Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Dec 1935, p. 8

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5 PHILCO and VECTOR RADIOS % § PHONE 18 HARDWARE WE DELIVER’fi wngzaW2§z§2m£§WW We Invite You to come and inspect our varied selection of useful gifts PHONE 10 F .Y.W. PAGE EIGHT Glassware, Silverware 'ancy China, Electrical Devices '.C.M. Skates, Sporting Goods. STRONGLY MADE CANADIAN TOYS AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL COME AND SEE NEW MODELS NOW IN STOCK FURNACE BLOWERS â€" WASHING MACHINES. ETC. -- TOYS -- BRATHWAITE Santa Claus will visit Davies Dry Gdods Stove, Richmond Hill, soon. See advertisement in this issue. Mr. Leonard Millard spent Mondiy’ and Tuesday at his home, Oak Ave. Miss Jean Ellard spent the week- end at her home in Toronto. The Public School annual Christ- mas concert will be held December 20th. Reserve the date. Admission free. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cluhine and Mr. and Mrs. \Villiams of Tfislmy visited last week with Mrs. J. Wells. Election of officers took nlat‘e at, a well attended meeting of the W.M. S. of the United Church on Tuesday afternoon. with Mrs. A. Thompson hresiding during‘ election. The fol- lowing- officers were chosen for 1926: President. Mrs. W'. .T. Wesley: 1st Viceâ€"president. Mrs. N. L. Morton; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. E. E. Pugs- ley; Recording Secretary. Mrs. C. P. Johns: Treasurer. Mrs-N. J. Smellin: Corresponding- Secre‘rarv. Mrs. R. Simnson: Literature Secretary. Mrs. J. Davidson: Temperance Secretary, Mrs. C. Snrencer: Sunnly Secretary, Mrs. J. L. Davis' Missionary Month- lv Secretary, Mrs. M. Mclvean: Strangers Secretary. Mrs. J. Wells: Press Secretary, Mrs. N. J. Smellie; Pianist. Miss A. Bovle. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute will he held on Thursday, Dec. 12th. a" the home of Mrs. W. Riddell. at 230 om. The hostesses will he Mrs. 7. Fisher, Mrs. S. Findlav. Mrs. Ecl‘din and.Mrs. Heslop. The women of the commun- ity are cordially invited to attend. (‘ecil Clarke Gets Pilots License Congratulhtions and the best of wood wishes are extended to ('ecil Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert mark and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cummer, John St.. Thornhill, on receivingr his pilots license from the Toronto Flying Club. Cecil. who is seventeen years old. began training last June and is the youngest licensed nilot of the Club. He is now training for his oas-sengers license, taking~ solar flights for varied lengths of time. Last. week he flew over this district and gave a flying exhibition to his narents at German Mills. This vouthful pilot is a student at Earl Haig' College and won the gold medal for nublic sneaking. His friends and school chums Wish him real success in his new venture. The Library Membership Canvass is progressing favorably and quite a number of books that had been for- lgotten about because of the months the library was closed, are being turned in for circulation. There will be a service of special linterest in the United Church, Sun- dav evening next (Dec. 8th), at 7 o’clock. Dr. A. E. Armstrong. for several years a Missionary in India. will present a very fine set of Colored Ladtelrn Slides on that entrancing country. A successful sale of work and sup- per was held by the W.A. of the United Church last Saturday after- noon. in the Sunday School rooms. which were prettily decorated with colored crepe paper and Christmas lights. It was officially opened at 4 o’clock by Mrs. S. Bone of To- ronto. a former and one of the oldest members of the association. Follow- idq her address, Marzataet Martin presented Mrs. Bone with a beautiful corsag'e bouquet. The booths were well patronized and over one hundred sat down to supper. The regular monthly meeting of the WA. of the United Church will be held on Wednesday. Dec. 