Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Dec 1935, p. 2

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For anyone who knows human personality knOWs of a surety that before those boys were twenty they had many moments of self examination. Many times they felt the contrasting difference between their lives and the lives of clean-living boys they knew or read about. They knew moments of utter lonliness, of bitterness against evil en- vironments or lack of opportunity. ' " Think of your boy condemned by conditions attending A LIFE OF CRIME FROM AGE TEN The recent account of the Boston prison break carried the following sentence: “Prison records disclosed three of the convicts, who may face charges of murder for the death of Richards, started their criminal careers between the ages of ten and fourteen.” It would be interesting to know what sinister forces or lack of good influences cheated these one-time boys out of a normal, wholesome chance at life. l “A candidate is no longer disqualified for unpaid taxes for the current year. He is disqualified if he has any business or income taxes overdue and unpaid at the time of the nomination Or if there are taxes of a preceding year or years overdue and unpaid in respect of the land on which he qualifies.‘ A tenant is disqualified if at the time of the nomination he owes more than three months rent upon the property in respect ofwhich he qualifies. Sub-section (4a) of Section 70, as enacted in 1929 and amended in 1930, provides that in cities and towns a candidate shall produce a. certificate that there are no municipal taxes due on any of the lands in the municipality of unlch such person is an owner or tenant. As under the amendments of Section 58 a person is not disqualified on unpaid taxes against any land except that on Which he qualifies, and then only for arrears of a preceding year or years, it would appear that sub-section (a) of Section 70 has been repealed by impli- cation and that a certificate as to the payment of taxes is no longer necessary. Changes made this year of section 53, of the Ontario Municipal Act, will have an important effect as to the dis- qualification of candidates at the approaching municipal elections, says the Municipal World, and because of their interest to ratepayers at this time we note what the World has to say: Nothing is definite concerning the premier’s future. But his colleagues, dismayed at the prospect of losing him, are ready, it is said, to submit a plan to their chief along the lines outlined above. What the premier’s answer will he remains a secret in. his own heart. Loyalty to his party, the desire'to continue to be of service to his fellowmen, these are considerations which cannot be taken lightly. On the other hand there is the duty not only to himsei'f but to his Wife and family. His medical advisors say he cannot keep up the present pace, without endangering his life. A live politician is better than a dead hero and the premier is prepared to delay indefinitely the time when everybody Will be saying only the nicest things about him, as is said about most people who have passed on. Ontario needs the vitality and dynamic energy which he has infused into the conduct of affairs. Opponents as well as supporters admit that he has reshaped political afâ€" fairs to the advantage of Ontario. The«“if” is important. There is no doubt that the premier must permanently retire from politics unless he is able to continue without endangering his health. If his cabinet colleagues are able to so lighten his burdens that he would be relieved of the burdensome detail which has alâ€" ways been loaded on the leader of a government, then he Will continue to guide the destinies of the province. And it goes without saying that his colleagues will move heaven and earth to keep him at Queen’s Park, even though it would mean that he would not be at his desk more than two or three days a week, - Premier Hepburn would not be the first Ontario premier to do this. Sir James Whitney many years ago guided the government from an advisory standpoint rather than an administrative one. Plremier Hepburn would be of even greater service to the province were he relieved of many of his jobs which can be done by departments under capable deputy ministers. The premier’s experience» and know- ledge, his understanding and sagacity, would be free and unhampered under these conditions of comparative freedom The destruction of health is too heavy a price to pay for political position and the premier, like a wise man is pre- pared to carry out his intention of resigning rather than aggravate his already injured health and find an early grave. ‘ I PREMIER HE‘PBURN MAY STAY IFâ€"? There is a distinct possibility that Premier Hepburn will