CANADIAN NATEONAL Low ï¬rst class round trip rail fares From Dec. 1st to Feb. 15th, Return limil, April 30th. Slop- overs allowé‘d at intermediate points. Special winter rates available at hotels. OUTSTANDING EVENTS: Winter Golf Tournament, Victoria, Feb. 17-22, 1936. Low Rail Fates {o VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, B.C., and SEATTLE, Wash. yachting, ridin'g, moioriï¬Ã© . . . enjoy 5" you} avourite outdoor sports in ï¬his land of glorious balmy weather. For your Winter vacation (his year choose Canpda's Evgrgreen Playground. Golf,_fennis, in Cmda’s To the Ratepayers of Richmond Hill 7TH E Thanking you in anticipation of your co- operation. Therefore on behalf of the council I make this appeal as we near the end of the year for the pay- ment of the current years levy and any arrears of taxes on your property. Will you make some pay- ment before the end of the year? ' Our treasurer is authorized to accept and give full credit for any payment. December 11th, 1935. It has been the constant aim of your council to so administer your affairs as to be able to relieve in every possible way the burden of taxation. There are prospects at in the near future there will be a lightening of the burden on the rate- payers but to accomplish this end we must have the co-operation1 of the taxpayers in the payment of taxes. In maintaining the good financial standing of the Village of Richmond Hill a most important feature is the BROMPT PAYMENT OF TAXES by our ratepayers. During the year the members of council as your elected representatives have given diligent care and attention to the business of the municipality and consistently striven to con- duct your affairs in a businesslike manner and balance the budget. These efforts, I am pleased to say, have been quite successful and as we near the end of the year our finances are in a very satisfactory position. However, if we are to con- tinue to improve our financial standing, it is imâ€" perative that ratepayers make a serious effort to meet their tax obligations. HELP THE COUNCIL HELP YOU, BY PROMPT PAYMENT-OF TAXES PAGE SIX Full information from your local agent (“W or YOUR TELEPHQNE as JUST WHAT You MAKE IT" (mime! 0m and m ayq round J. A. GREENE, Reeve. ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS AND EXPRESS Speed, Dependability, Safety T596 A. Halbert of Newtonbrook,» both former members, were called on for a lfew remarks. . v The guests from Aurora, Richmond gHilI, Temperanceville, Pottageville, lLaskay, Teston, Maple, Newtonbrook, lK-ettleby and the local ladies of the Baptist, Anglican and Presbyterian Societies were greeted at the door by 'Mrs. M. Winter and Mrs. G. H. Stone. Mrs. W. Carson was in charge of the Registration. Mrs. J. Patton and Mrs A. Phillipson poured tea. Mrs. H. Folliott and Mrs. E. Archibald were in charge of the lunch with the girls assisting in the serving. A birthday cake with 60 candles, which was made by Mrs. M. Winter and decorated by Mrs. G. H. Stone, looked very beautiful and was Served to all present. r Mrs. A. Clarke of Aurora and Mrs. l The new school bus purchased by Mr. B. J. Langdon is certainly a great improvement from the former bus. All are welcome to the Christmas concert and bring the White Gift par- cels on Thursday, Dec. 19th, in the United Church. Miss Marion Dennison left this week for Toronto where she has secured a position. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Langdon in the gift of a daughter, Nov. 22nd. Mrs. Ella Campbell and son Alex have taken a couple of rooms at Mrs. M. Winter’s. We are sorry to learn Mrs. Campbell has been ill ever since she returned to the village. Miss Jean McDonald had a house- hold sale on Saturday. We are sorry to lose Jean from our community. The Y.P.S. has been withdrawn for next week but a special Christmas service will be given on Monday, Dec. 23rd. Manâ€"Modern maqiage is like a cafeteria. Friendâ€"And how? Manâ€"A man grabs what looks nice and pays for it later. Quite a few changes in the village again the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Pike and family have moved into the house of Mr. A. Campbells. Mr. W. Gellately has made great im- provements on his house. He and his mother‘ and sister, Miss Jessie Gel- lately, are now living in it. The President, Miss Dorothy Dew, had charge of the Missionary meet- ing on Monday evening at the Y.P.S. Miss Muriel Thorpe and Miss Verna Cairns read the Scripture and Re- sponsive lessons. The guest speaker, Mrs. (Rev.) Cunningham of Rich- mond Hill, who was a missionary in West China, gave a most interesting and helpful address_on her work in that foreign country. We are glad to see Mr. F. Bayne and Mrs. V. Hall out again after their illness. Missionary Sunday was observed at] the United Church Sunday evening.i Mr. Savage, who has been to India,’ was the guest speaker and also showâ€"{ ed lantern slides. 