The regular meeting- of St. An- drew’s W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. H. Jackson on Wednesday, Dec. 4th. with the President, Mrs A. C. Robinson, presiding. After the Devotional service, a short program was given. A Christmas Festival Service under the auspices of the Sunday School will be held at Zion Lutheran Church on Christmas Eve. Dec. 24th, at 7.30 o’clock, when a program of Christo- centris song, pantomime and choral singing will mark the worship. The chief feature of the program is a Christmas Pageant entitled “Bethleâ€" hem†in which the proficies of the old Testament pointing- to the Coming of Christ will be presented. All are cordially invited to this Festival service Mrs. J. Mathewson has disposed of her farm to Mr. A. Bowes of Concord, who will take possession in the Spring The annual meeting for the election ‘Of officers was held by the Women’s Association of Hope last Thursday evening. The president-elected was Mrs. W. Orr who takes the place of Mrs. T. 0. Nixon, who had filled that position for seven years. A splendid hot dinner was served to the mem- ‘bers and their husbands ’by a com- mittee of "ladies. 'The pulpit of the United Church was occupied on Sunday evening by Rev. Mr. ’Woodsworth, a missionary $th is home on furlough from Japan. Mr. Noah Hoiles was struck by an automobile while crossing Avenue Road one day last week. He received serious injuries, a broken limb, and several ribs splintered besides other The Sabbath Schools of St. An- drew’s, the United Church and the pupils of the Public School are prac- tising for a union concert to be held in the Community Hall, on Friday evening, Dec. 20th. The annual concert of the pupils and ex-pupils of Hope Public School will be held in the Masonic Hall on Wednesday evening, Dec. 18th. The dance given by the Maple Girls baseball team on Friday evening was well attended. Congratulations and many Happy Returns to Mr. Thos. H. Keys who celebrated his eightieth birthday on Wednesday of last week. The Mason- is Grand Lodge presented Mr. Kevs on Tuesday evening with a Gold Medal, he having‘been a member for 59 years. A splendid Chicken Supper was served, and a Bazaar held by the Women’s Auxiliary of St. Stephen’s Church on Saturday evening. A large crowd Was present. Mrs. R. K. Lambert of Homing’s Mills is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bailey’s. serious several injuries. Mrs. C. H. Snider read gleaning's CAPITO CICELY COURTNEIDGE Hands Across the Table “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†JOHN BOLES in anderer ofthe Wastelands SPENCER TRACY in MONTE CHRISTO PAUL MUNI in CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT. 1.30 TO 11.30 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, DEC. 18-19 MAPLE THE NORTH TORONTO COLLEGIATE I {Yonge at Castlefield ‘l ‘I‘ U M0. 2172 CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY 1.30 TO 11.30 PARKING FOR 200 CARS MATINEE ONLY FRIDAY AFTERNOON AT 3.30 P.M. SPECIAL SHOWING OF FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DEC. 13-14 CAROLE LOMBARD in MONDAY & TUESDAY, DEC. 16-17 BASEBALL TECHNIQUE Under The Auspices of in “Dr. Socrates †â€" â€" AND _ _ ZANE GREYS Yin DANTE’S INFERNO â€"â€"-â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" REDHEADS 0N PARADEE -ANDâ€"-â€"-â€" 9 THINGS are LOOKING UP NEWS Mr. J. Scott McNair of Vaughan Township, a viceâ€"president of the York County Children’s Aid Society, has received a donation from the Vellore Branch of the Women’s Institute to assist in giving Christmas cheer to the children in the care of the So- ciety. Mr. McNair stated to The Li- beral that these donations from in- dividuals and organizations interest- ed in the work of the Society was very greatly appreciated by the organiza- tion. from the book “Streams of the Des- ert,†and Miss Walkington on “West- ern Relief." This closed this part of the meeting, and the election of of- ficers for 1936 were as follows: President, Mrs. A. Cairns; lst