11th, at 3 o’clock in the Sunday School room. Election of officers will take place The Women’s Association met for their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Smith, Stop 23 Yonge Street, when a very successful meeting was held. After the business a social half hour was spent and refreshments served. Owing to the date of the next regular meeting being- Christmas Day it was decided to hold the De- cember meeting- on the second Wedâ€" nesday in January which will be Jan. 8th, 1936, and will be held at the home of Mrs. Rowden, Carrville Rd. Friends of Mrs. Huestis will be pleased to hear she is better again following a heart attack last week. Sunday School met at the usual hour of 2.30 p.m. last Sunday with a very good attendance of scholars and two new scholars enrolled. Church Service was held at 3.30 p. m. with Mr. A. Rapson in charge who preached an excellent sermon from the text Matthew Chap. 11, Verse 28, “Come unto Me, all ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Church Service at 3.30 p.m. with Mr. Rapson in charge. Also Sunday School will be held next Sunday at 2.30 p.m. Through the generosity of the De- nartment of Education (Public Li- braries Branch) thirty-five books have been added to the Juvenile Sec- tion of the Thornhill_P1_1blic Library, and are now in cilfcqlation. A varied program has been ar- ranged and a Special feature of the evening will be an interesting address on the work of The Chugch of All fiétivgfisgv'li‘éi-britio. by the Superinten- dent, Rev. J. I. Mackay. ilThe Young Ladies Class of the Thornhill United Church have ar- ranged for a very enjoyable Social "vvening on Thursday (to-night). Wee. 5th, at 8 o’clock, in the School oom of the Church. - AAULti" AILLA. RICHVALE lting'. Rev. E. E. Pugsley 'I‘FTF‘. IJRERAL. RTCHMOND HILL. ONTARIO GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rutherford and Laurena attended the Mackesy-Craise wedding at Grace United Church, Niagara-on-the-Lake, last Saturday. On Sunday they motored to Simcoe to visit Mrs. (Rev.) P. Nichols and fam- ily. formerly of Unionville and Bolton. Mr.“ and Mrs. Roy McDonald at- tended the sale of farm stock and im- plements of the latters father, Mr. Maston of Newmarkkt, who is serious- ly ill. W All roads lead to Vellor-e on Tues- day night, Dec. 17th, to hear the pupils and ex-pupils annual Christmas concert. Keep in mind the regular meeting of the Vellore Junior Farmers and Farm Girls Club on Tuesday evening, Dec. 10th. A good program is being arranged. Miss Mary Constable left on Sat- urday to join a group of Winners from their respective counties for an organized trip to Chicago. Fred motored with Mariv to London where he will spend the week visiting friends. Miss Lorraine Davidson of Thornâ€" hill is assisting Mr. J. B. McLean, with clerical work in his office. Keep in mind the sale of useful and fancy articles and the supper in St. Stephen’s Parish Hall on Saturday of this week. Bazaar will be opened and chicken supper served at 5 p.m.| A kox social was held on Monday night by the Young People’s Society and a very pleasant evening was ' Mr. Herb Joslin, who has lived in the neighborhood for a number of years, has moved to the ninth linea Albert Rutherford, Norman Bagg- and Clarence Graham attended the banquet given by the Kiwanis Club of Toronto to club members of York and _Ontario Counties at the Royal York Hotel on Wednesday, and later attended the Royal Winter Fair. spent. The regular monthly meeting of the Maple Women’s Institute is to be held at the home of Mrs. Parnel White on Tuesday, Dec. 10th, at 2.30 pm. Please notice the change of p.m. date Mr. A. J. Dawson has butcher business and Mr of Toronto has started place: W. C. Thompson of Pickering will address the meeting and Goldie Fleming will be in atten- iance. Max Reesor, President ‘A canvas is being made of the vilâ€" lage in the