Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 May 1935, p. 5

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'The social evening- for the local Horiicultural Society is: announced for Monday evenmg next in the Township Hall, All former members are in- vited to l‘? rw‘wnt. Bmor’ts of the annual convention will b,- gixen by the delegates, um ar il'ush‘wted lec- ture on “Beaufiul H.”an across Canada." Come and enjoy a. pleas- ant evening. If you are not, already a member, plan to join on Monday evening. ._.L.. -..J--__ wawc, auxg. )I. van»... w. A message to Miss Annie Walker of Hagexman during: the past week brought the sad news of the death of her brother-in-law, Mr. Fred North-1 cote of Maple Creek, Sask. Mr. Northeote was a resident for many years of Markham Township and he‘ and his Wife, formerly Mary Walker, were well known here. He was in his 58th year and for many years has been Superintendent of the Creamery in the place where he lived. Surviv- ing him are his widow, two sons. Ed- ;gar of Winnipeg, Charles of Medicine Hat and one daughter Mrs. Rust of «Calgary. Many friends in this vicin- express sy'm'oathy for the bereavâ€" ed family. > _ : nu Ibo mu- ........ Thirty-five ladies were in atten- hd‘ance at the.arnual meetingsof the _.local Branch .of the Womerfis-zlnsti- ubute that convened at the .lmme of ,Miss E. B. Russell, Main Strwt, on Thursday afternoon last. A decision “to coâ€"opemte in: any aetfivrt‘yspon- :sOred by the Boy Scouts and hacking it up with an initial donatimn £455.00, 53.150 contriibxutim $5.00 each .th the _Kimg’s Jubilee Eund and the .Sghool ..Rad.=o was inipertant business man- ..imously approved of by the ladies. .Pleasure was expressed at the return . ofi Mrs. E. E. Bl‘fiithWilite to the :met- i='mg after a teamed absence of several .menths cn mount of serious illness. .Satisfactory renor‘ts of the year's “WGI‘k were received from the secre~ 'tary, Mrs. Gmflor.1Maynard, amfltfime «election of ofificers resulted as folâ€" lows: President, Mrs. E. E. Bra'iffikâ€" ~waise; lst Vice-President, Mrs. EAL. ’Stive'r; 2nd Viceâ€"President, Mrs. 13.; .SabisLor' 3rd X’iceâ€"hesident, Mrs. A: L. Brown; Secretaryâ€"Treasurer, Mrs. G. G.Maynard; Press Secretary, Mrs. W. M. smith; District. Director, Mrs. H... “7 i evening. The meeting closed with “The Nat- The annual meeting of Buttonville ional Anthem,» after Wh-ch lunch was Institute will be held at the home of _ Mrs. Kerron, Highway N0. 7, next 56”“! by the hostess- and comm‘tlee Thursday afternoon. The attendanoem charge- 1M. Armitage; Directors, Mrs. . .. \Younsz, Mrs. Annitage, Mrs. J. A. Gibson, Miss E. B. Bus/Sell; Program Committee, Mrs. W. 'J. Perkins, Mrs. lOgden, Mrs. Milner; Auditors, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Murphy. Two delight- fiul solos were given during- the after- noon by Mrs._Bales mf_Agincourt, the» sdlactions bemg “Danny Boy” and “Mother :r'f Mine.” The tea. tables were lg‘ail-J decoratad with flags in honor of _the Jubilee celebration and a delightful social hour concluded a pl-easantafiternoon. Hostesse's for the afternoqn were, Miss E. B. RuSSell. Mrs. W. J.. Russell, Mrs. G. Braith- waive. Mrs. N. nglgn. Mrst. Iaylor. seml-Gkasswp We.) “filer, ._. V, _ U sented and; commendation is Indeed due thosehaking part as wellas the directms.Mr. and Miss. .Mjller. Each; was a star. in .his or heauown part: and1 outstandingswas the 1pm.taken by John Moscow as Philippe which! brought ‘out the mmsical talent of he 7played laser-1 hzis violin. Momâ€"l bers of ‘thel cast includedhCamexon; Kennedy, .Ruth Yemnans, . Arthur Grange, Erank Dimm2,, Donn Gibbings ; Walter .Reesor, John MOSCOWPAMArâ€"f jorie Wheeler, Allison Hood. I Refreshments and dancing conclndâ€"g ed this delightful evening. The young folk of .the, community .axe indeed. privileged to. have assmiamion. with? such a. splendid. organization that hasf for its aim the making offload Cam? dian citizens.