remain at the helm of the government and continue to render the calibre of service that brought the Liberal party from the shades of opposition to the seat of power, if . . . . . . “For Christmas time, is giving time, the best time of the year.” So say the words of the old Christmas carol and ~-ve are reminded by the approach of the festive season that this year perhaps more than in ordinary times we all have an opportunity of bringing much joy and happiness to our- selves ,by giving joy and happiness to others. Christmas is essentially a season of “gift giving” rather than one of “gift getting.” There really is more satisfaction and last- ing joy in the “giving” than in the “getting” especially if in our gift giving we remember those who otherwise would receive very little. There is no time of the year when we are nearer to the realization of man’s fondest dream, the Brotherhood of man, than at this time when» we think of Him who came to teach us the Fatherhood of God. With the coming of this season the heart strings are touched and IOVe flows out to our fellow-men and their need, our purse- strings are loosened and we try to meet the needs of those less fortunate than ourselves. This is one thing which makes Christmas real and worthwhile. CHANGES COVERING MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL . THE LIBERAL PRINTING 00., LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€"-â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Can'ada’s Beet Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9. PAGE TWO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1935 “GIVING TIME” THE LIBERAL Miss Sherman of Toronto is the guest this week of Miss Marion Case. The annual Christmas Tree and en- tertainment 6f Newtonbrook United Vice-President, Mrs. A. W. Stephen- son; 2nd Viceâ€"President. Mrs. Frank Summers; 3rd Vice-President, Mrs. J. C. Bales; Recording; Secretary, Mrs. Walter Johnson; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Allan Wiltshire; Corresponding- Secretary, Mrs. Jack; Treasurer, Mrs. Glen Shaw; Assistant Treasurer. Miss Edna. Street; Temperance Sec- retary, Mrs. F. Summers: League of Nations Secretary, Miss K. Taylor; Work Committee, Mrs. J. L. Caines, Mrs. M. Johnston, Mrs. Jas. Dean, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. F. Foreman, Mrs. Pinder, Mrs. Pharaoh; Strangers Committee, Mrs. R. Finder, Mrs. Geo. Lockyer, Mrs. Pharaoh: Parsnmo'e Committee, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. H. Smith, Mrs.J F. Summers, Mrs. J. C. Bales, Mrs. A. W. Stephenson; Fiower Committee, Miss Edna Street Miss Bertha Smith. Miss Brown of Peterborough is vis- iting her cousin, Mrs. A. W. Stephen- son. The Women’s Association held a very successful bazaar and afternoon tea last Thursday afternoon in the Sunday School room of the United Church, from 3 to 5 o’clock. The members remained for a supper meeting when all enjoyed a social time together. This was followed by the regular business meeting. A Christmas devotional service was con- ducted by the president. The members responded to the roll call by a verse of scripture pertaining to Christmas. The secretary. Mrs. Walter Johnson, gave a very fine annual report. There was a membership of 36 and twelve meetings were held. The members had made 462 church calls. The W.A. held their annual picnic'to Hanlan’s Point in July. A garde‘n party had been held at the home of the Pres-. ident in August. A play was pre- sented by a neighboring W.A., an Irish supper, also the anniversary supper and a birthday tea were some of the activities. Five quilts had been made. The Treasurer, Mrs. Glen Shaw, reported $380.00 raised during the year. The election of officers re- sulted. as follows: Hon. Presidents, Mrs. Thomas Street, Mrs. H. B. Schmidt: President, Mrs. W. '1‘. Wells; Vice-President, Mrs. A. W. Stephen- The Carolina Jubilee Singers gave a concert in the United Church last Friday evening rendering several negro spirituals-also plantation songs in native costume. Mr. J. A. Shaver, elocutionist, recited several poems by Dunbar, the negro poet, which were well received. ‘ Fifteen of our local: Y.P.S. memâ€" bers attended the Y.P.S. Rally which was held in Trinity United Church, Toronto, last Monday evening. Among those who attended the Missionary and Maintenance supper meeting at Thornhill United Church recently were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grisdale, Rev. and Mrs. Halbert, Mr. A. W. Galbraith and Mr. J. H. Had- ley. Rev. A. E. Armstrong, secre- tary of Foreign Missions of the United Church, and Rev. W. Mitchell of China gave very inspiring mes- sages. The Y.P.S. members enjoyed a skating- party to’Varsity Rink last Thursday evening and all report a most enjoyable time. A White Gife