Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Sep 1935, p. 1

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Pollard, 2 min. 48.4 sec. High Jumpâ€"B. Wallace, J. Mizen, B Pole Vaultâ€"B. Carr, D. Mills, W‘ Archibald, 114’ 3" Championâ€"Bill Pollard (by rever- sion), Runner-upâ€"Stewart Rumble. Junior Boys Standing Broad Jumpâ€"J. Mizen, B. Carr, G. Pollard, 7’ 7” Running Broad Jumpâ€"B. Carr, G. Pollard, J. Mizen, 15’ 4” Hop, Step and Jumpâ€"B. Carr, G. Pollard, J. Mizen, 30' 11” 100 Yd. Dash~â€"G. Pollard, B. Carr, J. Mizen. 220 Yd. Dashâ€"G. Pollard, J. Mizen, B. Carr, 28.2 sec. . ‘ 440 Yd. Dashâ€"B. Carr, G. Pollard, J.‘ Mizen, 1 min. 8.2 see. I 175 Mile Runâ€"B. Carr, J. Mizen, G. Rumble, 8’ Shot Putâ€"S. Rumble, J. Ley, T. Archibald. Discus Throwâ€"J. Ley, S. Rumble, T. Senior Boys Standing Broad Jumpâ€"J. Ley, M. Sawchuck, S. Rumble, 8’ 41/2” Running Broad Jumpâ€"J. Ley, M. Ooper, Bill Pollard, 16’ 2” Hop, Step and Jumpâ€"J. Ley, S. Rumble, M. Cooper, 35’ 11” 100 Yd. Dashâ€"B. Pollard, J. Ley, M. Cooper. 220 Yd. Dashâ€"B. Pollard, J. Ley, M. Cooper. 440 Yd. Dashâ€"B. Pollard, J. Ley, M. Cooper, 1 min. 3.4 sec. Mile Runâ€"J. Webb, B. Pollard, M. Sawchuck, 5.35. High Jumpâ€"B. Pollard, J. Ley, D. Patrick, 5’ 1%” Pole Vaultâ€"J. Ley, B. Pollard, S. The results of yesterday’s evenrts are as follows For the second successive year, Jim Ley and Isobel Ainslie collected the most points‘in their divisions, senior boys and junior girls respectively, but since one individual can hold a cham- pionship only once, the honors revert to their closest rivals. Richmond Hill High School Field Day was held yesterday on the school campus under the best weather con- ditions in its history. Keen: competition featured: evqry event, and the citizens who turned out to see the local athletes go through their paces, were rewarded by a splendid display of track and field athletics. Those who could not at- tend will get another chance to see them in action next Wednesday at Aurora, where the winners of first and second places in each event will compete in the North York Inter- school Field Day. Annual High School Field Day Held in Ideal Weather J. LEY AND I. AINSLEE REPEAT 1934 VICTORIES‘ COMPETITION WAS KEEN JUVENILE O. A. L. A. PLAY-OFF RODEN A. C., Toronto vs. RICHMOND HILL VOL. LVI. LACROSSE AT ARENA TO-NIGHT EDMOND LOWE in WILLIAM POWELL LOUISE RAINER CAPITOL HOORAY FOR LOVE GOING ON TWO â€"- QUINTUPLETS MICKEYS GARDEN 1 “YORK COUNTY’S NBWSYEST NEWSPAPER” MONDAY & TUESDAY, SEPT. 30, OCT. 1 RICHARD ARLEN in “ Let Them Have It ’7: REVIVAL FRIDAY AT 10.45 BING CROSBY in “SHE LOVES ME NOT” WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, OCT. 2-3 RANDOLPH SCOTT PARKING FOR 200 CARS THUR, FRI., SAT., SEPT. 26-27-28 GENE RAYMOND in BLACK SHEEP i â€"andâ€"â€" ESCAPADE Running Broad Jumpâ€"Isobel Rumble Audrey Stephens, Dorothy Donald Standing Broad Jumpâ€"Audrey Ste- phens, Dorothy Donald, Grace Dewsbury. Senior Girls Standing Broad Jump â€"â€" Beatrice Rumble, Ruth Angle, Marian Michell Running Broad Jump â€"â€" Beatrice Rumble, Ruth Angle, Jean Park High Jumpâ€"Beatrice Rumble, Helen l Burnett, Jean Park I100 Yd. Dashâ€"Beatrice Rumble, Ruth Angle, Jean Park. ’Basketball Throw~Shirley Hill, Mary, Proctor, Madeleine Rumble Baseball Throwâ€"Eloise Perkins, Bea- } trice Rumble, Jean Park. Championâ€"Beatrice Rumble, Runner- upâ€"â€"Ruth Angle. Junior Girls Standing Broad Jumpâ€"Jean Robina son, Isabel Ainslie, Ethel White Running Broad J ump4 ean Robinson, Isabel Ainslie, Nancy McKenzie Running High Jumpâ€"Isabel Ainslie, Jean Robinson, Dorothy Grinyer. Baseball Throwâ€"Doreen Johnson, Lillian Mucklewee, Nancy Mc- Kenzie. 