interests of the Canada Bible Society. The Young- People’s Guild‘ of St. Paul’s and St. Andrew’s Church met at St. Paul’s on Sunday evening. Mr. Bob Manning, Devotional Convenor, was in charge of an excellent pro- gram. Miss Isobel Oliver of Maple was the guest speaker and gave a verv interesting talk. Annual meetingr of the Mark- ham Township Liberal Associaâ€" tion, to be held in the Township Hall on Tuesday evening, Dec. 10th, commencing at 8.30 pm. Large attendance appreciated as important business will include election of officers for 1936 and reports of last year’s activities. The Vellore Euchre Club met on Mondav evening‘ with thirteen tables of euchre. The prizes of the evening were won by Miss Sarah Mathewson, Mr. W. Crane, Mrs. Bates and consola- tion. Mrs. N. Kerr. The winners for the men were Mr. Bert Peeler, Mr. Wm. Bates, Mr. Frank Foster and consolation “Butch.” Prize winners for the freeze-out were, for the ladies. Miss Jean McKinnon and Mrs. Crane, and the gentlemen. Mr. Pete Craib and Mr. Turner. Owing to the Vellore Xmas concert. the euchre club will meet the Friday night be- fore Den 13th. On Wednesday of last week, a num- ber of members of the Women’s Mis- sionary Society attended the fortieth anniversary of King City Society and spent a pleasant afternoon with the members of several other societies. Several from here attended the mis- sionary conference and supper in Thornhill United Church last Thurs- day, and heard addresses on Work in China from Rev. Dr. Arm-strong and Rev. W. Mitchell who are home on furlough. The concert by the Carolina Jubilee Singers in the United Church on Sat- urday evening was well attended and a splendid program given. All of the artists were received well and every number was heartily encored. The group sang three selections at the service in the church on Sunday morning, and Miss Price, the pianist, Whose parents are missionaries in Liberia, Africa, gave a very interest- ing- address on Missio‘n work in that country. Wm. Champion, Sec.-Treas. ANNUAL MEETING VELL-ORE 13111 1' Lil: given up the Wm. Brown work in his Woodbridge Young People Visit EDGELEY A return visit of the Y.P.S. of Woodbridge United Church was made to the Edgeley Young People on iThursday night of last week when following an address of welcome to ‘the visitors by Charles Agnew, Pres- ident of the Edgeley Y.P.S., Don Mc- ICallum, President of the Woodbridge lgroup, took the chair and was in lcharge of the program contributed by the visitors and included vocal numbers and readings by Misses Mary McLean, Marie Allen, Mary Bagg, Bertha Whitmore, Laura Neal, Agnes McCallum, Bessie NattreSS and Thelma Shore. ‘ Temperance Address Was Feature , Orf Y.P.S. Meeting 1 Miss Thelma Shore, Assistant Fel- lowship Convener, was in charge of the United Church Young People’s meeting when they assembled in the Sunday School on Monday night. Fol- lowing prayer by Bert Smithson and Scripture reading by Ross Cameron with explanation of Scripture by Miss Jean Hostrawser, a program was pre- sented that included a quartette num- ber by Misses Thelma Shore, Mary McLean, Messrs. Everett Kellam and Bert Shore. A poem entitled “Cour- age” by Miss Bessie Nattress, a piano solo by Miss Marie Allen, and a fea- ture item on Temperance based on the topic “Living in the Upper Story” by Mrs. W. E. Berry. St. Andrew Subject of Address at Christ Church Saturday, Nov. 30th, being St. An- drew’s Day, Rev. J. H. Kidd, Rector of Christ Church, made Scotland’s Travelogue The feature of Christ Church Young People’s meeting on Monday night of this week was the Travel- ogue presented by Miss Avis Poole together with views of scenes col- lected when making a tour of Eng- land in July last. Incidently it may be mentioned that Miss Poole won. the right to the trip by winning a. small town competition subscription contest staged by a Toronto Daily Newspaper. The meeting