‘ The social ,part of the? program pmsants varied entertain-g ment as the‘schedule announced byi the prmidentpKenneflh Deacon;.«ccr-‘i firmed. Dance in Malxtarn Hall, May, 23rd, Ccmngyjl unior Farsz Picnic at Musmlmm’s Lake, flame 215t,.the Moonlight Excursion July 19131‘ What could be better? So, :there is by' chance W mm: ng folk :not imemhers 1 of this mfganization, hater ssjgnwxuu as soon as pessible and $183103 share : in the fine fellowship that permeates! all its Mifies. , ' " 3-. â€"L+A.. , coâ€"Operabuui. “u. v“- W, _ to hear theaddvess given by. Mr. Mc- Culley hntwwing to thallarg‘eatten- dance at .the Boys’ meetinghad to forego that pleasure which ..was a keen disappointment. .Imthe absence of Miss Isabel Scott, thismeetmg was in chargemf Miss HelemFreem. At the,,join-t meeting thattaxed the capacity tithe Hall to the utmosst, a special treat was in storehwhen the play “illhe Violin Makeraof Cromona.” given in the recent contest,..was. preâ€" sented. .Tbis splendid “production, which might easily be aclassed-zin the semi-classics was indeed well Lpre- sented and; commendation is indeed diue thosetaking part as .wellas the directms .Mr. and M225..Mi11er. Each was astar. in his 01" hen-dawn part-and ~~uL Lnlmn k“- “_ “A Canadian - Political me ~ as -v1ewed by a school mastet” was-the unique title 01' .the address by Mr. Joe -McCu11ey of Piakermg College at-the May meeting .of the Junior Farmens held in the Ll‘ownship Hall lastMonday night with .a .‘record attendance of over three hundred ymmg farmers. Mr. McCulley’s; upâ€"to-date messages coupled with .a splendid personality have won many friends for him _in thus locality and a lastimggpopulanty is assured. W young people-Were favored indeed to have 3mm Jon.‘»their pnog'ram .for~ this meétmg, “Mr. "of .the Murchison and Mrs. Wolls 1 1 Economic Reform Assacmtion ofi To- ronto wnneralsr} gresentt and present- ”, __L nu”. mm“ "imURSDAYJM AY 9th, 21% WEEKLY N EELS» NOTES EROM THE UNION VILLE DISTRICT Mrs. ‘B. "TAin'léy entitled “Here Comes Char- 5 Mrs" A“ lie” will be presented‘by Knox'Uniied if; Church Choir of Agincourt ‘in 'the :tor, Mm. ‘ Community Hall, ‘Un‘ionville, Friday MI‘S- ievening, May 17th, under the auspices $1.0; a1: 0f the'Boy Scouts. This play has been fins, Mrs:{'presentefl With marked success ‘in ors, LMrs. gseveral centres and Should prove :11 9‘ dehght' lpagpular attraction. ,IL,A_ S; The first banquet held um’ter the '3 auspices of ‘l-he Men’s Association ’[fl iCe'rttrtil ’U'Imred 01111th on Wednes‘ day proved a decided success. The .' supmer pro‘viiied by‘bhe ladies and the l_ program included toasts and mm)» lf s-es an?! special musical numbers was i; of high order and provided a delight/- -l ful evening’s ’ entertainment. The *1 guest speaker of'the evening, Mr. Lou- l Buc’k‘lery1 aseeretary ‘of Broadview Y; gave an especially fine ad- " class, his “remarks‘ being classified ‘l under three“headingsmamely: Sens: 40f Plum; "-Eense of Service and 3 Sense of God. The pleasing person- -,a1it,v of the speaker emphasized the importance of “the message and Mr; lBucktev will always' be a welcome , guest at Unionville gatherings. The amusical part-6f the program was in- icharze: of “Hebert Thompson who fit- !tingly opened the event by playing éOnward Christian Soldiers as fhc aguests found their places at the tables ,A vote of appreciation Was ton/“WM “by F. Bag}: and ’ASvake a0 all those "who assisted in ~maleim2 this first Thanque’c such raw-success. The pro- ,»gram included «pleasing- violin music 1: bv Shirley Brown and'Evelyn Perâ€"v {kins and a vocal solo by‘Mrs. W. J.