75 Yd. Dashâ€"Isabel Ainslie, Audrey Smith, Jane Vanderburgh 50 Yd. Dashâ€"Ethel White, Jean Robinson, Nancy McKenzie. Basketball Skillâ€"Ethel White, Isabel Ainslie, Jean Robinson and Mary Paterson Championâ€"Jean Robinson (by rever- sion), Runner-upâ€"Ethel White. Juvenile Girls Lunau, 3’ 10” Pole Vaultâ€"R. Lunau, S. Hunt, 6'10" Half Mileâ€"J. Morris, R. Lunau, J. Wat ins, 4 min. 51.8 sec. Champ (inâ€"Joe Morris, Runner-upâ€"â€" Jack Watkins. Juvenile Boys Standing Broad Jumpâ€"J. Morris, J. Watkins, S. Hunt, 7’ 2%” Running Broad Jumpâ€"J. Morris, J. Watkins, S. Hunt, 13’ 8” Hop, Step and Jumpâ€"S. Hunt, J. Morris, R. Lunau, 29’ 2” 100 Yd. Dashâ€"J. Morris, J. Watkins, R. Lunau, 12.8 sec. 220 Yd. Dashâ€"J. Morris, J. Watkins, R. Lunau, 30.8 sec. 440 Yd. Dashâ€"J. Morris, R. Lunau, J. Watkins, 1 min. 13 sec. High Jumpâ€"J. Watkins, S. Hunt, R. Beresford, 7’ 4” Shot Putâ€"B. Carr, J. M'lzen, D. Hughes. Discus Throwâ€"4. Mizen, H. Jones, D. Hughes, 95’ Championâ€"Bill Carr, Runner-upâ€" Jim Mizen. in H SHE” THEATRE NEWS RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th, 1935 Dorothy Donald, Dorothy Edén Championâ€"Audrey Stephens, Runner- upâ€"Domthy Donald. Everywhere throughout the great extent of North York, whether in the southern section near the city or in the northern area around Sutton, the 50 Yd. Dashâ€"Jean Hicks, Isobel Rumble, Dorothy Donald. Basketball Skillâ€"Auflrey Stephens, Running High Jumpâ€"Dorothy Don- ald, Audrey Stephens, Beatrice Ainslie. Mulock committee rooms have been opened in North York Township, in Aurora and Newmarket, and the can- didate assisted by willing workers is conducting an aggressive and ener- getic campaign. A number of public lmeetings have been held in the riding since the great nomination meeting held in Richmond Hill a few weeks ago land before voting the candidate will have visited every community. The big meeting of this week was the one at Aurora on Tuesday night when Nova Scotia’s premier along with Mr. Mulock addressed a capacity; audience. This afternoon a Women’s Rally will be held in Newmarket when the speakers will be the can- ’didate and Mr. J. B. Culnan K.C. of [Toronto. A feature of the New- lmarket meeting will be the singing lfor the first» time of a campaign song the words and music of which have ;been composed by Mrs. Edith K. Smith of Newmarket. The song will ‘be sung by Mrs. Smith herself at the meeting. Another Women’s Rally ‘yhas been arranged for Aurora on the afternoon of Oct. 7th, when the can- didate and Mrs. Daniel Strachan of Toronto will be the speakers. To- night Mr. Mulock speaks {at Pine Ridge and Grandview in North York Township. Next Monday night meet ings will be held at Vandorf and. H01- land Landing and Tuesday night at Mount Albert and Queensville. Hon. Harry C. Nixon will speak along with the candidate and Morgan Baker M.L. A. Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, Mr. Mulock will speak along with Goldie Fleming candidate in East York and W. H. Moore of South Ontario at Stouff- ville and a meeting also will be held in North York Township. Bill Mulock, the Liberal candidate in North York, in visiting all pants of the riding this week has received an enthusiastic reception from the electors and the swing to Mulock is more noticeable every day. It was: just a year ago on Monday last that Mr. Mulock was elected in the by- election here with a majority of near- ly four thousand votes and with the largest vote ever accorded a candi- date of any party in this constituency. Present indications are, his vote on Monday, Oct. 14th, will be larger than a year ago, and his majority much increased. ' The wonderful reception and as- surance of support which Bill Mulock is receiving is due not only to the demand of the people for a change from the ruinous Bennett policies but is also due to his own personal popu- larity. Bill Mulock's