iAiberta Coal [mm ElIHflPE ib=o=ox=o ï¬B-A-Z-A-A-R- Sale of Home Baking- Fancv and Useful Articles. Afternoon OHO=0=OI Garfield Yef‘é; Langstaff Coal & Supply Co. «mamauau "mm mu!†Sale of Home Baking, Fancy and Useful Articles, Afternoon Tea, Tea Cup Reading in the Other Goals or Coke in Stock mourn: 0-! "Bus; or MAGIC ' HIS smart, modern General Electric Radio oll'ers you real value in radio entertainment! Its new "sealed-in-steel†G-E Metal Radiotrons enable you to hear foreign stations or local stations with plenty of ower and full rich tone. Anti-Fade Automatic olume Control, Illumi- nated Aeroplane Color Dial and other new features! See and hear it today! Medal A-54. PAGE FOUR Saturdayzr Dgcember 14th YARD RAILROAD TRACKS AT LANGSTAFF PHONE THORNHILL 73 South Entrance Bazaar Opens at 3 p.m. Under the auspices of Empire L.0.B.A., No. 894 STOV E SIZE A GOOD CLEAN FUEL MARKHAM ROAD, RICHMOND HILL $9 per ton in yard Ton lots or more. MASONIC HALL lil'l'llll 1:5? RADIO - 0=0=O=0=°=0 PER TON THIS 6.5. MODEL ONLY TON LOTS OR MORE DELIVERED CONVENIENT TERMS $62.50 GHO=O=Q Delegates from twentyâ€"four nations attended the 8th Biennial Internation- al Conference of Scout Leaders held in the Parliament Buildings at Stock- holm in August. The assembly was opened by H.R.H. Prince Gustaf Adolf, President of the Swedish Scout Union, and was addressed by Lord Baden-Powell. TROOP SHIP TO HAVE DEEP SEA SCOUTS So impressed were the officers of the troop ship Nevasa with the bearâ€" ing of the 1200 British Rover Scouts carried to and from the World Rover Moot in Sweden this summer that it was decided to form a Deep Sea Scout unit among the officers aboard. One of the officers was invested as leader. TWO TYPES OF DISCIPLINE SCOUT MEET Holland made a bid at the Inter- ‘national Scout Conference for the World Scout Jamboree to be held in 1937. Decision will be announced early in November. MORE SCOUTS LESS JUVENILE CRIME Addressing 3. Scout gathering at Kenton, England, Magistrate Charles declared that if there were more Scouts in the country there would be less need for reformatories, and fewer cases in the juvenile courts, the num- ber of which at present was very disturbing. SCOUTERS 01F 24 NATIONS MEET Selected Boy Scouts of Blackpool, England, are being trained for their Scout Fireman’s Badge by the Super- intendent of the Blackpool Fir-e Bri- gade. They will serve as an emer- gency section of the department. Similar training is given Canadian Boy Scouts by many local fire chiefs. I The Board of Education met Friâ€" day. Mr. J. H. Sanderson resigned ‘the position of trustee, and Mrs. Wiley resigned the position of teach- er in the junior department of the Public School after having held the position for 29 years. Both resigna- tions were accepted. Mrs. Lillian McConaghy was engaged to fill the position vacated by Mrs. Wiley at a salary of $275. The Board adjourned. The Hockey Club have re-organized with the following officers: Hon. President, J. H. Sanderson; President, J. Glover; lst Vice-President, A. Boyle; Secretary, I. H. Sanderson; Treasurer, A. G. Savage; Captain, G. Sims; Committee of Management, R. Goode, A. Glass, J. Naughton. THIRTY YEARS AGO From Our Issue of Dec. 7th. 1905 Mr. Carn'es Marsh has sold the 01d homestead, the property of the late Robert Marsh. A gentleman from Kingston is the buyer. Mr. James McDonald, a m¢st re- spected citizen of Maple, passed away on Saturday after a lingering illness. The remains were interred in Maple cemetery on Monday after which Rev. A. Bedford preached a very impres- sive sermon from the 23rd Psalm. HOLLAND ASKS NEXT WORLD A beautiful large skating and curl- ing rink has been almost completed at Thornhill and will be opened in the near future by very prominent men when we trust a large crowd may patronize the venture so ably carried out by the Company to completion. Way Back in Liberal Files The Curling Club met on Tuesday evening and appointed the following skips to play for the Smith medal: Messrs. W. H. Pugsley, J. Palmer, Wm. Atkinson, H. A. Nicholls, M. Boyle, Rev. J. Vickery. The new English Church at Maple will be opened next Sunday, the 15th. There will be services at 10.30 a.m., 3 pm. and 7 p.m. Rev. C. H. Shortt, Toronto, will conduct the services morning and evening, and Rev. F. C. C. Heathcote will conduct the after- At the recent meeting of the County Council the Metropolitan Rail- way asked for and received an ex- tension of time to November next to extend the electric railway to Richâ€" mond Hill. The extension was built on the understanding that the Com- pany