was in charge of the President of the A.Y. P.A., Wilfrid Maxey, who operated the lantern and was assisted by Miss Mary Maxey. A cast selected from the members of the Young People’s Association have in preparation the comedy “Mrs. Temples Telegram” and will produce it on. a date in December to be an- nounced later. The verdict arrived at by the in- quest jury held in Dufferin Hall, Patron Saint the subject of his ad- dress at the morning service on Sunâ€" day when Corporate Communion was administered, the service being chief- ly in the interest of the Afternoon and Evening- Branches of the Wom- en’s Auxiliary. A fitting program of music with Miss Queenie Dumble- ton at the organ. Christ Church Young People Enjoy fl 2514 Yonge St. N. Toronto E 0E0=O=OJ Wm. NEAL The Stork Shoppe Dolls dressed in hand-knit suits â€" $1.75 & $1.98 Other Dolls from .25 up It is going to be hard to buy a “Shirley” in Toronto by Christmas as the manufacturers say the demand is greater than they can supply. We have a large assortment now in stock, so choose yours this week. A small deposit will hold WUUUBRIDGE DISTRICT NEWS Shirley Temple with lovely real curls, V $2.98, $3.98, $4.98, $6.98 RICHMOND HILL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1935 Mrs. McCluskey and Miss Elma) McCluskey of Toronto made a short visit to Teston on Saturday evening. The Women’s Auxiliary of Christ Church Woodbridge held their annual Supper and Bazaar at the residence of Misses Bessie and Mary Wallace which was a splendid success. All the booths which were filled with the various supplies were soon patronized and purchased by the many buyers. A large sum was added to the treas- ury. Ladies in the different booths were; in the fancy and useful articles Mrs. T. Cole and Mrs. Lulu Willis; aprons, quilts and smocks, Mrs. Fred Stark and Mrs. Earl Ring; baking, candy and flowers, Mrs. J. Robb, Mrs S. Stratford; tea room, Miss Olive Wallace, Mrs. Alf. Thompson, Mrs. Ross Livingstone, Mrs. Murray In- gram, Mrs. S. J. Howl. Misses Olive Weatherill, Evelyn Brown, Annie Kersey, Irene Maxey. Others in charge were Mrs. J. H. Kidd, Mrs. Y. W. Hicks, Mrs. H. N. Smith, Miss Bessie Wallace, Mrs. A. Weatherill, Mrs. H. Marston, Mrs. Fred Elliston, Mrs. W. Rymill, Mrs. G. H. Maxey, Mrs. J. Uppington, Mrs. S. C‘owdry, Miss Violet Watts, Miss Mary Maxey, Miss Mary Wallace, Rev. J. H. Kidd, Rector. Frank Robson was in charge of the Y.P.S. meeting on Sunday evening. There was a splendid attendance to hear the guest speaker, Mrs. Dr. Berry of Woodbridge. Her subject was “Living in the Top Story,” 8. temperance theme with illustrations. The speaker had intended to bring slides but as these were not avail- able charts were used. She stressed the necessity of the young people be- ing protected from the vice of the beverage room and showed the effect of alcohol on brainâ€"the top story. Mrs. Berry is a convincing speaker and her address should have been heard throughout the province. Many favorable comments were made on this address. Misses Robson sang a duet. Miss Margaret Oliver was home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robeson and Miss Hatwood of Maple were visitors at Young People’s Society on Sunday evening. There are signs of Christmas activities in the schools where pro- grams for the season are being pre- pared. Mrs. A. Duncan and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mar- wood on Sunday. Weston, with Coroner H. Charlton and assistant county crown attorney Frank Moore representing the Crown was that little Eddie Timmerman, 12 year old Humber Summit boy, was killed on the Woodbridgeâ€"Weston Rd. as a result of excessive speed by W. A. Homick when driving his car. Mr. Homick is charged with man slaugh- ter. Every Girl Wants a Doll for Christmas TESTON °=O=Ofle L â€" $1.00 $1.75&$1.98 $1.98 up 1.98 up

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