Vice- President, Mrs. N. Malloy; 2nd Vice- President, Mrs. C. H. Snider; Secre- tary, Mrs. Geo. Matheson; Treasurer and Finance, Mrs. R. McNaughton; Supply, Mrs. H. Jackson; Assistant, Mrs. A. C. Robinson; Glad Tidings, Mrs. Geo. Jarrett; Library and Liter- ature, Mrs. M. McDonald; Home Helpers, Mrs. A. C. Robinson; Press, Miss Agnes McLean; Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. J. Phillips; Home Ser- vice, Miss Robinson and Mrs. A. Rumble; Mission Band, Mrs. C. H. Bowman; Assistant, Jean Ingram; Current Events, Miss Walkington; Organist, Agnes McLean; Assistant, Mrs. J. B. McLean; Program, Mrs. Cairns, Mrs. C. H. Bowman, Miss Walkington, Mrs. Geo. Matheson, Mrs. M. McDonald. At the annual meeting of the Ladies Aid of Zion Lutheran Church the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Roland Keffer; Vice- President, Mrs. Lawrence Keffer; Secretary, Mrs. T. A. Keffer; Treas- urer, Mrs. Charles Line. The meeting closed with prayer, after which Mrs. H. Jackson and the committee served refreshments. VELLORE \V.I. CONTRIBUTE TO ‘ CHILDREN’S AID m _ é Ema/“mm RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1935 “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity†At the regular meeting of the United Church Y.P.S. the following officers were elected for the coming year: Hon. President, Rev. C. W. Follett; Past President, Margaret Plowman; President, John McLean; lst Vice-President, Fred Urban; 2nd Vice-President, Madge Sayers; 3rd Vice-President, Mac Cooper; 4th Vice- President, Lillian Anderson; Social Com., Blanche Dewsbury, Mrs. C. Harding; Recreation, Lewis Sims; Secretary, Bill Shurman; Treasurer, Dick Shurman; Piano, Phyllis Glass; Welcoming Co., Isobel] Lynett; Aud- itors, Harry Sayers, Anne Lindsay. Next Monday, Dec. 16th, Mrs. Hume will be the speaker. Everybody welcome. Officers elected for the coming year are as follows: Hon. President, A. J. H. Eckhardt, Toronto; Pres- ident, Alf. Baggs, Edgeley; 1st Vice- President. Norman McMurchy, King; 2nd Vice-President, Boynton Weld- rick, Thornhill; Treasurer, A. B. Wells King; Secretary, H. E. Ross, R.R. No. 2 King; Hon. Directors, P. L. Why- tock, J. D. Patterson, J. T. Saigeon, Aemih'us Jarvis, R. Richardson, Hon. E. J. Davis; Directors, Walter Bovair, Harvey Usher, Chalmer Black, J. A. Greene, C. E. Walkington, E. M. Legge, Sam McClure, J. Hawstrawser, Walter Woods, S. Hawman, Geo. Kellam, John Lawson, J. W. McCal- lum, Robt. Watson, Boynton Weldrick, J. R. Wilson, Stanley Tyndall, Geo. Brownlee, W. O. McDonald, Thomas MacMurchy, Alex. Cameron, William Shaw, E. A. Carson, Alex Little, Jas. McLean, Ross Marchant, J. C. Saigeon, Wm. Calhoun. The annual meeting of the King and Vaughan Plowmen’s Association was held at Jones Hotel, Maple, last Thursday evening when reports for the past year‘s activities were re- ceived and officers elected for 1936. The treasurer’s report showed a sub- stantial balance in the treasury and plans were made to hold the 1936 match in Vaughan township. Vaughan Old Boy Mentioned For High The Home and School Club desire names ‘of families to Whom baskets would be acceptable. Will you please phone 151 Mrs. W. A. Duncan. PLOWMEN ELECT 1936 OFFICERS The Gazette, published at Macleod, Alberta, in a recent issue made refer- ence to an announcement in western papers that Mayor J. W. McDonald of that town was prominently men- tioned for the post of Lieutenant- Governor of Alberta, and also for appointment to the Supreme Court. The Gazette points out that Mr. Mc- Donald who has been many times mayor of Macleod, and a former leader of the provincial Liberal party has his choice of these two appoint- ments and ventures the guess that he will choose the bench appointment, Will the friends of the Club who have helped so many times before again help make these baskets the best ever sent out by leaving contri- butions at the school not later than Friday, Dec. 20th. Mayor J. W. McDonald of Macleod who has won such prominence and distinction in western