5 Mrs. M Mrs. W Registr ‘Nov. 27th, in the Church Auditorium. Mrs. M. Winter, President, presided. Mrs. Hicks of Northmound and Vice- iPresident of Toronto Centre North :Presbytery conducted the Worship and Devotional period taking as her Scripture and theme the 23rd Psalm. Mr's. McDonald of'Aurora and or- ganizer of this branch spoke a few words and congratulated the Society on their splendid achievements. Mrs. (Rev.) Cocking‘ of Toronto and one of the first Presidents and one who gave excellent leadership was present and spoke to the gathering offering congratulations and commending on the success of. the workers of the Society. The guest speaker was Mrs. A. Snell of Toronto and President of Toronto Centre Presbytery, who gave a most interesting address. Mrs. A. Brown presided at the organ. Musical number were given by Mrs. T. Proc- tor of Schomberg‘, contralto soloist, and Miss Arleane Carson, violinist, with Mrs. E. Patton accompanist. 'J'ne. shortage this your u thousands of dollars. to“ amount you are asked to Will you please send as 1:11 you can (.0 the National Association. 223 College Str Over one hundred and thirty guests "egistered at the fortieth anniver- ;ary of the W.M.S. of the United Church on Wednesday afternoon, pay for their treatment; and care, these institutions are always “in the red" and could not carry on at; all without the help of generous friends. I 'J'ne. shortage this your will be many thousands of dollars. towards which Every one who is in a position to do so. should assist in the work 01' stamping out tuberculosis. The National Sanitarium Association through its hospitals in Muskoka and at Weston has been ï¬ghtâ€" ing this disease for more than 30 years. and has extended its mercy and its charity to upwards of 25.000 all‘licted men. women and children. who would surely have died without such assistance. Throughout the years of depression. because of the increased demand for service. these hospitals have been forced to add extensive additions to paï¬e No Let Up Here Because of Depression KING CITY THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARTO they do the victims of are without means to r will be many towards which to contribute. large a gift as nal Sanitarium Street. Toronto 1.000 woollen mills in the centre of sheep- raising localities buy wool direct from the producer, and pedlars and local stores barter wool for groceries and other goods. Wool dealers in cities and towns are also large buy_â€" ers of wool. Owing to the low price paid for Wool and the necessity of farmers to reduce farm expenditure, home spinning and weaving have re- ceived considerable impetus in late vears, and it is estimated that every year nearly 5,000,000 pounds of wool produced in Canada is spun and woven at home on the farms, par- ticularly for Winter wear. .Many Canadian mills are large users of Canadian wool, especially those manu- facturing: yarns and articles of wear- ing apparel such as suits, overcoats, mitts, socks, mackinaws. and blankets. At the same time, Canadian wool must be kept free from seeds and chaff if it is to bring the highest price. Too little attention is paid to this defect in ungraded fleeces. Seed Market Report There is no present movement re- ported for any kind of seed in eastern, central and northern Ontario and with the exception of an undetermined percentage of the alsike, all of the small seeds are still in the growers’ hands. The year's production for this portion of the province is estimated as follows: red clover, 574,000 lbs; alsike, 225,000 lbs; alfalfa, 515,000 lbs; sweet clover, 275,000 lbs; timothy 3,350,000 lbs. and timothy mixtures, 1,500,000 lbs. The bulk of the red clover, alfalfa, alsike and timothy is in central Ontario, the St. Lawrence counties, the Ottawa Valley and north- ern Ontario. Most of the sweet clover is in central Ontario and the St. Lawrence counties. The only known offerings for timothy are 3 to 4 cents per 1b., basis no. 1, or 2 to 3 cents per lb. for country run seed, while for sweet clover, in the St. Lawrence counties, offers are 3 cents per lb. basis no. 1, and 1 to 2 cents for country run. In south-western Ontario the percentages and quan- tities of seed still held by the grow- Fall-Leaf Table Extension Table, black walnut Side Board; 1 Bureau; 1 Cupboard Dining-room Chairs, leather seats Rocking Chairs; 6 Kitchen Chairs Churn; 