service will be held as usual in connection with the Sunâ€" day School anniversary services at the United Church next Sunday. Members and adherents are asked to contribute white gifts. These will be packed in baskets and given to the needy ones at Christmas. Your Christmas will be happier by making some one else’s brighter. Lantern slides showing scenes of the Holy Land depicting the Christ- mas story will be a special feature of the evening service. There will be bright Christmas music by the senior choir. A hearty welcome to all. 7 p.m. Rev. W. E. Hassard of To- ronto will be the preacher at the morning: service and the Sunday School choir will give special musical numbers. Newtonbrook United Church Sun- day School will celebrate its 78th an- niversary next Sunday, Dec. 15th. with special services at 11 a.m. and What are the remedies? Their name is legion. Slumâ€" clearance is one way, day school classes in character de- velopment would be another. The Christmas season re- minds us of what judges of juvenile courts often point out namely, that seldom does a boy appear before'them who has invested so much as three years in a Sunday School. When religious teaching gets a foothold in a boy’s make up it usually crowds foreign ideas out. . The next time this writer feels like laying aâ€"bed Sun- day morning he’s going to get up and get to church lest some boy takes a wrong steer from an apparently good citizen and neglects his religious training. ' his birth or upbringing which he could neither avert nor control being forced to eke out an existence, a life-long exâ€" istence hunted or caged. What are the remedies? Their name is legion. Slumâ€" clearance is one way, day school classes in character de- velopment would be another. The Christmas season re- NEWTONBROOK Pharaoh; Parsonage 5. Wells, Mrs. H. Summers, Mrs. J. C. L W. Stephenson; THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO heardâ€" Fond hopes that scarcely dared to fly; While dear hands went on making pieâ€" Perhaps on Christmas Day When the Yule log burns up in fes- tive way And the brave holly’s glow ;‘Is shining in the mistletoe. The noisy drone of the cicadas, popularly “17-year-locusts,” is really a love song by millions of male mem- bers of the brood. Perhaps, just then Remembering again That comfort always means Hard work behind the scenes, We would give thankful prayers For angels unawares. And thenâ€"more thoughtfully partake 0f pudding and of Christmas Cake. â€"Fay Inchfawn. Each homely Christmas means Hard work behind the scenes; Morns overlapping noons, Traffic with wood-en spoons; Eyes fixed on scale or cup; Wise foreheads puckered up; Then stealing up the stair, Aromas rich and rare. If mincemeat and if lemon curd Could whisper the sweet things they The Girls Mission Circle exceeded their allocation and have a fine bal- ance in the expense fund. They re- ported many activities during“ the year. A substantial bale of childrens clothing. babies layettes, etc., was sent away in June. Oh. kitchen tables would Tell seci'ets if they could, Of thoughts that travelled back Over an old time track; Of yellowed recipes outspread Written by fingers long since dead The Girls Mission ,Circle met at the parsonage last Tuesday evening with the President, Miss Irene Smith, in charge. The tonic‘hf the devotion- al'service was “Love and Forgive- ness.” A reading “The Shepherds Story" was read by Miss Emma Mc- Phail. After the business period the meeting was then handed over to Mrs. Halbert who conducted the election of officers which resulted as follows: Hon. President, Mrs. A. H. Halbert; President, Miss Irene Smith; Vice- President, Miss Doris Soden; Record- ing Secretary, Miss Emma McPhail; Treasurer, Miss Lorene Brown; Sec- retary of Christian Stewardship and Finance, Miss Marjorie Johnson; Finance Committee, Misses M. John- son, Lorene Brown, Irene Smith; Strangers Secretary, Miss Freda Cbpeland; Temperance I’Secretary, Miss Norma Anderson; Pianists, Miss Edna Street, Miss Doris Soden; Supâ€" ply Secretary, Miss Edna Street. The local Red Cr0ss Society packed several Christmas boxes last Friday which were sent to the Red CrOSs Headquarters in Toronto. On Friday afternoon these contributions were on display at the Toronto depot from the various Red Cross Societies. They expect to send over 3000 articles to the North Country at Christmas. Mr. Jack Graham, who has a po;l sition in the International Nickel Mine at Sudbury, spent the week-end with his father, Mr. J. Graham, re- cently. l The Superintendents of the Pri- mary and Beginners Department of the United Church Sunday School, Miss Edna Street and Miss Irene Smith, are giving their classes a. Christmas party this Friday after- noon in the Sunday School room. The parents will also