilâ€" luShion was fought:- Jake 50d tha‘ liam Irvine MP. for Wetaskiwin (U. personly he druther be inferior thar RA.) suggested the use of social credit based on the productive caâ€" pacity of the people. (Premier Bennett Absent) The absence of Premier Bennettâ€" who was confined to his apartment 1all last week by a cold~rendered the debate, which was on more exclusive- ly political lines than mOst of the dis- cussions this session, less effective on the government side than would otherwise have been the case. Sir George Perly, who was leading the government at the time, was obvious- ly caught somewhat off guard, and was unable to make a detailed reply to the allegations and criticisms of Hon. Ian Mackenzie. The Bank of Canada commences operations on or about March 10; and the Canadian public will then for the Lint time see the new small bills which in due time will come to be the qual currency of the country. They .r 11 be six inches long and 2% inches This is. fractionally shorter wider than the United States Jill and much smaller than the i‘ihS’lell Canadian notes. The colors to be as follows: One dollar, Green (with King' George’s head on the face, and an allegorical figure »._. rat denoting Agriculture on the reverse); ‘ Two Dollars, blue (with Queen Mary’s likeness and an allegorical figure of transportation, on the reâ€" verse); Five Dollars, orange (mm a likeness of the Prince of Wales, and an allegorical representation of “Power’ ’on the reverse); Ten‘ Dol- lars, purple (with a likeness of Prin- cess Mary and an agricultural scene on the reverse). The Central Bank has already taken up temporary quarters on Wellington Street, just across from the West Block of the Buildings, in which the Ministers of Railwaysand of Trade and Commerce among others, have their off oes. They will take charge of all gold now on hand in the East Block vaults (about $70,000,000) plus the gold sent to them by the chartered banks. Dead. Wensdayâ€"Jakes pa never does agree with pa. Today they was argueing Pollatix and pa cuddent make him admit enny think & fineâ€" ly sed. Well you Will Admit 2 and 2 is four and Jakes pa replyed and ‘sed. Well approximately. Thirsdayâ€"Milly Kinze-r just got maryed and she was asting ma today ‘if she wood lern her how to preserve iFruit next Summer and ma sed the lbest way to preserve Fruit is to put ,a good strong Lock 0n the Pantry ’door. she give me a look when she lsed it Witch was very scornish. l A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Thornhill, Ontario Hot Water Heating and General Repairs Figures supplied during the week show that 1'mmig'ration to- Canada last year was the lowest recorded since exact figures began to be kept. The number was only 12,476; and as there were several thousand deportations, the net gain to the coutry was still smaller. In 1913, the year when the largest immigration to this coutry was recorded, the number which came in was 402,000 odd. In reply Conservatives maintained that Canada’s plight was due to world conditions over which Canada had no control, said that trade fig-ares The argument follOWed familiar lines and does not need much laboring: here. The Liberals mviewed unem-J ployment and relief conditions nowl and in the past five years, scored the government for failure to improve [the situation and offered a series of Liberal remedies, including: govern- ment cwperation with the construc- tion industry toward privately direct- ed works and undertakings, the res- torat‘lon of domestic and external trade, a national bond conversion scheme reducing the interest on all internal debt to 21/2 per cent, negotâ€" iations with other countries seeking to reduce the interest or; external! bonds, the increase of Canada’s cur- rency by $430,000,000, the balancing of the national budget. TRAVEL SERVICE Steamshi Reservations to Great ritain and the Continent. Premier service to West Indies. PASSPORCI‘S ARRANGED FOR Rail tickets and sleeper Reservations. EXPRESS TELEGRAPH Can. National Station Richmond Hill ‘. B. Tracy, Agent Phone‘ 169 Thirsdayâ€"Milly Kinzer just got maryed and she was asting ma today if she wood lem her how to preserve Fruit next" Summer and ma sed the best way to preserve Fruit is to put a good strong Lock on the Pantry door. she give me a look when she sed it witch was very scornish. Teusday-â€"The teacher told are class today that she Considdered