‘ “Russell. The toasts and - responses ‘ v-‘WK-J‘e as follows:“1‘he Kingfby A. E1 :‘Milner and responded to by “the sine-l 'ing‘ of God Save the'KinQ‘; ‘t'he' Men’si "Association by ‘F. ‘J.’Po‘llard-and re- L-sptmded to ‘by 'Dr. ‘Kennedy; the ‘ Ladies by W. A. ‘Nolfie rand-responded to‘bv Mrs. B. Sabis’eon; the fiChurch ,by C. E. Stiver and respond-ed to by v‘Rev. A. E. Owen. ’Young ladies of the £0ng'reg'ation 'hatl charge of the tables and performed 'the duty with great efficiency. 'It‘is anticipated to imake the bannuet an annual event. The main feature of the afternoon was the election of officers for the coming- year. The officers elected were: President, Mrs. Robt. Mitchell; lst Vice-Presil‘nt, Mrs. N. LeWis; 2nd Vice-Pve'u‘znt, Mrs. A. Bagg; Secretary, Jean Dalziel; Treasurer, Mrs. F. Locke; District Director, Mrs. Robt. Mitchell. BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCE 1.30 p.mâ€"--Church School. 2.30 pumpâ€"Public Worship. The president opened the meeting and conducted the business. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"-Church School. 1’1 a.m.â€"“The Mother of Jesus” A‘Mother Day Service. The annual meeting of the Edgeley Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. E. Phillips; on Thursday, May 2nd. 1.30 1mm: ’CLul‘Cn School. 2.30 pinsâ€"“The Mother of Jesus” St. Philip’s .‘.nglican Church 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m,wMorn-ing Prayer: _______ “ffifiEswiiiE-t‘lé'égnfiiath of 001- borne is visiting'wlher sister :‘A. E. Mikael: ntng Flag}; 2M1: ‘Dmrid Byers and Mix Bessie Mai-pd of V‘Pittsbumtwere \of ‘Mr. and TMTs.-3as. Mnifihead on 'Euesday. Miss‘E.B..R1$sé.U, Mrs. W. J.ZRus~â€" mill .andfinhildremmisibed .5]. (R. Kermedy;.a$ ACanflml Montiagl last; ‘ .Mr. and Mrs. N. Eckamflt, Miss Grate Harrington and Mrs. Earring tom m‘f Toronto ware guests vf amd Mrs.7D. Hafi'mg'ton dmi'mg fiK' weékâ€"end. Miss TMAimour 9&5 Torontm Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Harrington «an the haliday. ‘_ omirien‘dsxin ‘Mr. and Mrs. H;;:Stephenmm spurt Munday'withf Mrmand Mrs. Aubmy Stephenson pf Bjfilcpyxi'glre. I Y_P..S. work, beingupresident; at one time .of the Christian Endeavor world ! wide organization Rev. MacDanald£ of Aginwurt was--m]so present. .It' was «Christian Citizenship night with Earl Appleton in =charge, who also‘ lead .flhe devotionalmunod. ' Gongrawlations are offered toMIjs. Susan Gibson oerilliken who cele- brated her 87th bimhday on Wednesâ€"i dayaftenoon. last. xxMany callers twene‘ neceiwed by this esmmable lady (hiring' theaiay. ..Her daughter Miss .M. Gib- son received With her. Mrs. :0. 110011,, Mrs. D..Bmwn and-VMrs. J. «Galloway assisted in the tea. mom. Manycards and .congramlatians were imeivedT nil-om fainaway friands. Mrs. Gmmge, .Miss Annie iGrange amd Mrs; McMulkm of Toromm were gammabs :df. Mrs..‘S}:2noer May on» Sunday. Mrs. H. S. Reiwe and Miss Emma minimum obi Markham visited Mrs. .M C. ,Sommerville, on E-uesday. Him. .Duncan rMaa'shall 01f Toronto was guest of Mn:de Mrs. LPé-lâ€" lard on Mondgy. “IMF. and "M1151- .K B. Heisey .and family/of Toronito spent the week-end with Mrs-W. M. Smith: _ Mr.;afid'miis. Gl'W’ilkie oi momma were guests of M.. and Mass. \C. 1A. Hana «Onlfllé‘ holidm_ of all mmbensis-invited as this is the most important-meeting of the year when plans for next year’s activities will be‘fomulated. It is anticipatedm make 1935-36 a. banner year for the organization. Come and bring vouririendsfio‘tjhis megtigg.‘ The Young People of Central United Church were especiale favored on Mandaw evening last when Dr. Mc- Taggamt xof Toronto-was their guest speaker. “The Life~of Peter, as an example for young. @eople” was the swim presented. -Dr. Mcfflaggart is widely _known f0:- his‘interes‘t. .in 1‘0‘5 7‘] -i1;fh.;“A 'rf'oung Woman’s Trateresrt in her Father’s Record.” p.m. Mnndayâ€"YPS. ‘5‘}??? UNITED CHURCH EDGELEY 'Gram-‘fif Torontm 'callle‘d town-oi Wednesm‘mry 'evveâ€" SerJ.