popularity is not confined to the limits of any party, and hundreds and hundreds of electors who formerly were associat- ed with other parties this time are solidly supporting his candidature. The Liberal candidate possesses to a marked degree those qualities of heart and mind which are so necesâ€" sary for real accomplishment in pub- lic life. Above all else he is honest and sincere. He has proven himself an able representative of'the people and already has commanded the at- tention and respect of the Nation and proven a worthy representative for this historic riding. If again elected' on Oct. 14th, as he will be, he will add further honor to a name already revered in the hearts of the people of Canada and reflect credit on the peo- ple of this riding who send him to Ottawa. BILL MULOCK WINS SUPPORT IN ALL PARTS OF NORTH YORK Candidate’s Popularity Knows No Party Boundsâ€"Will Have Another Big Majority on October Nthâ€"Electors Will Not Take Chance on Another Five Years Like Last Fiveâ€"Premier of Nova Scotia Spoke At Aurora Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity” Criticizing the record of the Ben- nett administration Mr. Mulock de- clared that Hon. H. H. Stevens as [Minister of Trade and Commerce in 'Bennett‘s cabinet for over four years ,was one of the present Prime Minis- ter’s chief advisers and must take his share of the responsibility for those economic policies which have caused poverty and despair throughâ€" Iout our land. Only a year ago Mr. Stevens spoke in North York defending the very policies of his then leader Mr. Bennett which he now condemns. The sky-high tariffs of Bennett and Stevens, he said, had ruined our markets, created monopolies which led to exploitation, cut our trade in half, added eight hundred and twelve millions of dollars to our public debt which means an additional debt of $80.00 for every man, woman and child in Canada. Five years of Ben- nett-Stevens administration in Canada have seen the standard of living of our people steadily driven downwards, we have had poverty and distress, fear, insecurity and actual want. These [conditions cannot go on, he declared amid the cheers of his audience. In: ‘the face of all this under Mr. Ben- nett and Mr. Stevens administration one tax was piled on another. We saw a vicious tax placed on sugar one of the necessities in every house- hold. I protested against this tax in the last by-election, I protested against it in the House of Commons, I protest against it now, and I will fight against it in the next Parlia- ment if you elect me because I be- livese it to be a most unfair and un- just tax because it bears most heavily on the man with the large family. I can tell you now, said‘ Mr. Mulock, that if a Liberal government is elected the tax on sugar will be abolished. Ruined markets, loss of business, increased unemployment have all been the result of Bennett’s economic policies and if the people want another five years like the last five they are certainly bears for punishment, said the candidate. Ac- cording to Mr. Bennett’s own figures there were 117,000 unemployed when he took office in 1930, said Mr. Mulock. To-day, after five years of Bennettâ€"Stevens policies, there lare 500,000 unemployed, 250,000 heads of families and 250,000 young men and women who have been deprived of a decent chance to make good in life. Premier Macdonald The youthful premier of Nova Scotia made a splendid impression in North York. He discussed the issues of the campaign in a clear cut and (Continued on page 4) reports are the same on the coming vote in North York. “Sure, Bill Mulock is going to get my vote,” is the almost unanimous answer to any query about the election. At Aurora Bill Mulock, the Liberal candidate in North York, received an enthus- iastic