2 Bed-steads; 2 Mattresses Chest DraWers; 1 Wash Stand Coal Heater; 4 Oak Wagon Tongues Set Double-Trees; 1 Set Tug Chains Neck Yokes Forks, Rakes, Hoes, Chains and num- erous other articles. TERMS: CASH . No Reserve. Giving up fanning. Prentice & Prentice, Auctloneers BROTHERTON’S ' BOOKINC Steamshlp OFFICE Special Sailings to the Homeland by; Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at Lowest Rates. Photos and Passport: Secured All enquirie confidential We look after your wants right tram your home. Phone Willowdale 63.1 'NHHHeaHHH xv ers is estimated as follows: alfalfapiï¬w Stop 3. Yonze Stu, Lamb. Canadian Homespun Canadian graded wools are held in high esteem by British manufacturers and of late [years some foreign coun- tries have shown considerable inferest in the purchase of Canadian wool. In all the provinces of the Dominion, however, there are still many sheep raisers who do not consign their wool for official grading and much of the wool is used in the home. Many almost indefinitely. Repeated melt- ing and straining of the wax removes most of the dirt and keeps the mix- ture. comparatively sterile. As the wax is used up, fresh wax may be added to keep up volume. down the pieces of wax, allowing the mass of wax and feathers to get quite hot, and then straining. A broad- bladed pliable knife, or even a flat stick, can be used to press the larger part of the residual wax out of feathers, pins, and other extraneous matter left in the bottom of the strainer. Slight changes do occur in the wax on long usage, but these will not be serious, states the bulletin re- cently issued on the use of Wax in the plucking of poultry, and the farmer- operator will be able to use the wax Wax Plucking Economic One of the reasons for the popular adoption of the wax plucking of poultry is that the process is not an expensive one. Recovery of 95 per cent of the waxâ€"a figure which can be realized without much difficultyâ€" mean: a loss of about one ‘pound of wax in the dressing of forty average birds. The reclaimed wax may be used repeatedly. The reclaiming operation consists in simply melting down the pieces of wax, allowing the Pigs in Cover The winter care of pigs causes no anxiety to the farmer who has adopt- ed the all-year-round cabin. These portable cabins are useful for 365 days in the year and are efficient and economical. They are cool in sumâ€" mer and provide adequate shelter in winter. Built of rough lumber, with securely fastened sides and hinged sections, each cabin has room enough for four or five brood sows, and breeding stock of all ages will thrive in the semi-outdoor life, for the cabins on the advent of winter can be moved to fresh ground or to wherever convenient. Hogs fed in cabins will rarely become crippled, but for this class of stock an open shed with a low, straw-covered sleeping berth is better. The average piggery is diffi- cult to ventilate and therefore damp. Dampness, impure air, lack of ex- ercise, and over-feeding make'a com- bination that will soon discourage the hog-feeder and relieve him of his stock. Not so with the all-year hog cabin. ' NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER l95% or 1,375,000 lbs; red clover, 75% or 750,000 lbs; alsike, 10% or 75,000 lbs; sweet clover, 80% or 625,000 lbs; timothy, 75% or 2,635,000 lbs; Can- ada blue grass, 80% or 90,000 lbs. Red clover and timothy are plentiful and sweet clbver is sufficient for domestic demand. There is still a good demand for alsike as shipment of this seed to Great Britain has been active. The demand is fair for al- falfa, but poor for sweet clover and i timothy. Aztec Indians of Mexico, long be- fore modern psychiatry, considered fear and fatigue :18 diseases calling for medical treatment. Sat’y. , Dec. 14th 1 Massey-Harris 21 Plow 3 Sets Iron Harrows 1 Fleury Cutting Box; 1 Hay Fork 100 Feet Rope; 1 Wagon 1 Milk House; 1 Milk Vat 1 Iron Pump, good; 42 Feet Pipe 1 Barn, 33 x 25; Quantity of Hay 20 Rock Hens; 30 Pullets and Cocks 1 Set Long Tug Brechen Harness 1 Set Short Tug Harness 1 Set Single Harness; I Grind Stone FURNITURE A ewe flock raising early lambs under a system of feeding as sug- gested above will bring their lambs forward tovthe spring grass Without set back. As a rule, lambs at the time the ewes are turned to grass will have learned to eat both grass and roughage, and if the pasture field is accessible to the barn, it is ad- visable to make a creep for the lambs so that they can be fed grain while on the pasture. Grain feeding on pasture increases the rate of growth and development and makes it pos- sible to market‘at an earlier date. As a rule