Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Dec 1935, p. 5

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The usual large donation of gifts for the White Gift service was receiv- ed at the annual service held in Cen- tral United Church last' Sunday morn- ing with Rev. A. E. Owen officiating. During the service the story of “The Other Wise Man” was interpreted ’by the Pastor, a short sketch “The Candle” was given by Joan Sabiston, Evelyn Warne, Edna Rainey and Mar- jorie Sanderson, with Marjorie Wheat- ley’s class of fifteen girls With lighted LUI‘UHLU me Dasxet of groceries. The Rector, Rev. J. J. Robbins, and the congregation are to be congratu- lated upon this successful event. In spite of unfavorable weather con- ditions, the annual Bazaar and Supl ‘per under the auspices of St. Philip's Anglican Church was a decided suc- cess. The ladies of the congregation upheld their reputation for serving a splendid meal and the articles of- fered for sale were of high quality and many suggested appropriate Christmas gifts. The fish pond gave amusement to both young and old and the candy booth also an attraction. In the lucky number contests Mrs.‘ W. Hawkins drew the quilt, Mrs. John Dukes the ducks and Miss Arnold of‘ Toronto the basket of groceries. i â€"Selected. It was a merry party of W.I. mem- bers and their friends that assembled at the home of Mrs. J. A. Gibson, Main Street, on Thursday afternoon last for the annual Christmas party. The festive surroundings were in ac- cordance with the Christmas spirit that teemed throughout the evening’s activities, the roll call was responded to by an appropriate Christmas thought and a delightful item on the. program was the interpretation by Mrs. G. R. Whaley of the poem “The‘ Little Gray Lamb” that was written' by Arthur Sullivan and appeared in a Globe newspaper published many years ago. That Santa Claus had al- ready made a visit was evidenced by the array of gifts tht peeped out from i the huge stockings hung in front of; an improvised fire place. The grand. march around for inspection and then r for the distribution of the gifts was] not the least enjoyable activity of the afternoon either. The president, Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite, was in charge of the meeting, with Mrs. W. J. Perkin! and Mrs. N. Ogden assisting in the} gift distribution and Mrs. W. J. Rus- sell, Mrs. W. Nash and Mrs. A. K. Harrington leading in the Carol sing-| ing. Afternoon tea served at suit-E ably decorated small tables, centred with yellow Chrysanthemums conclud- ed a very happy event. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. J. A. Gibson. Mrs. C. H. Stiver, Mrs. G. Court, Mrsi J. H. Chant and Miss E. Austin. That thirty-two interested young Jellows are all lined up and ready for action in the Bull Dog Boy Scout troup for 1936 was signified at the opening meeting held in the New- Market at Community Gardens recent- ly. A right good time is reported, lots of good games and plenty of eats to finish up on. The resignation of Scout Master G. G. Maynard was re- ceived at this meeting and sincerely regretted by the boys who appreciate the good leadership Mr. Maynard has always given and as a small token of this appreciation a desk set was presented along with a host of good wishes from the boys. Mr. Howard Stiver is the new Asst. Scout Master. Patrols have already been formed and keen competition is evident. The reward for the high score is a trip to the Maple Leaf Hockey Game. Shortly the boys will visit you look- ing for warm used childrens clothing so, bear this in mind when planning your relief contributions. The Ivisit of Field-Secty. Padden of Toronto to the troup last week gave the boys a thrill that made a good start for the winter’s activities. The leaders of the Patrols are as follows: Beavers, Ian Barron; Eagles, Reg. Perkin;' Swifts, Johnnie Coulson; Otters, Ron- ald Smalley. This worth while organization that means so much to the boys of the community should have the support of every citizen. I l l l HHKâ€"JAH A tie Lord, some sit by lonely hearthstones sobbing, _ Who feel this night all earthly love denied, Who hear but dirges in the loud ‘~bell’s throbbing For loved ones lost who blessed last Christmas tide. For these, 0 Father, our petition hear, And send the loving Christ-Child very near. 0 Lord, there sit apart in lonely 1 places, At this the gladdest time of all the year, Some stricken ones with sad and weary faces To whom the thought of Christmas brings no sheer. For these, 0 Father, our petition hear, And send the pitying Christ child very near. â€"For Christmas Eveâ€"A Prayerâ€". 1 candles making an effective back- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1935 WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT I Heat oysters for 2 minutes in their own liquid. Drain. Add cream sauce. lAdd tomato sauce to spaghetti. Ar- ‘range the two mixtures alternately 19in a casserole and cover with crumbs land cheese mixed together. Sprinkle Lwith paprika. Bake in oven at 400 iF. for 20 minutes. Bishop, Uxbridge. M8115 Choir. 