would give a. bond of $1,000 that the line would be built inside of a year From Our Issue of Dec. 12th, 1895 r The High School during the short day season will close at 3.30 instead of 4 o'clock. This is to enable those pupils driving from a distance to get home while it is daylight. The half hour is made up by shortening the noon allowance and afternoon recess. noon service An interesting comparison of two TRAINING JUNIOR FIREM EN THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO FORTY YEARS AGO genuine. Like opposing lawyers who seem full of wrath and enmity. Wednesday: I wand-er what Ant Emmy is shooten at sum times. This \levning at the fambly fire side I was itellen about a tuch down I made at 6ft. ball in the p. m. and she sed Ide 3better be thinken of maken 1 thru {the back d-ore with my arm draperied 'a rounda slab of baken when I was igrode up to be a mans estate. 5 Thursday: Pa was over to the lpleece koort getting noese for the {noosepap-er & a man was in front of 1the pleece judg. Wot brot you hear sed the judg. 2 pleecemen replide 'th man. Drunk I reckon sed the judg. 1 was so it took 2 sed the man. Pa sed evry buddy Iaft & the koart frowned sturnley. Mussolini can’t lose. If ‘he doesn’t get more land, African fevers will at least help him to overcome the den- .sity of population. How to becorm a good debater: First learn to manufacture your own statistics. When writing a stranger, enclose a self-addressed envelope. Then the problem of translating your signature is up to the postal people. In short, German atrocity stories were true during the war, untrue after the armistice, and now true again. COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE Arrangements for Richmond Hill’s annual community Christmas tree were left in the hands of councillor James McLean. As usual a decorated tree will be placed in front of the. municipal hall, Yonge Street. Saturday: Jane’s littel sisters muther told Jane’s Iittel sister if she dident act nicer at tabel she wood haft to be sent off to lern manners. Why not Iern at home sed the Iittel gurl. Friday: Mistress Gotrax wife of are banker whose her husbend was given a resepshen & ast her servunt Bridget would she like to call the gests names as thy cum in the drawn rm. Shure I wood sed Bridget. I been wanton to call sum of them names a long time.‘ Tuesday: Pa was on joory in koort this p. m. and got a joak plade on him. 1 a tomey ast a witness did he no a joorym-en _& he sed yes he new sevrel. Do you no morn a 1/2 of them ast the a torney. Yes sed the witness I no morn all of them put to gather. types of discipline,â€"military, and that of Boy Scouting, which is self- imposed, as part of the Scout code,â€" was provided officers of the troop ship Nevasa, chartered to carry some 1200 British Rover Scouts to the World Rover Moot in Sweden. The comments were distinctly in favour of the Scouts. Other comments were that the Scouts “settled down†much more quickly than the soldiers, and that they ate “half as much again.†Monday: In 1 of are classes in skool the teecher was a astin us what did we want to be when we grode up. Jed Purkinses little boy replide & sed he (lident no but he node he didn’t want to be no tirkey. I bleeve he was a thinken of ,what he saw a round Thanks given. The physician, the diecitian and the sanitation export have all Combined and with the aid of the sun and fresh air and rest. have materially checked the great inroads which tuberculosis made upon our population. The National Sanitarium Associmion operates the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives. the Toronto Hospital for Consumpbives and the Queen Mary Hospital for Consumptivc Children. which combined have a total capacity of just over 1.000 beds. They are tlmroughly equipped and have all fa liLil-s for Lho modern treatmcnt of this dismsc. and it is largely through their elforis that the death rate from consumption has been so_ *aLly rulucpd. SLATS’ DIARY Not, so many was the world's still a deadly me because of the have been taken cure. Sunday: Are proecher at are chirch was told he was a goin to get a raze O in his sallery and this a.