June lambs are worth more by the pound than July lambs and July lambs are worth more than Aug- ust lambs. So that a few bushels of grain fed to early lambs is invar- iably marketed as finished lamb Well above current market prices. will be sold by Public Auction, on the premises of Lot 16, Con. 1, North York, One Mile East of Lansing ' FARM STOCK, AND IMPLEMENTS FURNITURE, HAY, ETC. early lambs that grow rapidly and finish for the market at an early age. Alfalfa or clover hay are essential stimulate the milk flow. Ewes with lambs at foot also require a liberal grain allowance usually not less than a pound daily and ewes with twin lambs,0ften taking up to two pounds daily. Oats are a safe feed for milkâ€" ing‘ ewes, and as this grain is must common on all farms it is generally recommended for ewes in milk. a sthey are protein roughages. Corn silége, mangels or sugar beets are also valuable succulent feeds and be- sides keeping the ewe hea'lthy they Fall-Leaf Table Extension Table, black walnut Side Board; 1 Bureau; 1 Cupboard Dining-room Chairs, leather seats Rocking Chairs; 6 Kitchen Chairs Churn; 2 Bedâ€"steads; 2 Mattresses Chest Drawers; 1 Wash Stand Coal Heater; 4 Oak Wagon Tongues SetDouble-Trees; 1 Set Tug Chains Neck Yokes Forks, Rakes, Hoes, Chains and numâ€" erous other articles. TERMS: CASH wNHHH#®HHH Feeding For Early Lambs In view of the fact that a proper system of feeding is the principal essential of the successful raising of early lambs, particularly those for the market in the latter part of June and early July, farmers who understand the basic principles of winter dairy- ing will usually make a success of raising early lambs. A feeding ration that will produce abundance of milk, results in the production of IMPLEMENTS Speight Wagon; 2 Set Bob-Sleighs Deering' Binder, 6 foot; 1 Deering Mower Horse Rake, Deering; 1 Land Roller Cultivator, Massey-Harris Bay Horse, general purpose, 8 yrs Sorrell Horse, aged W9 P. Moriarty Auction Sale Sale at One O’clock Sharp HORSES THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1935 Maple, Ont. R.R. No. 2 Telephone Maple 1063 (114 miles North of Concord) New and used harness and collars Harness and parts, collars, blankets, boots and rubbers, mitts, socks, etc. Tarpoulins repaired Celluloid put in side curtains Endless leather belts, made for electric motors, cars, etc. Harness made to order at no extra charge. Collar fitting and repairing a specialty. Shop closed at 6 p.m., Monday, Wednesday & Friday Baled Alfalfa, Timothy and Straw. Mill 139 Phones Res. Fattening and Laying Mashes also Scratch Feeds. The. moment you feel the slightest :istress in your eyes or notice a dill: ning of your vision consult 63-167 Yonge St., Teronto, up stairs. 11p. Simpsons. Phone Elgin 4820. TRAVEL SERVICE The problem of caring for the many unfortunate sufferers from mherculosis is a task which for some 39 years has been occup lug tlu- attention of the National Snnilarium Association opvrming Ihe Muskoku Hospital for Consumptivcs. th ‘ Toronto Hospital for Consumplives and 1h" Queen Mary Hospital for Con~ szxmplive Children. At present (hose up-t‘oâ€"dat‘e hospitals. with au~uccommndalion of over 1.000 beds, are taxed [0 the utmost to care for the ncouy consumptives. whose only hot)? of future health lies in proper treatment and care. ’ It. is in order that. these inslltutiom may be enabled to carry on this worth while work that, it is llOl‘CSSle'y to annually make an appeal for funds. for the saunt- ory allowances received fall far short of the actual cost of maintenance. With a deï¬cit. of many thousands of dollars to make up this year on operating account. we ask that you give as gonvrously as you can.r\ Please send young“) to the National Sanitarium College street. Toronto Steamship Reservations to Breat Britain and the Continent. Premier service to West Indies. PASSPORTS ARRANGED FOB Rail tickets and sleeper Reservations. Richmond Hill Y. B. Tracy, Agent Phone 159 F. E. LUKE & SON Can. National Stat THE MILL HARNSES Your Eyes are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada.- They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. FIX IT Furniture and any other broken household article properly repaired. Novelties, Bridge primes and other seasonal gifts made to order. See Your Home Printer First BRUMMOND CRAFT EXPRESS TELEGRAPH ISAAC BAKER MAKE IT, 7 MVEND IT, eer iéf/ Sales Books 9 Centre St. West, Richmond Hill A Worth While Work THE LIBERAL WE DELIVER J. F. BURR for sale by as gumjrously your_glfc to Assucnacion. ‘ lOl'l 3f the Na om-rmim nsumptiw umpfive )r the many (uhorculosm cars has been .ual Ihe the 223