8 p.rn., Mondayâ€"IRS. 10 11 tion.” 7 p.m.â€"Mens Service. Rev. E. ,S‘ For once on a December night, An angel held a candle bright, And led three wise men by its light To where a Child was sleeping. â€"â€"H. F. Blodgett. The whole world is a Chmstmas Tree, The stars its many candles be, Oh sing a carol joyfully, The year‘s great feast in keeping. â€" Oysters with Spaghetti â€" 1 quart of oysters, 2 cups cooked spaghetti, 1 cup cream sauce, 1 cup cracker crumbs, 1 cup tomato sauce, 1/2 cup grated cheese. E. S. Bishop of Uxbridge will be the guest speaker and the music will be in charge of a Men’s Choir with Robt. Thompson officiating at the organ. A cordial inviyation is given to at- tend this service. was made in Ebenezer United Church Cemetery. His widow, Ellen Bell, survives him, to whom sincere sym- pathy is extended by many friends in the vicinity. A service held under the auspices of the Men’s Club of Central United Church on Sunday evening next' prom- ises to be of special interest. Rev. An entertainment of unusual in- terest was given under the auspices of the Public School on Wednesday eve- ning last when a magician waved his magic wand and all sorts of queer things followed. The busy season made the attendance perhaps not as large as otherwise in might have been Another enjoyable social event is [reported for the Bowling Club, this time a venison roast supper, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Summer- feldt on Tuesday evening. Euchre was played during the evening and all report a splendid time. Mr. Washington Helmkay, who died at his home, 36 MacKenzie Cresent, Toronto, on Tuesday, was for many years a resident of Markahm Town- ship. The funeral was held from his hOme on Thursday last and interment A FAVORITE TESTED RECIPE Mr. Pavne is survived by his widow, Mabel Middleton, seven children, four sons, Percy of Unionville, Horace of Toronto, Garfield and Earl of Cooks- ville, three daughters, Pearl of To- ronto, Eva and Jennie at home, also a. sister Mrs. Henry Smith of Toronto and seven grandchildren. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. E. Owen a.m.â€"Church School. a.m.â€"“A Preacher of Predestina- At the funeral service which was held in Cooksville United Church on Monday last a large number of friends assembled including twenty- three fellow Ministers to pay last tribute. Rev. W. R. Auld, Chairman of Simcoe Presbytery, had charge of the service, assisted by Rev. Leach of Huttonville, Rev. H. Lee, Stouffville, Rev. Dyer, Shelburne. Rev. Mac- Keracher officiated at the interment that was made in Bethel Cemetery, Markham. Word of the death of Rev. Ernest Payne, formerly of Hagerman, was received with sincere regret by many friends here. Although making a seemingly favorably recovery from a recent illness, death came suddenly to Mr. Payne and removed one who was dearly beloved in the various con- ‘gregations with whom he had been associated. He was in his Gistyear land was the son of the late Mr. ‘and 'Mrs. James Payne of the 5th Con., Markham, where he was born. He re- ceived preliminary education at the Hagerman School and at the age of 28 decided to enter the minestery. Mr. Payne’s first charge was at Mani- touwaning and the Indian Reserve, Echo Bay, other charges being Lemon ville, Huttonville and at Cooksville where he resided at the time of his death. I I vitation is events. ] Preparations for the annual Christ- ]mas concerts are in full swing that {promise to be better than ever. Hagerman School leads off in this vicinity, holding the concert on Thurs- day, the 19th, Central United next on Friday, the 20th, and Bethesda Luth- eran Christmas service on the 22nd. Sunday next marks the annual White Gift service of Browns Corners United Sunday School, there will be a special speaker and the service will commence promptly at 1.30 pm. A cordial inâ€" VERSE FOR THE KIDDIES Suitable Christmas music inter- spersed the program. The numerous gifts will be distributed, bringing Christmas cheer to many that other- wise might be forgotten. ground given to attend these 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. BE'WU‘YSDA LUTHERAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Public Worship. St. Philip’s Anglican Church 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School 2.30 p.m.â€"“A Preacher n .V..v (4-..- Lord Dunzannbii: 22 year. old son of the Earl of Bessboroug‘h, was a candidate in the recent British elec- tion but was unsuccessful. $150,000 IN SALARIES The “News of the World,” a Lonâ€" don, England paper, in issue of Sun- day, Nov. 3rd, stated that C. A. Dun- ning, Minister of Finance in the new King- Government, gave up financial and industrial directorships estimated to be worth £30,000 a year in order to take the government post. BIRTH SIMâ€"0n Thursday, Dec. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Colin Sim, Yongehurst Rd., 3 boy. THANKS The Globe on Tuesday editorially paid a neat tribute to Richmond Hill which we acknowledge with pride and thanks. The Globe said: “Richmond Hill has no one on relief, and reports that its finances are in better con- dition than for several years. This fine York County town is one of a select few municipalities that seems to have been exercising a good deal of common sense in the handling of their business.” SUCCF‘SSFUL EUCHRE AT RICHVALE A large crowd enjoyed the euchre at Richvale, Wednesday evening, when the prize winners were: Ladies, lst Mrs, Morrison, 2nd Mrs. Wilson; tents. lst Mr. Strudwick, 2nd Mr. Downs. Next Wednesday another euchre with poultry as prizes will be held when the draw for prizes also will take place. SING SONG AND SOCIAL HOUR An interesting feature of the Sun- day evcning‘ services in the United Church is the Sing Song and Social Hour held in thé school room at the close of the regular service. Over one hundred took pant last Sunday, a very profitable and delightful eve- ning? was enjoyed by all. nation.” l"""l‘e’ll‘RY CHRISTMAS PARTY The Primary Department of the TTnited Church are holding their "l‘ristmas Tree Party on the after- noon of Saturdav, Dec. 215‘s, starting at. 4 mm. Afternoon tea will be served. Parentsand children of the Primary and Cradle Roll Depart- ments are cordially invited, also in- terested friends. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH of the bazam Large attendances featured the an-. nual St. Mary’s Bazaar held in the 1Masonic Hall last Friday and Satur- day. The bridge Friday afternoon. the fowl supper Saturday evening and the dancing both nights were all well patronized and much enjoyed. The draw Saturday night for the seven grand prizes offered were won as follow: lst, $10.00, by Mr. W. Pear-y son, Richmond Hill; 2nd Pair Blankets ‘ by Mrs. Evans. Aurora; 3rd, ‘1/2 Ton" Coal, by Miss M. Wood, Toronto; 4th,i $5.00, by Mr. Skinner, Maple; 5th,1 Barrel of Apples, by Miss Betty] Adams of Newmarket; 6th, $5.00, by Miss Mary Barbara Morris of Rich- mond Hill. and 7th. Bedspread, by M. Pickett of Thornhill. The committeeJ in charge of the event wishes to thank all those who by their donations and, “51 Mr. A. Melecci, leader of the Rich- mond Hill United Church choir show- ed his versatility and delighted the congregation last Sunday evening with a tenor solo, “In The Garden.” Alâ€" though the outcome of a challenge to earn a contribution towards the choir finances the vocal rendering was very much appreciated and enjoyed. \ Social and Personal The Liberal extends congratulations to Mrs. Olive Ferguson of Richmond Hill who on Wednesday celebrated her nin-etieth birthday. During- the day she received the congratulations and best wishes of a large number of friends and relatives. The Girl Guide concert to raise funds for Christmas baskets will be held in the Crypt of St. Mary’s An- glican Church, Thursday evening, Dec. 19th, at 8.15 pm. Plan to attend the Bazaar and Afternoon Tea under the auspices of Empire L.0.B.A. ,No. 894 in the Masonic Hall (south entrance) on Sat- urday of this week. ' The members 0f the Women’s In- stitute are meeting this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Cook, Church St. Mrs. John Woods of Midland, formerly of Richmond Hill, is visit- ing friends in the Village this week. h'onawe contributed» to the success THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Preacher of Predesti- for A a C I This sale is for a limited time only Sold by AUS'l‘IN’S DRUG STORE Fr. Zimmercan, Mft’r. Oak Ridges, P.O., Ont. YOU GET ‘ RHEUMATA’ the REMEDY against RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA NEURITIS SHOOTING MATCH SHOOTING MATCH for geese at A. C‘anning’s, Lot 30, Con. 3, Mark- ham, one mile north of Elgin Mills sideroad, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14th, at 1 p.m. Shot guns and rifles. For excellent hardwood and soft wood in 1 ft. or 4 ft. lengths phone 188, The Jones Coal Com- pany. Dick Turpin used the Bells of Ous- eley as a retreat, and it is on record that he hid in a secret cellar there for three days while those anxious to gain reward for his arrest waited in the house, convinced that he was there but unable to discover his hidino place. Within three hundred yards of the inn is a stone which marks the spot where King John signed Magna Carta. DICK TURPIN‘S HOTEL MARTYR TO PROGRESS Beer for Windsor Castle Brewed in l 635-Year-Old Inn ‘ Windsorâ€"The old Bells of Ouseley Inn, Windsor, 635 years of age, has closed its doors for the last time. Workmen have begun demolishing this, the oldest hostelry on the upper reaches of the Thames and one of the most famous inns in the country. A modern hotel will be built on the site. The old inn was built in the reign