Canada is a native of Vaughan township and re- ceived his High School education at Richmond Hill. He is a brother of Mr. W. 0. McDonald, Vaughan Town- ship Superintendent, and has lived in the west for the past twenty- seven years. ' The pupils of the Public School are again endeavouring to bring Xmas cheer to those less fortunate than themselves by making up baskets of such articles as fruit and vegetables, canned goods and groceries to be packed by the Home and School Club. MAYOR J. W. MCDONALD OF MACLEOD, ALTA., MENTIONED FOR POST OF LIEUT-GOV. ALF. BAGGS OF EDGELEY IS NE“' PRESIDENT Y.P.S. ELECTED OFFICERS SCHOOL CHILDREN PLAN CHRISTMAS GIFTS Honors In West According to definite information received by The Liberal this week councillor Duncan McMurchy lof Vaughan Township will seek re« election at the coming municipal elec- tions. Mr. McMurchy suffered severe injuries last summer and it was feared for a time that his health would not permit him to stand for re-election. However his host of friends will welcome the news that councillor McMurchy has almost com- pletely recovered and has decided to stand for reâ€"election as councillor. Mr. J. H. Hestrawser has been mentioned as a. likely candidate for council and his entry into municipal lï¬ï¬‚e would be welcomed by his friends. He resides in the southâ€" west section of the township which it is claimed needs representation on the council board. The annual meeting of the Wom- en’s Missionary Society of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church was held last week at the home of Mrs. K. Blanchard. Very gratifying reports of last year’s work were phsented. The ladies were happy in reaching their allocation for the year. The following officers and others were appointed: President, Mrs. GfKelly; Secretary, Mrs. G. Yerex; Treasurer, Mrs. J. Beresford. Dainty refresh- ments were served after which Miss A. Boyle was presented with a Life Membership. The minister made a few fitting remarks and the president, Mrs. Kelly, presented the certificate and gold pin. ‘ Duncan McMurchy To Be Candidate In Vaughan Twp. NORTH YORK INTER-SCHOOL DEBATING LEAGUE The second Annual Meeting of the North York Inter-School Debating League was held at Aurora in Nov- ember. The League is composed of Earl Haig Collegiate, Aurora, Mark- ham and Newmarket High Schools; JOHN HOSTRAWSER MENTION- ED AS CANDIDATE The preliminary round for .the Hulse trophy donated by Mr. T. A. M. Hulse, Barrister, Aurora, will take place on Friday, January the 17th, and the final round of debates, if necessary, will be held on Friday, January the 24th. The subject for debat will be “Re- solved that the New Trade Agree- ment with the United States offers greater advantages than disadvant- ages to Canada.†' This subject has also been chosen by the Teacher’s Federation and the winning school compete with other schools in York and Ontario Counties. BAZAAR Empire L.O.B.A. No. 894 are hold- ing their Bazaar, sale of Home Bak- ing, Fancy and Useful Articles, After noon Tea and Cup Reading in the Masonic Hall (south Aemtraacz) on Saturday, Dec. 14th. Bazaar opens at 3 p.111. Everybody welcome. Come and havu your cup read. LIFE MEMBERSHIP PRESENTED The schedule for the first; round is as follows. Earl Haig at Aurora Néwmarket at Markham Markham at Earl Hig- Aurora at Earl Haig Last year Aurora and Earl Haig were tied at thé end of the prelimin- ary round and in the’final the Hulse trophy was won by Earl Haig. MAX REESOR AGAIN HEADS MARKHAM LIBERALS Max Reesor of Markham Village was Tuesday night re-elected _as president of the Markham Township Liberal Association. George Topper, Richmond Hill, was named as vice- president and J. A. Thompson of Thornhill as 2nd vice-president. Bill Champion was re-elected as sec.