be guests at the party. Church Sunday School will be held next Wednesday evening, Dec. 18th, commencing at 7.45‘ o’clock. A fine program consisting of pantomimes. tableaux, Christmas plays, recitations etc., will be presented by the Sunday School pupils. Everybody welcome. From Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE by True-L WM. MCDONALD, Telephone 62. The Homer Christmas SAND â€" GRAVEL Thornhill <; 0<Q3<° agatezéegwawzaw : H {2%5§%9§3§W gestions a for every extend to shop here YARDLE‘. WATEZ PEP I Manson’s, ' When ignorance was bliss nobody had invented bookkeeping. Father says he is a. success only because of his earning power being more than other’s spending power. éfiAuan’s DRUG. STORE g Ybnge Street Richmond Hill g %%%%%%%%§%W%E%%WW A great problem met, whether fully mastered or not puts smaller ones in their places as inconsequential. By reviving a hobby of their yOuth some people have regained some of youth’s viewpoints. HARRY R. ROSE 40 Yonge SL, Richmond Hill There are many ways of using snapshots in greetings. The photo finishers in your town are equipped to make greetings for you, using one of your own snaps. They do some beautiful things; it will pay you, at least, to investigate them. The opportunities for unusual and beautiful cards are endless. It’s a challenge to your ingenuity. But no matter how clever the scheme, the snapshot itself must be good â€" and appropriate. You might use a snapshot of your family, stood up in a row, facing the camera. But is there anything Or you may want to be even more individual. One of the simplest greetings consists of a card with a snapshot pasted on it and a hand- written message below. Nothing can be more personal than that! They started out as ordinary snapshots but. artfully handled. turned out to be charming greeting cards. A simple. effective and individual solution of the greeting card problem. SNAPSHOOTERS have a great advantage over ordinary folks at Christmas time, for they can easily produce Christmas ‘cards that are 100 per cent. individual, unusual, and not at all expensive. What’s the purpose of a Christ- mas card, anyway? Simply to carry a message of cheer and goodwill from one person to another. It is, at its best, a very personal affair. Snapshots of yourself, your home, your family, your pets or anything else that’s part of your life can be easily used in Christmas cards. The result is cards like no one else’s. SENTENCE STIMULANTS YARDLEYS TOILETRIES WATERMAN’S FOUNTAIN PENS PEN AND PENCIL SETS FINE GIFT STATIONERY Neilsun’s, Holly’s and Hunt’s Choco!ates,‘ Let us help solve your Gift Prob- lem. In our store you Will find sug- gestions and our stock includes gifts for every member of the family. We extend to you a cordial invitation to shop here this Christmas. JUST A FEW SUGGESTIONS: Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment Toronto Office: 100 Adelaide Street West Telephone ELgin 9263-4 SNAPSHOT CUIL CHRISTMAS GREETINGS r ROSE & HERMAN BARRISTERS-AT-LAW THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1935 Johnston & Cranston MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments Japan is prepared to take its first official census in October, with the expectation of showing a, population: of nearly 70,000,000 in Japan proper. Phone HYland 2081 Open Evenings Eve. Phone 9788 Go into “executive session” with your family now. Discuss ideas, select the bestâ€"and get out your camera. " Christmasy about that? Not much. It would be far better, wouldn’t it, to have a snap of the family grouped about the fireplace, hanging up their Christmas stockings? Or decorating the tree, or putting up a holly wreath on the front door? A View of your ~llghted home on a Winter night would make a charming card. But remember that now, of all times, your picture must “tell a story,” )nust be clean-cut and vivid. The idea is the most important thing. With care you can get the picture you want. One word of advice, born of ex- perienceâ€"simple ideas are best. They are easier to execute and, nine times out of ten, they “click” more effectively than something pref/en- tious or complicated. Your camera can do just about anything you want, providing only that you give it the right kind of co- operation. For interiors and night views outdoors use a supersensitive film; equip yourself with a few of the inexpensive modern lamps of the photoflood and photo- flash types; don’t forget that auto headâ€" lights can be used to light up small outdoor scenes sufficiently for brief time exposures. And so on. \Mshing you a Mcrry Christmas and Happy New Yea! 1849 Yonge St. (eaat side) Between Merton & Balliol Stl. JOHN VAN GUILDER. Telephone 133 LOUIS HERMAN m. um! mm mm": m.

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