us In ferior to the boys and girls witcl’ lived in the times when the Reva. Iushion was fought. Jake sed thm personly he druther be inferior thar Dead. W make him admit enny think & fine- ly sed. Well you will Admit 2 and 2 is four and Jakes pa replyed and sed. Well approximately. ways PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Thornhil-l, Ontario Hot Water Heating and General Repairs Fridayâ€"Ma kind a. spoil-t her evn- ing becuz when she made up sum sand Witch apred for a lunch beings she was haveing Co. tonite she used l a reseat for make- Eng Fmicher Pol- ish insted of sand Witch spred. Saterday â€" Ant _ Emmy says it shuddent ought to be enny trubee for _ the mediums to get the spilrit of Mrs. Husk Witch blongs to the‘ Ladys aid becuz she is all ways‘ Knocking enny SLATS’ DIARY BY ROSS FARQUHAR This wonderful offer is available to old and new subscribers to this newspaper. We guar- antee the fulfillment of all magazine sub- scriptions and you have positive assurance that this generous offer is exactly as repre- sented. If you are at present a subscriber to any of these magazines your time will be extended. 4 MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY The Richmond Hill Liberal Our Guarantee to You! 11' he camera has a. double lens (in? behind and one in front of the shutter diaphragm), the trout com- bination may be removed by turning to the left, which will allow you to work through the shutter opening when set for “time,” with the hand- kerchief over the end of the match or lead pencil. If the lens is quite dirty breathe on it and then rub quickly with the handkerchief. Be sure, when replacing the front lens. to screw it back into the shutter as far as it will go. clean chemicals. )ranting that all this is true the next thing to consider is your lens. Is it clean? You have looked through dirty eye-glasses with probably 'a. few finger prints on them. If you haven’t it’s a sure bet that you have experienced the difficulty of looking through a smudgy window. Clean eye-glasses and clean windows give clear vision and similarly the cam- era cannot “see” so well if its eye (the lens) is cloudy and smudgy from grease, finger prints and dust collocqed ‘over a period of months. Cleaning a lens is a. very simple operation. All you need is a soft, un- Slal‘clied linen handkerchief and perhaps a match or pencil, if the lens is quite small. The rear surface of the lens can easily be reached by removing the back of the_camera. If the camera has a. double lens With a clea plainin U l" eSNAPSI-IOT GUILD; 1as received a number ’rom fellow snapshootâ€" ng about smudgy look- They say they know es are correct and de- 5 carefully with fresh, ms, plus proper exposure, you sho_u|d always get sharp,‘ clear pictures such as the ones above. IS YOUR LENS CLEAN? PAGE SEVEN [:1 Canadian Magazine LOO Cl Nafional Home Monfhly . . . . . . . . . El Canadian Horficul- ’rure & Home Maga- zine . . . . . . . . . . . . . There are many good books avail- able on amateur photography but one of the latest off the press is called “How to Take Good Pictures." It is packed with sound advice for the beginner or the advanced ama- teur and profusely illustrated With pictures of every type, diagrams and what have you. It might be called “The Amateur Photographer’s Ref- erence Book}? but don’t think for one minute it is as “dry” as such a name might imply. You can no doubt, purchase this book from stores that The suggestion to work through the shutter opening also applies to cleaning the front surface of cam- eras with single lenses fitted to box pameras and certain folding models. Handle the lens carefully and don’t exert too much pressure. It isn't necessary and might scratch the surface. sell] cameras and photographic sup- plies. If you know your cameraâ€"its lim- itations or its versatilityâ€"give care- ful thought to composition and story-telling possibilities you are well along your way to take pictures as interesting and sharp as the two shown above. The amount of pleasure you get out of your camera depends almost entirely on how much thought and care you give it. ( Picture taking is just like golf, tennis, basketball or bowlingâ€"the more you experiment, the more thought you give to your hobby, the greater your reward in self satisfac- tion. ‘ JOHN VAN GUILDE‘R. . 1.00 I .00

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