welcome and reception at a crowded meeting in Aurora Tuesday night when along with Hon. Angus l’L. MacDonald, Premier of Nova Scotia and Morgan Baker M.L.A. he address-ed the electors. Mrs. Lewis of Sturgeon Falls is visiting her niece Mrs. Frank Line. Mrs. Roland Keffer, Mrs. Roy Kef- fer and Mrs. E. Hu‘energard of Zion Lutheran Church attended the annual Convention of the Women’s Mission- ary Society of the Lutheran Synod of Canada held at Kitchener this week. Mrs. Harold Simmons and her little son Arthur of Sault Ste. Marie, have returned to their home after spending three weeks with‘friends here. Mrs. M. Pugsley of Toronto visited her friend Mrs. J. A. Rosé on Tues- day of last; week. a number of schools took part in the competitioris; .Many of the pupils from Maple and Hope schools won prizes, Miss Isabel Orr of Hope tak- ing fourth prize and Tom Mortson taking 2nd prize in the oratorical contest. A large crowd attended the school fair at Vellore last; week when quite Mr. and Mrs. G. Palmer of Deser- onto and Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe of Napanee visited over Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crook. Mr. H. C. Bailey and Mr. G. Crooks left on Sunday for Lake Sesekenjka in Northern Ontario where they will spend the week fishing, On Sunday night Gordon, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster, passed away suddenly after a short illness, the internment taking place in Woodbridge Cemetery on Tues day afternoon. The parents, brothers and sisters have the Sympathy of all in their bereavement. The Rally Day service held in the United Church on Sunday was very interesting, Rev. E. Pugsley of Thorn- hill being the guest apeaker. A successful sale of Home Baking was held in H. C. Bailey’s store on Saturday by the ladies of the choir of the United Church. A home baking sale will be held in Mr. C. Robeson’s store on Saturday, Oct. 5th, by the members of the Wom- en’s Institute. Men Without Names BEDFORD THEATRE WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, OCT. 2-3 FRED MACMURRAY AN ALL STAR â€" IN â€" ENGLISH CAST groadway Gondoliers MAPLE Sewe the Best Tea "Home of High Class Entertainment” Yonge at Glenforest, HUdson 5437 Matinees 2 p.m., Evenings 7 & 9 o’clock FRIDAY & SATURDAY, SEPT. 27-28 DICK POWELL & RUBY KE’ELER POPEYE in “HYPâ€"NUTâ€"TIST” â€" PARAMOUNT NEWS â€" â€" NOVELTY â€" | On Thursday of last week Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jackson, Miss M. Shunk, Miss M. Line and Mrs. M. Allan motor red to Almira and visited at the home of Dr. LeRoy and Mrs. Wagner. Wed’y, Oct. 2nd An insurance agent friend of ours has this fine motto on his desk: “Al- ways be in a prospect’s office, or on the way there.” Hello Everybody A meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held Wednesday Oct. 2nd, in the School Room of the United Church, at 8 p.m. An address will be given by Rev. F. B. Allnutt B.D., district secretary of the organ- ization, on the subject “The Romance of the Bible in Burma,” illustrated by very beautiful colored lantern slides. Musical numbers will be emiâ€" tributed by Miss E. Barker and Mr. W. L. Glass. At the close of the meeting there will be a social period and light refreshments will be served. Everyone interested in the splendid work of this organization is cordially invited to attend. Drake olEngland Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE sponsored by the Vaughan Workers Social Club WALLY RAY AND HIS ROYAL ARCADIAN ORCHESTRA are back with us for the 8 p.m. sharp Good prizes for Euchre and Refreshments GRAND OPENING EUCHRE & DANCE BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING Admission 25c. and Tax RICHVALE SCHOOL _1N_ No. 13

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