â€"i“1¢31\h4 nggan, Newbon- brook United. Tramâ€"7"“ Einboden, St. John's Anchan. Any church team wishing- to enter this league or who would be inter- ested in organizing a. Bantam Section for boys under 15 are asked to com- municate with one of the officers. Juniorsw May 17thâ€"â€"St. gohns vs Newton- break. St. Georges a bye The execptive consists of one rep- resentative fpr each team and an adult representative of each church. The following officers were appointed for the year 1935: Pres.â€"â€"C'har1es Batt, St. Georges Anglican. Vice-Pres.â€"â€"EI. McLean, Thornhill United. A well represented meeting was held in the Newtonbrook United Church Sunday :Schodl Hall last week when plans were {made for the com- ing season. The senior games will start on Tuesday, May 14th, and the junior games on Friday, May 17th. The first games scheduled are as fol- lows: Seniorsâ€" May 14tHâ€"Thomhill vs St. Johns Newtonbrook vs St. Georges May letâ€"St. John’s vs Newton- brook. St. Georges vs Thornhill 1 Thé‘Veterans Club WIT] ‘ho'lda dance 1 in'RichVale School on Ffichry evening, I May 10th, starting at ’9 Mc'loék’DS. 'T. Music by Royal Arcadian oréhes- itra OfWomnto. Admissim 25c. A I'heamy‘Welcome is extended (to Mr. ‘James "Wright and family of Gamma ‘Mills ‘desire to express their sincere thankS'to their many friends for their kind expressions of sym- paflryfl {beautiful floral tributes and many acts of kindness in their recent bereavement. ’ Mr. Domed Frisby was Ireâ€"elected ‘ acclamation as President of West York Deanery Local Council at their annual meeting heid on Wednesday evening-in. the Crypt of St. Mary’s Church. «Mrs. W. J. Whifibtm of Elgin link was elected a Vinmsiflent. xvisited hm- sister Mrs. 1E. (halter over the weekâ€"end. Themeâ€"“Making Mother Happy.” 10.45 a.m.â€""Sunday SchooL 7 p.m.â€"’The Minister. Themeâ€"“The Lavishness of Jgsus" h Ad'partnership with God is Mother- 00 . CARD ‘O‘F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. E. fratt and family of 'I'hornhill wis'h to express their 1". v.14: and anm‘ec'ation to their "tanv friends, relatives and neighbors “or their 'kindnvéss and sympathy also vmny beautiful floral tributes dJuring {heir receflt sad bereavement. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 'Rev. J. D. Cunningham “Sunday, May 12th 1'1 a.m.â€"T-he Minister. ,‘Sumzmer prices now in efl'ect with hardcmal the lowest it [has lhcexn'lfor years. Jones Coal Company, 7R'iith3'. mond Hill, telephone 188. 5 3m. and Jim-s. fwd Hopper and family enjoyed a mount trip to Niag- ara Falls and Buffalo over the holiday petition is presented ‘Miss Isabel Coulter spent the week- end with friends in Bazttie. ASK BEER VOTE TN AURORA Mr. Murray, proprisbor (if 'the Aurora Hotel, has asked the Aurora court-oil for a. vote on tfihe 'beerr~ques- tion. Council decided to wait until a The May meeting of the :Presbyter- ian Wmnen’s Missionary Semiety‘wns held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Cooper at Wifiowdale. It tank the form of ,a‘ units-i meeting with the 'Thornhjll Society. Mrs. Mflmtyne was {the guest speaker. Mrs. Cunningham was presented with a Life Member- shipfiartificate fawn flue Tharnhill Auxiliary. I _ Doreen Jnhman 'df . staff r-Willysa'mg over C.FJR.B. Wrigley. urs day Amateur Night at lmwa Theatre .MayTfih, at 8.30. Miss Ella McLean, mparinte'rident of nurses at Toronto EaSI’c 'Geenerall‘Hos- pita1;~wras one 0f the mm’ber’to reâ€" c'eive one of the King’s Sflver Eilbilee med'ais. Thé‘Rev. F. H. and Mrs. "Butterfly of Hastings. Ont, were the guests of 'the'M‘isses Brown 121$ Thursday and Friday. The" fourth group of 'fihe Women’s Assocfmtion of the Urfited Church, will serve a twenty-five cent supper Tuesday, May the 14th flmmblwmntfl .7 p.113. Come and bu‘ngymur friends. The Evening Amiliamy [of 1the Unit- ,ed Church will meet at the home of Miss“Anderson, Wand Street, on Tuesday, May 14th. This :will‘be a work meeting. (Dome :amlt 1thing a friend T'Sunday, May 12th 1 a.m.â€"â€"’1‘he Pastor. ,J S rumâ€"Sunday School. Motheh’w Day Program p.111.