of King Edward I, and it was there that beer was brewed for the royal table at Windsor Castle, to which it was joined by an underground passage Queen Elizabeth manv times visited the Bells of Ouseley, the royal barge always stopping at the inn so that its royal occupants might partake of re- freshments. ' ia valued member of the United Church and her death removes one of the oldest and most respected res- idents of the district. In 1881 she was married to Mr. Piercey and four years ago they celebrated their Golden iWedding anniversary.» Deceased is survived by her husband and two sons [Frank at home and Albert at Swift Current, Saskatchewan. A son and daughter predeceased their mother some 'years ago. A sister, Mrs. F. I Early Monday morning Maria .Nixon, beloved wife of Jeremiah Piercey, passed peacefully away in her 79th year. The late Mrs. PierCey lhad been in failing health for some. [time. She was of a quiet amiable dis- iposition, a loving wife and mother. SPECIAL INTRODUCTION OFFER Carver, resides at King. The deepest sympathy of .their many friends is extended to the family in- their be- reavement. and used EFFECTIVELY in all other cases of RHEUMATIC PAINS for the reg. price of $1.25 With every purchase of a boftle Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lyon, Oak- ville, visited at Mr. Howard Jack- son’s over Sunday. Mr. Angus Valliere of Victoria Squat-e was a Teston visitor on Mon- day. Rev. Savage, returned Missionary from India, had charge of the service last Sunday morning and gave an interesting talk on the work in the Mission field in India. He stressed the need of more support for the Missionary and Maintenance Fund to enable the Church to retain their Mis- sion in full strength. Friends in Teston are pleased to hear Mrs. Robinson underwent a successful operation in the hospital and is progressing favorably. Misses Marion and Muriel Kyle were home for the weekâ€"end. Also Miss Hazel Carson and her friend Miss Smith. Next Sunday is White Gift Sunday and all who feel so inclined are re- quested to bring their gifts which will be sent to the Fred Victor Mis- sion. Y.P.S. meeting last Sunday evening was in charge of Miss Mary Carson and was the last Missionary meeting: of the year. Hazel Carson read the lesson, Worship Period by Marion Kyle. The speaker of the evening was Mr. Earl Scott of Laskay. His subject was “Forward Look” and was both interesting and instructive. Afterward there was a rather lively discussion on one or two themes. Harry Cunningham sang a solo and the meeting closed with the benedic- tion. Late Mrs. Jeremiah Piercey TES'I‘ON another fulsize bottle and ARTHRLTIS weawawzgkmwwzgmgé VETERAN W.A. SPECIAL MEETING A special meeting of the Veteran Women’s Auxiliary will be held in the Municipal Hall, Richmond Hill, on Tuesday, Dec. 17th, at 2.30 p.m., when all members are requested to be present. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, DEC. 18-19 _ ELISA LAN DI -â€" KENT TAYLOR FRANCIS DRAKE it; nga!Theatre,AURORA PAUL CAVANAGH ‘â€" GERTRUDE MICHAEL in CICELY COURTNEIDGE' in 10C. [0 , v L _.._ -,--v..‘.uxwunu, ca ‘1 L l . . PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW PRUNES, good size, 3 lbs. for .l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLARKE’S PORK & BEANS, lge. Jumbo size, tin DREADNOUGHT TOILET TISSUE, 4 Ige. rolls DOMESTIC SHORTENING, lb. CURRANTS, 2 lbs. for RAISINS, 2 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEW DATES, 2 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICING SUGAR, 3 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COOKING & EATING APPLES, bk. . . . . . . ROLLED OATS, 6 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO ORDER TOO SMALL, NONE TOO BIG SPECIAL DELIVERY ON SATURDAY . . - . . . . . . . . u . . . . - . . - . . . . . . . . - . . - o . . - TO-DAY â€" THURSDAY, DEC. 12 TED LEWIS â€"\‘TED HEALEY â€" NAT PENDLETON XMAS CAKE, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XMAS PUDDINGS, per lb. REAL SCOTEHA sgoRTBREAfiféaic'fi '. Is; it} 4 Arnold St. Shows Daily â€" 7.30 & 9.30 SPECIALS & BARGAINS that will be great savings for Christmas for the entire family. Richmond Hill Bargain House We ask the residents of Richmond Hill and surrounding district to come and look around aswe have numerous of 72 Yonge St. are now located in their new premises N0. 4 Arnold St. Formerly Palmer’s Car Sales Room WITHOUT REGRET FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DEC. 13-14 DICK POWELL & JOAN BLONDELL MONDAY & TUESDAY, DEC. 16-17 TWO FEATURE ATTRACTIONS EEJEGE-m ‘Things are Looking Up’ RICHMOND HILL Keep Your Eye on KERR BROS. SPECIALS rr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPiES, bk. . . .‘ . . . . . . 'or ALSO LOOK ! Richmond Hill, Ont. â€" Sat. Matinee 2.00 p.m. 15c. to PAGE FIVE 25c. 9c. 25c. 13c. 27c.. 25c. 19c. 25c. 25c. 38c. 50c. 50c.

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