-treas. Goldie Fleming, candidate in the re- cent elections, and W. C. Thompson addressed the meeting. Richmond Hill’s annual community Miss Ethel Mortson gave another Chl‘iStmaS tree Will be held in the talk in the series on Missions at Y. rink Saturday afternoon, Dec. 215t, RS. on Sunday evening. Mr. Boyd at 2 p m. All children of the commun Mount sang a solo. ( ity twelve years Of age and under Mr. Davis of Markham addressed are welcome. The parade headed by the Sabbath School on Sunday. the Richmond Hill Trumpet Band will . The regular monthly meeting. of the start at the north end of the village WA. will be held on Friday evening at 1-45 P-m- Arrangements are in Dec. 13th, at 8 p.m., at the home of charge of a. committee headed by alderman James McLean. COMMUNITY TREE % BEDEQEEEEEEERE †9 “NM “We’re going to have weather, whether or not†seems to be the ruling of the weather man. From icy February blasts to the mildness of April is certainly a sudden, and not altogether enjoyable change. On Sunday, Dec. 22nd, Rev. John- than Goforth, Veteran Missionary from China, will preach at 2.30 pm. in Victoria Square United Church. The evening service will be in charge of the Y.P.S. A sacred drama will be the feature of the program. Plan now on attending these interesting services. Messrs. Cecil Nichols and James. Smith are doing petit jury duty in Toronto these days. Don’t forget the Christmas Tree and entertainment in the Community Hall, under the auspices of‘the Sunday School, on Christmas Eve at 8 pm. The School concerts will be held on the following dates, S. S. No. 7, Thursday, Dec. 19th, afternoon; S. S. No. 10, Thursday evening, Dec. 19th. Messrs. George Wellman and Lorne Mortson sang over Radio Station CK 00, Hamilton, last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Valliere had tea on Saturday evening with Rev. and Mrs. Percy Peacock of Toronto. No. 10, Thursday evening, Dec. 19th. Miss Ethel Mortson gave another talk in the series on Missions at Y. RS. on Sunday evening. Mr. Boyd Mount sang a. solo. The annual meeting of the Y.P.S. for the election of officers, for the New Year, resulted in the following being elected: Hon. President, Rev. J. McDonald; Past President, Laura Gee; President, Thelma Hart; Vice- President, Lorne Mortson; Secretary, Viola Avison: Treasurer, )Mabel Caseley; Missionary Treasurer, Mar- garet Avison; Christian Fellowship Convenor, Dorothy Hart; Christian Mrs. Ross Klinck. Plan to attend as this is the annual meeting for election of officers. Please note change of date. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES mm Salada Orange Pekoe Blend will prove a sheer delight to lovers of Eureka. Mission Convenor, Bessie Valliere; Christian Citizenship Convenor, Dor- othy Valilere; Christian Culture Con- venor, Marion Smith; Leader of Ree- reation, Lorne Mortson; Publications Convenor, Fraser Gee; Song Leader, Boyd Mount; Assistant, Walt Smith; Pianist, Pearl Caseley; Assistant, Laura Gee; Ushers, Lloyd Batty, Earl Empringham; Auditors, Harold Henricks, Alvin Caseley. VICTORIA SQUARE UNITED CHURCH J. Macdonald‘, Minister Sunday, Dec. 15th 1 p.m.â€"Sunday School and Bible Classes. 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"Church Service. Subject of Sermonâ€"“Growingin Grace. 7.30 p.m.â€"Y.P.S. . Sunday, Dec. 15th 11 a.m.â€"â€"“Water from The Old Well.†2.45 panâ€"Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m.â€"“No Room for Jesus.†8 panâ€"School Hour and Sing Songin the school rooom. Illustrated hymns, solos, recitations, etc. A delightful Sunday evening hour and a hearty welcome to all. Themezâ€"“Can Love be Silent?" 2.45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"â€"“Mission Night.†Special Music. The way to world peace is a. road that no nation can travel alone. Rev. JAD. Cunningham Sunday, Dec. 15th 11 a.m.â€"The Minister. Dec. 15th Third Sunday in Advent 11 a.m.â€"H01y Communion. 3 p.m.â€"-Sunday School. _ 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. The Services will be conducted by Rev. R. S. Mason. ST. MARY’S, RICHMOND HILL CHURCH OF ENGLAND RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., Pastor SINGLE COPY 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH No. 24