â€"â€"Baptismal Service. p.m.â€"The Pastor. Social and Personal NORTH YONGE CHURCHES SOFTBALL LEAGUE Mrs. W. Williamson of Baterbcm} C‘ARD' OF THANKS RICHMOND HILL 'N [TED CHURCH LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARM DANCE 1) uggan, Newton- Thus the Village with a population of about 1200 people was asked to celebrate such an event at a cost 01 2c. for every ch"'ld and adult. I am sure your committee sincerely hope, that the expesrtatiuns of pat- riotic citizens were met in our low. activities and that the general pnbl‘” will appreciate the efforts of the above mentioned ladies and gentle men and also many others, not named, You may be inclined to ridicule certain acts, as being not properly costumed or completed and to such, I would say that one has to cut one suit according to the cloth and when one considers the fact; that a com- mittee of over twenty-five people was organized and requested to celebrate fittingly the Jubilee of the King’s Coronation and then the committee was told by council, they might spend twentyâ€"five dollars in so doing, you will readily agree no extravagance of any kind was possible and only the bare essentials received consideration. In conclusion, I wish to make it quite clear that your citizens com- mittee spent long hours in planning and preparing the Jubilee Day Cele~ brations and it was only possible by the concentrated support of organi- zations of the village and district, who spent their own money and used their own time to develop the various units of the day’s festivities. I As general-chairman, I am very grateful for the coâ€"operation of the Girl Guide Captains, Miss Winnie Gillings and Miss Edna ,Izzard, Scout- masrters Harlow and Srigluey, Cub- masters Carter and Riley, C.G.I.T. leaders Miss\ Marjorie Cunningham and Miss Jean Smith, Mr. Walter Scott and the Public School Staff, Mr. Kew of Richvale R. 8., Miss Calder and the Public School Staff of the LJ‘B. & 0. Home, Miss Marie Brooks, Mr. J. E. Smith, Reeve J. A. Greene,‘Councillors Bill Neal, Haroldv Mills, Wesley Middleton and Alex. Little, James McLean S'l'., Mrs. P. C. Hill, Mr. Binns, Mr. W. W. A. Trench, Mr. Bert Wolfreys, Mr. P. E. Angler Mr. E. Leno, Miss Mildred Wright, Miss Vera. Davis, Chief of Police Ros- coe Casement, and the police who supervised the parade, as well as numerous other citizens. for his untiring efforts throughout the day and in securing the York Townships Girls Band and in direct- ing the Bugle Band. Mr. Butler merits probably as much cuedit as any mem- ber of our JubileeA Committee. As a fitting climax (to 1our local Jubilee Day Celebrations, I consider it-only' proper, that .an acknowledge- ment should be made of «the efforts cf the large number of patriotic citizens, who contributed in many ways to the completion of the day’s program and to whom olredit is due for any success, that the general public may attribute to the day’s activitia. Miss Smith also deserves special mention for her direction and organi- zation of the Empire Pageant, pre- sented by the C.G.I.T. The splendid co-operation of othe veterans of Vau- ghan Township and Richmond Hill re- sulted in a crenlvtable war-time pag- eant. Mr. James Butler as author of this pageant deserves our thanks and Editor, The Liberal Silt:â€" The celebrations in Richmond Hill were planned for the enjoyment of all our people in Richmond Hill and the surrounding district. In celebrat- ing the completion of the twenty-five years reign of our sovereign King George V and his .most gracious con~ sort, Queen Mary, the committee Wish- ed to have as many participate in the activities as possible and in summar- izing the events .of our Jubilee Cele- brations, it is very pleasing to note that nineteen different groups or organizations covoperated and that a total of over 650 persons, including children had an