‘ m. in the nullet he sed he dident want no ,1 raze. He sed the chirch has alreddy eggsosted‘ its cred- dit with him becos of what he can‘t colect in alreddy. The trick in acting is to seem World’s Greatest Plague Being Overcome BY ROSS FARQUHAR rears ago. cnï¬umplion :reatosl. scournc. It is lace but not. so potent Affective means which for its prevention and Minn for II for vlary Young Man (equal to the occas- ion)â€"Oh, I didn't mean tonight. I meant some wet and miserable night when I have nothing better to do. The ’Girl ' (snapping)â€"Cer'tain1y not! I wouldn’t think of it! Being your own boss isn’t so pleas- ant. There’s no advantage in loafing- when you aren’t watched. Young Can (to girl he had met at a ggnce)fMay I call and see you? dios, from $12.50 up. New up-to-date battery set, 2 volt, complete, no bat- tery charging, $39.50. Easy terms: G. Yerex, Markham Road, Richmond Correct this sentence: “I am made very happy,†said the failure, “by the success of my friends.†Hill. OIL BURNERS for stoves, heaters and furnace. Used stoves and fur- naces, blowers and repairs. R. H. Kane, '74 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 92F. JERSEY COW due to freshen the last of December; 2 buggies and 2 cutters; 1 set single harness. W. F. Nichols, R.R. No. 2, Gormley, phone! Steuff- ville 4005. ALBERTA COAL, stove size, $9.50 per ton delivered ton lots or more. Other coals, coke, etc. Good Hard- wood 1 or 4 ft. lengths. Langstaff Coal and Supply, phone Thornhill 73. HUNDRED CHOICE PULLETS lay- ing, Rocks, Reds, Leghorns. Ex- change for old fat hens. Bowerbank, Stop 17A, Yonge St., Thornhill. CHRISTMAS BARGAINS, used ra- FOUR ACRES at Richmond Hill, six- roomed house, all conveniences, hard- wood floors, stable, garage, orchard. L. H. Clement, phone 35M. PAIR GIRLS boots and skates (tubes) size 4V2, fleece lined and in excellent condition, reasonable. Apply to Box 74, The Liberal Office. SEVEN PIGS, six weeks old. Walter Reaman, phone Maple 1564. COLLIE PUPS, thoroughbred. Apply Allan Armstrong, Langstaff, phone Thomhill 7-r-6. REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE- WRITER, mechanically perfect, clear type, $8.00. H. Upton, Elgin Mills Sideroad. cordwood length, partly dry. W. H. Legge, Jefferson, phone Richmond Hill 2-r-12. QUANTITY OF HARDWOOD, in SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mond Hill. telephone 94M. 2 TOULOUSE GEESE and one gand- er 2 years old. Wilfred G. Bowes, Maple, telephone Maple 568. A NUMBER OF GOOD YOUNG PIGS. Apply T. Hobbs, 6th Conces- sion Markham, half mile south of Cashel. This equipment removed to the above address for conven- ience of sale. Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 132-w TERMS: CASH. ELGIN 5052 A COMPLETE THRESHING EQUIPMENT, including Will offer for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION by virtue of Chattel Mortgage Warrant STOTT & SOUTHWELL “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF H" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent imertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. Lot 15, Conf'l, Twp of Scarboro Charles Graham‘ AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Monday, December 23rd, 1935 One 24 x 46 Case Steel Thresher No. 110283 One 28†Case Feeder No. 74802 One 46 Case Windstacker No. 67361 One Case 28 x 46 Clover attachment One Case Recleaner No. 2873 One N0. 4 Grain Handler No. 73967 The Sale will take place on FOR SALE THOMAS STABLEFORD Bailiffs 2 pm. on the farm of THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1935 STOTT & SOUTHWELL, Bailiffs 73 Adelaide St. W., gUsed Cars All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 day. Little Brothers 1933 FORD V-8 TUDORâ€"Excellent Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO FORD DeLUXE COUPEâ€"Rumble 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPEâ€" 1935 DeLUXE TUDOR HOUND DOG, black, white and spot- ted, last seen Dec. 9th vicinity Yonge and Gambles sideroad. Information as to his whereabouts will be greatly appreciated. A. E. Glass, phone 20,. Richmond Hill. 1935 FORD DeLUXE FORDORâ€" 1935 FORD COUPEâ€"Rumbel Seat. HOUSE, 140 Richmond Street, 6 warm rooms, water and electric light, good garden. Apply George Caldwell, Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. 5 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, good cellar, furnace, garage, 35 Benson Avenue. Apply H. Stanford, 11 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. HOUSE on Centre Street East. Ap- ply Mrs. J. A. Greene, Richmond Hill housekeeping, also six room house. Apply 0. L. Wright, 1 Wright Street, Richmond Hill, telephone 78. YOUNG GIRL for housework, sleep. out. Apply Box 71, The Liberal Of-- fice. ‘i BRICK HOUSE at Maple. Apply Frank Line, Maple, Ont. LARGE SINGLE ROOM for light Lost, Strayed or Stolen condition. Rumble Seat. Like New. Seat. Low mileage. Less than 1500 miles. New car guarantee. Beautiful condition. $450.00 $775.00 $675.00 $465.00 $585.00 Toronto, Ont. $550.00 TO RENT WANTED