active part in the various activities. For this reason, it; is inadvisable to consider naming all those who assisted the committee, but .I will name those who assumed the most responsible duties. The parade, which consisted of over 600 children and adults reflects con- siderable credit on the Parade Com- mittee under the leadership of the parade marshal}, Mr. Robert Little. The activities of the afternoon were under the careful and attentive supervision of a special sub-commit- tee under Mr. J. Roy Herring'ton and were a credit to the afternoon pro- gram sub-committee. The evening program was arranged and supervised by a special sub-com- mittee under Miss Edna Izzard and when one considers that no rehearsal was possible, I am sure that this committee’sefforts were appreciated. Special mention is due Mr. James Stewart for his very capable leaderâ€" ship as narrator and master-of-cere- monies and also to Mrs. Crockett for her splendid .co-operation in provid- ing the May-pole Dance with her chil- dren from the L.T.B. & 0. Home. We appreciate the time, efforts and money expended by the matron, Mrs. Crockett 1n prmenting the May-pole dance and we also thank Miss Jean Smith of the High School Staff for training the children. Lst From The Peeme 5 THANKS who a‘Ssisdied in this worthy Celebra- tion. Any organizations in- industrials in- terested in conducting refreshment booths, games, etc” at Richmond Hill Fair on May 24th are asked to com- municate at once with Mr. J. Scott McNair. Fresh and Cooked Meats, Phone 117 Bakery and Grocery, Phone 77 PROMPT DELIVERY The Eievaior $35-$33 It’s the coal that people ask for â€"' It’s the coal the home owner knOWs is the best Chairman, Jubilee Day Program. Two .sH-ows Daily â€" 7.30 & 9.30 â€"â€" Sat. Matinee 2.00 pan. KEEP YOUR EYE ON Q Bros. Specials RoyalTheatre,AURORA Geo.White’s Scandals Of 1935 A Sensation Among Musical Films, And We Are Strongly Urging You Not To Miss It. EDWARD ARNOLD ‘ ‘ ’ ' KAREN MORLEY m Wednesaays Child Yours sincerely, Get our prices on Seed Corn, Mangel and Turnip Seed. Save you money. PINEAPPLE, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . PLUMS, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEARS, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARMALADE, lge. jar . . . . . . . JELLY POWDERS, 5 pkgs. for TOMATO JUICE, Aylmer, . . . . . GIVE US A TRIAL We sell blue coal because we want satisfied customers. Order your coal now. REMEMBER â€" THREE DAYS â€" MON., TUES., WED. of SUGAR, all for . . . . . MATCHES, lge. boxes, 3 for . . . CREAMERY BUTTER, per lb. CHIPSO, lge. pkg. LARGE DATE CAKES, each .............. VANILLA COOKIES, 2 doz. for ............. AYLMER PORK & BEANS, lge. 2% size tins, 3 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I/z lb. ADANAC ORANGE PEKOE TEA & 1 lb. DON FRISBY, Markham T“ p. Dog Owners FAIR CONCESSIONS Richmond Hill TOM KEENE Notice is hereby given that all persons owning or harboring Dogs must pay the required DOG TAX to the ASSESSOR on or before May 15th, 1935. Parties failing to do so Will be liable to a Summons after the above mentioned date. “ROBERTA” TWO FEATURE ATTRACTIONS Coal will cost us 40¢. per ton more June 1. TO-DAY â€" THURSDAY, MAY 9th JIMMIE DUNN â€" ALICE FAYE i The lowest prices for good many years. FRED ASTAIRE â€" GINGER ROGERS IRENE DUNN FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 10-11 MON” TUES., WED., MAY 13-14-15 NOTICE â€"and-â€"-â€" “Saddle Buster” By order of Council, RICHMOND HILL 3rd Sunday After Easter May 12th 8 sumâ€"Holy Communion. 10 armâ€"Sunday School. 11 am.â€"Morning Prayer. Preacher, Rev. R. A. Hiltz, DD. 7 pm.â€"Evening Prayer. Preacher, Rev. T. H. Blodgett, BA Monday, May 13thâ€" 8 p.m.â€"W. A. Chain Tea at Rectory. CHAS. HOOVER, Clerk. ORDER PAGE FIVE in . 25c. & 10c. 22c. 26c. 19:. 10c: 25c. 25c- 25c.

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